Course Overview

The MSc in Business Analytics provides students with the skills and knowledge to manage and develop business analytics within organisations. The programme is designed as a specialist course, which assists students in blending their existing talents with the technological skills and business knowledge needed to use and manage big data and business analytics in modern knowledge-based organisations.

The programme is a taught Masters programme and consists of lectures, workshops, guest lectures from industry experts, and hands-on technology tutorials. Modules are assessed via continuous assessment, written assignments, applied projects and written examinations. 

Programme learning outcomes 

Upon completion of the MSc. Business Analytics, students will have acquired industry-standard skills and in-depth knowledge to:

  1. Understand and be able to use specific Information Technology (IT) which is used in developing business analytics; 
  2. Analyse and solve business problems using applied data analytics tools and techniques; 
  3. Transform organisations managing data-driven innovations; 
  4. Identify, analyse and solve applied problems in individual and team-based settings; 
  5. Apply effective decision-making to global business problems; 
  6. Understand how to analyse data, extract insights and transform them into business value. 

Business Analytics Class Photo

BA 2019 Class new

Applications and Selections

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System.

Who Teaches this Course

Requirements and Assessment

Semester One exams: December.

Semester Two exams: April/May.

A range of assessment methods are integrated and assessed throughout the programme. These include projects, reports, presentations, and case studies.

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Normally a H2.1 degree (NFQ Level 8 or equivalent). However, candidates with a H2.2 honours degree and who have a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience will also be considered.. IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent, if applicable. The qualification must include an element of quantitative techniques, for example, graduates of Business Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, other Sciences, Mathematics or other courses that have some quantitative content.

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


1 year, full-time

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades ()

Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

Closing Date

Please refer to the offer rounds/closing date web-page.

NFQ level


Mode of study

ECTS weighting





Course code


Course Outline

The MSc Business Analytics consists of 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). All modules are worth 5 ECTS, with the exception MS5103 Business Analytics Project (30 ECTS).

Semester I

  • MS805: Database Systems
  • MS806: Business Applications Programming
  • MS5104: Decision Theory & Analysis
  • MS5105: Statistical Techniques for Business Analytics
  • MS5107: Business Modelling & Analytics

Elective Modules (a total of 10 ECTS is required)

  • MG557: Strategic Management (5 ECTS)
  • MS804: Systems Development & Project Management (5 ECTS)

Semester II

  • MS802: Information Systems Strategy and Innovation
  • MS809: Enterprise Systems
  • MS810: Information Systems Security & Ethics
  • MS810: Advanced Applications Programming
  • MS5106: Data Science & Big Data Analytics
  • MS5108: Applied Customer Analytics
  • MS5103: Business Analytics Project (Group Project)

Career Development & Student Support

Students are encouraged to actively avail of the career and personal support services that is provided as part of the MSc Business Analytics programme and the wider university.

Workshops tailored for business analytics students include:

  • Masterclass talks - Representatives from companies including Pramerica, AIB, An Garda Síochána (Irish police service), and the Analytics Institute of Ireland discussed the benefits/challenges of embedding analytics in an organisation and the importance of management skills.
  • Cross-cultural communication skills workshop (Accredited and facilitated by the Irish Council for International Students).
  • Navigating graduate recruitment in Ireland.
  • CV writing and interview preparation.
  • Building a professional online profile using Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • A dedicated student support advisor for business school students.
  • Employer and career events organised by the University of Galway Careers Office throughout the year.

Curriculum Information

Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).
Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Glossary of Terms

You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
Some courses allow you to choose subjects, where related modules are grouped together. Subjects have their own required number of credits, so you must take all that subject's required modules and may also need to obtain the remainder of the subject's total credits by choosing from its available optional modules.
A module you may choose to study.
A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
Required Core Subject
A subject you must study because it's integral to that course.
Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year, so a three-year course will have six semesters in total. For clarity, this page will refer to the first semester of year 2 as 'Semester 3'.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

The MSc (Business Analytics) provides students with the skills and knowledge to manage and develop business analytics within organisations. This specialized programme is meticulously designed to equip students with the indispensable skills and knowledge necessary to master the art of managing and developing business analytics within organisations. With the increasing demand for expertise in this field, we are proud to present a unique opportunity that not only meets the current demands of the job market but also aligns with Ireland's vision for its future. The programme is tailored to address a critical need identified by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs in Ireland. As per their projections, an astounding 17,000 additional jobs in Business Analytics are anticipated to be created in the country over the coming years. To fill this burgeoning demand, we have crafted a curriculum that delves deep into the intricacies of data analytics, enabling students to become proficient in leveraging data to drive strategic decisions. Our program is your passport to not only securing a lucrative career but also contributing to the vital sphere of business analytics in Ireland and abroad.

