For Parents and Guardians of First Years

Congratulations! Your son or daughter is entering University. All that effort they put in, as well as all those years of encouraging and nurturing and guiding that you put in, as a parent or guardian, has paid off.

For most parents, the pride and joy that is experienced when their son or daughter heads off to university is often coupled with twinges of worry.  Every family is unique as is each individual within it, with their own particular challenges, joys, expectations, and concerns.

If you have any questions you can contact our designated first year student hotline on 091 493999.

Changes in your Relationship

When students go to university for the first time, their maturity and independence evolve at a rapid pace. They develop support systems outside the family unit and start to fine-tune their own interests and problem-solving abilities. This transitional period can be filled with a mixture of emotions for both parent and student. We hope that the joys will far outweigh any concerns.

The transition into third level education is complex – exciting and scary all at the same time for both students and parents.  It is a transition for you as well as for your student.  How can you find the balance between being involved as a parent, and encouraging independence?

For more information go to the Changes in your Relationship page.

Student Finance

Information on course fees, funding options, and the cost of living in Galway and financial supports for University study.

For more information go to

How will the University support them?

There are a range of facilities and supports available to undergraduate students.

For more information go to