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August 2012 CAO Points Soar for Science, Medicine, IT and Engineering at NUI Galway
CAO Points Soar for Science, Medicine, IT and Engineering at NUI Galway
Monday, 20 August 2012
Following national trends, points for NUI Galway’s courses has seen a dramatic increase of 51% this year. Demand for Science, Medicine, IT and Engineering have all soared in the CAO first round offers from NUI Galway, with sights firmly fixed on the jobs markets in these areas.
Medicine at NUI Galway has seen a substantial increase in demand across all courses*, in particular Midwifery, up 30 points to 450 and Psychiatric Nursing degree increasing 25 points in 2012.
NUI Galway’s Undenominated Bachelor of Engineering and Civil Engineering courses have increased from 400 points in 2011 to 430. Electronic and Computer Engineering has also jumped 40 points to 445 this year. Courses such as Biomedical Engineering (425 to 430), Sports and Exercise Engineering (380 to 400), Energy Systems Engineering (410 to 430), Project and Construction Management (315 to 325) and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (445 to 455) have all seen an increase in CAO points.
Points for the majority of Science courses have increased this year with NUI Galway’s Biomedical Science degree seeing a substantial increase of 35 points to 550, with Biotechnology also jumping up 30 points to 445 this year. Specialised Science programmes have also increased such as Biopharmaceutical Chemistry degree increasing 80 points to 495, Mathematical Science (455 to 485), Earth and Ocean Sciences (365 to 380), Physics and Applied Physics (390 to 400) and Physics with Astrophysics (390 to 405).
The Computer Science and Information Technology course has increased by 25 points to 415 this year with Business Information Systems degree also leaping to 370 from 355 in 2011.
As with national trends Humanities programmes at NUI Galway has seen a dip in points this year. However specialised courses such as the BA sa Cumarsáid has increased 25 points to 350. Similar with Business courses nationally specialised programmes such as Commerce with French see a rise of 20 points to 495 this year.
NUI Galway’s Admission Officer, Stephen O’Dea, said: ‘This year, as with last year, CAO applicants have their eyes firmly set on the jobs market as we once again witness increases in the entry level points for courses in Science, Medicine, IT and Engineering, with 87% of all courses in these areas showing points increases over last year. As expected, and in line with national trends, demand for Humanities courses are down, however specialised Arts courses continue to perform well. Applicants are making well-informed decisions; they are choosing courses where the University has unique strengths and a well-established reputation. In particular, our Biomedical Science, IT and Engineering courses have proved very popular this year, which are supported by heavy investment in the Capital Infrastructure Project as new buildings, to house these courses, come on line. For example the new Engineering Building, a world-class teaching and research facility opened last year, accommodates some 1,100 students and 110 staff. The 14,250sqm building supports an emerging generation of engineers, engaged in a new wave of technologies, embracing innovation and entrepreneurship.”
Pointí CAO méadaithe go mór don Eolaíocht, Leigheas, IT agus Innealtóireacht in OÉ Gaillimh
Tá méadú suntasach 51% tagtha ar phointí do chúrsaí OÉ Gaillimh i mbliana, ag teacht leis an méid atá ag tarlú ar fud na tíre. Tá an-éileamh ar Eolaíocht, Leigheas, IT agus Innealtóireacht sa chéad bhabhta de thairiscintí CAO ó OÉ Gaillimh, mar gheall ar mhargadh na bpost sna réimsí sin.
Tá an-éileamh tagtha ar gach cúrsa Leighis* in OÉ Gaillimh, go háirithe Cnáimhseachas, tá méadú 30 pointe go 450 pointe tagtha air sin agus tá méadú 25 pointe tagtha ar chéim san Altranas Síciatrach in 2012.
