Dr Elaine Keane

B.A., H.Dip.Ed.M.Ed., PhD.

Contact Details

Senior Lecturer
School of Education
Room 6
14 University Road
University of Galway
E: elaine.keane@universityofgalway.ie


Dr. Elaine Keane is Associate Professor in Sociology of Education & Research Methods in the School of Education at the University of Galway since 2006, where she is also Director of Doctoral Studies and former Chair of the Research Committee. Previously a post-primary teacher of languages and CSPE, Elaine also worked as a researcher in the Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT) (NUI Galway) (2004-2006), and Project Co-ordinator of distance learning access programmes (Lionra, Regional Higher Education Network). Since 2006, Elaine has taught Sociology of Education, Inclusive Teaching, and Research Methods across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the School of Education. 

Elaine's research interests comprise widening participation in higher education and the professions, diversity in the teaching profession, social class in education, and constructivist grounded theory (CGT). She is Co-Editor of Irish Educational Studies, Convenor of the Teacher Diversity Research Special Interest Group (SIG) in the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), and Inaugural Chair of the National Initial Teacher Education Diversity Network. Elaine has also has served on the Editorial Board of the UK journal Teaching in Higher Education since 2015. 

She is Co-Principal Investigator of the Access to Post-primary Teaching (APT) Project (2017-2023), funded by the Higher Education Authority, and was Co-Principal Investigator of the Irish Research Council-funded Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) national project (exploring the socio-demographic profiles, career motivations, and experiences with diversity of applicants and entrants to ITE programmes in Ireland). Elaine was also Co-Researcher on Crisis Coping for Marginalised Young People: Living and Learning through COVID_19, a joint School of Education and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre project, funded by the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council (2020-2022). 

Elaine has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, and she authored the 2013 Ireland report for a six-country study of widening participation effectiveness, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). She co-authored Reflective Teaching in Higher Education (Bloomsbury, 2015) as part of an international team. Elaine is lead editor of The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research (with Professor Robert Thornberg, Linkoping University, Sweden) (Routledge, 2024). She was also lead editor of Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future (Routledge, 2023) with Drs. Heinz and McDaid. She is co-author of a chapter on constructivist grounded theory (CGT) in social justice research with Professors Kathy Charmaz (originator of CGT) & Robert Thornberg in the fifth edition of the Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Sage, 2017) and her work on CGT has been showcased in several of Charmaz's publications over the years. Elaine also teaches CGT throughout Ireland and internationally (Australia, Sweden, South Africa, UK, USA) including annually at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science (University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, USA), and the Qualitative Research Summer Intensive (QRSI) with ResearchTalk Inc. (USA). 

Elaine also reviews for a range of peer-reviewed academic journals, including Journal of Education Policy, Teaching in Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Irish Educational Studies, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, International Journal of Research and Method in Education, Journal of Youth Studies, Journal of Further and Higher Education. Elaine has acted as External Examiner for a range of programmes and doctoral theses in numerous universities in Ireland and internationally and she is currently serving a second term as Board of Management member for Knocknacarra Educate Together National School in Galway.

Research Interests

Widening participation in higher education 
Diversity in teacher education
Social class and 'race'/ethnicity in education
Constructivist grounded theory.

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Early Labour Market Experiences of NUI Galway Access and Foundation Course Students 18-MAY-12 01-JAN-16
From Engaging the 'Margins' to Transforming the Core: Considering International Best Practice in Embedding Inclusivity in Higher Education.
Global Citizenship and Diversity Literacies Project: 17-AUG-10 12-OCT-11
The Education, Diversity and Social Justice Workshop for Teachers 27-JAN-12
Gender, Education and the Knowledge Economy 30-DEC-11

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Conor Foley Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) Post-doctoral researcher
Aoife O'Brien Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Early Labour Market Experiences of NUI Galway Access and Foundation Course Students Research Assistant
Aoife O'Brien Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland Research Assistant

