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Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Dr. Pilar Alderete Diez
Contact Details
University Road
H91 TK33
T: Ext. 2193
E: pilar.alderete@universityofgalway.ie

Research Interests
Research Projects
Project | Start Date | End Date | |
CLTS Children's Literature in Translation Webinars: New Voices | 22-OCT-24 | 30-MAY-25 | |
Series of Webinars on the translation of cultural products for children | 01-AUG-21 | 01-AUG-22 | |
LILAC - Online teaching and Learning | 01-JAN-20 | ||
Children's Literature in Translation: Encouraging Children to Read | 01-JAN-20 | ||
Proyecto ESTUDIANTELE (ongoing) | 01-SEP-17 | 31-DEC-25 |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | '- Haciendo frente al acoso homofóbico a través de la poesía desde la clase de lengua extranjera: una propuesta didáctica . TACKLING HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING THROUGH POETRY: a didactic proposal'
Pedro Antonio Ferez Mora and Pilar Alderete (2017) '- Haciendo frente al acoso homofóbico a través de la poesía desde la clase de lengua extranjera: una propuesta didáctica . TACKLING HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING THROUGH POETRY: a didactic proposal'. Teaching Reflections, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2012) | 'Harry Potter is Funny: Translating Humour and Character Voice. - Vida hispanica Spring 2012, 45'
Pilar Alderete - Diez (2012) 'Harry Potter is Funny: Translating Humour and Character Voice. - Vida hispanica Spring 2012, 45'. Bulletin Of Spanish Studies, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Journey into the Worlds of Children¿s and Young Adult Fiction in Spanish.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2021) Journey into the Worlds of Children¿s and Young Adult Fiction in Spanish. Openpress: Openpress. [Details] |
(2021) | Viaje a los Mundos de la Ficción para Niños y Jóvenes en Español.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2021) Viaje a los Mundos de la Ficción para Niños y Jóvenes en Español. Openpress: Openpress. [Details] |
(2020) | Online Vocabulary Module B1 Spanish.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Online Vocabulary Module B1 Spanish. https://archive.org/details/online-vocabulary-module-b-1: Open Library. [Details] |
(2020) | Curso de Español Aural and oral B1.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Curso de Español Aural and oral B1. https://archive.org/details/curso-de-espan-ol-oral-y-aural-b-1-y-b-1-sh-2102: Open Library. [Details] |
(2020) | Nuevos Retos B1.
Pilar Alderete Diez (and cc authors) (2020) Nuevos Retos B1. https://archive.org/details/nuevos-retos-b-1: Open Library. [Details] |
(2020) | Español para toda la vida B1 -.
Pilar Alderete Diez (and cc authors) (2020) Español para toda la vida B1 -. https://archive.org/details/espanol-para-toda-la-vida-b-1-cc: Open Library. [Details] |
(2020) | Interact B1.
Pilar Alderete Diez (and cc authors) (2020) Interact B1. https://archive.org/details/interact-b-1-cc: Open Library. [Details] |
(2019) | Cultural Politics in Harry Potter.
Ruben Jarazo and Pilar Alderete (editors and contributors) (2019) Cultural Politics in Harry Potter. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | 'Death and How To Deal With It in the Harry Potter Series'
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2019) 'Death and How To Deal With It in the Harry Potter Series' In: Cultural Politics in Harry Potter. :147-161 London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. [Details] |
Maria Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernández (2019) 'SHORTSIGHTED TRANSLATIONS: CENSORSHIP IN THE THREE MANOLITO GAFOTAS BOOKS TRANSLATED INTO AMERICAN ENGLISH' In: Traducciones, adaptaciones y doble destinatario en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (LIJ). Edited by Elvira Cámara. London: Peter Lang. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Bumping into Classroom Walls: How To Win The Timed Race of Language Learning In The University Classroom'
Pilar Alderete Diez (2014) 'Bumping into Classroom Walls: How To Win The Timed Race of Language Learning In The University Classroom' In: Higher Education and Second Language Learning: Promoting Self-directed Learning in new Technological and Educational Contexts. UK: Peter Lang. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | ASELE XXII
Pilar Alderete-Diez, Dorothy Ni Uigin (2011) PAISAGE - Portal Audiovisual Intercultural sobre el Aprendizaje de Gaélico y Español – ASELE XXII [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2008) | Proceedings For The Jornadas De Español Como Lengua Extranjera
Alderete Diez, P.M. (2008) La Reflexión en el portfolio de lenguas europeo Proceedings For The Jornadas De Español Como Lengua Extranjera University of Sofia and Spanish Ministry of Education, Bulgaria, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2008) | Estudios De Metolodogía De La Lengua Inglesa
Alderete Diez, P.M. (2008) Reflection in Language Teaching/Learning: Is the European Portfolio the Answer? . In: PEREZ RUIZ, L.; PIZARRO SANCHEZ, I.; GONZALEZ CASCOS, E eds. Estudios De Metolodogía De La Lengua Inglesa [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | Addendum - AVT in the English Versions of the Manolito Gafotas Films.
