Dr Una Murray


Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
College of Arts
E: una.murray@universityofgalway.ie
T: 091-495908


Dr Una Murray has over thirty years of professional high-level experience working on international development topics with leading internatonal development organisations globally (e.g. UN agencies, governments, bilateral donors, NGOs etc). Dr Murray brings this experience to bear on her teaching and research to ensure that both are high quality and inherently connected to impact in the global arena of international development. Since joining the University of Galway as a 0.5X FTE Lecturer, Una established and is the Programme Director of the MA in International Development Practice at the University of Galway, which prepares a wide range of talented national and international students each year for impactful careers in international development. Dr Murray is also deeply engaged in research activities with partners globally, and has a long track record of publishing of peer-reviewed papers and research reports with international development organisations. Dr Murray currently leads two IRC COALESCE funded research projects (i) on migration, climate change and social protection (MiCASP) focused on Ethiopia, which is contributing to debates and policy processes within the UNFCCC negotiations; (ii) NaHuDi which is to inform the goals of rebuilding livelihoods amidst the challenges posed by climate change, conflict, and internal displacement.

Dr Murray works more broadly as an UN Evaluator and Consultant across a wide range of United Nations organisations, focusing on topics such as migration, labour and gender, and has worked for many years on the theme child labour in agriculture. Una evaluated the institutional response of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to climate change, was a senior evaluator for UN IFAD's thematic evaluation on gender, and evaluates UNICEF projects and programmes e.g. She led a team conducting a formative evaluation of UNICEFs response to migrant children in the Horn of Africa,

Dr Murray previously worked as a Lecturer in University College Cork (UCC) in international development, and has been lecturing on a number of University of Galway Masters programs e.g. the Masters in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security; the MA in Gender, Rights and  Globalisation; and the Masters in Environment and Society. 

Whilst at UCC, Dr Murray has also taught on a MA in Rural Development at two universities in Ethiopia, and has a wide range of highly impactful international development publications. 

Research Interests

  • International Development 
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Migration
  • Poverty Reduction and Social Protection
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
  • Green Skills and Just Transition
  • Policy Processes
  • Evaluation Methodologies,
  • Theories of Change
  • Labour, including Child Labour
  • Gender and Social Inclusion
  • Gender and Institutions

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Navigating Human Displacement: Climate, Conflict, Green Skills, and Climate Finance Pathways (NaHuDi) 01-SEP-24 31-AUG-27
Migration, Climate Change and Social Protection (MiCASP) 01-OCT-21 31-DEC-24

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Bethlehem Girma MiCASP Research Assistant Irish Research Council (IRC)
Darius Smith MiCASP Research Assistant
Jona Huber MiCASP Research Assistant
Daria Silchenko MiCASP Research Assistant
Julie Murphy NaHuDi Research Assistant