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Not wanting to class or be classed: Student teachers in Ireland from working class backgrounds reflecting on class and class categorisations'
Keane, E. (2024) 'Not wanting to class or be classed: Student teachers in Ireland from working class backgrounds reflecting on class and class categorisations'. Irish Journal Of Sociology, OnlineFirst [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Editorial: Bearing witness to negativity¿: towards just futures of education'
Bryan, A., Byrne, D., Coulter, M., Delahunty, T., Keane, E., Kitching, K., and Ni Chroinin, D. (2024) 'Editorial: Bearing witness to negativity¿: towards just futures of education'. Irish Educational Studies, 43 (3):345-354 [Details]
(2023) '''But you don't look Irish: Identity constructions of minority ethnic students as `non-Irish' and deficient learners at school in Ireland'
Ní Dhuinn, M. and Keane, E. (2023) '''But you don't look Irish: Identity constructions of minority ethnic students as `non-Irish' and deficient learners at school in Ireland'. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 32 (4):826-855 [Details]
(2024) 'Finding Moral Value through Maintaining a Working Class `Mentality': Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds (Not) Becoming Middle Class'
Keane, E. (2024) 'Finding Moral Value through Maintaining a Working Class `Mentality': Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds (Not) Becoming Middle Class'. Sociology, 58 (2):454-470 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Chameleoning to fit in? Working class student teachers in Ireland performing differential social class identities in their placement schools'
Keane, E. (2023) 'Chameleoning to fit in? Working class student teachers in Ireland performing differential social class identities in their placement schools'. Educational Review, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'Addressing the needs of marginalised young people through school-based catch-up interventions during COVID-19: A case study from Ireland (Special Issue on Equity & Inclusion Efforts: Tackling inequality in educational and other contexts)'
Keane, E., Flynn, N. and Kealy, C. (2023) 'Addressing the needs of marginalised young people through school-based catch-up interventions during COVID-19: A case study from Ireland (Special Issue on Equity & Inclusion Efforts: Tackling inequality in educational and other contexts)'. Equity in Education and Society, 2 (2):138-156 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2023) 'Factors impacting the retention of students from under-represented groups in initial teacher education in Ireland'
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2023) 'Factors impacting the retention of students from under-represented groups in initial teacher education in Ireland'. Tertiary Education And Management, 29 (1):5-23 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Traveller Students Being and Relating to An/'Other': Identity, Belonging, and Inter-ethnic Peer Relationships in a Highly Diverse Post-primary School'
McGinley, H. and Keane, E. (2022) 'Traveller Students Being and Relating to An/'Other': Identity, Belonging, and Inter-ethnic Peer Relationships in a Highly Diverse Post-primary School'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 (3):551-572 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) '`The Legacy of Kathy Charmaz's Scholarship and Mentorship: Enacting her Constructivist Principles through Critically Reflexive Grounded Theory Practice', in Bryant, A. and Clarke, A. E. (Eds) Festschrift in Honor of Kathy Charmaz'
Keane, E. (2022) '`The Legacy of Kathy Charmaz's Scholarship and Mentorship: Enacting her Constructivist Principles through Critically Reflexive Grounded Theory Practice', in Bryant, A. and Clarke, A. E. (Eds) Festschrift in Honor of Kathy Charmaz'. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 56 :133-148 [DOI] [Details]
(202) ''But you don't look Irish': Identity Constructions of Minority Ethnic Students as `Non-Irish' and Deficient Learners at School in Ireland'
Ni Dhuinn, M. and Keane, E. (202) ''But you don't look Irish': Identity Constructions of Minority Ethnic Students as `Non-Irish' and Deficient Learners at School in Ireland'. International Studies in Sociology of Education, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) ''Schooling at Home' in Ireland during COVID-19: Parents' and Students' Perspectives on Overall Impact, Continuity of Interest, and Impact on Learning'
Flynn, N., Keane, E., Davitt, E., McCauley, V., Heinz, M. and Mac Ruairc, G (2021) ''Schooling at Home' in Ireland during COVID-19: Parents' and Students' Perspectives on Overall Impact, Continuity of Interest, and Impact on Learning'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 (2):217-226 [Details]
(2021) 'Gender in Initial Teacher Education: Entry patterns, intersectionality and a dialectic rationale for diverse masculinities in schooling'
Heinz, M., Keane, E. and Davison, K. (2021) 'Gender in Initial Teacher Education: Entry patterns, intersectionality and a dialectic rationale for diverse masculinities in schooling'. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 46 (1):134-153 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Identity matters? `Working class' student teachers in Ireland, the desire to be a relatable and inclusive teacher, and sharing the classed self'
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2020) 'Identity matters? `Working class' student teachers in Ireland, the desire to be a relatable and inclusive teacher, and sharing the classed self'. International Journal Of Inclusive Education, 27 (3):337-353 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Reconceptualising relatedness in education in `distanced' times'
Murray, C., Heinz, M., Munday, I., Keane, E., Flynn, N., Connolly, C., Hall, T. and MacRuairc, G (2020) 'Reconceptualising relatedness in education in `distanced' times'. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 43 (4):488-502 [Details]
(2021) ''The School for the Travellers and the Blacks': Student and Teacher Perspectives on 'Choosing' a Post-Primary School with a High Concentration of Disadvantage'
McGinley, H.. and Keane, E. (2021) ''The School for the Travellers and the Blacks': Student and Teacher Perspectives on 'Choosing' a Post-Primary School with a High Concentration of Disadvantage'. Education Sciences, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) ''Working-class' student teachers: Not being encouraged at school and impact on motivation to become a teacher'
Keane, E., Heinz., M., and Lynch, A. (2018) ''Working-class' student teachers: Not being encouraged at school and impact on motivation to become a teacher'. Education Research and Perspectives, 45 :71-97 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Fit(ness) to teach?: Disability and initial teacher education in the Republic of Ireland'
Keane, E;Heinz, M;Eaton, P (2018) 'Fit(ness) to teach?: Disability and initial teacher education in the Republic of Ireland'. International Journal Of Inclusive Education, 22 (8):819-838 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Socio-demographic composition of primary initial teacher education entrants in Ireland'
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2018) 'Socio-demographic composition of primary initial teacher education entrants in Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies, 37 (4):523-543 [Details]
(2019) ''Education comes second to surviving': Parental perspectives on their child/ren's early school leaving in an area challenged by marginalisation'
Doyle, G. and Keane, E. (2019) ''Education comes second to surviving': Parental perspectives on their child/ren's early school leaving in an area challenged by marginalisation'. Irish Educational Studies, 38 (1):71-88 [Details]
(2018) 'I will do it but religion is a very personal thing': teacher education applicants' attitudes towards teaching religion in Ireland'
Heinz, M;Davison, K;Keane, E (2018) 'I will do it but religion is a very personal thing': teacher education applicants' attitudes towards teaching religion in Ireland'. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 41 (2):232-245 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Sexualities of initial teacher education applicants in the Republic of Ireland: addressing the hidden dimension of diversity in teaching'
Heinz, M., Keane, E., Davison, K. (2017) 'Sexualities of initial teacher education applicants in the Republic of Ireland: addressing the hidden dimension of diversity in teaching'. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43 (1):99-116 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Being altruistically motivated: the postgraduate and career motivational orientations of access students at an Irish university'
Keane, E. (2017) 'Being altruistically motivated: the postgraduate and career motivational orientations of access students at an Irish university'. Cambridge Journal Of Education, 47 (4):567-583 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Considering the 'Impact' of Widening Participation: The Employment Experiences of Access Graduates from an Irish University'
Keane, E. (2016) 'Considering the 'Impact' of Widening Participation: The Employment Experiences of Access Graduates from an Irish University'. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 18 (2):130-153 [Details]
(2016) 'Excavating an Injustice?: Nationality/ies, Ethnicity/ies, and Experiences with Diversity of Initial Teacher Education Applicants and Entrants in Ireland in 2014'
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2016) 'Excavating an Injustice?: Nationality/ies, Ethnicity/ies, and Experiences with Diversity of Initial Teacher Education Applicants and Entrants in Ireland in 2014'. European Journal Of Teacher Education, 39 (4):507-527 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: The Socio-demographic Backgrounds of Postgraduate Post-primary Entrants in 2013 & 2014'
Keane, E., Heinz, M. (2015) 'Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: The Socio-demographic Backgrounds of Postgraduate Post-primary Entrants in 2013 & 2014'. Irish Educational Studies, 34 (3):281-301 [Details]
(2015) 'Considering the practical implementation of constructivist grounded theory in a study of widening participation in Irish higher education'
Keane, E. (2015) 'Considering the practical implementation of constructivist grounded theory in a study of widening participation in Irish higher education'. International Journal Of Social Research Methodology, 18 (4):415-431 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Doing 'at least as well?' Considering the research evidence about access students' undergraduate, postgraduate and early labour market experiences in Ireland'
Keane, E. (2013) 'Doing 'at least as well?' Considering the research evidence about access students' undergraduate, postgraduate and early labour market experiences in Ireland'. Trinity Education Papers, 3 (1) [Details]
(2012) 'Differential prioritising: Orientations to higher education and widening participation'
Keane, E. (2012) 'Differential prioritising: Orientations to higher education and widening participation'. International Journal of Educational Research, 53 :150-159 [Details]
(2011) 'Distancing to self-protect: the perpetuation of inequality in higher education through socio-relational dis/engagement'
Keane, E (2011) 'Distancing to self-protect: the perpetuation of inequality in higher education through socio-relational dis/engagement'. British Journal Of Sociology Of Education, 32 (3):449-466 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Dependence-deconstruction: widening participation and traditional-entry students transitioning from school to higher education in Ireland'
Keane, E (2011) 'Dependence-deconstruction: widening participation and traditional-entry students transitioning from school to higher education in Ireland'. Teaching in Higher Education, 16 (6):707-718 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) ''Frictional' relationships tension in the camp: focusing on the relational in under-represented students' experiences in higher education'
