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Dr Lorraine Burke

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | 'Alcohol, drug use and experiences of sexual violence victimisation among first-year college students in Ireland'
Burke, Lorraine and Dawson, Kate and Flack, William F. and O’Higgins, Siobhán and McIvor, Charlotte and MacNeela, Pádraig (2023) 'Alcohol, drug use and experiences of sexual violence victimisation among first-year college students in Ireland'. Journal of Sexual Aggression, [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Using Communication Stories to Explore How Young People Draw on Sexual Scripts When Making Sense of Sexual Consent'
Siobhán Healy-Cullen; Theresa O¿Rourke; Siobhán O¿Higgins; Charlotte McIvor; Elisabeth Achteresch; Ashweeja Bharath; Kate Dawson; Lorraine Burke; Rebecca Connolly; Maureen D¿Eath et al (2023) 'Using Communication Stories to Explore How Young People Draw on Sexual Scripts When Making Sense of Sexual Consent'. Sexuality And Culture, [DOI] [Details] |
(2024) | 'Patterns of Sexual Harassment: An Intersectional Approach to Reported Victimization in a Campus Climate Survey of Students at Irish Higher Education Institutions'
Dawson, Kate and Burke, Lorraine and Flack, Jr, William F. and O’Higgins, Siobhán and McIvor, Charlotte and MacNeela, Pádraig (2024) 'Patterns of Sexual Harassment: An Intersectional Approach to Reported Victimization in a Campus Climate Survey of Students at Irish Higher Education Institutions'. Violence Against Women, 30 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Socio-demographic, health and lifestyle factors influencing age of sexual initiation among adolescents'
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S. & Kelly, C. (2018) 'Socio-demographic, health and lifestyle factors influencing age of sexual initiation among adolescents'. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 96 :21-27 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Love and Dating Patterns for Same‐ and Both‐Gender Attracted Adolescents Across Europe'
Költő, A., Young, H., Burke, L., Moreau, N., Cosma, A., Magnusson, J., Windlin, B., Reis, M., Saewyc, E.M., Godeau, E., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2018) 'Love and Dating Patterns for Same‐ and Both‐Gender Attracted Adolescents Across Europe'. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28 (4):772-778 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Sexual intercourse, age of initiation and contraception among adolescents in Ireland: findings from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children'
Young, H., Burke, L., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2018) 'Sexual intercourse, age of initiation and contraception among adolescents in Ireland: findings from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children'. BMC Public Health, 18 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | 'Sexual health questions included in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: an international methodological pilot investigation'
Young, H., Kolto, A., Reis, M., Saewc, E., Moreau, N., Burke, L., Cosma, A., Windlin, B., Nic Gabhainn, S. & Godeau, E. (2016) 'Sexual health questions included in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: an international methodological pilot investigation'. BMC Public Health, 16 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Student sex: more or less risky than other young adults?'
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S. & Young, H. (2014) 'Student sex: more or less risky than other young adults?'. Sex Education, [Details] |
(2014) | 'Expanding the role of young people in research: towards a better understanding of their lives'
Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Kelly, C., D’Eath, M. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014) 'Expanding the role of young people in research: towards a better understanding of their lives'. Public Health and Governance, 12 (1) [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 'The process and impact of involving children in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study'
Kelly, C., Daniels, N., Burke, L., Költo, A., O'Donnell, A., McGovern, O., & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2021) 'The process and impact of involving children in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study' In: Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research. London: Routledge. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | 1st Irish Sexual Practices Symposium
Burke, L., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2019) The context and circumstances of early sexual initiation among adolescents in Ireland 1st Irish Sexual Practices Symposium Dublin, [Details] |
(2018) | 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference: Participation and empowerment for health service users: Strengthening the Circle
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2018) Stakeholder participation in planning of adolescent sexual health research translation 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference: Participation and empowerment for health service users: Strengthening the Circle [Details] |
(2018) | Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2018) Circumstances and behaviours associated with early first sexual intercourse among adolescents in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network [Details] |
(2018) | 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology Across the Lifespan: Uniting Research, Practice and Policy
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2018) Cultural and health factors associated with early sexual initiation 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology Across the Lifespan: Uniting Research, Practice and Policy [Details] |
(2017) | Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network
Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S., & Kelly, C. (2017) Contextual socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with early sexual initiation among adolescents in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network [Details] |