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Turning climate justice into practice? Channeling loss and damage funding through national social protection systems in climate vulnerable countries'
Huber, J. and Murray, U. (2024) 'Turning climate justice into practice? Channeling loss and damage funding through national social protection systems in climate vulnerable countries'. WIREs Climate Change, [Details]
(2024) 'Reflections on government-led social assistance programmes under Zimbabwe¿s National Social Protection Policy Framework: A social contract lens'
Tomy Ncube and Una Murray (2024) 'Reflections on government-led social assistance programmes under Zimbabwe¿s National Social Protection Policy Framework: A social contract lens'. Wiley International Social Security Review (ISSR), 77 (3):59-97 [Details]
(2024) 'Modelling the Distributional Effects of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Turkey and the South Caucasus: A Microsimulation Analysis'
Zeynep Can, Cathal O'Donoghue, Denisa Maria Sologon, Darius Smith, Rosaleen Griffin, Una Murray (2024) 'Modelling the Distributional Effects of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Turkey and the South Caucasus: A Microsimulation Analysis'. International Journal Of Microsimulation, [Details]
(2024) 'Understanding the climate, migration, social protection nexus from a youth mobility dimension: can social protection address the drivers of climigration?'
Ncube, T., Zualii, L., Murray, U., Nguyen, N., Liebig, T., Krendelsberger, A., Pacillo, G., McKeown, P.C., Läderach, P. and Spillane, C., (2024) 'Understanding the climate, migration, social protection nexus from a youth mobility dimension: can social protection address the drivers of climigration?'. Climate And Development, :1-22 [Details]
(2023) 'Climate-Related Migration and the Climate-Security-Migration Nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor'
Jona Huber, Ignacio Madurga Lopez, Una Murray, Peter McKeown, Charles Spillane, Grazia Pacillo, Peter Laderach (2023) 'Climate-Related Migration and the Climate-Security-Migration Nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor'. Climatic Change, 176 [Details]
(2023) 'Digitalizing Social Protection Systems for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Zimbabwe'
Ncube, T., Murray, U. & Dennehy, D. (2023) 'Digitalizing Social Protection Systems for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Zimbabwe'. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, [Details]
(2023) 'Climate Change, Migration and Social Protection'
Silchenko, D. & Murray, U. (2023) 'Climate Change, Migration and Social Protection'. Climate Risk Management, 39 [Details]
(2021) 'The forgotten half: Men’s influence over cookstove adoption decisions in Northern Kenya'
Ochieng, C. A., Murray, U., Owuor, J., & Spillane, C. (2021) 'The forgotten half: Men’s influence over cookstove adoption decisions in Northern Kenya'. Energy Research & Social Science, 74 [Details]
(2020) 'Fit for Measure? Evaluation in Community Development'
Oonagh Mc Ardle, Una Murray (2020) 'Fit for Measure? Evaluation in Community Development'. Community Development Journal, 4 (12) [Details]
(2013) 'Rural Child Labour: Views of Extension Agents in Ethiopia'
Una Murray (2013) 'Rural Child Labour: Views of Extension Agents in Ethiopia'. Journal Of Agricultural Education & Extension, 19 (5) [Details]
(2020) 'Climate smart agriculture extension: gender disparities in agroforestry knowledge acquisition'
Duffy, C,Toth, G,Cullinan, J,Murray, U,Spillane, C (2020) 'Climate smart agriculture extension: gender disparities in agroforestry knowledge acquisition'. Climate And Development, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Integrating gender into index-based agricultural insurance: a focus on South Africa'
Born, L,Spillane, C,Murray, U (2018) 'Integrating gender into index-based agricultural insurance: a focus on South Africa'. Development In Practice, 29 :409-423 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Smallholder Farmers and Climate Smart Agriculture: Technology and Labor-productivity Constraints amongst Women Smallholders in Malawi'
Murray, U,Gebremedhin, Z,Brychkova, G,Spillane, C (2016) 'Smallholder Farmers and Climate Smart Agriculture: Technology and Labor-productivity Constraints amongst Women Smallholders in Malawi'. Gender Technology & Development, 20 :117-148 [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2013) 'Child Labour: A complex problem requiring ‘Joined Up’ Responses'
Una Murray (2013) 'Child Labour: A complex problem requiring ‘Joined Up’ Responses' In: Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Context. :47-66 Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing. [Details]
(2001) 'Retooling: Gender Dimensions of Agricultural Production Technology'
Joseph Kienzle and Una Murray (2001) 'Retooling: Gender Dimensions of Agricultural Production Technology' In: Development Economics and Policy: Women Farmers Enhancing Rights, Recognition and Productivity. :143-158 Frankfurt: Peter Lang GmbH. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2019) 4th World Congress of Agroforestry, Montpellier, France
C Duffy, G Toth, U Murray, C Spillane (2019) Agroforestry extension and gender impacts on self rated knowledge 4th World Congress of Agroforestry, Montpellier, France [Details]
(2009) FAO-IFAD-ILO Workshop on Gaps
Murray U (2009) Mainstreaming responses for improvement of the girl child in agriculture FAO-IFAD-ILO Workshop on Gaps Rome, [Details]
(2005) International Women¿s Day at FAO, 8th March 2005
Murray, U. (2005) Promoting Gender-Sensitive Entrepreneurship via Microfinance Institutions International Women¿s Day at FAO, 8th March 2005 [Details]
(1999) Women Farmers: Enhancing Rights and Productivity Conference, August 26 & 27, 1999. Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany
Kienzle, J., Murray, U. (1999) Re-Tooling: Gender Dimensions of Agricultural Tools used by Women Farmers in Africa Women Farmers: Enhancing Rights and Productivity Conference, August 26 & 27, 1999. Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany [Details]
(1997) OOL Consult Conference on ¿Technology and Development: Strategies for the Integration of Gender
Murray, U. (1997) The Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme: An Overview OOL Consult Conference on ¿Technology and Development: Strategies for the Integration of Gender [Details]
(2002) Women's empowerment or feminisation of debt? Towards a new agenda in African microfinance