Keane, E (2009) ''Frictional' relationships tension in the camp: focusing on the relational in under-represented students' experiences in higher education'. Irish Educational Studies, 28 (1):85-102 [DOI] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2015) Reflective Teaching in Higher Education.
Ashwin, P., Boud, D., Coate, K., Hallett, F., Keane, E. Krause, K., Leibowitz, B., Mclaren, I., McArthur, J., McCune, V; and Tooher, M. (2015) Reflective Teaching in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2025) 'I tick all these boxes in terms of privilege: teachers¿ ideas of privilege and their (lack of) implications for intercultural education in Ireland'
Harris, G. and Keane, E. (2025) 'I tick all these boxes in terms of privilege: teachers¿ ideas of privilege and their (lack of) implications for intercultural education in Ireland' In: International Perspectives on Intercultural Education. New York: Springer. [Details]
(2025) 'Interrogating and Addressing Challenges and Looking to the Future of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research'
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R. (2025) 'Interrogating and Addressing Challenges and Looking to the Future of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :361-378 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Synthesising Good Practice in Constructivist Grounded Theory Educational Research'
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R. (2025) 'Synthesising Good Practice in Constructivist Grounded Theory Educational Research' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :339-360 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Inside Out: Researcher Positionality as Insider and Outsider and Impact on the Co-construction of Data in a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study about Teachers' Understandings of Intercultural Education in Ireland'
Harris, G. and Keane, E. (2025) 'Inside Out: Researcher Positionality as Insider and Outsider and Impact on the Co-construction of Data in a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study about Teachers' Understandings of Intercultural Education in Ireland' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :203-220 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Using Constructivist Grounded Theory in a Study of the Career Aspirations of Children from Diverse Backgrounds in Ireland'
Kaufman, K. and Keane, E. (2025) 'Using Constructivist Grounded Theory in a Study of the Career Aspirations of Children from Diverse Backgrounds in Ireland' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :83-99 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Grounded Theory and Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research'
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R. (2025) 'Grounded Theory and Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :32-61 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Grounded Theory and Constructivist Grounded Theory: History and Development'
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R. (2025) 'Grounded Theory and Constructivist Grounded Theory: History and Development' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :3-31 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2025) 'Tracing the Development of a Core Concept in a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study with Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds: From `Performing Social Class' to `Chameleoning to Fit In''
Keane, E. (2025) 'Tracing the Development of a Core Concept in a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study with Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds: From `Performing Social Class' to `Chameleoning to Fit In'' In: The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. :257-274 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2024) 'Constructing Categories: From `Class Mentality' and `Spinning Experiences of Lack' to Finding Moral Value in a Study with Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds in Ireland'
Keane, E. (2024) 'Constructing Categories: From `Class Mentality' and `Spinning Experiences of Lack' to Finding Moral Value in a Study with Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds in Ireland' In: Grounded Theory in Action: Voices from the Field. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Details]
(2025) 'Grounded Theory: History, Genres, and Implementation'
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R. (2025) 'Grounded Theory: History, Genres, and Implementation' In: Routledge Encyclopaedia of Qualitative Research Methods. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2024) 'Researching with `working class' student teachers and issues of identity, positionality, and disclosure: Reflections on research praxis'
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2024) 'Researching with `working class' student teachers and issues of identity, positionality, and disclosure: Reflections on research praxis' In: Challenging Assumptions: Voices from Marginalised Communities. :193-204 London: Emerald International Perspectives on Inclusive Education. [Details]
(2023) 'The use of literature in a grounded theory study'
Keane, E. (2023) 'The use of literature in a grounded theory study' In: Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide (3rd. ed). :94-96 London: Sage. [Details]
(2023) '`Working Class' Student Teachers' Constructions of Teaching as a Powerful Role: Encountering Deficit-based `Teacher-Teacher Talk' During Placement'
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2023) '`Working Class' Student Teachers' Constructions of Teaching as a Powerful Role: Encountering Deficit-based `Teacher-Teacher Talk' During Placement' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :113-124 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Charting Pathways towards a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Teaching Profession'
Heinz, M., Keane, E., and McDaid, R. (2023) 'Charting Pathways towards a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Teaching Profession' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :226-240 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Mapping Learning and Interrogating Tensions'
McDaid, R., Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2023) 'Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Mapping Learning and Interrogating Tensions' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :211-225 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Diversity in the Teaching Profession in Ireland: Tracing Research and Policy Development'
Keane, E., Heinz, M. and McDaid, R. (2023) 'Diversity in the Teaching Profession in Ireland: Tracing Research and Policy Development' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :36-53 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Examining the Rationale for Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Social Justice, Demographic-Matching, and Recent Trends'
Goodwin, D. and Keane, E. (2023) 'Examining the Rationale for Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Social Justice, Demographic-Matching, and Recent Trends' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :22-35 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Representation Matters'
Keane., E., Heinz, M. and McDaid, R. (2023) 'Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Representation Matters' In: Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. :3-21 London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) 'Grounded Theory and Psychological Research'
Thornberg, R., Keane, E., and Wójcik, M. (2023) 'Grounded Theory and Psychological Research' In: APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. :45-63 Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Details]
(2022) 'Designing grounded theory studies'
Thornberg, R. and Keane, E. (2022) 'Designing grounded theory studies' In: Sage handbook of qualitative research design. :452-466 London: Sage. [Details]
(2022) 'Critical Analytic Memoing'
Keane, E. (2022) 'Critical Analytic Memoing' In: Analysing and Interpreting Qualitative Data: After the Interview. :259-274 Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. [Details]
(2017) 'Career Motivations of Student Teachers in the Republic of Ireland: Continuity and Change during Educational Reform and 'Boom to Bust' Economic Times'
Heinz, M., Keane, E. and Foley, C, (2017) 'Career Motivations of Student Teachers in the Republic of Ireland: Continuity and Change during Educational Reform and 'Boom to Bust' Economic Times' In: Global Perspectives on Teacher Motivation. :1-21 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Evolving grounded theory and social justice inquiry'
Charmaz, K., Thornberg, R., Keane, E. (2018) 'Evolving grounded theory and social justice inquiry' In: The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. :411-443 New York: Sage. [Details]
(2013) 'The transformative potential of service/community-based learning as a pedagogy for diversity and social justice in teacher education: A case study from Ireland'
Keane, E.; Boland, J. (2013) 'The transformative potential of service/community-based learning as a pedagogy for diversity and social justice in teacher education: A case study from Ireland' In: Service learning and educating in challenging contexts: International perspectives. :139-155 London: Continuum books. [Details]
(2004) 'Introduction to Humanities'
Keane, E. (2004) 'Introduction to Humanities' In: Líonra/Equal Ireland Open Distance Learning ’Access to Third-Level (A3L) Programme’, Galway: Líonra (Regional Higher Education Network). :1-42 Galway: Lionra, Regional Higher Education Network. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2016) 'Who is in the Classroom? Learners, Teachers, Identities'. IDEC Human Rights and Responsibility Conference Proceedings. Intercultural and Diversity Education Centre Ireland
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2016) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: A National Research Project Calling for Action . In: Intercultural and Diversity Education Centre (IDEC) Ireland eds. 'Who is in the Classroom? Learners, Teachers, Identities'. IDEC Human Rights and Responsibility Conference Proceedings. Intercultural and Diversity Education Centre Ireland , pp.26-32 [Details]
(2014) 2014 Association for Teacher Education in Europe Winter Conference - Social Justice and Diversity in Teacher Education (Bulgaria)
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2014) Continuity and Change: Examining the Diversity Profile of Initial Teacher Education Applicants and Entrants in Ireland 2006-2013 2014 Association for Teacher Education in Europe Winter Conference - Social Justice and Diversity in Teacher Education (Bulgaria) Budapest, , 15-APR-14 - 17-APR-14 [Details]
(2014) Widening Participation through Curriculum, Open University, Milton Keynes, May 2014
Keane, E. (2014) 'Successfully' Widening Participation in Irish Higher Education? Critically Examining the Concept and Indicators of, and Evidence for, 'Impact' Widening Participation through Curriculum, Open University, Milton Keynes, May 2014 [Details]
(2014) British Educational Research Association (BERA) Special Interest Group (SiG): Researching Higher Education: Investigating Inequalities
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2014) Researching Inequalities in Higher Education: The Case of Initial Teacher Education in Ireland British Educational Research Association (BERA) Special Interest Group (SiG): Researching Higher Education: Investigating Inequalities Institute of Education, University of London, [Details]
(2008) Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Keane, E. (2008) Valuing higher education? The genesis, nature and implications of 'conscious' and 'unconscious' progression to higher education . In: CD ROM eds. Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Liverpool, UK, [Details]
