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Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Dr Clodagh Downey

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 'Review: Bronner, Dagmar (ed.): Three historical poems on Tuathal Techtmar and the bórama from the Book of Lecan. Edition, translation and commentary (Berlin, 2017)'
Downey, Clodagh (2021) 'Review: Bronner, Dagmar (ed.): Three historical poems on Tuathal Techtmar and the bórama from the Book of Lecan. Edition, translation and commentary (Berlin, 2017)'. Zeitschrift Fur Celtische Philologie, :297-302 [Details] |
(2015) | 'Review: Coire Sois, The Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga by Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, ed. Matthieu Boyd'
Downey, Clodagh (2015) 'Review: Coire Sois, The Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga by Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, ed. Matthieu Boyd'. Eolas: The Journal Of The American Society Of Irish Medieval Studies, 8 :153-155 [Details] |
(2020) | 'The Boyne in medieval myth and literature'
Downey, Clodagh (2020) 'The Boyne in medieval myth and literature'. Ríocht Na Midhe, 31 :1-27 [Details] |
(2019) | 'Rumann mac Colmáin, poeta optimus: life and work'
Downey, Clodagh (2019) 'Rumann mac Colmáin, poeta optimus: life and work'. Studia Hibernica, 45 :1-17 [Details] |
(2017) | 'Who was Ailill Moṡaulum?'
Downey, Clodagh (2017) 'Who was Ailill Moṡaulum?'. Celtica, 29 :38-54 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Dindshenchas and the Tech Midchúarta'
Downey, C. (2010) 'Dindshenchas and the Tech Midchúarta'. Ériu, 60 :1-35 [Details] |
(2008) | '’Trí croind Éirenn oiregdha': a medieval poem on three famous trees of Ireland'
Downey, C. (2008) '’Trí croind Éirenn oiregdha': a medieval poem on three famous trees of Ireland'. Éigse, 36 :1-34 [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | 'Níall Noígíallach and the Heroic Biography'
Downey, Clodagh (2022) 'Níall Noígíallach and the Heroic Biography' In: Revisiting the Cyces of the Kings. :25-56 Cork: Cork Studies in Celtic Literatures. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Murchadh Ó Cuindlis and Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca'
Downey, Clodagh (2015) 'Murchadh Ó Cuindlis and Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca' In: Sacred Histories. A Festschrift for Máire Herbert. :125-138 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Literature and Learning in Early Medieval Meath'
Downey, Clodagh (2015) 'Literature and Learning in Early Medieval Meath' In: Meath History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County. :101-130 Dublin: Geography Publications. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Cúán ua Lothcháin and the transmission of the Dindṡenchas'
Downey, Clodagh (2013) 'Cúán ua Lothcháin and the transmission of the Dindṡenchas' In: Celebrating Sixty Years of Celtic Studies at Uppsala University: Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica. :45-61 Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2013) | 'Oilill Molt mar rí i litríocht na meánaoiseanna'
Clodagh Downey (2013) 'Oilill Molt mar rí i litríocht na meánaoiseanna' In: Séimhfhear Suairc: Aistí in ómós don Ollamh Breandán Ó Conchúir. :59-81 An Daingean: An Sagart. [Details] |
(2008) | 'Purple Reign: The naming of Conall Corc'
Downey, Clodagh (2008) 'Purple Reign: The naming of Conall Corc' In: Approaches to Religion and Mythology in Celtic Studies. :27-53 Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Details] |
(2008) | 'Women, the world and three wise men: power and authority in tales relating to Niall Noígiallach and Lugaid mac Con'
Downey, Clodagh (2008) 'Women, the world and three wise men: power and authority in tales relating to Niall Noígiallach and Lugaid mac Con' In: Essays on the Early Irish King-tales. :127-147 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2004) | 'Intertextuality in Echtra mac nEchdach Mugmedóin'
Downey, Clodagh (2004) 'Intertextuality in Echtra mac nEchdach Mugmedóin' In: Cín Chille Cúile: Texts, Saints and Places, Essays in honour of Professor Pádraig Ó Riain. :77-104 Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2005) | 'Medieval literature about Conall Corc'
Downey, Clodagh (2005) 'Medieval literature about Conall Corc' Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 110 :21-32. [Details] |
(2004) | 'The ‘sovereignty goddess’ in early Irish literature (Appeared as ‘De soevereiniteitsgodin in vroege Ierse literatuur’, translated by Esther Le Mair.)'