Pilar ALderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernandez (2023) Addendum - AVT in the English Versions of the Manolito Gafotas Films. Open Press University of Galway, Openpress. [Details] |
(2021) | Language Learning as a Creative Process: New identities in European Spaces.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2021) Language Learning as a Creative Process: New identities in European Spaces. NUI Galway, Moore Institute. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | 'Muerte y duelo en la saga de Harry Potter'
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2023) 'Muerte y duelo en la saga de Harry Potter' Anuario de Letras Modernas - Universidad Autónoma de México, Vol. 26 (2) :84-105. [DOI] [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Petra - Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation,
Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernandez (2021) Sociolinguistic Training for Translators. [Oral Presentation], Petra - Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation, Trinity College Dublin , 15-NOV-21. [Details] |
(2024) | New Voices in Children¿s Literature in Translation: Culture, Power and Transnational Approaches,
Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernandez (2024) Oral Presentation and organizing committee: A Sociolinguistic Approach to the Translation of Children¿s Literature: Exploring Identity Issues in the American English Translation of Manolito Gafotas. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], New Voices in Children¿s Literature in Translation: Culture, Power and Transnational Approaches, University of Stockholm , 22-AUG-24 - 23-AUG-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Translation and Creativity,
Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernandez (2024) ¿`Who is Manolito Gafotas?¿ A report on the case study at the University of Galway to measure reader responses to three translations of the Spanish children¿s series¿. [Oral Presentation], Translation and Creativity, University of Galway , 25-APR-24 - 26-APR-24. [Details] |
(2023) | IRAAL 2023 - Plurilingual Mindsets in an Increasingly Bi-/Multlingual World,
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2023) Multimodal Assessment in a CLIL Module: Children's Fiction In Spanish. [Oral Presentation], IRAAL 2023 - Plurilingual Mindsets in an Increasingly Bi-/Multlingual World, University of Maynooth , 18-NOV-23 - 18-NOV-23. [Details] |
(2022) | The Annual Learning and Teaching Conference : Information Services , Aberystwyth University,
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2022) Creativity in the Assessment of a Children's Fiction in Spanish module. [Invited Lecture], The Annual Learning and Teaching Conference : Information Services , Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth University , 12-SEP-22 - 14-SEP-22. [Details] |
(2021) | II Symposium Spanish Teachers in Ireland: Current Directions & New Perspectives 9-10,
Pilar Alderete (2021) Proyecto EstudiantELE and Dversifying Assessment in a Children's Fiction in Spanish Module. [Oral Presentation], II Symposium Spanish Teachers in Ireland: Current Directions & New Perspectives 9-10, Online , 09-JUN-21 - 10-JUN-22. [Details] |
(2021) | XXXI ASELE - Association of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Spanish,
Pilar Alderete (2021) Using Online Technology. [Oral Presentation], XXXI ASELE - Association of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Spanish, Online , 01-SEP-21 - 03-SEP-21. [Details] |
(2020) | VII Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza Bilingüe CIEB,
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) I was part of the scientific committee reviewing abstracts. [International Refereed Conference], VII Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza Bilingüe CIEB, University of Valladolid, Spain , 16-OCT-20 - 18-OCT-20. [Details] |
(2019) | AGM ELE in EIRINN,
Pilar Alderete (2019) Presentation on using non-native Spanish in Class. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], AGM ELE in EIRINN, NUI Galway , 28-SEP-19 - 28-SEP-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Teaching and Learning Languages Literatures and Cultures Day,
Pilar Alderete Diez (2019) Roundtable on Language teaching and learning fails. [Other], Teaching and Learning Languages Literatures and Cultures Day, NUI Galway , 01-NOV-19 - 01-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2020) | Webinario Internacional de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE),
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Talk on Errors and language learning. [Invited Lecture], Webinario Internacional de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE), UCC - ONLINE , 05-JUN-20 - 06-SEP-20. [Details] |
(2019) | Examine Europe. Examining European Cultural Identities through Interdisciplinary Methods,
