Dr Eve Daly

B.Sc, Ph.D

Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
Earth & Ocean Sciences
Room A105
Quadrangle Building
University of Galway
T: Ext. 2183
E: eve.daly@universityofgalway.ie


I am a Geophysicist and a lecturer in Earth and Ocean Sciences within the school of Natural Sciences. My primary degree was in Physics and I later pursued a PhD in Geophysics. I am  currently programme director of the Undergraduate degree programme in Earth and Ocean Sciences .

My research area broadly focuses  on imaging the "Critical Zone" - simply defined as the region where rock meets life: the permeable layer from the tops of trees to the bottom of the groundwater zone with applications for water resources and agricultural management.

I am 
member of Royal Irish Academy's Geoscience committee and member of the joint working group between Met Eireann and Teagasc on Agricultural Meteorology.

 was awarded a Presidents award for Research Excellence (Research Supervision) in 2024

Research Interests

My Research interests are as follows:

I works in the "Critical Zone" - simply defined as the region where rock meets life: the permeable layer from the tops of trees to the bottom of the groundwater zone. This is the region within the subsurface where Hydrogeophysics meets Agrogeophysics increasingly via machine learning.    I established the HYdrogeophysics and REmote Sensing (HY-RES) research group in 2019 with primary focus on understanding and developing multiscale tools for monitoring Soil Moisture, a key climate variable. Recent projects include using geophysical data to identify peat soils - even under grass or forest cover using the Geological Survey Ireland¿s airborne Tellus survey, specifically the Radiometric dataset. This information is vital for the estimation of appropriate carbon emission factors from Irish soils and the management of climate emission targets. Other projects use field-based geophysical methods for monitoring soil compaction due to cattle grazing patterns, and generating high resolution soil moisture maps from satellite based systems. This work will have impact in improving farm drainage maps with subsequent influence on grazing and crop management practices. 

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
Geospatial drainage status detection mapping of organic rich soils for NIR and policy support needs. 01-APR-24 31-MAR-28
Facilitating water table management on carbon rich soils 03-APR-22 30-MAR-27
Mapping peatlands on a national scale using airborne Geophysical data 01-JAN-23 30-JUN-23
Walsh Fellowship PhD - Optimising remote sensing technologies to aid soil characterisation & drainage design and catalogue existing drainage features 01-SEP-19 31-AUG-23
iCRAG - Remote sensing of Soil Moissture Content 01-APR-20 31-DEC-20
The Sea-Mat Project 01-MAR-16 30-APR-20

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Dave O Leary Mapping peatlands on a national scale using airborne geophysical data postdoc General Research