Downey, Clodagh (2004) 'The ‘sovereignty goddess’ in early Irish literature (Appeared as ‘De soevereiniteitsgodin in vroege Ierse literatuur’, translated by Esther Le Mair.)' Kelten, 23 :2-3. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Poets and Poetry in the Middle Irish period,
Downey, Clodagh (2022) Paper on 'Composition and Authorship in the Poetry of Cúán úa Lothcháin'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Poets and Poetry in the Middle Irish period, University of Galway and online , 22-FEB-22 - 22-FEB-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Poets and Poetry in the Middle Irish period,
Downey, Clodagh (2022) Seminar series on Middle Irish poets and poetry. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Poets and Poetry in the Middle Irish period, University of Galway and online , 01-FEB-22 - 03-MAY-22. [Details] |
(2022) | Scéalaíocht na Ríthe / Cycles of the Kings,
Downey, Clodagh (2022) Seminar on the Cycles of the Kings. [Invited Oral Presentation], Scéalaíocht na Ríthe / Cycles of the Kings, UCC , 08-APR-22 - 08-APR-22. [Details] |
(2020) | Germano-Celtic Learned Culture c.600-1000,
Downey, Clodagh (2020) An interdisciplinary conference exploring cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives on learned vernacular developments in medieval Ireland, Britain and Scandinavia. [Invited Lecture], Germano-Celtic Learned Culture c.600-1000, Vitenskapakademiet, Oslo , 27-FEB-20 - 28-FEB-20. [Details] |
(2019) | Irish, Welsh, Norse and Latin metre and rhyme c. 600-1100,
Downey, Clodagh (2019) Interdisciplinary symposium on the metre of the medieval poetry of Ireland and Scandinavia. [Invited Lecture], Irish, Welsh, Norse and Latin metre and rhyme c. 600-1100, University of Oslo , 11-OCT-19 - 11-OCT-19. [Details] |
(2017) | XVI International Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica,
Clodagh Downey (2017) Etymologizing in the Dindṡenchas. [Keynote Address], XVI International Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica, Norges Arktiske Universitet (Arctic University of Norway), Tromsø , 01-SEP-17 - 01-SEP-17. [Details] |
(2015) | 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Clodagh Downey (2015) ‘The Jordan of Ireland – Medieval Traditions about the Boyne’. [Oral Presentation], 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies, University of Glasgow , 14-JUL-15. [Details] |
(2016) | 38th Annual University of California Celtic Studies Conference,
Clodagh Downey (2016) ‘Poetic positioning in the Dindṡenchas’. [Keynote Address], 38th Annual University of California Celtic Studies Conference, University of California, Los Angeles , 10-MAR-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Distinguished Lecturer Roundtable series,
Clodagh Downey (2016) ‘The construction of beauty and ugliness in early Irish literature’. [Invited Lecture], Distinguished Lecturer Roundtable series, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California, Los Angeles , 09-MAR-16. [Details] |
(2017) | Dindṡenchas Érenn Conference,
Clodagh Downey (2017) ‘Making the there here and the then now: place and positioning in Dindṡenchas’. [Invited Oral Presentation], Dindṡenchas Érenn Conference, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 31-MAR-17. [Details] |
(2013) | The Archaeology, Literature and Folklore of Tara and its Environs, Irish Studies Symposium,
Clodagh Downey (2013) Tara in Medieval Irish Literature. [Invited Lecture], The Archaeology, Literature and Folklore of Tara and its Environs, Irish Studies Symposium, University of Uppsala , 17-OCT-13 - 17-OCT-13. [Details] |
(2013) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge,
Clodagh Downey (2013) Murchadh Ó Cuindlis agus Seachadadh Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca. [Conference Paper], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh , 11-OCT-13 - 11-OCT-13. [Details] |
(2013) | Thirteenth International Symposium, Societas Celtologica Nordica,
Clodagh Downey (2013) Rumann mac Colmáin (+ 747), poeta optimus: Life and Work. [Invited Lecture], Thirteenth International Symposium, Societas Celtologica Nordica, University of Oslo , 30-NOV-13 - 30-NOV-13. [Details] |
(2012) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge,
Downey, Clodagh (2012) Rumann mac Colmáin (+ 747), poeta optimus, beatha agus saothar. [Chaired Session], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh , 21-OCT-12 - 21-OCT-12. [Details] |
(2012) | CAMPS Lab,
Downey, Clodagh (2012) Who was Ailill Moṡaulum?. [Oral Presentation], CAMPS Lab, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 21-SEP-12 - 21-SEP-12. [Details] |