Sisto, I., Boros, A., & Murray, U. (2002) A Guide to gender-sensitive microfinance Women's empowerment or feminisation of debt? Towards a new agenda in African microfinance FAO, [Details]
(1998) FAO Workshop on Food Security
Liepvisay N., Sayasane K. & Murray U. (1998) Intra-household dynamics of food security in Lao PDR: An aquaculture case study FAO Workshop on Food Security FAO Bangkok, [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2024) Insights on Equity and Sustainability Transitions.
McGandy, M; Hoppania, H-K; Murray, U (eds) (2024) Insights on Equity and Sustainability Transitions. Open Press, University of Galway. [Details]
(2023) Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland.
Silchenko D, Chisholm A, Murray U, McKeown PC, Spillane C, and Veerassamy L (2023) Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland. International Organisation for Migration, UN, IOM Ireland. [Details]
(2021) UNICEF Protecting Children On The Move in the Horn of Africa.
Murray, U. Alsalem, R., Njugi, N., Kislig, M., Tadesse, S., Ismail, A., & Osman, I. (2021) (2021) UNICEF Protecting Children On The Move in the Horn of Africa. UNICEF, New Youk. [Details]
(2021) Handbook Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans.
Una Murray, Sibyl Nelson, Julie Teng, Armine Avagyan (2021) Handbook Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans. FAO/ UNDP, Rome/ New York. [Details]
(2019) Report: UNDP Global Gender Workshop on NDC Planning for Implementation.
Una Murray (2019) Report: UNDP Global Gender Workshop on NDC Planning for Implementation. UNDP, New York. [Details]
(2019) Global Gender Workshop on NDC Planning for Implementation.
Una Murray (2019) Global Gender Workshop on NDC Planning for Implementation. UNDP, New York. [Details]
(2014) Final Evaluation Report Making decent work a reality for domestic workers.
Una Murray (2014) Final Evaluation Report Making decent work a reality for domestic workers. United Nations, Intenational Labour Organization, Geneva. [Details]
(2012) Farmer-centered Participatory Approaches for Research: A Resource Book.
Una Murray (2012) Farmer-centered Participatory Approaches for Research: A Resource Book. Irish Aid, Ethiopia, Ethiopia. [Details]
(2009) Gender and Skills Development: Practical experiences and ways forward.
Murray U. (2009) Gender and Skills Development: Practical experiences and ways forward. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2009) Give Girls A Chance: Tackling child labour, a key to the future.
Una Murray, Patrick Quinn (2009) Give Girls A Chance: Tackling child labour, a key to the future. International Labour Office, Geneva. [Details]
(2008) Sharing JFFLS experiences.
Murray U. (2008) Sharing JFFLS experiences. FAO, Rome. [Details]
(2008) Mainstreaming Child Labour Concerns in National Policy Frameworks.
Una Murray (2008) Mainstreaming Child Labour Concerns in National Policy Frameworks. UN International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva. [Details]
(2007) Child labour monitoring - A partnership of communities and government. Rooting out child labour from cocoa farms.
Una Murray (2007) Child labour monitoring - A partnership of communities and government. Rooting out child labour from cocoa farms. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2007) Rooting out child labour from cocoa farms. Sharing experiences.
Una Murray & Sherin Khan (2007) Rooting out child labour from cocoa farms. Sharing experiences. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2005) Gender Equality and Child Labour: A participatory tool for facilitators.
Anita Amorim, Una Murray Ségolène Samouiller, Sandhya Badrinath (2005) Gender Equality and Child Labour: A participatory tool for facilitators. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2005) Gender Baseline Study for Finnish Development Cooperation. Evaluation Report.
Sala Tsegai & Una Murray (2005) Gender Baseline Study for Finnish Development Cooperation. Evaluation Report. Finnish Development Cooperation, Helsinki. [Details]
(2004) EU Policy on Gender Equality in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid.
Haile J. & Murray U (2004) EU Policy on Gender Equality in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid. European Union, Brussels. [Details]
(2004) A selected annotated bibliography on girl child labour: a gender perspective - Volume 4.
Murray U. (2004) A selected annotated bibliography on girl child labour: a gender perspective - Volume 4. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2004) Girl child labour in agriculture.
Murray U. (2004) Girl child labour in agriculture. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2004) A comparative analysis: Girl child labour in agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation - The cases of Ghana, Ecuador and the Philippines.
Una Murray (2004) A comparative analysis: Girl child labour in agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation - The cases of Ghana, Ecuador and the Philippines. International Labour Office, Geneva. [Details]
(2004) Girl child labour in agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation.
Anita Amorim, Una Murray, John Bland (2004) Girl child labour in agriculture, domestic work and sexual exploitation. International Labour Office, Geneva. [Details]
(2004) Global child labour data review: a gender perspective - Volume 3.
Murray U. (2004) Global child labour data review: a gender perspective - Volume 3. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2000) ILO Gender Capacity Building Report.
Murray U. (2000) ILO Gender Capacity Building Report. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(1999) Corporate Progress Report on Gender Mainstreaming.
Murray U. (1999) Corporate Progress Report on Gender Mainstreaming. FAO, Rome. [Details]
(1998) Gender and aquaculture in LAO PDR.
Murray U. (1998) Gender and aquaculture in LAO PDR. FAO, Bangkok. [Details]
(1996) Directory of Agricultural and Training Institutions in Central & Eastern Europe.
Murray U. (1996) Directory of Agricultural and Training Institutions in Central & Eastern Europe. Rome, FAO. [Details]
(1996) Compendium of FAO Divisional Programmes of Action for Women and Development.
Murray U. (1996) Compendium of FAO Divisional Programmes of Action for Women and Development. FAO, Rome. [Details]
(1996) Directory of Education and Training Institutions in Anglophone Africa.
Murray U. (1996) Directory of Education and Training Institutions in Anglophone Africa. FAO, Rome. [Details]