Moreover, the MSc in Business Analytics is firmly rooted in Ireland's National Skills Strategy 2025. We prioritise providing skills development opportunities that are relevant to the needs of learners, society, and the economy. By doing so, we are not only preparing our students for prosperous careers but also ensuring they are equipped to contribute meaningfully to the overall development and growth of the nation.

Graduates have found employment in:

‌                       Business Analytics MSc Employer Cloud V2

 Graduate Roles:

  • Data Analyst
  • Business Analyst
  • Credit Risk Analyst
  • Computer Analyst
  • Operation Specialist
  • Global Customer Master Data Analyst
  • Supplier Implementation Associate
  • Tax Technologist
  • Business Modeller
  • Senior Business Analyst
  • DevOps & Security Consultant
  • HR Reporting Administrator 


Examples of speakers in Business Analytics:

Speaker Name Title Affiliation
Lorcan Malone CEO Analytics Institute of Ireland
Dr. Gurchand Singh Head of Garda Síochána Analysis Service An Garda Siochana (Irish Police Service)
Bill Schmarzo CTO Dell EMC Global Services
Paul Cashman Business Analytics Manager AIB (Financial Services)
Peter McCrystal Data Scientist Pramerica (Financial Services)
Pamela Devins Career Development Consultant University of Galway
Dr. Patrick Mikalef Research Fellow Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway

Education in Ireland Blog:

Manish at University of Galway tells us more about the benefits of choosing Ireland, Galway and MSc Business Analytics. Click here to read his blog.        


Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€11,640 p.a. (including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€11,500 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Non EU

€21,000 p.a. (€21,140 including levy) 2025/26


For 25/26 entrants, where the course duration is greater than 1 year, there is an inflationary increase approved of 3.4% per annum for continuing years fees.

Postgraduate students in receipt of a SUSI grant – please note an F4 grant is where SUSI will pay €4,000 towards your tuition (2025/26).  You will be liable for the remainder of the total fee.  A P1 grant is where SUSI will pay tuition up to a maximum of €6,270. SUSI will not cover the student levy of €140.

Note to non-EU students: learn about the 24-month Stayback Visa here


Find out More

Programme Director

Dr Pierangelo Rosati

Professor Eoin Whelan

Programme Administrator
Ms Melissa O’Hea
T: +353 91 492 308

Quick Links

What Employers Say


Bill Schmarzo |   Costumer AI & Data Innovation Strategist - DELL

I was impressed with the quality and thoroughness of the NUI Galway's MSc (Business Analytics) program and the enthusiasm of the students. Not only does the program teach the important fundamentals of business analytics, big data and data science, but they encompass that learning within a broader design thinking approach that seeks to get the most out of every student. The success of the program speaks for itself in the number of students who are placed in high positions of responsibility at some of the leading companies throughout Ireland and the EU.

Paul McCartney |   Head of HR at ANAM Technologies

Our solutions have a heavy reliance on our ability to rapidly process data and deploy cutting-edge BI Analytic tools to our Mobile Operator clients. A great deal of this critical analytical work has been achieved by utilising the skills and competencies of students who we have hired from NUI Galway’s, MSc in Business Analytics. We have found the students from this course ideally suited to working within the Anam product portfolio. All the students we have hired present an in-depth knowledge and excellent understanding of Business Analytics and related tools. This has enabled them to transition into the commercial world quickly and add immediate value to the Company. Having access to students from this progressive course has greatly helped the Company succeed in this key area and we look forward to hiring many more of these excellent students on an annual basis.