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Identifying favourable conditions for farm scale trafficability and grass growth using a combined Sentinel-2 and soil moisture deficit approach'
Basu, R; Fenton, O: Daly, E; Touhy, P. (2024) 'Identifying favourable conditions for farm scale trafficability and grass growth using a combined Sentinel-2 and soil moisture deficit approach'. Frontiers in Environmental Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Temporal Stability of Grassland Soil Moisture Utilising Sentinel-2 Satellites and Sparse Ground-Based Sensor Networks'
Basu, R., Daly E., Brown C, Shnel A., and Touhy, P. (2024) 'Temporal Stability of Grassland Soil Moisture Utilising Sentinel-2 Satellites and Sparse Ground-Based Sensor Networks'. Remote Sensing, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Observations of intra-peat variability using multiple spatially coincident remotely sensed data sources and machine learning'
O¿Leary, D., Brown, C., Healy, M.G., Regan, S., Daly, E. (2023) 'Observations of intra-peat variability using multiple spatially coincident remotely sensed data sources and machine learning'. Geoderma, 430 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'The impact of alternating drainage and inundation cycles on geochemistry and microbiology of intact peat cores'
Healy, M.G., Siggins, A., Molloy, K., Potito, A.P., O¿Leary, D., Daly, E., Callery, O. (2023) 'The impact of alternating drainage and inundation cycles on geochemistry and microbiology of intact peat cores'. Science Of The Total Environment, 858 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2022) 'Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning ¿ Implication for the assessment of carbon stock'
O'Leary D; Brown C; and Daly E (2022) 'Digital soil mapping of peatland using airborne radiometric data and supervised machine learning ¿ Implication for the assessment of carbon stock'. Geoderma, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Characterization of seasonal groundwater origin and evolution processes in a geologically heterogeneous catchment using geophysical, isotopic and hydro-chemical techniques (Lough Gur, Ireland)'
DW O¿Connell, C Rocha, E Daly, R Carrey, M Marchesi, M Caschetto, N Ansems, J Wilson, C Hickey, LW Gill (2022) 'Characterization of seasonal groundwater origin and evolution processes in a geologically heterogeneous catchment using geophysical, isotopic and hydro-chemical techniques (Lough Gur, Ireland)'. Hydrological Processes, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Management and rehabilitation of peatlands: the roles of water chemistry, hydrology, policy, and emerging monitoring methods to ensure informed decision making'
Monteverde, S., Healy, M.G., O¿Leary, D., Daly, E., Callery, O. (2022) 'Management and rehabilitation of peatlands: the roles of water chemistry, hydrology, policy, and emerging monitoring methods to ensure informed decision making'. Ecological Informatics, 69 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'A Pleistocene deposit preserved in deep karst at Coolough, County Galway, western Ireland'
Dolan, M.J.; McCabe, B.A.; Molloy, K.; Murray, J.; Henry, T.; Daly, E.; O'Leary, D. (2021) 'A Pleistocene deposit preserved in deep karst at Coolough, County Galway, western Ireland'. Geological Journal, 56 (4):1897-1910 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Mapping Spatial Distribution and Biomass of Intertidal Ulva Blooms Using Machine Learning and Earth Observation'
Karki Sita, Bermejo Ricardo, Wilkes Robert, Monagail Michéal Mac, Daly Eve, Healy Mark, Hanafin Jenny, McKinstry Alastair, Mellander Per-Erik, Fenton Owen, Morrison Liam (2021) 'Mapping Spatial Distribution and Biomass of Intertidal Ulva Blooms Using Machine Learning and Earth Observation'. Frontiers in Marine Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Rathcroghan revisited: A renewed archaeological and geophysical exploration of selected areas of the focal ritual complex'
Fenwick, J., Daly, E. & Rooney, S. (2020) 'Rathcroghan revisited: A renewed archaeological and geophysical exploration of selected areas of the focal ritual complex'. Emania, 25 :81-98 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'Quantitative assessment of groundwater resources using airborne electromagnetic remote sensing'
O'Connell, Y., Brown, C., Henry, T., Morrison, L., Daly, E. (2020) 'Quantitative assessment of groundwater resources using airborne electromagnetic remote sensing'. Journal Of Applied Geophysics, 175 [DOI] [Details]
(2019) 'Spatial and temporal variability of biomass and composition of green tides in Ireland'
Bermejo, R;Heesch, S;Mac Monagail, M;O'Donnell, M;Daly, E;Wilkes, RJ;Morrison, L (2019) 'Spatial and temporal variability of biomass and composition of green tides in Ireland'. Harmful Algae, 81 :94-105 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Arsenic in Groundwater in South West Ireland: Occurrence, Controls, and Hydrochemistry'
McGrory, E,Holian, E,Alvarez-Iglesias, A,Bargary, N,McGillicuddy, EJ,Henry, T,Daly, E,Morrison, L (2018) 'Arsenic in Groundwater in South West Ireland: Occurrence, Controls, and Hydrochemistry'. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Quantification and feed to food transfer of total and inorganic arsenic from a commercial seaweed feed'
Mac Monagail, M,Cummins, E,Bermejo, R,Daly, E,Costello, D,Morrison, L (2018) 'Quantification and feed to food transfer of total and inorganic arsenic from a commercial seaweed feed'. Environment International, 118 :314-324 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Terrestrial and marine electrical resistivity to identify groundwater pathways in coastal karst aquifers'
O'Connell, Y;Daly, E;Henry, T;Brown, C (2018) 'Terrestrial and marine electrical resistivity to identify groundwater pathways in coastal karst aquifers'. Near Surface Geophysics, 16 :164-175 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Characterisation of karst hydrogeology in Western Ireland using geophysical and hydraulic modelling techniques'
McCormack, T,O'Connell, Y,Daly, E,Gill, LW,Henry, T,Perriquet, M (2017) 'Characterisation of karst hydrogeology in Western Ireland using geophysical and hydraulic modelling techniques'. Journal Of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 10 :1-17 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'Arsenic contamination of drinking water in Ireland: A spatial analysis of occurrence and potential risk'