(1996) Plan of Action for Women in Development (1996-2001).
Murray U. (1996) Plan of Action for Women in Development (1996-2001). FAO, Rome. [Details]
(2021) Formative evaluation of the DFID funded UNICEF Children on the Move programme (Ethiopia, Sudan, Somaliland/Puntland), UNICEF.
Una Murray, Reem Alsalem, Nahashon Njugi, Mariel Kislig, Seifu Tadesse, Abdiaziz Ismail and Ibrahim Osman (2021) Formative evaluation of the DFID funded UNICEF Children on the Move programme (Ethiopia, Sudan, Somaliland/Puntland), UNICEF. UNICEF, New York. [Details]
(2019) Extending policy relevance of the Active Ageing Index (AAI): Cooperation with UNECE. Final Evaluation.
Una Murray (2019) Extending policy relevance of the Active Ageing Index (AAI): Cooperation with UNECE. Final Evaluation. UNECE, Geneva. [Details]
(2018) Enhanced National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Vietnam (ENHANCE).
Una Murray, Ai-Phuong Ton Nu (2018) Enhanced National Capacity to Prevent and Reduce Child Labour in Vietnam (ENHANCE). US DoL, USA. [Details]
(2018) Supporting developing countries to integrate the agricultural sectors into National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag). Mid-term ReviewMid-term Review.
Ashwin Bhouraskar, Una Murray (2018) Supporting developing countries to integrate the agricultural sectors into National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag). Mid-term ReviewMid-term Review. FAO / UNDP, Rome. [Details]
(2017) Migration Domestic Workers and their Families - Global Action Program.
Una Murray (2017) Migration Domestic Workers and their Families - Global Action Program. UN ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2017) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Review.
Una Murray (2017) Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Review. DFAT Australia, Australia. [Details]
(2016) Independent Thematic Corporate Evaluation of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2010-15 (Sept 2015 – Jan 2016).
Una Murray (2016) Independent Thematic Corporate Evaluation of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2010-15 (Sept 2015 – Jan 2016). ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2015) Better Work, Vietnam, mid-term Evaluation.
Una Murray (2015) Better Work, Vietnam, mid-term Evaluation. ILO, Thailand. [Details]
(2014) Making Decent Work a Reality for Domestic Workers: Final Evaluation Report of GLO/11/54/SID.
Una Murray (2014) Making Decent Work a Reality for Domestic Workers: Final Evaluation Report of GLO/11/54/SID. UN ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2013) Independent Review of Irish Aid's Support to Mama Cash and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
Una Murray (2013) Independent Review of Irish Aid's Support to Mama Cash and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). Irish Aid, Dublin. [Details]
(2013) Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF) Strategy and Action Plan for Gender Equality.
Una Murray (2013) Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF) Strategy and Action Plan for Gender Equality. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2012) International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture. Included the ILO, FAO, IFAD, IFPRI, IUF (and formerly IFAP) who came together to better address child labour in agriculture.
Una Murray (2012) International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture. Included the ILO, FAO, IFAD, IFPRI, IUF (and formerly IFAP) who came together to better address child labour in agriculture. FAO/ILO, Rome. [Details]
(2011) Final evaluation of Italian funded Policy support project on child labour (Zambia, Rwanda, Senegal, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Mali) ILO.
Una Murray (2011) Final evaluation of Italian funded Policy support project on child labour (Zambia, Rwanda, Senegal, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Mali) ILO. UN ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2009) Strategy Evaluation: Gender Mainstreaming through the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality.
Una Murray, Tony Beck (2009) Strategy Evaluation: Gender Mainstreaming through the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality. ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2009) Gender Mainstreaming in DFID/ILO Partnership Framework Agreement (2006-2009).
Una Murray (2009) Gender Mainstreaming in DFID/ILO Partnership Framework Agreement (2006-2009). ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(2009) Child Labour in Agriculture.
Una Murray (2009) Child Labour in Agriculture. UN FAO, Rome. [Details]
(2007) Evaluation: Improving Food Security through Trade Agreements - Comhlamh Action Network.
Una Murray (2007) Evaluation: Improving Food Security through Trade Agreements - Comhlamh Action Network. Comhlamh, Dublin. [Details]
(2006) Gender and Skills Development: Practical experiences and ways forward.
Una Murray (2006) Gender and Skills Development: Practical experiences and ways forward. UN ILO, Geneva. [Details]
(1998) Gender and Aquaculture in Lao PDR: UNDP/FAO Aquaculture Project.
Una Murray, Kesone Sayasane, Simon Funge-Smith (1998) Gender and Aquaculture in Lao PDR: UNDP/FAO Aquaculture Project. FAO, Bangkok. [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2022) The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region.
Una Murray (Ed.). (2022) The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region The State of Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region. Cairo, Egypt: FAO. [DOI] [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2009) NAIRTL¿s 3rd Annual Conference Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice & Policy,
Nick Chisholm, Mike Fitzgibbon & Una Murray (2009) Enhancing Rural Development Capacity through Graduate Programmes ¿Ethiopian Case Study. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], NAIRTL¿s 3rd Annual Conference Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice & Policy, Trinity College Dublin , 11-NOV-09. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2023) Modelling the Distributional Effects of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Turkey and the South Caucasus: A Microsimulation Analysis.
Zeynep Can, Cathal O'Donoghue, Denisa Maria Sologon, Darius Smith, Rosaleen Griffin, Una Murray (2023) Modelling the Distributional Effects of the Cost-of-Living Crisis in Turkey and the South Caucasus: A Microsimulation Analysis. Discussion [Details]