(2007) Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Keane, E. (2007) 'In college everything is left up to you': An exploration & comparison of 'former access' and 'traditional-entry' students' perspectives on learning at university Annual Conference of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) [Details]
(2006) All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Annual Conference, 'Creating and Sustaining an Effective Learning Environment’
Keane, E. (2006) Diversity & inclusivity: Academic staff views of the implications of increasing student diversity in higher education All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Annual Conference, 'Creating and Sustaining an Effective Learning Environment’ NUI Maynooth, [Details]
(2006) 'Higher Education Close-Up 3, Qualitative Research into Higher Education Conference
Keane, E. (2006) The views & experiences of academic staff in the context of increasing student diversity: A post-positivist grounded theory approach 'Higher Education Close-Up 3, Qualitative Research into Higher Education Conference [Details]
(2005) Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference: New Perspectives on Research into Higher Education
Keane, E. (2005) Learning, teaching, assessment and academic culture: Former school-leaver access students' experiences of university Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference: New Perspectives on Research into Higher Education [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2022) Providing catch-up supports to young people as they transition back to in-person education (Policy Brief 5). Crisis Coping: Marginalised Young People¿s Living and Learning Experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series.
Flynn, N., Keane, E., Furey, E., Kealy, C., Dolan, P., Flynn, P., Forkan, C., MacRuairc, G., Murray, C. (2022) Providing catch-up supports to young people as they transition back to in-person education (Policy Brief 5). Crisis Coping: Marginalised Young People¿s Living and Learning Experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) School leaders and teachers¿ perspectives on teaching and learning during Covid-19 (Project Brief 4), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people¿s living and learning experiences during Covid-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series.
Kealy, C., Murray, C., Flynn, P., Dolan, P. Flynn, N., Forkan, C., Furey, E., Keane, E. and Mac Ruairc, G. (2022) School leaders and teachers¿ perspectives on teaching and learning during Covid-19 (Project Brief 4), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people¿s living and learning experiences during Covid-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) Parents' perspectives on their children's living and learning during COVID-19 (Project Brief 3), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people's living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series.
Kealy, C., Murray, C., Flynn, P., Dolan, P., Flynn, N., Forkan, C., Furey, E., Keane, E., & Mac Ruairc, G. (2022) Parents' perspectives on their children's living and learning during COVID-19 (Project Brief 3), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people's living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) The coping of young people in the school reopening phase of COVID-19 (Project Brief 2), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people¿s living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series.
Murray, C., Kealy, C., Flynn, N., Forkan, C., Dolan, P., Flynn, P., Furey, E., Keane, E. and Mac Ruairc, G. (2022) The coping of young people in the school reopening phase of COVID-19 (Project Brief 2), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people¿s living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) The Impact of COVID19 on young people (Project Brief 1), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people's living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series.
Keane, E., Kealy, C., Dolan, Flynn, P., Flynn, N., Forkan, C., Furey, E., Mac Ruairc, G., & Murray, C. (2022) The Impact of COVID19 on young people (Project Brief 1), Crisis Coping-Marginalised young people's living and learning experiences during COVID-19 in Ireland Project Brief Series. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2022) Crisis Coping: Living and Learning through Covid-19: Supporting Post-primary Students as They Transition Back to In-person Education. Work Package 8 Report.
Flynn, N., Keane, E., Kealy, C., and Furey, E. (2022) Crisis Coping: Living and Learning through Covid-19: Supporting Post-primary Students as They Transition Back to In-person Education. Work Package 8 Report. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2021) 'School is where all my friends are': Young People¿s Experiences of Missing Out on Living and Learning during COVID-19. Research Report on Work Package 2: Key Informant Consultation. Crisis Coping for Marginalised Young People: Living and Learning through COVID-19 Project.
Keane, E. (2021) 'School is where all my friends are': Young People¿s Experiences of Missing Out on Living and Learning during COVID-19. Research Report on Work Package 2: Key Informant Consultation. Crisis Coping for Marginalised Young People: Living and Learning through COVID-19 Project. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre and School of Education, University of Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2021) 'Schooling at Home' in Ireland during COVID-19: Perspectives and Experiences of Primary and Second-level Students and their Parents.
Flynn, N., Keane, E., Davitt, E., McCauley, V., Heinz, M., MacRuairc, G. (2021) 'Schooling at Home' in Ireland during COVID-19: Perspectives and Experiences of Primary and Second-level Students and their Parents. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2015) Considering the 'Impact' of Access and Widening Participation: The Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Early Employment Experiences of NUI Galway Access Students.
Keane, E. (2015) Considering the 'Impact' of Access and Widening Participation: The Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Early Employment Experiences of NUI Galway Access Students. NUI Galway, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2013) International Review of the Effectiveness of Widening Participation: Ireland Report.
Keane, E. (2013) International Review of the Effectiveness of Widening Participation: Ireland Report. Higher Education Funding Council for England, Bristol, UK. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2025) The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research.
Keane, E. and Thornberg, R (Ed.). (2025) The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research The Routledge Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023) Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future.
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and McDaid, R (Ed.). (2023) Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Directions for the Future. London: Routledge. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2022) National Research Seminar on Teacher Diversity,
Keane, E. (2022) Opening Address: A Rationale for Diversifying the Teaching Profession. [Plenary Lecture], National Research Seminar on Teacher Diversity, University of Galway , 09-DEC-22 - 09-DEC-22. [Details]
(2024) Grounded Theory Futures,
Keane, E. (2024) Invited Panel Member: The Future of Grounded Theory - A Response to Professor Barry Gibson. [Invited Oral Presentation], Grounded Theory Futures, Online & University of Sheffield , 19-SEP-24 - 20-SEP-24. [Details]
(2024) Grounded Theory Futures,
Keane, E. (2024) Invited Panel Member: The Future of Grounded Theory - A Response to Professor Barry Gibson. [Invited Oral Presentation], Grounded Theory Futures, Online & University of Sheffield , 19-SEP-24 - 20-SEP-24. [Details]
(2024) Grounded Theory Futures,
Keane, E. (2024) Developing the concept of `chameleoning to fit in¿ drawing on a constructivist grounded theory study with student teachers from working class backgrounds. [Conference Paper], Grounded Theory Futures, Online & University of Sheffield , 19-SEP-24 - 20-SEP-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA),
Kaufman, K. and Keane, E. (2024) Considering their future/s? Preliminary findings from a study of diverse primary school children's career aspirations, including teaching. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), University of Manchester, Manchester, England , 06-SEP-24 - 08-SEP-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER),
Mc Daid, R., Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2024) `Teacher Diversification in Ireland: Lessons to be learned? EERA Network: 04. Inclusive Education, You Shall Not Pass! - On Failing Teacher Diversity and other Apocalyptic Scenarios, Symposium [1 of 3 papers]. [Oral Presentation], Annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Cyprus University, Nicosia, Cyprus, , 24-AUG-24 - 26-AUG-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER),
Kaufman, K. and Keane, E. (2024) What do you want to be? Preliminary findings from a study of diverse primary school children¿s career aspirations, including teaching. [Oral Presentation], Annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Cyprus University, Nicosia, Cyprus, , 24-AUG-24 - 26-AUG-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration,
Westerwald, G., Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2024) `To DEIS or not to DEIS: Teacher social class, experiences in DEIS schools, and implications for diversification of the teaching profession¿. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration, Maynooth University , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration,
Kaufman, K. and Keane, E. (2024) `A chance of who they want to be': Children¿s perspectives on possibilities for the future in DEIS and non-DEIS schools. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration, Maynooth University , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration,
Keane, E., Mc Daid (2024) Teacher Diversity: Interrogating Issues of `Race¿, Ethnicity, and Social Class. [Organisation of Research Symposium ¿ 4 linked papers]. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration, Maynooth University , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration,
Keane, E. (2024) `Social Class Identities and Student Teachers from Working Class Backgrounds: Performances and Refusals¿, in Teacher Diversity: Interrogating Issues of `Race¿, Ethnicity, and Social Class Research Symposium. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration, Maynooth University , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration,
Harris, G. and Keane, E. (2024) It's so welcoming to them all: Irish teachers' perceptions of racism inside and outside their schools. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education for More Just Societies: The Roles of Imagination, Innovation, and Collaboration, Maynooth University , 04-APR-24 - 06-APR-24. [Details]
(2024) International Association for Intercultural Education¿s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging+ in Education to Transform Society Conference,
Harris, G. and Keane, E. (2024) I tick all these boxes in terms of privilege: teachers' ideas of privilege and their (lack of) implications for intercultural education in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], International Association for Intercultural Education¿s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging+ in Education to Transform Society Conference, Chemnitz, Germany , 26-MAR-24 - 28-MAR-24. [Details]
(2023) Odum Institute for Research in Social Science,
Keane, E. (2023) An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, USA , 02-OCT-23 - 06-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023) Working Towards a Diverse and Inclusive Teaching Profession: A Shared Learning event with the INTO and Maynooth University's Turn to Teaching Community,
