Four new Whitaker Institute Policy Briefs from SEMRU

Date Released: 31 March 2022

Four Whitaker Institute Policy Briefs from the SEMRU team have been issued in the past month. The papers highlight the recent research outputs from the unit. Policy Brief no 92 discusses findings from a recent study that examined public preferences for the development of offshore wind farms incorporating electricity trade.  Policy Brief no 93 reviewed a recent paper that looks at the role of economic valuation and appraisal in marine policy making. Policy Brief no 94 summarizes the results from a regional assessment of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on the distribution of employment in the Irish ocean economy while Policy Brief no 94 reviews the findings from a recent study that examined the costs and benefits of protecting a coastal amenity from climate change-related hazards. More information on each policy brief can be found under the Policy Briefs section on the SEMRU Publication web pages.‌