  Year Publication
(2008) Research Methods and Participatory Approaches.
Una Murray, Fiona Meehan (2008) Research Methods and Participatory Approaches. Cork: UCC Manual [Details]
(2007) Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools Facilitator's Manual. Chapter 8 Livelihoods.
Murray U. (2007) Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools Facilitator's Manual. Chapter 8 Livelihoods. Manual [Details]
(2007) Getting Started! Running a Junior Farmer Field and Life School. Steps 8 & 9.
Murray U. (2007) Getting Started! Running a Junior Farmer Field and Life School. Steps 8 & 9. Manual [Details]
(2007) Scaling up HIV/AIDS Services for Populations of Humanitarian Concern. Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools Facilitator's Manual.
Murray U. (2007) Scaling up HIV/AIDS Services for Populations of Humanitarian Concern. Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools Facilitator's Manual. Manual [Details]
(2004) Child Labour: A Text Book for Universities.
Murray U. (2004) Child Labour: A Text Book for Universities. Manual [Details]
(2004) Gender Equality and Child Labour: A participatory tool for Facilitators.
U. Murray and A. Amorim (2004) Gender Equality and Child Labour: A participatory tool for Facilitators. Manual [Details]
(2003) A Training Pack on Gender Issues with Case Studies.
Murray U. (2003) A Training Pack on Gender Issues with Case Studies. Manual [Details]
(2002) A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance.
Murray U. (2002) A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance. Manual [Details]
(1999) Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Training Manual.
Murray U. (1999) Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Training Manual. Manual [Details]