McGrory, ER,Brown, C,Bargary, N,Williams, NH,Mannix, A,Zhang, CS,Henry, T,Daly, E,Nicholas, S,Petrunic, BM,Lee, M,Morrison, L (2017) 'Arsenic contamination of drinking water in Ireland: A spatial analysis of occurrence and potential risk'. Science Of The Total Environment, 579 :1863-1875 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity'
O'Donnell, JP,Daly, E,Tiberi, C,Bastow, ID,O'Reilly, BM,Readman, PW,Hauser, F (2011) 'Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity'. Geophysical Journal International, 184 :1379-1396 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Evidence for sub-lithospheric small-scale convection beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity'
O'Donnell, J.O., Daly E., Tiberi, C., O'Reilly, B. M, Readman, P. W., Hauser, F. (2011) 'Evidence for sub-lithospheric small-scale convection beneath Ireland from joint inversion of teleseismic P-wave delay times and GRACE gravity'. Geophysical Journal International, 184 :1379-1396 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Lower-crustal earthquakes near the Ethiopian rift induced by magma injection'
Keir, D., Bastow, I. D., Whaler, K., Daly, E., Cornwell, D. G., Hautot, S (2009) 'Lower-crustal earthquakes near the Ethiopian rift induced by magma injection'. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst, 10 (Q0AB02) [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Lower crustal earthquakes near the Ethiopian rift induced by magmatic processes'
Keir, D,Bastow, ID,Whaler, KA,Daly, E,Cornwell, DG,Hautot, S (2009) 'Lower crustal earthquakes near the Ethiopian rift induced by magmatic processes'. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'The Ethiopia Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE): Probing the Transition From Continental Rifting to Incipient Sea Floor Spreading in Volcanism and evolution of the African lithosphere'
Bastow, I. D., Keir , D., Daly , E., Cornwell, D. G., Ayele A. (2009) 'The Ethiopia Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE): Probing the Transition From Continental Rifting to Incipient Sea Floor Spreading in Volcanism and evolution of the African lithosphere'. GSA, [Details]
(2008) 'Crustal tomographic imaging of a transitional continental rift: the Ethiopian rift'
Daly, E,Keir, D,Ebinger, CJ,Stuart, GW,Bastow, ID,Ayele, A (2008) 'Crustal tomographic imaging of a transitional continental rift: the Ethiopian rift'. Geophysical Journal International, 172 :1033-1048 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Strain accommodation by magmatism and faulting as rifting proceeds to breakup: Seismicity of the northern Ethiopian rift'
Keir, D,Ebinger, CJ,Stuart, GW,Daly, E,Ayele, A (2006) 'Strain accommodation by magmatism and faulting as rifting proceeds to breakup: Seismicity of the northern Ethiopian rift'. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 111 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Strain accommodation and faulting as rifting proceeds to breakup: Seismicity of the northern Main Ethiopian rift'
Keir, K., Ebinger, C. J., Stuart , G. W ., Daly, E., and Ayele, A. (2006) 'Strain accommodation and faulting as rifting proceeds to breakup: Seismicity of the northern Main Ethiopian rift'. Journal of Geophysical Research; B05314, 111 [DOI] [Details]
(2005) 'Postgraduate meeting: New Horizons'
Daly E., Brown, C. and Maguire, P. (2005) 'Postgraduate meeting: New Horizons'. Astronomy & Geophysics, 46 [Details]
(2004) 'Wavelet and multitaper coherence methods for assessing the elastic thickness of the Irish Atlantic margin'
Daly, E,Brown, C,Stark, CP,Ebinger, CJ (2004) 'Wavelet and multitaper coherence methods for assessing the elastic thickness of the Irish Atlantic margin'. Geophysical Journal International, 159 :445-459 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Comparison between spectral based methods of estimating Effective Elastic Thickness: Results and loading mechanisms across the Irish Atlantic margin'
Daly E., Brown C., Stark, C., and Ebinger, C.J. (2004) 'Comparison between spectral based methods of estimating Effective Elastic Thickness: Results and loading mechanisms across the Irish Atlantic margin'. Geophysical Journal International, 159 :445-459 [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2021) Research 387: GRACE Monitoring of Groundwater over Ireland ¿ A Feasibility Study.
Michael Geever, Eve Daly and Aaron Golden (2021) Research 387: GRACE Monitoring of Groundwater over Ireland ¿ A Feasibility Study. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin. [Details]
(2019) Research 285: Nutrient Dynamics and Ecophysiology of Opportunistic Macroalgal Blooms in Irish Estuaries and Coastal Bays (Sea-MAT).
Ricardo Bermejo, Svenja Heesch, Moya O’Donnell, Nessa Golden, Michéal MacMonagail, Maeve Edwards, Edna Curley, Owen Fenton, Eve Daly and Liam Morrison (2019) Research 285: Nutrient Dynamics and Ecophysiology of Opportunistic Macroalgal Blooms in Irish Estuaries and Coastal Bays (Sea-MAT). EPA, http://www.epa.ie/researchandeducation/research/researchpublications/researchreports/research285.htm. [Details]
(2013) Groundwater and Land Resources in Tellus Border Coastal Zones.
Y O'Connell and E Daly (2013) Groundwater and Land Resources in Tellus Border Coastal Zones. GSI, http://www.tellusborder.eu/Research/. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2020) 'Under the radar at Rathcroghan'
Fenwick, J., Daly, E. & Rooney, S. (2020) 'Under the radar at Rathcroghan' Archaeology Ireland, 34 (4) (134) :48-52. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2005) New Horizons.
Daly, E., Brown, C. & Maguire P. (2005) New Horizons. Royal Astronomical Society, London: News and Reviews in Astronomy & Geophysics, Editorial [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
Royal Irish Academy Geoscience committee member 01-SEP-22 / 30-AUG-26

Teaching Interests

Currently the Earth and Ocean Science Programme  Director:

Specific teaching interests in GIS, Geophysics and Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2011 John Paul O Donnell PhD Y
2017 Yvonne O Connell PhD Y
2021 Magan Dolan Msc
2021 Micheal MacMonagail PhD Y
2023 David O'Leary PhD Y
2023 Somaye Bayat Msc Y

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Rumia Basu Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor
Hilary Pierce Doctorate - Structured PhD (Science) Supervisor

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Third Year Fieldskills training EOS300
Third Introduction and Applied and Environmental Geophysical Remote Sensing EOS3102
Fourth year Earth Observation and Remote Sensing EOS4101
Fourth Year Final Year Project EOS403