Keane, E. (2023) Diversifying Teaching in Ireland: Background and Context. [Keynote Address], Working Towards a Diverse and Inclusive Teaching Profession: A Shared Learning event with the INTO and Maynooth University's Turn to Teaching Community, Maynooth University , 31-MAY-23 - 31-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) Second International Research Symposium on Teacher Diversity,
Keane, E., Heinz, M. and Lynch, A. (2023) Where are they now? Reflections on the Early Career Experiences of APT Participants in (and out of) the Teaching Profession. [Oral Presentation], Second International Research Symposium on Teacher Diversity, University of Galway , 20-OCT-23 - 20-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023) Second International Research Symposium on Teacher Diversity,
Keane, E. (2023) Opening Address. [Plenary Lecture], Second International Research Symposium on Teacher Diversity, University of Galway , 20-OCT-23 - 20-OCT-22. [Details]
(2024) Qualitative Research Summer Intensive (QRSI),
Keane, E. (2024) An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], Qualitative Research Summer Intensive (QRSI), ResearchTalk Inc. USA , 25-JUL-24 - 26-JUL-24. [Details]
(2024) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2024) Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory in Social Justice Inquiry. [Invited Lecture], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 16-MAY-24 - 16-MAY-24. [Details]
(2024) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2024) Teaching for Conceptualisation, in Panel: Teaching Practical and Conceptual Qualitative Methods. [Oral Presentation], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 17-MAY-24 - 17-MAY-24. [Details]
(2024) QSR International NVIVO SAGE Qualitative Research Global Webinars,
Keane, E. (2024) An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Keynote Address], QSR International NVIVO SAGE Qualitative Research Global Webinars, Online , 04-JUN-24 - 04-JUN-24. [Details]
(2024) Grounded Theory Research Group,
Keane, E. (2024) Considering Constructivist Grounded Theory: Key Tenets and Practical Approaches. [Keynote Address], Grounded Theory Research Group, Charles Sturt University, Australia , 06-JUN-24 - 06-JUN-24. [Details]
(2023) Global Education Deans' Forum Ireland 2023,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2023) Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Dimensions, Dilemmas and Directions for the Future. [Invited Lecture], Global Education Deans' Forum Ireland 2023, Dublin City University , 18-OCT-23 - 19-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023) New Avenues to Teaching Research Seminar,
Keane, E. (2023) Widening Participation in/to Teaching: Working towards Authentic Participation. [Keynote Address], New Avenues to Teaching Research Seminar, University College Cork , 01-DEC-23 - 01-DEC-23. [Details]
(2024) PhD Graduate Training Methodologies, Institute of Education, DCU,
Keane, E. (2024) An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], PhD Graduate Training Methodologies, Institute of Education, DCU, Dublin City University , 19-MAR-24 - 19-MAR-24. [Details]
(2023) Teacher Workforce Planning Engagement Forum (Higher Education Authority, The Department of Education, and the Teaching Council),
Keane, E. (2023) Opening New Avenues: Research Insights and Principles for a More Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Teaching Profession. [Invited Lecture], Teacher Workforce Planning Engagement Forum (Higher Education Authority, The Department of Education, and the Teaching Council), Portlaoise , 08-DEC-23 - 08-DEC-23. [Details]
(2023) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New Imperatives and Creative Responses,
Keane, E., Heinz, M. and Lynch, A. (2023) Factors impacting the retention of students from under represented groups in initial teacher education in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New Imperatives and Creative Responses, Stranmillis University College, Belfast , 30-MAR-23 - 01-APR-23. [Details]
(2023) Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New Imperatives and Creative Responses,
Kaufman, K. and Keane, E. (2023) Would you like to be a teacher? Preliminary findings from a study of the career aspirations, including teaching, of senior primary school children in DEIS and non-DEIS school contexts. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New Imperatives and Creative Responses, Stranmillis University College, Belfast , 30-MAR-23 - 01-APR-23. [Details]
(2022) Invited Lecture: An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory,
Keane, E. (2022) Invited Lecture: An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], Invited Lecture: An Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory, Tshwane Institute of Technology, South Africa , 31-JAN-22 - 31-JAN-22. [Details]
(2023) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2023) Teaching Qualitative Methods In Different Settings. [Oral Presentation], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 19-MAY-23 - 19-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2023) Invited Workshop:  An Introduction to Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 18-MAY-23 - 18-MAY-23. [Details]
(2022) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2022) Using Memos to Generate Critical Analytic Interpretations: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach . [Oral Presentation], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 20-MAY-22 - 20-MAY-22. [Details]
(2021) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2021) Memoing: A Core Generative Tool of Qualitative Analysis. [Oral Presentation], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 21-MAY-21 - 21-MAY-21. [Details]
(2022) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2022) Invited Workshop: An Introduction to Social Justice Inquiry using Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 19-MAY-22 - 19-MAY-22. [Details]
(2021) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Keane, E. (2021) Invited Workshop: An Introduction to Social Justice Inquiry using Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 20-MAY-21 - 20-MAY-21. [Details]
(2021) Malaradalen University, Sweden: Invited Plenary Lecture,
Keane, E. (2021) Getting to Grips with Constructivist Grounded Theory : Philosophical Underpinnings and Practical Implementation. [Plenary Lecture], Malaradalen University, Sweden: Invited Plenary Lecture, Malardalen University, Sweden , 14-JAN-21 - 14-JAN-21. [Details]
(2022) University of Manitoba, Canada: Invited Plenary Lecture,
Keane, E. (2022) Examining the Rationale for and Ramifications of Diversifying the Teaching Profession: Research into Practice. [Keynote Address], University of Manitoba, Canada: Invited Plenary Lecture, University of Manitoba, Canada , 24-JAN-22 - 24-JAN-22. [Details]
(2023) Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, USA,
Keane, E. (2023) Introduction to Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, USA, Odum Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina, USA , 06-MAR-23 - 10-MAR-23. [Details]
(2019) Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium,
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2019) Identity Matters? `Working Class' Student Teachers and Wanting to be a Relatable and Inclusive Teacher. [Oral Presentation], Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium, University of Galway , 14-NOV-19 - 14-NOV-19. [Details]
(2022) Recalibrating Society: Grounded Theory Perspectives,
Keane, E. (2022) Positioning positionality/ies in constructivist grounded theory (CGT) research: Opportunities in and implications for the CGT research lifecycle. [Oral Presentation], Recalibrating Society: Grounded Theory Perspectives, University of Sheffield (online) , 15-SEP-22 - 16-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022) Diversity and Research Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Keane, E., and Heinz, M. (2022) Teacher Diversity in Ireland: From Matters of Representation to System Transformation. [Invited Lecture], Diversity and Research Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick (Online) , 16-FEB-22 - 16-FEB-22. [Details]
(2020) National Institute for Studies in Education - Invited Research Seminar,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2020) Making a Case for Teacher Diversity in Ireland: Research, Policy and Practice. [Invited Lecture], National Institute for Studies in Education - Invited Research Seminar, University of Limerick (online - pandemic) , 12-NOV-20 - 12-NOV-20. [Details]
(2022) ETBI National Conference 2022: Opening the Door to Excellence - Why Diversity Matters,
Keane., E. and Heinz, M. (2022) Invited oral contribution to panel discussion, chaired by John Walshe: Responding to the ETBI Diversity Survey: What Needs to Happen Next to Make the ETB Sector More Inclusive and Diverse?. [Invited Oral Presentation], ETBI National Conference 2022: Opening the Door to Excellence - Why Diversity Matters, Carlow, Ireland , 28-SEP-22 - 29-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022) Scotens: The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South: Reflecting, Reconnecting, and re-engaging with the core purposes of education,
Keane, E., Heinz, M., and Lynch, A. (2022) 'Working class' student teachers' constructions of teaching as a powerful role: encountering deficit-based `teacher talk' during placement. [Oral Presentation], Scotens: The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South: Reflecting, Reconnecting, and re-engaging with the core purposes of education, Dundalk, Ireland , 20-OCT-22 - 21-OCT-22. [Details]
(2019) 15th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Resistance,
Keane, E. (2019) An Introduction to Social Justice Inquiry using Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], 15th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Resistance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 14-MAY-19 - 19-MAY-19. [Details]
(2019) Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium,
Keane, E. (2019) Diversifying initial teacher education, and the teaching profession, in Ireland and internationally has been of research and policy significance for some time, and since 2017 in Ireland has been operationalised in practice through the projects funded under the Higher Education Authority Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) (Strand 1: Equity of Access to Initial Teacher Education). On Thursday, November 14th 2019, the School of Education at NUI Galway hosted a Research Symposium on the topic of Diversity in Teaching. Professor Anne Scott, Vice President for Diversity and Equality at NUI Galway opened proceedings, and Professor Liz Thomas (Director and Chair, Widening Participation Research Centre, Edge Hill University, England) provided the keynote address. The symposium main proceedings consisted of a number of parallel sessions and a panel discussion. The main aim was to provide a forum for the sharing of research findings from the projects funded under PATH1. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium, NUI Galway , 14-NOV-19 - 14-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019) Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium,
Keane, E., Heinz., M. (2019) Setting the Context: Examining the Rationale for Diversifying the Teaching Profession. [Keynote Address], Diversity in Teaching Research Symposium, NUI Galway , 14-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019) APT Project Launch and Schools' Event Day,
Keane, E., Heinz., M. (2019) Diversifying Teaching & Background to the APT Project. [Plenary Lecture], APT Project Launch and Schools' Event Day, NUI Galway , 21-MAY-19. [Details]
(2019) Access to Post-Primary Project and Schools Event,
