*New for 2024/25: 50% or 80% fees subsidy now available for most of our micro-credentials. Find out more here

See current list below, check back regularly for more offerings.

Micro-credentials 2024/25

Consent, Sexual Violence and Harassment: Practitioner Skills & Practice Social, Behaviour & Welfare Blended
German for Business I Humanities & Languages Online
Regulatory Compliance Science & Engineering Online
Human Anatomy & Physiology

Science & Engineering, Healthcare & Medicine

Honey Bee Health (Apiculture) Agriculture & Food Systems, Science & Engineering Blended
Environmental Management for Organisations Science & Engineering, Business, Management & Law Online
Energy Management for Organisations Business, Management & Law, Science & Engineering Online
Finance for non financial managers Business, Management & Law Online
Digital competences IT & Computer Science  Online
Introduction to Programming in Python IT & Computer Science  Online
Designing and building interactive online training IT & Computer Science  Online
Blended learning and teaching Teaching & Education  Online
Psychology of Consumer Behaviour Social, Behaviour & Welfare Online
Lawyering, Technology and Innovation Business, Management & Law Blended
Law and analytics Business, Management & Law Online
Entertainment Law Business, Management & Law Online
Future of Artificial Intelligence IT & Computer Science Online
Product development, validation and authorisation Agriculture & Food Systems, Food & Nutrition Online
Ethics and law for Artificial Intelligence Business, Management & Law, IT & Computer Science Online
Data Analysis and Visualisation IT & Computer Science Online
Green Labs Principles and Practice Science & Engineering Online
Responsible Management and Leadership Business, Management & Law Online
Scientific Arts: Studying how the brain perceives the world through creative practice Creative Arts, Media & Culture Blended
Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing IT & Computer Science Online
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence IT & Computer Science Online
Cúlra agus Comhthéacs na Gaeltachta Humanities & Languages Blended
Próiseas na Pleanála Teanga Humanities & Languages Blended
Próiseas na Pleanála Teanga I Humanities & Languages Blended
Próiseas na Pleanála Teanga II Humanities & Languages Blended
An Anailís Sochtheangeolaíochta I Humanities & Languages Blended
An Anailís Sochtheangeolaíochta II Humanities & Languages Blended
An Caighdeán Oifigiúil Humanities & Languages Online
Aistriúchán Téacsanna 1 Humanities & Languages Online
Cruinnscríobh agus Comhréir na Gaeilge Humanities & Languages Blended
Irish for Beginners  Humanities & Languages On Campus
Irish for Beginners Sem 2 Humanities & Languages On Campus
Teanga an Ghnó Humanities & Languages Online
Cruinnscríobh na Gaeilge 1 Humanities & Languages Blended
Cruinnscríobh na Gaeilge 2 Humanities & Languages Blended
Éisteacht agus Labhairt 1 B1 Humanities & Languages Online
Léamh agus Scríobh 1 B1 Humanities & Languages Online
Scríobh agus Léamh 1 Humanities & Languages Online
Éisteacht & Labhairt 1 Humanities & Languages Online
School Self-Evaluation: A data-informed approach Teaching & Education Blended
Digital literacy and young people Teaching & Education Online
Enterprise Development Business, Management & Law Online
Green Hydrogen Technology, Design and Analysis Science & Engineering Online
Sustainability Planning in Construction Science & Engineering Blended
Innovation and Enterpreneurship Science & Engineering Blended
Digital Construction Technologies Science & Engineering Blended
Modern Methods of Construction Science & Engineering Blended
Modern Methods of Construction PG Cert Science & Engineering Blended
Passive House Designer Science & Engineering Blended
Machine Design Science & Engineering Online
Automation 1 Science & Engineering Online
Automation 2 Science & Engineering Online
Manufacturing Technology Science & Engineering Online
Mental Health Promotion Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Promoting Healthy Behaviours Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Promoting Health in the Workplace Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Inclusive Businesses, co-created with and for people with communication difficulties Business, Management & Law Online
Sustainability Measurement: An Introduction to Life Cycle Management & Assessment Science & Engineering Online
Quantum Programming IT & Computer Science Blended
Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence IT & Computer Science  Online
Promoting Youth Health in Educational Settings Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Project Management Business, Management & Law Online
Advanced Wound Care Management Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Dementia Care: Transforming Practice Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Clinical Governance: Supporting Safe Practice Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
High Dependency Maternity Care Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Care of the Child & Family with Palliative / Complex needs Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Clinical Supervision: Supporting Continuing Professional Development Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Advanced Research Methods Nursing - Healthcare & Medicine Blended
Gemstones and the Commercial World Science & Engineering Blended
Recording Natural Gemstone Properties Science & Engineering Blended

To note: courses will only run if enough places are filled. Learners will be notified as soon as possible of any cancellations.

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