Policy Contribution

  Year Publication
(2006) Gender Briefing Note 5: Gender Issues in Migration and Trafficking of Human Beings.
Murray U. (2006) Gender Briefing Note 5: Gender Issues in Migration and Trafficking of Human Beings. Policy Contribution [Details]
(2006) Gender Briefing Note 2: Gender.
Murray U. (2006) Gender Briefing Note 2: Gender. Policy Contribution [Details]
(2006) Gender Briefing Note 3: Gender Budgeting. Mainstreaming gender perspectives into national budgets.
Murray U. (2006) Gender Briefing Note 3: Gender Budgeting. Mainstreaming gender perspectives into national budgets. Policy Contribution [Details]
(2006) Gender Briefing Note 1: An introduction to the use of gender indicators at policy.
Murray U. (2006) Gender Briefing Note 1: An introduction to the use of gender indicators at policy. Policy Contribution [Details]
(2006) Gender Briefing Note 4: Gender Issues in Public Health & Social Services Financing.
Murray U. (2006) Gender Briefing Note 4: Gender Issues in Public Health & Social Services Financing. Policy Contribution [Details]
(2005) Toolkit on mainstreaming gender equality in EC development cooperation and Handbook on Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Development Cooperation.
Murray U. (2005) Toolkit on mainstreaming gender equality in EC development cooperation and Handbook on Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Development Cooperation. Policy Contribution [Details]
(1995) Putting Women's Health on the Map: A Briefing Kit.
Murray U. (1995) Putting Women's Health on the Map: A Briefing Kit. Policy Contribution [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2024 Teaching and Learning Award Nominee: ENLIGHT Equity and Sustainable Transitions Summer School ENLIGHT University of Galway
2022 Hardiman Scholarship for PhD research project under my supervision University of Galway
2009 PhD Scholarship IRC

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Appointed to the Standing Committee for International Affairs of the RIA (2022-2026) 01-JUL-22 / 01-JUL-26
Geographical Society of Ireland Member 01-JAN-24 /
Coimbra Group Universities Global Partnerships Working Group 01-JAN-24 /
Global Challenges University Alliance 2030 (GCUA 2030) GCUA Mentor 01-JAN-21 /
State-Led Platform on Disaster Displacement Advisory Committee 01-JAN-22 /
Development Studies Association of Ireland (DSAI) Member 01-NOV-13 /
Ryan Institute Centre for International Development Innovation (CIDI) Research Centre Leader 12-NOV-23 /


