Sport and Film

Sep 26 2022 Posted: 09:47 IST

Tuesday 27 September 12 noon, The Bridge Room (TH1001), The Moore Institute, The Hardiman Building, University of Galway

This lecture will examine the relationship between sport and film internationally, with a particular focus on the American experience. It will draw on the extensive research undertaken by Dr. Seán Crosson (author of Sport and Film (Routledge, 2013))  on the subject, and will chart the history of sport cinema, analysing the important role the genre has played in the United States above all in popularising and affirming a key ideology in American life: the American Dream.
Dr. Seán Crosson, Senior Lecturer in Film in the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, Leader of the Sport & Exercise Research Group within the Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social Studies, and Co-Director of the BA Performance and Screen Studies programme.


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