Pilar Alderete Diez (2019) Proyecto EstudiantELE, Foreign language student identity shifts. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], Examine Europe. Examining European Cultural Identities through Interdisciplinary Methods, NUI Galway , 27-DEC-19 - 27-SEP-19. [Details] |
(2019) | IRAAL2019 Annual Conference,
Dr Laura McLoughlin, Dr Dorothy Ní Uigín, Dr Pilar Alderete Diez (2019) 'Threatening' Languages in a Global World / Bagairtí ó/doTheangacha i Ré an Domhandaithe. [Conference Organising Committee Member], IRAAL2019 Annual Conference, NUI Galway / Ollscoil na Gaillimhe , 30-NOV-19 - 30-NOV-19. [Details] |
Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington-Fernandez (2019) International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC). [Oral Presentation], IALIC TRANSLATING CULTURES. THE CULTURE OF TRANSLATING, University of Valencia , 20-NOV-19 - 22-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Teaching and Learning Day - Schoolof Languages, Literatures and Cultures,
Cristina Garcia and Pilar Alderete (2019) Using non-native Spanish to teach Spanish as a Foreign Language. [Oral Presentation], Teaching and Learning Day - Schoolof Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Moore Institute , 01-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Crossing Boundaries,
Pilar Alderete (2019) Language Learning Conference. [Poster Presentation], Crossing Boundaries, Queen's University, Belfast, UK , 03-MAY-19 - 04-MAY-19. [Details] |
(2018) | IRAAL 18,
Maria Pilar Alderete Diez and Owen Harrington Fernandez (2018) We are what we speak. Children's identity in translation of fiction. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], IRAAL 18, DCU , 24-NOV-18 - 24-NOV-18. [Details] |
(2018) | IRAAL 2018,
Alderete Diez, Pilar y Cristina García (2018) Proyecto EstudiantE/LE - Interviews by students carried out in Spanish about the process of learning this language. [Poster Presentation], IRAAL 2018, DCU , 24-NOV-18 - 24-NOV-18. [Details] |
Audiovisual material
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Proyecto EstudiantELE - European Language Label 2020.
Pilar Alderete (2020) Proyecto EstudiantELE - European Language Label 2020. Audiovisual material [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | Revision Grammar and Translation A1.
Pilar Alderete (2020) Revision Grammar and Translation A1. Audiovisual material [Details] |
(2020) | Grammar and translation Videos A1/A2.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Grammar and translation Videos A1/A2. Audiovisual material [Details] |
(2020) | Grammar and Translation Videos B1.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Grammar and Translation Videos B1. Audiovisual material [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Corpus of Irish Learners of Spanish A1-A2.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Corpus of Irish Learners of Spanish A1-A2. Blog [Details] |
(2020) | Community of Practice of Spanish Teachers in Ireland.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Community of Practice of Spanish Teachers in Ireland. Blog [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2019) | i've yet to see anyone coming to a party in Ireland at the time that was suggested.
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2019) i've yet to see anyone coming to a party in Ireland at the time that was suggested. Irish Times Editorial [Details] |
Electronic Publication
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Errors Analysis in Young Adult University Learners of A1 ¿ A2 Spanish in Ireland: A Small Qualitative Case Study of Written and Oral Performative Output of First Year University Students of Spanish in an Irish University.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2021) Errors Analysis in Young Adult University Learners of A1 ¿ A2 Spanish in Ireland: A Small Qualitative Case Study of Written and Oral Performative Output of First Year University Students of Spanish in an Irish University. Openpress: Openpress Electronic Publication [Details] |
Radio Presentation
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | Podcast ELE: Topics of Interest from teachers of Spanish in Ireland.
Pilar Alderete (with collaborators) (2021) Podcast ELE: Topics of Interest from teachers of Spanish in Ireland. Radio Presentation [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | Inteligencia Artificial, Mercantilización del Lenguaje y Precariedad en el Enseñanza de LE/L2 - AI, Mercantilization and Precarity in SL/L2 Teaching and Learning.
Alberto Bruzos Moro (2024) Inteligencia Artificial, Mercantilización del Lenguaje y Precariedad en el Enseñanza de LE/L2 - AI, Mercantilization and Precarity in SL/L2 Teaching and Learning. Translation [Details] |
(2106) | The Stranger.
Matthias Kom and the Burning Hell (2106) The Stranger. YouTube: Translation [Details] |
Video recording / TV
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | First Online Series on Translation for Children and Young Adults.
