Online Study Skills

Online Study and working remotely has become an essental part of the University experience for students. The COVID-19 Pandemic has meant that the 2020-21 academic year learning experience is almost entirely online.

For information on how to get the most out of your studies in an online environment, please see this guide to online learning.


In the sections below, you will find information and resources to help you get the most out of online learning.

Students Helping Students

Useful Resources

  • Instagram - @edtl.iua   

Instagram account run by 3rd level students around Ireland

Active instagram account for practical advice on learning online.   


  • Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning in Irish Universities (EDTL)

The Irish Universities' Association (IUA) is currently coordinating a national project (Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning) to support the use of technologies to support teaching and learning. 

Students regularly update with different supports and advice for learning online


Student-led Supports 

  • CÉIM

CÉIM is a peer-led scheme for 1st years across different courses and programmes

Weekly sessions with other 1st year students and trained student leaders. Offers support for transition to 3rd level and developing an understanding of course work. 

Available in: Engineering & Construction Management, Geography, Law (all programmes including BA Law), Political Science & Sociology, Psychology 

Log into to access the sessions  


  • Students' Union

Wide range of supports available through the SU VP/Education Officer:


  • Class Reps

Student-elected representatives for each course who will liaise between students and academic staff running your course. 

You can find out who your class rep is and contact them through YourSpace