(2014) | 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement
Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Murphy, C., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014) Youth Participation in the 2014 HBSC research process: An overview 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement Galway, [Details] |
(2014) | Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network
Kenny, U., Burke, L., Fox, K.A., Molcho, M. & Kelly, C (2014) What influences adolescent body image? Annual Scientific Meeting of the HBSC Network Czech Republic, , 24-JUN-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement
Kelly, C; Ojala, K; Välimaa, R; Paakkari, L; Tynjälä, J; Ng, K; Fox, K.A; Burke, L; and Clarke, N. (2014) Examining school children’s responses to a food frequency questionnaire Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement Galway, , 11-JUN-14 [Details] |
(2013) | HBSC 30th Anniversary Conference
Young, H., Burke, L. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) Sexual health questions for use in the HBSC study 2013/2014: findings from an international pilot study HBSC 30th Anniversary Conference St. Andrew's, Scotland, [Details] |
(2013) | 10th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference
Young, H., Burke, L., Callaghan, M., Courtney, L. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) An international pilot study of sexual health questions for use in the health behaviour in school aged children study 2013/2014 10th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference [Details] |
(2014) | Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement
Kenny, U., Kelly, C., Molcho, M., Fox, K. A. & Burke, L. (2014) What influences adolescent body image in Ireland? Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement [Details] |
(2014) | 18th Annual Health Promotion Research Centre Conference: Applying the principles of health promotion to population health improvement
Burke, L., D'Eath, M., Young, H. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014) An exploration of dissemination tools and mechanisms: consultation among different stakeholder groups 18th Annual Health Promotion Research Centre Conference: Applying the principles of health promotion to population health improvement Galway, , 11-JUN-14 - 11-JUN-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Improving Children’s Lives Conference
Burke, L., Young, H. & Nic Gabhainn S. (2014) Sexual behaviour of adolescents in the Republic of Ireland: Future research plans of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Presented as part of a symposium Improving Children’s Lives Conference Queen’s University Belfast, , 20-FEB-14 - 22-FEB-14 [Details] |
(2013) | 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context
Young, H., Burke, L. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) Evidence based sexual health policies: The role of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC) 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context [Details] |
(2013) | 10th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference
Young, H., Burke, L., Callaghan, M., Courtney, L. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) An international pilot study of sexual health questions for use in the health behaviour in school aged children study 2013/2014 10th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference Dublin, , 01-MAY-13 - 01-MAY-13 [Details] |
(2013) | 17th Annual Health Promotion Research Centre Conference. Health in all Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context
Burke, L., Young, H. & Nic Gabhainn S. (2013) Towards a national sexual health policy: Students and non-students sexual risk behaviours 17th Annual Health Promotion Research Centre Conference. Health in all Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context Galway, , 29-MAY-13 - 29-MAY-13 [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Campus Climate Surveys of Staff and Students in Irish Third Level Institutions; A National Perspective.
MacNeela, P; Burke, L; Flack, W; Dawson, K (2021) Campus Climate Surveys of Staff and Students in Irish Third Level Institutions; A National Perspective. Higher Education Authority, Dublin. [Details] |
(2021) | Active* Consent for School Communities: Overview of the Schools Programme and Research Findings.
MacNeela, P; McIvor, C; Achteresch, L; Bharath, A; Dawson, K; Burke, L; Connolly, R; D'Eath, M; Foden, E; McGrath, S; O'Rourke, T; Tierney, L; O'Higgins, S (2021) Active* Consent for School Communities: Overview of the Schools Programme and Research Findings. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details] |
(2020) | Covid-19 Impact Survey May 2020: NUI Galway Undergraduates, Taught Postgraduates, and PhD Students Online Survey of NUI Galway Students.
MacNeela, P; Burke, L; Dawson, K; Tierney, L; Millar, M; Hannon, J; Walsh, J; Cairns, M; Keighron, C; Walsh, B; Nic Gabhainn, S (2020) Covid-19 Impact Survey May 2020: NUI Galway Undergraduates, Taught Postgraduates, and PhD Students Online Survey of NUI Galway Students. NUI Galway, Student Services. [Details] |
(2020) | Covid-19 Impact Survey: NUI Galway Undergraduates, Taught Postgraduates, and PhD Students Online Survey of NUI Galway Students.
MacNeela, P; O'Rourke, T; Burke, L; Millar, M; Hannon, J (2020) Covid-19 Impact Survey: NUI Galway Undergraduates, Taught Postgraduates, and PhD Students Online Survey of NUI Galway Students. NUI Galway, Office of Dean of Students. [Details] |
(2020) | The Active* Consent / Union of Students in Ireland Sexual Experiences Survey 2020: Sexual Violence and Harassment Experiences in a National Survey of Higher Education Institutions.
Burke, L; O'Higgins, S; McIvor, C; O'Donovan, R; MacNeela, P (2020) The Active* Consent / Union of Students in Ireland Sexual Experiences Survey 2020: Sexual Violence and Harassment Experiences in a National Survey of Higher Education Institutions. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details] |
(2020) | Research Evaluation of The Manuela Programme Sexual Violence Prevention Programme for Secondary School Students.