Tá méadú ó 400 pointe in 2011 go 430 pointe tagtha ar Bhaitsiléirí Neamhainmnithe san Innealtóireacht agus san Innealtóireacht Shibhialta in OÉ Gaillimh. Tá méadú 40 pointe go 445 tagtha ar Innealtóireacht Leictreonach agus Ríomhaireachta i mbliana. Tá méadú tagtha ar phointí CAO a theastaíonn ar chúrsaí cosúil le Innealtóireacht Bhithleighis (425 go 430), Innealtóireacht Spóirt agus Aclaíochta (380 go 400), Innealtóireacht Chórais Fuinnimh (410 go 430), Bainistíocht Tionscadail agus Foirgníochta (315 go 325) agus Innealtóireacht Leictreach agus Leictreonach (445 go 455).
Tá méadú tagtha ar phointí d’fhormhór na gcúrsaí Eolaíochta i mbliana agus tá méadú suntasach 35 pointe tagtha ar an gcéim san Eolaíocht Bhithmhíochaine in OÉ Gaillimh go 550, agus méadú 30 pointe tagtha ar Bhiteicneolaíocht go 445 i mbliana. Tá méadú tagtha chomh maith ar shainchláir Eolaíochta cosúil le céim sa Cheimic Bhithchógaisíochta a mhéadaigh 80 pointe go 495, Eolaíocht Mhatamaiticiúil (455 go 485), Eolaíochtaí Domhain agus Aigéin (365 go 380), Fisic agus Fisic Fheidhmeach (390 go 400) agus Fisic le Réaltfhisic (390 go 405).
Tá méadú 25 pointe tagtha ar an gcúrsa Ríomheolaíochta agus Teicneolaíochta Faisnéise go 415 i mbliana agus léim an chéim Córais Faisnéise Gnó go 370 ó 355 in 2011.
Mar atá ag tarlú ar fud na tíre, tháinig laghdú ar phointí do chláir sna Daonnachtaí in OÉ Gaillimh i mbliana. Mar sin féin, tháinig méadú 25 pointe ar shainchláir cosúil leis an BA sa Chumarsáid go 350 pointe. Cosúil le cúrsaí Gnó ar fud na tíre tháinig méadú 20 pointe go 495 ar shainchláir cosúil le Tráchtáil le Fraincis i mbliana.
Dúirt Oifigeach Iontrála OÉ Gaillimh, Stephen O’Dea: “I mbliana, ach an oiread leis an mbliain seo caite, tá iarratasóirí CAO ag coinneáil súil ghéar ar mhargadh na bpost agus arís eile tá sé le feiceáil againn an méadú atá tagtha ar na pointí a theastaíonn do chúrsaí Eolaíochta, Leighis, IT agus Innealtóireachta. Tá méadú tagtha ar na pointí ar 87% de na cúrsaí sna réimsí seo le bliain anuas. Mar a bhíothas ag súil leis, agus ag teacht leis an méid atá ag tarlú ar fud na tíre, laghdaigh an t-éileamh ar chúrsaí sna Daonnachtaí, ach tá ag éirí go maith i gcónaí le sainchláir sna Dána. Tá iarratasóirí ag déanamh cinntí maithe; tá siad ag roghnú cúrsaí a bhfuil an Ollscoil láidir iontu agus a bhfuil cáil ar an Ollscoil dá mbarr. Tá an-tóir ar chúrsaí san Eolaíocht Bhithmhíochaine, san IT agus san Innealtóireacht anseo i mbliana, agus tá infheistíocht mhór déanta san Infreastruchtúr Caipitil agus foirgnimh nua á dtógáil chun na cúrsaí seo a chur ar bun iontu. Mar shampla an Foirgneamh nua Innealtóireachta, áis Teagaisc agus Taighde den scoth a d’oscail anuraidh agus ina mbíonn 1,100 mac léinn agus 110 comhalta foirne. Tá an foirgneamh 14,250 méadar cearnach ina chnámh taca ag glúin nua innealtóirí a rachaidh i ngleic le teicneolaíochtaí nua agus a thabharfaidh faoin nuálaíocht agus faoin bhfiontraíocht.”
Keywords: Press.
Author: Marketing and Communications Office, NUI Galway
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