Keane, E., Heinz., M., and Lynch, A. (2019) APT is a SoE project, funded by the HEA aimed at diversifying the teaching profession. At the project launch and schools’ event day on May 21st, over 100 senior cycle pupils from schools across the Border-Midlands-Western (BMW) region, teachers from these schools, and the APT project participants, participated in the day-long event, which featured contributions from Professor Liz Thomas (Director and Chair, Widening Participation Research Centre, Edge Hill University, England), and a number of teachers and student teachers who entered Higher Education through alternative routes and who shared their personal testimonies and journeys. Workshops were also held to support the school pupils’ higher education and career planning, including in relation to teaching as a career. Also in attendance were representatives from the Department of Education and Skills (Eilish Bergin and Sarah Kearns) and the Higher Education Authority (Neil McDermott, Senior Manager, Access Policy). [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Access to Post-Primary Project and Schools Event, NUI Galway , 21-MAY-19 - 21-MAY-19. [Details]
(2018) Universities of Sanctuary Guest Speakers Event,
Keane, E. (2018) Barriers to Diversity in Ireland's Education System. [Invited Lecture], Universities of Sanctuary Guest Speakers Event, NUI Galway , 30-NOV-18. [Details]
(2018) Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference: Values and Purpose in Education,
Heinz, M., Keane, E., Kelly-Blakeney, E. and Lynch, A. (2018) Access to post-primary teaching (APT): Supporting the access and retention of lower socio-economic groups in/to initial teacher education. [Conference Paper], Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference: Values and Purpose in Education, University College Dublin , 05-APR-18 - 07-APR-17. [Details]
(2018) What we believe: Student stakeholder perspectives on religion, belief & spirituality in third level Irish education: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education,
Heinz, M., Davison, K., and Keane, E. (2018) Primary teacher education students' views of teaching religion in Ireland. [Invited Paper], What we believe: Student stakeholder perspectives on religion, belief & spirituality in third level Irish education: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Limerick Institute of Technology , 29-NOV-18. [Details]
(2017) Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS): Researching the Lifecourse - Methods Workshop Series,
Keane, E. (2017) An Introduction to Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory. [Invited Lecture], Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS): Researching the Lifecourse - Methods Workshop Series, NUI Galway , 13-JUL-17 - 13-JUL-17. [Details]
(2017) 'Education for all: Issues for teacher education'. Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Annual Conference 2017. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2017) 'Evidence-based Policy Development and Research about Diversity in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland. [Conference Paper], 'Education for all: Issues for teacher education'. Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Annual Conference 2017. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 18-MAY-17 - 20-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016) 'Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers', European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2016,
Heinz, M., Davison, K. and Keane, E. (2016) Catholic missionaries for Irish schools? Exploring religious affiliations and convictions of initial teacher education applicants and entrants in the Republic of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 'Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers', European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2016, University College Dublin , 22-AUG-16 - 26-AUG-16. [Details]
(2016) Retrospective for Perspective - Access and Widening Participation 1991-2014. European Access Network (EAN) 25th Annual Conference,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2016) Examining barriers to diversity in teaching: A critical exploration of initial teacher education admission criteria in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Retrospective for Perspective - Access and Widening Participation 1991-2014. European Access Network (EAN) 25th Annual Conference, University College Dublin , 29-MAY-16 - 31-MAY-16. [Details]
(2016) Educational Studies Association of Ireland 41st Annual Conference,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2016) Spotlights on the diversity gap: An examination of the socio-demographic backgrounds of applicants and entrants to primary teacher education programmes in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland 41st Annual Conference, NUI Galway , 31-MAR-16 - 02-APR-16. [Details]
(2015) Launch of NUI Galway Access Centre, October 1st 2015,
Keane, E. (2015) Considering the Impact of Access and Widening Participation: The Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Employment Experiences of NUI Galway Access Students. [Keynote Address], Launch of NUI Galway Access Centre, October 1st 2015, NUI Galway , 01-OCT-15 - 01-OCT-15. [Details]
(2015) Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference. ‘Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future’,
Heinz, M., Keane, E., Davison, K. (2015) Exploring Gender and Sexuality in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference. ‘Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future’, NUI Maynooth , 09-APR-15 - 11-APR-15. [Details]
(2015) British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2015) The Career Motivations & Socio-demographic Profiles of Initial Teacher Education Applicants in Ireland: Connecting Teacher Motivation and Teacher Diversity Research. [Oral Presentation], British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Queens' University Belfast , 15-SEP-15 - 17-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015) Gender Advanced Research Consortium (ARC): 2015 Seminar Series,
Heinz, M., Keane, E., Davison, K. (2015) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality. [Invited Oral Presentation], Gender Advanced Research Consortium (ARC): 2015 Seminar Series, NUI Galway , 08-APR-15 - 08-APR-16. [Details]
(2015) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference: Toward Justice; Culture, Language & Heritage in Education Research & Praxis. Chicago, IL. USA,
Heinz, M., Keane, E. & Foley, C. (2015) Exploring Ethnicity in Initial Teacher Education: The Nationality/ies, Ethnicity/ies & Experiences with Diversity of Student Teachers in Ireland. [Conference Paper], American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference: Toward Justice; Culture, Language & Heritage in Education Research & Praxis. Chicago, IL. USA, Chicago , 16-APR-15 - 20-APR-15. [Details]
(2015) Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) National Committees Meeting: Invited Paper,
Keane, E., Heinz, M. (2015) Examining Diversity in Primary and Post-primary Teacher Applicants & Entrants in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) National Committees Meeting: Invited Paper, Galway , 15-MAY-15 - 15-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), University of Urbana Champaign, IL, USA,
Keane, E. (2015) An Introduction to Social Justice Inquiry using Kathy Charmaz's Constructivist Grounded Theory (Invited Workshop). [Invited Lecture], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), University of Urbana Champaign, IL, USA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 21-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), University of Urbana Champaign, IL, USA,
Saldana, J., Keane, E., Vanover, C., Mihas, P. (2015) Coding for Interpretation and Performance. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), University of Urbana Champaign, IL, USA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA , 21-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Galway University Integration through Drama & Education (GUIDE) symposium: Invited Lecture,
Keane, E., and Heinz, M. (2015) Exploring Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland - A National Project: Exploring Nationality/ies & Ethnicity/ies. [Invited Lecture], Galway University Integration through Drama & Education (GUIDE) symposium: Invited Lecture, NUI Galway , 31-JAN-15 - 31-JAN-15. [Details]
(2015) Gender Advanced Research Consortium (ARC): 2015 Seminar Series - Invited Paper,
Keane, E. (2015) Some done - A lot more to do: Lessons from Research on Widening Participation in Higher Education & to the Professions. [Invited Lecture], Gender Advanced Research Consortium (ARC): 2015 Seminar Series - Invited Paper, NUI Galway , 28-JAN-15 - 28-JAN-15. [Details]
(2015) Galway County Intercultural Forum: Invited Lecture,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2015) The Socio-demographic Profile of Applicants and Entrants to Primary and Post-primary Initial Teacher Education in Ireland in 2014. [Invited Lecture], Galway County Intercultural Forum: Invited Lecture, Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS), NUI Galway , 05-NOV-15. [Details]
(2015) Conference in the Humanising Rights and Responsibilities Series, Ennis, Co. Clare,,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2015) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE): The Socio-demographic profile of applicants and entrants to initial teacher education in Ireland in 2014. [Invited Oral Presentation], Conference in the Humanising Rights and Responsibilities Series, Ennis, Co. Clare,, Clare , 10-DEC-15. [Details]
(2014) DITE Research Seminar,
Keane, E., Heinz, M. and Foley, C. (2014) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: A Rationale and Initial Analysis. [Conference Paper], DITE Research Seminar, NUI Galway , 24-OCT-14 - 24-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014) Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong: Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context (University of Hong Kong),
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2014) Diversity Profiling the Irish Student Teacher Body: Research Design & Analysis of Participants’ Socio-Demographic Positionalities. [Conference Paper], Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong: Policy and Educational Development in a Global Context (University of Hong Kong), University o Hong Kong , 28-FEB-14 - 01-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014) International Sociological Association XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Facing an Unequal World - Challenges for Global Sociology, Yokohama,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2014) Initial Teacher Education: Who Gets in and What Are the Implications for Students, Schools and Society?. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Sociological Association XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Facing an Unequal World - Challenges for Global Sociology, Yokohama, Yokohama , 13-JUL-14 - 19-JUL-14. [Details]
(2014) Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference,
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2014) Diversity Profiling Applicants and Entrants to Initial Teacher Education Programmes in the Republic of Ireland – Design, First implementation and Findings from the ‘DITE’ questionnaire. [Conference Paper], Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Annual Conference, Athlone , 10-APR-14 - 12-APR-14. [Details]
(2014) Society for Research into Higher Education conference, Inspiring future generations; embracing plurality and difference in higher education,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2014) Social class in initial teacher education in Ireland: Formal categorisations and self-classifications. [Conference Paper], Society for Research into Higher Education conference, Inspiring future generations; embracing plurality and difference in higher education, Newport, Wales , 10-DEC-14 - 12-DEC-14. [Details]
