Course Overview

The Postgraduate Certificate in Modern Methods of Construction is a one-year part-time course that aims to equip students with the key knowledge and skills needed to develop sustainable technological solutions to the challenges facing the construction and built environment sector in Ireland and elsewhere with a particular focus on modern methods of construction. This course will target individuals at multiple qualification levels wishing to upskill/reskill to meet the critical demand for skills in digital adoption, sustainability and modern methods of construction.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Modern Methods of Construction will enable prospective students to:

  • Develop skills and knowledge in sustainability, digitalisation and modern methods of construction;
  • Identify opportunities (and challenges) for innovation in the construction sector,
  • Continue their professional development to meet the future needs of the sector;

Skillnet Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Skillnet: This course has been approved for a fee's subsidy of 30% for professionals employed in the Irish Private sector and Sole Traders. Funding is limited and subject to availability on the date of request. Please email Ylenia Morselli at for terms and conditions.

Applications and Selections

Applications open from 1st April 2024.

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Applications System.

When completing your application please make sure to select the following categories:

Academic level: Postgraduate Certificate

College/Interest type: Adult Learning and CPD

Academic programme: Modern Methods of Construction (PG Cert)

Who Teaches this Course

The course is taught by academic staff at the School of Engineering. 

Requirements and Assessment


A limited number of course places are funded by HCI Pillar 1 and early application is advisable. Applicants must self-declare that they meet the eligibility criteria at the time of course offer.  A firm offer will be made on receipt of a completed self-assessment form. Details of eligibility criteria are available here.


Students will be subjected to a range of assessment methods, including research reports, group assignments – completed in class during workshops, individual assignments, group projects, MCQ.

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold:

  • an undergraduate bachelor degree 1st or 2nd class honours in any discipline (level 8), along with three years of relevant industrial experience;
  • or an ordinary bachelors degree or 3rd class honours undergraduate degree (level 7), along with five years of relevant industrial experience;
  • or a recognised professional qualification and five years of relevant industrial experience.

Candidates who do not meet the minimum entry criteria are encouraged to contact the programme's administrators to discuss eligibility through a process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and may be interviewed to ascertain their suitability for the course.

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


1 year, part-time delivered via blended-learning

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades ()

Average intake

20 students

QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

Closing Date

Offers are made on a rolling basis, each month up to 30th August 2024

NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting

30 ECTs



Course code


Course Outline

The course is delivered through blended learning, consisting of pre-recorded lectures, live online webinars (1 hour/week), live online workshops (2 hours/week), self-directed learning materials, online activities and extensive resources, and on campus sessions (full day every 8 weeks).

Each module will consist of:

  • online materials and guided reading;
  • weekly lectures with associated activities; and
  • one full-day workshop with discussions. 

Module 1: Sustainability Planning in Construction (10 ECTS) 
This module will support the students, as the current/future construction sector stakeholders, in developing more sustainable construction processes and products, with a focus on areas of energy performance of buildings, retrofitting of existing structures, decarbonisation of construction processes and circularity. Finally, the module will introduce the concept of a just transition for the construction sector, where the needs of end users are understood and translated into new products and processes. 

Module 2: Digital Construction Technologies (10 ECTS)*
This module will cover the broad areas of building information modelling (BIM) technology, digital twinning, visualisation methods and their standard approaches within the construction sector. 

Digitalisation will fundamentally change the ways in which construction teams interact. Technologies such as BIM will seamlessly monitor the materials and products delivered to the construction site, in a manner that respects the need for sustainability and traceability. Furthermore, sensors will provide the data for digital twins and their incorporation into construction elements, thus the ability to analyse and exploit the large volumes of data is required. Furthermore, augmented reality technologies are beginning to be used for tasks such as site inspections, allowing continuous monitoring of construction process and conducting quality control checks with greater ease. Clash detection, has already been identified as a benefit of BIM, but recent developments in virtual reality and communication technologies will soon allow design teams to explore design issues from different locations. Technologies such as these will fundamentally change the way in which construction projects are managed and lead to new work processes. This module will engage with students to ensure they are fully prepared for the potential of these new work practices.   This module is a science-based approach and key tools, methods and materials will be explored.  

Module 3: Modern Methods of Construction (10 ECTS)*
As part of this module, students will develop skills in MMC, as the sector moves rapidly towards Industry 4.0. The module will cover key areas of standardisation and routes to certification, next generation rapid build systems (off-site panelised and modular construction), automation and autonomous construction.  This module is a science-based approach and key tools, methods and materials will be explored.  

Micro-credentials official logo

NB: All the modules above can be taken as a separate micro-credential, find out more here

Skillnet Industry 4.0

*Industry 4.0 Skillnet: These micro-crednentials have been approved for a fees subsidy of 30% for professionals employed in the Irish Private sector and Sole Traders. Funding is limited and subject to availability on the date of request. Please email Ylenia Morselli at for terms and conditions.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

The course is designed to provide upskilling opportunities for graduates in industrial and commercial construction, construction technology and in sustainable development sectors.   It is also envisaged that graduates will take up leadership positions in the construction industry to lead change in the modernisation of the sector.

Who’s Suited to This Course

The Postgraduate Certificate in Modern Methods of Construction is a one-year part-time course that aims to equip students with key knowledge and skills needed to develop sustainable technological solutions to the challenges facing the construction and built environment sector in Ireland and elsewhere. This course will support the development of a modernised and sustainable construction sector underpinned by circular economy and climate action. 

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

On the successful completion of this programme students will have:

  • Enhanced skills in the area of problem solving.
  • Enhanced students’ skills in research, communication, and innovative thinking.
  • Communicated difficult ideas in a clear and persuasive manner, while listening to others and understanding different points of view [Communication Skills].
  • Looked at problems from diverse points of view [Design and Planning Skills].
  • Identified a problem and formulated questions relevant to clarifying an issue or a set of issues [Research and Investigation Skills].
  • Enhanced students ability to support a position with argumentation and logic

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€4,250* (including levy) p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€12,000 p.a 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

Fees: Non EU


*Subsided fee: €770. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for the HCI Pillar 3 80% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidised places. For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria on the Micro-credentials webpage.

Industry 4.0 Skillnet: This course has also been approved for a fee's subsidy of 30% for professionals employed in the Irish Private sector and Sole Traders. Funding is limited and subject to availability on the date of request. Please email Ylenia Morselli at for terms and conditions.

Find out More

Professor Jamie Goggins