  Committee Function From / To
Athena Swan Committee, School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies, University of Galway Committee Member 01-JAN-24 /
Internationalisation Committee, School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies, University of Galway Committee Member 01-SEP-23 /
Executive Committee, Ryan Institute, University of Galway Member of Executive Committee 01-JAN-23 /
Standing Committee for International Affairs, Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dublin, Ireland Committee Member 01-SEP-22 /
Advisory Committee of Global Platform for Disaster Displacement Advisory Committee Member 01-JUL-22 /
Dóchas - the Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organisations Board Member 01-JUL-20 / 01-JUL-23
Board of Sightsavers (Ireland) Chair of Sightsavers - Irish Aid Sub-Committee 01-JUL-19 /
Steering Committee of Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD) Steering Committee Member 01-OCT-18 /


  Employer Position From / To
University College Cork (UCC) Lecturer in International Development (50%) 01-JAN-07 / 01-JAN-16
Department of Education Teacher (Primary) 01-SEP-87 / 31-DEC-89
Euro-Computer Training Company. Also Cadbury Ireland Ltd Marketing 01-JAN-90 / 31-DEC-91
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Gender and Socio Economic Analyst 01-JAN-95 / 01-JAN-99
United Nations (UN) - Multiple Specialised Agencies and Secretariat International Evaluator, Researcher and Senior UN Consultant 01-JAN-00 / 01-DEC-20


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1987 St Patricks College, Dublin BEd Bachelor of Education Education
1995 University of East Anglia, UK MA in Development Studies Development Studies
2011 University College Cork (UCC) PhD (International Development) International Development
1991 Marketing Institute of Ireland Graduateship of the Marketing Institute of Ireland Business and Marketing


  Client Description
United Nations (UN)
From 2000 to present worked on numerous consultancies with United Nations Agencies (e.g. UNICEF, UNECE, UNDP, IFAD, ILO, UNCTAD, IOM) and other international development organisations. Senior Consultant since 2011.
Finnish Development Cooperation
In 2005 conducted a gender baseline study for Finland's Development Cooperation Programme
Australian Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
With Palladium consultancy company I reviewed the Australian Awards program for African students.
Dept of Foreign Affairs (Ireland)
Worked for Irish Aid on different contracts as a Senior Consultant between 2007 and 2020. Most recent 2016-2019 supporting social protection and programme with the UN International Labour Organisation ILO
Department for International Development (DFID), UK
Between 2014 to 2015, researched and published an Evidence Based Manual for Programme Managers on gender and rural women's empowerment

Community Engagement

  Title Type From / To
Board Membership SightSavers Ireland 01-JUL-19 /
Board Membership Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD) 01-JUN-16 /
Board Membership Dochas 01-JUL-20 / 15-JUL-23


  Journal Role
Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems Reviewer
Climate And Development Reviewer
Climatic Change Reviewer
Climate Risk Management Reviewer
Development In Practice Reviewer
Gender and development Reviewer
Information Technology & People Reviewer
Gender Technology & Development Reviewer

Other Activities


Extensive Experience as a Senior Evaluator of International Development Organisations, Programmes and Policies, where I lead international and national evaluation teams; design research methodologies; conduct evaluations; and write impactful reports for UN agencies.

Invited Member of Expert Scientific Review Panels for the Nordic Council of Ministers (NordForsk) Research Grants Programme

Teaching Interests

International Development (a process of change involving nations, economies, political alliances, institutions, groups, & individuals. Development processes occur in different ways & at all levels: inside the family, the firm & the farm; locally, provincially, nationally, & globally).