(2011) | The life and work of Cúán ua Lothcháin, an eleventh-century poet,
Downey, C. (2011) The life and work of Cúán ua Lothcháin. [Invited Lecture], The life and work of Cúán ua Lothcháin, an eleventh-century poet, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 , 31-MAR-11 - 31-MAR-11. [Details] |
(2011) | 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Downey, Clodagh (2011) Who was Ailill Moṡaulum?. [Chaired Session], 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, NUI Maynooth , 15-AUG-11 - 15-AUG-11. [Details] |
(2010) | Meath Landscape and People Seminar,
Downey, Clodagh (2010) Meath in the Dindṡenchas: Dindṡenchas texts relating to Meath. [Invited Lecture], Meath Landscape and People Seminar, Trim, Co. Meath , 11-SEP-10 - 11-SEP-10. [Details] |
(2010) | 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Downey, C. (2010) Who was Ailill Moṡaulum?. [Chaired Session], 14th International Congress of Celtic Studies, NUI Maynooth , 05-AUG-10 - 05-AUG-10. [Details] |
(2010) | Tionól,
Downey, C. (2010) Chairperson of the organising committee of the Celtic Studies Tionól. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Tionól, School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 19-NOV-10 - 20-NOV-10. [Details] |
(2010) | Societas Celtologica Nordica, 11th International Symposium,
Downey, C. (2010) Some observations on the transmission of the Dindṡenchas. [Invited Oral Presentation], Societas Celtologica Nordica, 11th International Symposium, University of Uppsala , 14-MAY-10 - 14-MAY-10. [Details] |
(2009) | Slane in medieval sources,
Downey, C. (2009) References to Slane in medieval Irish sources. [Invited Lecture], Slane in medieval sources, Slane Historical and Archaeological Society, Slane, Co. Meath , 29-APR-09 - 29-APR-09. [Details] |
(2009) | Tionól of the School of Celtic Studies,
Downey, C. (2009) Chairperson of the organising committee of the Celtic Studies Tionól. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Tionól of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 20-NOV-09 - 21-NOV-09. [Details] |
(2008) | Comhdháil ar Chultúr agus Litríocht na Gaeilge,
Downey, Clodagh (2008) Ailill Molt, rí Chonnacht’. [Chaired Session], Comhdháil ar Chultúr agus Litríocht na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh , 18-OCT-08 - 18-OCT-08. [Details] |
(2008) | Dindṡenchas and the Tech Midchúarta,
Downey, C. (2008) An examination of medieval Irish sources relating to the Tech Midchúarta, Tara. [Invited Oral Presentation], Dindṡenchas and the Tech Midchúarta, Department of Early and Medieval Irish, University College Cork , 10-DEC-08 - 10-DEC-08. [Details] |
(2008) | Tionól of the School of Celtic Studies,
Downey, Clodagh (2008) Dindṡenchas and the Tech Midchúarta. [Chaired Session], Tionól of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-08. [Details] |
(2007) | 21st Irish Conference of Medievalists,
Downey, Clodagh (2007) Sruth Segsa ocus sruith éicse – Cúán ua Lothcháin and the Boyne. [Chaired Session], 21st Irish Conference of Medievalists, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 29-JUN-07 - 29-JUN-07. [Details] |
(2007) | 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Downey, C. (2007) Corop suthain ar n-ardrí – the poetic life and afterlife of Máel Sechnaill Mór mac Domnaill. [Chaired Session], 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn, Germany , 24-JUL-07 - 24-JUL-07. [Details] |
(2006) | Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Seminars,
Downey, C. (2006) Cúán ua Lothcháin and the transmission of early Irish history. [Invited Lecture], Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Seminars, Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute for the Study of Irish History and Civilisation, University College Dublin , 13-OCT-06 - 13-OCT-06. [Details] |
(2006) | 8th Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica,
Downey, C. (2006) Purple reign – the naming of Conall Corc. [Chaired Session], 8th Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica, Helsinki , 23-SEP-06 - 23-SEP-06. [Details] |
(2005) | Kingship, power and judgement in texts about Niall Noígiallach and Lugaid Mac Con,
Downey, Clodagh (2005) Kingship, power and judgement in texts about Niall Noígiallach and Lugaid Mac Con. [Invited Lecture], Kingship, power and judgement in texts about Niall Noígiallach and Lugaid Mac Con, Centre for the Study of Human Settlement and Historical Change, National University of Ireland, Galway , 15-FEB-05 - 15-FEB-05. [Details] |
(2005) | Medieval literature about (Conall) Corc of Cashel,