Lorcan Malone |   Chief Executive of Analytics Institute of Ireland

The NUIG MSc In Business Analytics is a hugely impressive programme. The combination of expert tuition with deep industry engagement means that programme graduates will be highly sought after by leading employers in the sector

Eddie Morris |   Support Team Manager, Cloud Product Support, SAP

Graduates from the MSc. in Business Analytics come to us with an industry-ready skillset; they have the right blend of business and IT skills we are looking for. In our experience at SAP this means these graduates hit the ground running adding value to our organization from day one. The graduates we hired from this course impressed at interview describing in detail the outcomes and deliverables of the projects they were involved in. They continue to impress with their ability and capacity to learn and contribute.

Neha Tyagi |   Senior MI Analyst, Ulster Bank

The MSC. Business Analytics is a world-class course that is taught by qualified academics and researchers. It provided a positive student experience that included (i) international exposure to work with people from different countries, (ii) practical assignments, (iii) teamwork, and (iv) developing my communication skills.

What Our Students Say


Shauna Devery |   Regulatory Affairs Associate, Cerenovus, Johnson & Johnson

The MSc in Business Analytics is an incredibly immersive course which will prove very beneficial to me in my future area of employment. It provides students with the opportunity to develop both technical and business-oriented skills. Having completed my Undergraduate Degree at the University, it was an easy decision for me to continue my studies here. The Business Postgraduate Merit Scholarship has facilitated me in continuing my studies, while also being a motivating factor in obtaining my Master’s Degree. The programme covers a wide range of relevant topics within the industry which provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment within the analytical employment sector. The lecturers and teaching staff put an incredible amount of time and effort into the delivery of each module, ensuring a focus on students that may not have a technical background or experience within the industry. They provide relevant real-life examples and case studies, while drawing on their own experiences, which makes it much easier for students to understand and relate to the topics taught. I am very grateful to have received the Business Postgraduate Merit Scholarship.

Eileen Cullen |   MSc Business Analytics Scholar 2021-22

After completing my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at NUIG, I developed a greater insight into what career field I wish to pursue. I have always found that the modules I enjoyed the most were often ones with a focus on mathematics and statistics, so I made the decision to complete a master’s in business analytics. This course has provided me with the ideal foundation to explore careers in which I can blend my existing technical knowledge with more applied business and analytical expertise. The content covered in all the modules, particularly the programming and analytical modules, is tailored from a basic level, which is beneficial for individuals who have no technical background. Throughout the course there is a strong focus on how we can apply technological abilities to address business challenges and produce insights for businesses. In relation to the Business Merit Scholarship, in which I am extremely grateful to have been awarded, the process for applying was very straightforward.

Faheem Azhar |   MSc Business Analytics Scholar

My goal as a Business Analyst is to help guide businesses in improving the processes and services with the help of IT tools and data analysis.  As I belong to a middle-class family, it was nearly impossible for me to manage the huge cost of my study abroad. I am extremely grateful for the Merit Base Scholarship opportunity provided by University of Galway. Their overall process to apply for the scholarship was straightforward forward and the Business department was always there to answer my questions regarding that.  The teachers and the students are very cooperative. The content covered in the courses especially the programming and analytics-related courses is tailored from a basic level, which is very handy for someone like me who came purely from a business background.

Leanne Ming Yuet Tang |   MSc Business Analytics Scholar

I choose to pursuit a MSc in Business Analytics because I really enjoy what I learnt during my FY of BComm. In this course, I expanded my knowledge in advanced analytics that contribute to today’s AI driven society. With well-structured programme materials and lecturers’ enthusiasm, I really enjoy my learning. As a result, I would strongly recommend this course to potential newcomers who are interested in the technical field.

Mark Towey |   MSc Business Analytics Scholar

The MSc in Business Analytics at University of Galway gave me the ideal platform to start my career in analytics. Coming from a non-IT background I was nervous about the technical aspects of this course but I received excellent tuition and all staff and students on the course were extremely helpful and friendly. Learning programming languages such as Python, R and C# became my favourite modules of this course. There was a real emphasis on how we can use these technical skills to solve business problems and develop insights that businesses can act upon. The major project was a great experience in how to deal with a real-world business problem. We combined everything we had learned throughout the course to complete this project and I learned a lot from it. On reflection of the last year, it was a fantastic experience and I would encourage anyone to apply for this course as you gain a well-rounded education of all facets of business analytics. I am confident that I now have the technological skills and business knowledge needed to use and manage big data and business analytics in a modern organisation.