Current Postgraduate Students (Taught)

  Name Degree Primary Supervisor
Rizky Pratama
Glory Omomase
Karli Conger
Ana Leticia Mandujano Reyes Y
Macarana Montero
Sabrina Moran
Vibeth Nashira Porras Gonzalez
Claudia Burgazzi
Morton Chenyama Sibale
Apeksha Prashant Tamane Y
Auxiliadora Maria Jesuína
Sarmento de Carvalho
David McGinty
Phu Pham Minh Gia

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2023 Gin Dupont
2014 Lena Reichstetter Y
2023 Jackson Buzingo
2023 Olasunkanmi Akindele Y
2023 Xurxo Alonso Vázquez Y
2023 Julieth Kweka
2023 Darius Smith
2023 Ji Wu
2023 Zhenan Dai Y
2023 Evench Catherine Gomes
2023 Mai Ditie Y
2021 Roswitha Muntiyarso Y
2021 Ellen Kissane Y
2013 Doreen Ayebare Y
2020 Hawa Chatepa Y
2019 Ellie McMahon Y
2018 Shivani Jain Y
2015 Faith Amanya Y
2022 Liya Habib Redwan Y
2023 Umaru Fofanah Y

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Tomy Ncube Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Supervisor
Theresa Kinkese Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (2)
Remeredzai Mushangure Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Co-supervisor (2)

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2022 onwards Contemporary International Development Perspectives DEV6101 Current issues - includes guests from UN (UNICEF, ILO, UNECE) NGOs, and other Universities
2014 - 2022 Gender, Climate Justice, Agriculture and Climate Change PAB5104 For MScCCAFS Gender and International Climate Policy and Practice
2021 onwards Research Seminar in Social Science BSS4100 Undergraduate research skills for minor dissertation
Semester 3 2023 onwards ENGLIGHT Summer School: Equity and Sustainability Transitions  SP6151 Under the ENLIGHT programme co-organised a programme around the equity and sustainability transitions theme with PG students participating from the other ENLIGHT universities
2022 onwards Practical Research Project DEV6104 Allows students to conduct research with an international development partner, focusing on the SDGs
2014-2021 Policy and Scenarios for climate change adaptation and mitigation PAB5103 Taught policy process part of the Module
2022 onwards International Development Policy and Practice DEV6100 Applies theory to practice focusing on how development issues are embraced and implemented in projects and programmes. Covers a range of policy and crosscutting issues (poverty, social protection, labour, gender, environment)
2011 - 2021 Applied Gender Analysis GG113 Gender in international development projects and programmes, gender mainstreaming, and how to conduct a gender analysis
2014 - 2022 Gender Agriculture and Climate Change PAB5104 For MScCCAFS

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Dr. Kathy Reilly (Geography)
Prof Cathal O'Donogue
Prof. Charles Spillane (LEG4DEV Project, University of Galway)
Dr. Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania (Political Science & Sociology)
Dr. Thomas McDermott (Economics)
Dr. Galina Brychkova (MScCCAFS, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Dr. Anne Mullen (MScCCAFS program, Biological and Chemical Sciences)
Pamela Devins (ENLIGHT project)
Dr. Peter McKeown (MScCCAFS program, Biological and Chemical Sciences)

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
Dr. Zewdy Gebremedhin (GIZ, Malawi) GIZ MALAWI
Andrew Chisholm (IOM, UK) International Organisation for Migration (IOM) UNITED KINGDOM
Dr. Denis Dennehy (School of Management, Swansea University, UK) University of Swansea UNITED KINGDOM
Dr. Caroline Ochieng (Sustainable Energy for All SE4All, Nairobi, Kenya) Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) KENYA
Jean-Marc Faurès (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ITALY
Dr. Peter Laderach (CGIAR Climate Security Program, Senegal) Alliance Bioversity-CIAT SENEGAL
Dr. Jennifer Twyman (Gender specialist, Alliance of Bioversity ¿ CIAT, Cali) Alliance of Bioversity ¿ CIAT COLOMBIA
Dr. Jana Bischler (International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland) International Labour Organization SWITZERLAND
Dr. Eduard Bonet (UNICEF, New York) UNICEF U.S.A.
Verania Chao (UNDP, New York) United Nations Development Program U.S.A.
Dr. Tekaligh Ayalew (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) Addis Ababa University ETHIOPIA
Soorej Dr. Jose Puthoopparambil (Uppsala University) Uppsala University SWEDEN