Downey, C. (2005) Medieval literature about (Conall) Corc of Cashel. [Invited Lecture], Medieval literature about (Conall) Corc of Cashel, Centre for the Study of Human Settlement and Historical Change, National University of Ireland, Galway , 14-FEB-05 - 14-FEB-05. [Details] |
(2004) | 18th Conference of Irish Medievalists,
Downey, C. (2004) Cúán ua Lothcháin: attributions and affiliations. [Chaired Session], 18th Conference of Irish Medievalists, Kilkenny , 24-JUN-04 - 24-JUN-04. [Details] |
(2003) | International Medieval Congress,
Downey, C. (2003) Power and Authority: Medieval Irish kingship tales. [Chaired Session], International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds , 16-JUL-03 - 16-JUL-03. [Details] |
(2003) | 12th International Congress of Celtic Studies,
Downey, C. (2003) Rígad Néill Noígiallaig ós Clainn Echach – a neglected source of Uí Néill propaganda?. [Chaired Session], 12th International Congress of Celtic Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth , 28-AUG-03 - 28-AUG-03. [Details] |
(2003) | Cambridge Group for Irish Studies,
Downey, C. (2003) Attitudes to the Irish language in the Middle Ages. [Invited Lecture], Cambridge Group for Irish Studies, Magdalene College, Cambridge , 29-APR-03 - 29-APR-03. [Details] |
(2002) | 16th Irish Conference of Medievalists,
Downey, C. (2002) Another witness to Niall Noígiallach’s encounter with sovereignty. [Chaired Session], 16th Irish Conference of Medievalists, NUI, Maynooth , 03-JUL-02 - 03-JUL-02. [Details] |
(2001) | Understanding Tradition,
Downey, Clodagh (2001) The pragmatic use of tradition in Temair Breg, baile na fian. [Chaired Session], Understanding Tradition, University College Cork , 23-JUN-01 - 23-JUN-01. [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Review: Amrae Coluimb Chille: a critical edition, by Jacopo Bisagni. Early Irish Text Series 1, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2019.
Downey, Clodagh (2020) Review: Amrae Coluimb Chille: a critical edition, by Jacopo Bisagni. Early Irish Text Series 1, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2019. Book Review [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | Reviews: Lebor Gabála Érenn: Textual History and Pseudohistory. Edited by John Carey. Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series 20, London 2009, and Lebor Gabála Érenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland. Part VI: Index of Names. Compiled by Pádraig Ó Riain. Irish Texts Society 63, London 2009.
Downey, Clodagh (2010) Reviews: Lebor Gabála Érenn: Textual History and Pseudohistory. Edited by John Carey. Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series 20, London 2009, and Lebor Gabála Érenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland. Part VI: Index of Names. Compiled by Pádraig Ó Riain. Irish Texts Society 63, London 2009. Reviews [Details] |
(2002) | Review: Fled Bricrenn: Reassessments. Edited by Pádraig Ó Riain. Irish Texts Society, Subsidiary Series 10, Dublin 2000.
Downey, Clodagh (2002) Review: Fled Bricrenn: Reassessments. Edited by Pádraig Ó Riain. Irish Texts Society, Subsidiary Series 10, Dublin 2000. Reviews [Details] |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Research Committee, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures | Representative, Roinn na Gaeilge | 05-NOV-12 / |
Teaching Interests
Recent Postgraduate Students
Graduation | Name | Degree | Primary Supervisor | |
2017 | Dónal Ó Catháin | PhD | ||
2019 | Lisa Ryan | Master of Arts | Y | |
2017 | Mark Laing Gibbard | Master of Arts | Y |
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
2017-19 | Filíocht Liriciúil na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge | NG366 | ||
2011- | Readings in Medieval Irish Texts: Allegory and Mythology | SG524 | ||
2018-19 | Scéalaíocht na Sean-Ghaeilge | NG259 | ||
2011- | 'A Field of Gods and Men': Ancient Myths of the Celts | SG217 | ||
2011-15 | Medieval Celtic Literature | SG106 | ||
2011- | Early and Medieval History of the Celts | SG111 | ||
2011- | Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge IV | NG364 | ||
2011- | Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge III | NG366 | ||
2011- | Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge II | NG261 | ||
2011- | Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge I | NG259 | ||
2011- | Medieval Women in the Celtic-speaking West | SG320 | ||
2011- | Society and Social Institutions in the Celtic-speaking West | SG223 | ||
2011- | Celtic Religion, Mythology and Folklore | SG116 | ||
2011-12 | Saints and Sinners in the Celtic World | SG312 | ||
2012- | The Cultural Impact of Christianity on the Celtic-speaking World | SG322/3100 |