What Our Graduates Say


Emma Marlborough |   HR Technology Manager, KKR

I found the course is well designed to accommodate students of various backgrounds. My HR background has been complemented with new technological skills. Being given the opportunity to work with a client for my capstone project equipped me with essential consultancy experience, learning first hand about business challenges when using analytics.

Jonathon Lawlor |   Senior IT Data Professional-Adv. Analytics at Eli Lily & Co

The programme provided fundamental topics such as Decision Theory and Analysis, Applied Customer Analytics and exposure to cutting-edge disruptive technologies. The emphasis and encouragement to develop fundamental skills including, (i) reflective and analytical thinking, (ii) communication, and (iii) leadership have already been and will continue to be used for the rest of my professional career.

Adrian Egan |   Global Customer Master Data Analyst, MSD

The MSc in Business Analytics in NUI Galway offers great opportunities for people from diverse educational or professional backgrounds. It has an excellent blend of business and technical subjects that are in high demand by employers.

Anamika Parashar |   Assistant Vice President at Citi

Although I had worked in financial services prior to pursuing my masters at NUIG, this programme enabled me to develop effective communication skills, understanding of business problems and being able to translate that problem into a solution using business analytics. The MSc in business analytics has greatly enhanced my analytical, programming and research skills, which enabled me to secure a position as technology Business Analyst, Citi Group.

Ahmed Elwardany |   Business Intelligence analyst - Finance, Google

This programme enriched and developed my technical and business skills. It provided a solid foundation for transitioning my career towards business analytics through a blend of theoretical and practical learning activities. It was both a challenging and enjoyable journey that truly embraced cultural diversity in a friendly and supportive environment.

Rakshith Gowda |   SAP/Tableau/Python/Cloud technologies Analytics developer

The pedagogy practised ensures that the course learning outcomes are met through hands-on activities using technologies such as SAP Business Intelligence, Amazon Web Services, Tableau, IBM SPSS, and SQL, R, and JAVA programming languages. Gaining experience as a Research Assistant LERO | The Irish Software Research Centre gave me an opportunity to work on an analytics-oriented research project between Dell Technologies and Lero.

Orla McHugh |   Data Analyst at ESB

The M.Sc. in Business Analytics enabled me to gain a broad insight into the diverse areas within business analytics and to develop technical skills such as data mining and predictive analysis, which has enabled me to thrive in the analytics industry.

Sughosh Harve |   AWS | DevOps | Kubernetes

I found the programme to be well structured and I liked the way it was presented in detail every week. I thoroughly relished every aspect of the course be it assignments, group work or the camaraderie with lecturers and my fellow classmates. I found the workshops and guest lectures conducted during the course of the programme to be very insightful.

Vernon D’Souza |   Senior Data Analyst | Financial Services

“The inter-cultural experience, good rapport with lecturers, and modules that were structured to have a balance between business and technical domains with gradual exploration of deeper concepts such as decision making, statistics, data visualisation and project management are just a few of the many positive aspects of the MSc Business Analytics programme.

Siddhant Mohapatra |   Insights and Analytics Manager, Meta

NUI Galway has a special place in my heart and I am always grateful that I could complete my Masters's in Business Analytics from the college. It provided me with a lot of opportunities to grow and learn. My course director and professors were so supportive that even the hardest subjects felt easy to learn. At NUI Galway, not only did I grow in academics but also got a chance to explore other avenues of growth both professionally and personally by being part of societies. I got a chance to explore my passion for photography while completing my master's and it never hindered my studies because the course structure is designed in a way that you get enough time to explore other pathways. The course and college had the perfect mix of studies and industrial exposure which helped me find the right position in my future career.
in Connect with Siddhant

Christopher Patti |   Analytics Manager at Wayfair

Getting into NUI Galway was one of the best things and I am grateful to be a graduate of Master's in Business Analytics course. My overall experience of the course and university has been very positive as it has helped me to grow and learn better than ever. The course curriculum is one of the best and prepares you very well for the Analytics job market. Also, its blend of theory, practical and projects gives you enough exposure to tackle day to day Analytical challenges in the industry. Further, the course structure gives you ample opportunities to expand your learnings beyond the course and spend time in NUI Galway's student societies and clubs. This overall blend is a perfect recipe to grow within personal and professional aspects and land into your desired career in future.
in Connect with Christopher

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