(2014) Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners Conference. University of Strathclyde, Scotland,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2014) 'Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners? Initial Findings from Ireland's National Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) Research Project. [Oral Presentation], Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners Conference. University of Strathclyde, Scotland, University of Strathclyde , 28-MAY-14 - 30-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) Invited Presentation to King's Learning Institute,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2014) Homogeneity and Diversity: A First National Study of the Socio-demographic Profile of Applicants and Entrants to Initial Teacher Education in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation to King's Learning Institute, King's Learning Institute, King's College London , 05-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014) Invited Workshop for Staff and Students at IoE, London,
Keane, E. (2014) Wrestling with the ‘-ologies’ and Paradigmatic ‘Situatedness’? Considering their Practical Research Relevance through an Example of a Constructivist Grounded Theory Study of Widening Participation and Higher Education. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Workshop for Staff and Students at IoE, London, Institute of Education, University of London , 20-MAY-14. [Details]
(2013) What can Higher Education Contribute to Improving Social Mobility in the UK? Higher Education Academy Conference,
Keane, E. and Byrne, I. (2013) Undergraduate and Early Labour-Market Experiences of NUI Galway Access and Foundation Course Students. [Conference Paper], What can Higher Education Contribute to Improving Social Mobility in the UK? Higher Education Academy Conference, Manchester, England , 26-MAR-13 - 27-MAR-13. [Details]
(2013) Diversity and Difference in Higher Education. Trinity College Dublin,
Keane, E. (2013) Doing ‘at least as well’? Examining the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Early Labour Market Experiences of NUI Galway Access and Foundation Students. [Invited Lecture], Diversity and Difference in Higher Education. Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin , 12-JUN-13 - 12-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013) How Equal? HEA Conference on Access to Higher Education in Ireland, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, November 7th,
Keane, E. and Heinz, M. (2013) Diversity Profiling Initial Teacher Education in Ireland: An Initial Analysis. [Conference Paper], How Equal? HEA Conference on Access to Higher Education in Ireland, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, November 7th, Dublin , 07-NOV-13 - 07-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013) University of Lincoln, UK, Research Methods Summer School. Invited Keynote Address,
Keane, E. (2013) Wresting with the 'ologies' and paradigmatic 'situatedness'? Considering their practical relevance through an example of a constructivist grounded theory study of widening participation and higher education. [Keynote Address], University of Lincoln, UK, Research Methods Summer School. Invited Keynote Address, Mayo Education Centre , 10-JUL-13 - 10-JUL-13. [Details]
(2012) FACE 2012 Annual Conference, Widening Access to Higher Education in ‘Divided Communities’,
Keane, E.; Byrne, I. (2012) Widening Participation and Students’ Higher Education and Employment Experiences: Evidence from Research and Practice at NUI Galway. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], FACE 2012 Annual Conference, Widening Access to Higher Education in ‘Divided Communities’, University of Ulster, Magee campus, Derry , 05-JUL-12 - 06-JUL-12. [Details]
(2011) Widening Participation in Higher Education: Evidence from Research and Practice at NUI Galway: Research Seminar,
Keane, E. (2011) Widening Participation and the Student Experience in Higher Education: Evidence from Research. [Keynote Address], Widening Participation in Higher Education: Evidence from Research and Practice at NUI Galway: Research Seminar, NUI Galway , 09-NOV-11 - 09-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011) International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS),
Keane, E. (2011) The Value of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Equity-Based Research: Constructing a Grounded Theory of the Student Experience and Widening Participation. [Conference Paper], International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 15-JUN-11 - 17-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland. 'Partnerships: Relationships of Educational Purpose',
Keane, E., Davison, K., and Khoo, S. (2011) Researching higher education students' global citizenship and diversity literacies in partnership with international colleagues. [Conference Paper], Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland. 'Partnerships: Relationships of Educational Purpose', Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin , 24-MAR-11 - 26-MAR-11. [Details]
(2011) International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS),
Davison, K., Khoo, S. and Keane, E. (2011) Methodological Challenges of International, Multi-Site, Research on Higher Education Students' Global Citizenship and Diversity Literacies. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Research Methods Summer School (IRMSS), Mary Immaculate College Limerick , 24-JUN-11 - 26-JUN-11. [Details]
(2010) Higher Education Close-Up 5 Questioning Theory-Method Relations in Higher Education Research,
Keane, E. (2010) Distancing to self-protect: The perpetuation of inequality in higher education through socio-relational dis/engagement. [Conference Paper], Higher Education Close-Up 5 Questioning Theory-Method Relations in Higher Education Research, Lancaster University, UK , 20-JUL-10 - 22-JUL-10. [Details]
(2010) Ubuntu Dialogue Day 4,
Keane, E. (2010) Civic Engagement in Teacher Education at NUI Galway: Partnering with Community and Non-Governmental Organisations. [Oral Presentation], Ubuntu Dialogue Day 4, St. Angela's College, Sligo , 10-FEB-10 - 10-FEB-10. [Details]
(2009) All Ireland Society for Higher Education Annual Conference, Valuing Complexity: Celebrating Diverse Approaches to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education,
Keane, E, Boland, J. (2009) A pedagogy for diversity in higher education? The transformative potential of service/community-based learning in initial teacher education. [Oral Presentation], All Ireland Society for Higher Education Annual Conference, Valuing Complexity: Celebrating Diverse Approaches to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Maynooth , 27-AUG-09 - 28-AUG-09. [Details]
(2009) All Ireland Society for Higher Education Annual Conference, Valuing Complexity: Celebrating Diverse Approaches to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, NUI Maynooth,
Keane, E. (2009) Privilege, entitlement and instrumentalism: Differential orientations to higher education progression and implications for teaching and course design. [Oral Presentation], All Ireland Society for Higher Education Annual Conference, Valuing Complexity: Celebrating Diverse Approaches to Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth , 27-AUG-09 - 27-AUG-09. [Details]
(2009) Second International Conference on Service-Learning in Teacher Education,
Keane, E, Boland, J. (2009) Learning to teach for social justice: Lessons from the 'Pavee Study' service-learning project in initial teacher education in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Second International Conference on Service-Learning in Teacher Education, NUI Galway , 25-JUN-09 - 27-JUN-09. [Details]
(2008) Annual Conference of the Educational Studies of Ireland Association (ESAI),
Keane, E. (2008) Exploring similarities and differences in the reported academic experiences of ’former access’ and 'traditional-entry’ university students: a constructivist grounded theory approach. [Conference Paper], Annual Conference of the Educational Studies of Ireland Association (ESAI), Galway , 27-MAR-08 - 29-MAR-08. [Details]
(2008) Ubuntu Network Dialogue Day I,
Keane, E. (2008) The Diversity Seminar Group: Teacher education students' views and experiences in the context of increasing student diversity in post-primary education. Poster presented at the Ubuntu Network Dialogue Day I. [Poster Presentation], Ubuntu Network Dialogue Day I, Limerick , 12-MAR-08 - 12-MAR-08. [Details]
(2008) NUI Maynooth’s Postgraduate Diploma for Lecturers in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,
Keane, E (2008) Student Diversity in HE: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching. [Invited Oral Presentation], NUI Maynooth’s Postgraduate Diploma for Lecturers in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, NUI Maynooth , 27-FEB-08 - 27-FEB-08. [Details]
(2008) Ubuntu Network Dialogue Day 2,
Keane,E. (2008) Intercultural Education as an Entry Point for Development Education in Initial Teacher Education. [Invited Oral Presentation], Ubuntu Network Dialogue Day 2, Limerick , 13-MAR-08 - 13-MAR-08. [Details]
(2007) 16th European Access Network Annual Conference, Access to Success: The Student Experience from Pre-Entry to Employment,
Keane, E. (2007) Copping on' to the system & 'frictional’ relationships: Under-represented students’ experiences of barriers at one Irish university. [Oral Presentation], 16th European Access Network Annual Conference, Access to Success: The Student Experience from Pre-Entry to Employment, Galway , 16-JUL-07 - 16-JUL-07. [Details]
(2006) Embracing Diversity at the DIT Campaign,
Keane, E (2006) Addressing the Challenge of Diversity: Research and Practice at NUI Galway. [Invited Oral Presentation], Embracing Diversity at the DIT Campaign, Dublin Institute of Technology , 13-MAR-06 - 13-FEB-06. [Details]
(2006) NUI Galway’s 4th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: ' The Challenge of Diversity: Teaching, Support & Student Learning' (June 8th-9th, 2006),
Keane, E., Maclaren, I. (2006) See http://www.nuigalway.ie/celt/conference/conference2006.html. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], NUI Galway’s 4th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: ' The Challenge of Diversity: Teaching, Support & Student Learning' (June 8th-9th, 2006), CELT, NUI Galway , 08-JUN-06 - 09-JUN-06. [Details]
(2006) Invited Presentation to Philosophy Department,
Keane, E (2006) Barriers Experienced by 'Non-Traditional' Students at NUI Galway: Research Findings. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Presentation to Philosophy Department, NUI Galway , 17-FEB-06 - 17-FEB-06. [Details]
(2006) NUI Galway’s 4th Annual Conference in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education,'The Challenge of Diversity: Teaching, Support and Student Learning’,
Keane, E. (2006) Experiencing the challenge: The views & experiences of staff & students in the context of increasing student diversity. [Oral Presentation], NUI Galway’s 4th Annual Conference in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education,'The Challenge of Diversity: Teaching, Support and Student Learning’, Galway , 08-JUN-06 - 08-JUN-06. [Details]
(2003) 'Dochas for Women’ Conference, 'Employment and Education Opportunities’,
Keane, E. (2003) 'Accessing higher education without having to give up your job’. The Líonra/Equal Ireland Open Distance Learning Access Programme, 'Dochas for Women’ Conference, 'Employment and Education Opportunities’. [Invited Oral Presentation], 'Dochas for Women’ Conference, 'Employment and Education Opportunities’, Monaghan , 17-JUN-03 - 17-MAR-04. [Details]
(2003) The ICC Transnational Conference, 'Matching Supply and Demand in the Labour Market’,
Keane, E. (2003) The Líonra/Equal Ireland open distance learning access programme: Access to higher education for the unemployed and those in low-paid employment. [Oral Presentation], The ICC Transnational Conference, 'Matching Supply and Demand in the Labour Market’, Hamburg, Germany , 15-APR-03 - 18-APR-03. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2024) Travellers in Education.
McGinley, H. and Keane, E. (2024) Travellers in Education. Dublin: National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals Article [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future.
Keane, E. (2023) Diversifying the teaching profession: Dimensions, dilemmas and directions for the future. Moore Institute, University of Galway Blog [Details]


