Graduate Studies Form for Modules attached to Structured PhD and/or Research Masters Programmes


Induction and Professional Development

Credits  (ECTS)


Module Places


Module Code:


Elective Places


Indicative Module Descriptor:

This module will provide an induction to the Structured PhD programme via a series of information sessions, workshops, and online tutorials designed to develop students’ transferable and career management skills.  Delivery includes a mixture of in-person and online components.

Indicative Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, students should ….

  • Be aware of the structure and requirements of the Structured PhD programme and the roles of their supervisor and GRC
  • Be able to articulate their specific research (sub)field(s) and demonstrate an understanding of research culture and norms in their area(s)
  • Have gained insight into career development issues and the range of available supports at University of Galway
  • Have experience in writing a CV
  • Be able to identify and communicate their own transferable skills effectively 


Class Contact

Vice Dean Graduate Studies

Information Sessions, Workshops, and/or Online Tutorials

All students must attend a PGR orientation session and attend/complete a core set of (short) compulsory workshops and/or online tutorials. In addition, students must attend/complete a minimum of five additional workshops and/or online tutorials selected from a wide range of optional choices. 

Specified Assignment(s)



CV and Transferable Skills Assignment

Know Your (Sub)Field(s) Assignment

Personal Progress and Final Reflections Assignment

Autonomous Student Learning

Recommended readings on career development




% of marks


Mandatory attendance/completion of information sessions, workshops, and/or online tutorials

{Attendance' for the workshops will be tracked via Canvas.

'Completion' for the online tutorials (where completion certificates are issued by LinkedIn Learning must be submitted via Canvas by the student}.




Pass / Fail