Risco, Noemi; Shavit, Zohar; Mac Dhonnagain, Tadhg; Harrington-Fernandez, Owen; O'Sullivan, Emer; Leonardi, Vanessa (2021) First Online Series on Translation for Children and Young Adults. YouTube Video recording / TV [Details] |
(2021) | Channel for the CoP ELE in Eirinn - For Teachers of Spanish in Ireland.
Pilar Alderete and Nadia Albaladejo Garcia (2021) Channel for the CoP ELE in Eirinn - For Teachers of Spanish in Ireland. Video recording / TV [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | Translation Café: `Four-Eyes Readers and characters: Translation choices and the creation of characters in three versions of Manolito Gafotas.
Alderete Diez, Maria Pilar (2024) Translation Café: `Four-Eyes Readers and characters: Translation choices and the creation of characters in three versions of Manolito Gafotas. University of Galway: Anderson Centre for Translation Studies Workshops [Details] |
Web Page
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | Errors of Irish Ab Initio Learners of Spanish.
Pilar Alderete Diez (2020) Errors of Irish Ab Initio Learners of Spanish. Web Page [Details] |
(2020) | Lilac Project - Skills for Online Language Teaching and Learning.
McLoughlin, Laura; Ni Uigin, Dorothy; O'Cofaigh, Eamon; O'Loclainn, Miceal; Bologna, Oriana; Nicora, Francesca; La Grasa, Matteo; McGiolla Phadraig, Darragh (2020) Lilac Project - Skills for Online Language Teaching and Learning. Web Page [Details] |
Academic Magazine
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | Language Learning Difficulties: Common Neurodivergent Profiles.
Pilar Alderete, Mary Pat O'Malley, Clare Carroll, Rita Treacy, Mari Caulfield and Stephanie Brennan (2022) Language Learning Difficulties: Common Neurodivergent Profiles. Professional Publication [Details] |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2023 | Swedish Government Grant | Swedish Government | |
2021 | Athena Swann Grants - CASSCS | CASSCS | |
2020 | Open Educational Resources Fund - Hardiman Library | Hardiman Library - University of Galway | |
2020 | Research Incentive Grant | Carnegie Trust of Universities of Scotland | |
2020 | European language label Award | Leargas and the European Council of Languages |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
SETU - Language Educators Society | Language Teaching and Learning in Third Level | 01-SEP-22 / | |
CLTS Network | Organizer | 01-SEP-22 / | |
IRAAL | Member | 01-SEP-06 / | |
ELE Eirinn | Vicepresident/President | 01-AUG-18 / 31-AUG-23 | |
Spanish Research Society in Ireland | member | 13-JUN-22 / | |
CITN - Children in Translation Network | Founder and leader | 01-NOV-19 / |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
Academic Integrity Committee | LLC Advisor | 01-SEP-23 / | |
Executive Committee for the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures | Chair of the TLC | 01-JUN-21 / 01-SEP-25 | |
Teaching and Learning Quality Review Self-Assessment Committee | Co-chair | 01-SEP-21 / 16-MAY-22 | |
Curriculum Committee - CASSCS | Representation for the LLC School | 01-JUN-21 / 01-SEP-25 | |
Teaching and Learning Committee - School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures | Chair | 01-JUN-21 / 01-SEP-25 | |
Teaching and Learning Committee - CASSCS | LLC Representative | 01-JUN-21 / 01-SEP-25 | |
External Examiner for VIVA in University of Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN) | External International Examiner | 01-FEB-20 / 10-JUL-21 |
Employer | Position | From / To | |
University of Galway | Language Assistant | 01-SEP-03 / | |
University of Galway | Lecturer Type A / Assistant Professor A | 01-JAN-16 / | |
Universidade do Sagrado Coracao, Bauru, Brazil | Spanish/English Teacher | 01-AUG-98 / 30-OCT-98 | |
Trent University, Ontario, Canada | Language Assistant | 01-SEP-99 / 30-MAY-02 | |
Trent University, Ontario, Canada | Lecturer | 01-SEP-02 / 01-SEP-03 | |
University of Galway | University Teacher | 01-SEP-06 / 01-JAN-16 |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
1998 | University of Valladolid, Spain | Bachelor of Arts | English Philology | |
2022 | CELT - Ahead | UDL Facilitator | Universal Design for Learning | |
2022 | University of Galway - CELT | Postgraduate Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | |
2001 | University of Valladolid, Spain | Master of Arts | English | |
2013 | University of Valladolid, Spain | PhD | Modern Languages | |
2005 | National University of Ireland, Galway | Master of Arts | Spanish | |
1999 | University of Valladolid, Spain | Postgraduate Diploma | Education and Modern languages |
Language | |
Irish | |
Spanish | |
English |
Community Engagement
Title | Type | From / To | |
Outreach | Galway Educate Together National School - Liaision | 18-MAY-22 / 21-JUN-22 | |
Outreach | Languages Connect / Think Languages Initiatives | 01-SEP-22 / | |
Advocacy | Tutors For the Ukraine | 01-MAY-22 / 01-MAY-23 | |
Policy Development | Piloting New CEFR descriptors - European Council of Languages | 01-FEB-17 / 31-MAY-17 |
Journal | Role | |
London: Routledge | Reviewer |
Other Activities
Description | |
Coordinator of Language Assistants (FLAs) in Spanish |
CEIM Academic Lead (since 2022) |
Teaching Interests
Recent Postgraduate Students
Graduation | Name | Degree | Primary Supervisor | |
2023 | Niamh McCrossan | Master of Arts | Y | |
2019 | Bonnie Dowling | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2022 | Raquel Rodríguez Fernández | PhD | Y | |
2022 | Ciara Griffin | Master of Arts | Y | |
2017 | Alejandro Dos Santos | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2014 | Carmen Marquez García | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2012 | Susana Rastelli | MA Advanced Languages Skills | ||
2010 | Owen Harrington-Fernández | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2009 | Kate Griffin | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2008 | Paula Lojo Sandino | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2008 | Ernestina Ventura Roda | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2007 | Mercedes Arévalo Catalán | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2007 | Ana Lanau Larramona | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2007 | Alberto Avezuela | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y | |
2007 | Nuria Biosca Costa. | MA Advanced Languages Skills | Y |
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
2020/2024 | Second Year Coordinator | SH2100/SH2101/SH2102/SH2103 | Spanish B1/B1+ and Intercultural Competence | |
2024/2025 | Hispanic Research | SH3104 | YA Translation Studies in Spanish | |
2023/2024 | Introduction to Translation Studies | SH505 | MA Translation Studies (taught) | |
2018/2024 | Introduction to Translation | GL1101 | Seminar on Translation of children's fiction | |
2024/2025 | Spanish Research: Translating Young Adult Fiction | SH3104 | Seminar | |
2021/2024 | Hispanic Literature and Culture II - Translating Children's Fiction | SH233 | Introduction to Children's fiction in Spanish | |
2006/2021 | Translation technology and Methodology | SH571 | ||
2020/2024 | Spanish Second Year B1+ | SH2103 | ||
2018/2024 | Skills for Language Learning | GLSK1100 | Module for BA Global Languages and skills and strategies to learn languages | |
2020/2024 | Second Year Spanish - Ex Beginners | SH2100 | B1 | |
2020/2024 | Second Year Spanish ExIntermediate B1 | SH2101 | ||
2010/2024 | Research Methods | SH556 | MA Taught Spanish, ALS and Translation Studies | |
2006/2024 | Advanced Language SKills I and II | SH562/563 | Postgraduate | |
2006/2024 | Lengua Española Avanzada y Gramática Española B2 - C1 | SH339/SH340 | Spanish B2 - C1 | |
2006/2024 | Spanish Beginners Arts A1-A2 | Sh1100 | Spanish A1-A2 | |
2006/2024 | Spanish Intermediate Arts A2- B1 | SH1101 | Spanish A2-B1 | |
2006/2019 | First Year Coordinator | SH112/113/102/140/1100/1101/1102 |
Internal Collaborators
Name | Description of Collaboration | |
Dr Mary Pat O'Malley | ||
Dr Dorothy NI Uigin |
External Collaborators
Name | Organisation / Institute | Country | Description of Collaboration | |
Dr Rubén Jarazo Álvarez | Universidad de las Islas Baleares | SPAIN | ||
Dr Sara Van Meerbergen | University of Stockholm | SWEDEN | ||
Dr Marta García | University of Gottingen | GERMANY | ||
Dr Charlotte Lingdren | University of Uppsala | SWEDEN | ||
Dr Fernando Castellano-Banuls | Aberystwyth University | UNITED KINGDOM | ||
Dr Alex Marigold | Aberystwyth University | UNITED KINGDOM | ||
Dr Valerie Alfven | University of Stockholm | SWEDEN | ||
Dr Owen Harrington Fernández | Heriot-Watt University | UNITED KINGDOM |