D'Eath, M; O'Higgins, S; Tierney, L; Noone, C; Burke, L; MacNeela, P (2020) Research Evaluation of The Manuela Programme Sexual Violence Prevention Programme for Secondary School Students. Tusla Child & Family Agency, Dublin. [Details] |
(2020) | Active* Consent Toolkit: Developing a consent strategy for your higher education institution.
McIvor, C; O'Higgins, S; McGrath, S; Black, A; Burke, L; D'Eath, M; Connolly, R; Dawson, K; MacNeela, P (2020) Active* Consent Toolkit: Developing a consent strategy for your higher education institution. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Piloting questions developed by post-primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study'
Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Molloy, A., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S (2015) 'Piloting questions developed by post-primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study' National Institute of Health Sciences, . [Details] |
(2015) | 'Piloting questions developed by primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study'
Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015) 'Piloting questions developed by primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study' National Institute of Health Sciences, 7 (2) . [Details] |
(2014) | 'Their voice: Involving adolescents in the research process to capture factors influencing body image perceptions in Ireland'
Kenny, U., Burke, L., Fox, K.A. & Kelly, C (2014) 'Their voice: Involving adolescents in the research process to capture factors influencing body image perceptions in Ireland' Children's Research Digest, . [Details] |
(2014) | 'Contraceptive methods used by sexually active Irish adolescents'
Young, H., Burke, L., Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014) 'Contraceptive methods used by sexually active Irish adolescents' National Bulletin of Health Sciences, . [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 15th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology,
O'Rourke, T; O'Higgins, S; Burke, L; McGrath, S; MacNeela, P (2021) Irish school students' attitudes toward consent and sexual activities. [Poster Presentation], 15th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Virtual , 11-JUN-21 - 11-JUN-21. [Details] |
(2013) | National Sexual Health Awareness 2013,
Young, H., Burke, L. & Nic Gabhainn S. (2013) Sexual behaviour, initiation and contraceptive use among adolescents in Ireland – analysis of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study. [Invited Lecture], National Sexual Health Awareness 2013, Dublin , 12-NOV-13 - 14-NOV-13. [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | Piloting questions developed by primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study.
Daniels, N., Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O., Kelly, C. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2015) Piloting questions developed by primary school children for inclusion in the 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study. National Institute of Health Sciences Bulletin Bulletin [Details] |
(2014) | Consulting stakeholders about dissemination.
Burke, L., D’Eath, M. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2014) Consulting stakeholders about dissemination. Bulletin [Details] |
Non Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Pilot study for HBSC 2014 questions.
Gajewski, J., Young, H., Burke, L., Courtney, L. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) Pilot study for HBSC 2014 questions. Non Published Reports [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Sexual Health questions included in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study: an international methodological pilot investigation.
Young, H;Kolto, A;Reis, M;Saewyc, EM;Moreau, N;Burke, L;Cosma, A;Windlin, B;Gabhainn, SN;Godeau, E (2016) Sexual Health questions included in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study: an international methodological pilot investigation. LONDON: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD Reviews [DOI] [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | What influences adolescent body image?.
Kenny, U., Burke, L., Fox, K.A., Molcho, M. & Kelly, C (2014) What influences adolescent body image?. Seminar [Details] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | Adolescent Sexual Health: Data, development and dissemination.
Nic Gabhainn, S., Young, H., Burke, L. & D’Eath, M. (2015) Adolescent Sexual Health: Data, development and dissemination. Technical Publication [Details] |
(2013) | Sexual behaviour of 15-17 year olds in the Mid-west region and in care. Short report for the Red Ribbon project. Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway.
Burke, L., Gavin, A., Courtney, L., Nic Gabhainn, S. & Kelly, C. (2013) Sexual behaviour of 15-17 year olds in the Mid-west region and in care. Short report for the Red Ribbon project. Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI Galway. Technical Publication [Details] |
Unpublished work
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Involving primary schoolchildren in the development of questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O. & Nic Gabhainn, S (2013) Involving primary schoolchildren in the development of questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Unpublished work [Details] |
(2013) | Involving Post-primary School-children in the Development of Questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study - question review and testing: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) Involving Post-primary School-children in the Development of Questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study - question review and testing: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Unpublished work [Details] |
(2013) | Involving post-primary schoolchildren in the development of questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Burke, L., O’Donnell, A., McGovern, O. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2013) Involving post-primary schoolchildren in the development of questions for use in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: HBSC and Department of Children and Youth Affairs. Unpublished work [Details] |