  Year Publication
(2007) International Review and Synthesis of Initiatives to Widen Participation in Higher Education. Department for Education and Skills (DfES).
Keane, E. (2007) International Review and Synthesis of Initiatives to Widen Participation in Higher Education. Department for Education and Skills (DfES). (UK): Consultancy [Details]


  Year Publication
(2024) Be the Change You Want to See: Disability and Teaching.
Keane, E. (2024) Be the Change You Want to See: Disability and Teaching. Dublin: Irish National Teachers' Association (INTO) Editorial [Details]

Invited papers

  Year Publication
(2024) Social class and teacher diversity in Ireland.
Keane, E. (2024) Social class and teacher diversity in Ireland. Dublin: Irish National Teachers' Association (INTO) Invited papers [Details]

Radio Presentation

  Year Publication
(2024) Interpretation in Grounded Theory.
Keane, E. (2024) Interpretation in Grounded Theory. London: Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre (QUAHRC),, King's College London Radio Presentation [Details]

Non Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2015) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: Briefing Paper for National Stakeholders.
Heinz, M. and Keane, E. (2015) Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) in Ireland: Briefing Paper for National Stakeholders. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2006) Barriers experienced by non-traditional students at NUI Galway: Summary report of student focus group interviews . CELT Briefing Paper 5.
Keane, E. (2006) Barriers experienced by non-traditional students at NUI Galway: Summary report of student focus group interviews . CELT Briefing Paper 5. NUI Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2005) Widening participation in higher education. Report of research with institutional student officers, CELT Briefing Paper 4.
Keane, E. (2005) Widening participation in higher education. Report of research with institutional student officers, CELT Briefing Paper 4. NUI Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2005) Obtaining student feedback on teaching and course quality. Briefing paper II for academic staff, Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT).
Keane, E. (2005) Obtaining student feedback on teaching and course quality. Briefing paper II for academic staff, Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT). NUI Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2004) A review of the key literature on the nature of student learning in higher education and its relationship to approaches to teaching. Briefing paper I for academic staff, Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT).
Keane, E. (2004) A review of the key literature on the nature of student learning in higher education and its relationship to approaches to teaching. Briefing paper I for academic staff, Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT). NUI Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
1993 Ford Award (Highest degree result in Political Science and Sociology) Ford and NUI Galway (then University College, Galway)
2005 Dr. Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education (for PhD research) National University of Ireland

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Teaching in Higher Education (High Impact, Peer-Reviewed, Academic Journal - UK) Editorial Board member (invited) 23-FEB-15 /
AONTAS Editorial Board Member /
Ubuntu Network Steering Committee Member /
Access, Equality and Lifelong Learning Research Network - Higher Education Authority Steering Committee Member /
The Grounded Theory Institute (USA) Member /
All Ireland Society for Higher Education Member /
Educational Studies Association of Ireland Member /
Society for Research into Higher Education (UK) Member /


  Committee Function From / To
NUI Galway Research Ethics Committee Member /
Galway Traveller Movement Education Group member /
Aontas Editorial board member for Journa /
Ubuntu Steering Committee Steering Committee member /


  Client Description
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) & Office for Fair Access (OFFA)
Writing of Ireland report for a six-country study of widening participation effectiveness.Invited by Professor Liz Thomas (Project Lead) (EdgeHill University, UK) 

Outreach Activities


Steering Committee Education Group Galway Traveller Movement

Learning to Teach for Social Justice Service Learning Module in the PDE


The Education, Diversity and Social Justice Workshop for Teachers: Initially developed by the Galway Traveller Movement in 2008 for delivery to practising teachers, this workshop is being re-designed by the School of Education (Elaine Keane) and a number of community partners to include numerous ’forms’ of diversity and for wider implementation. A working group, comprising representatives from the School of Education, the Galway Traveller Movement, the Galway Refugee Support Group, the Galway One World Centre, SHOUT (a local LBGT group), the St. Vincent de Paul and the Galway City Partnership has been formed and meets regularly to collaboratively plan and design the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to support teachers’ development as educators committed to a social justice ethos, through an interrogation of their own class, ethnic, gender and dis/ability positionality and through an exploration of pedagogies for social justice.

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Outreach Steering Committee Education Group Galway Traveller Movement /
Outreach The Education, Diversity and Social Justice Workshop for Teachers: Initially developed by the /
Outreach Learning to Teach for Social Justice Service Learning Module in the PDE  /


  Journal Role
Teaching in Higher Education Editoral Board
Irish Educational Studies Reviewer
Studies In Higher Education Reviewer
International Journal of Education and Culture Editoral Board
The Adult Learner (Aontas) Editoral Board
Journal Of Education Policy Reviewer

Teaching Interests

I am the Director of Doctoral Studies in the School of Education. My teaching focuses on Sociology of Education (issues of equity and diversity in education across a range of modules) in PME Years 1 and 2, MEd Year 1, and BME Years 1 and 3, and on general and qualitative research methodologies in PME Year 2, MEd Year 2, and on the Structured PhD. I supervise research at MEd and PhD levels, and supervise school placement students on PME1 and PME2. 

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2016 Una NiSheanain PhD Y

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2020-2021 PME1 Educational Sciences 1 ED6100
2020-2021 MEd Research Methodologies in Education ED289
2020-2021 PME1 Professional Studies 1 ED6101
2020-2021 PME1 Professional Practice & School Placement ED6102
2020-2021 PME2 Educational Sciences 2 ED6200
2020-2021 PME2 Practitioner Research ED6201