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February 2015 Mick Loftus to Receive Honorary Doctorate at NUI Galway
Mick Loftus to Receive Honorary Doctorate at NUI Galway
Almost 40 students will be conferred with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by NUI Galway today. During the ceremony the University will also confer an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree on former GAA President, Dr Mick Loftus.
A retired coroner and GP, Mick Loftus served as the 28th President of the GAA from 1985 to 1988. As a football player, Dr Loftus played for his native Crossmolina (now Deel Rovers), winning a Mayo Senior Championship medal in 1947, and a Junior medal in 1955. He represented his county at Junior, Minor, and Senior levels, and was captain of the Mayo team that won the 1957 All-Ireland Junior final. He had also been a member of the Mayo team that won the 1951 All-Ireland Senior Football Final. He refereed the All-Ireland Senior Football Final in 1965 and 1968, and the Minor final in 1964. He also participated as Chairperson of the National Referees’ Committee and the Rules Revision Group, and was President of the Connacht Council.
Dr Loftus is an advocate for active aging, and was a recipient in the first All-Ireland Inspirational Life Award for his work as chairman of National Council of Aging and Older People, and participated in the 2011 World Senior Games, winning four medals in the 80-85 age group: gold in the 3000m and 400m, silver in the 1500m and 150m. At a previous games, he had broken the world record for 2000m in the 75-79 age group.
All Colleges of the University will be represented at the ceremony, with graduands from the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, the College of Business, Public Policy and Law; the College of Engineering and Informatics; the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; and the College of Science.
NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne said: “I would like to congratulate each graduate on their achievement in earning their doctorate degrees. We in NUI Galway are determined that this University will play its full part in producing the graduates and the leaders who will create the future. We have significantly increased our number of PhD graduates in recent years as we strive to meet the needs of the knowledge and innovation economy. I congratulate our honorary graduate, Dr Mick Loftus who we honour today for his contribution to public life in Ireland as an advocate of healthy living, a campaigner against alcohol abuse and for his leadership in the world of sport.”
The next conferring to take place at NUI Galway will be the conferring of Honorary Degrees on Friday, 12 June and the summer conferring on Thursday, 18 June.
Céim Dhochtúireachta Oinigh le bronnadh ag OÉ Gaillimh ar iar-Uachtarán CLG, an Dr Mick Loftus
Bronnfaidh OÉ Gaillimh Dochtúir Fealsúnachta (PhD) ar nach mór 40 mac léinn Dé hAoine, 20 Feabhra. Le linn an tsearmanais sin, chomh maith, bronnfaidh an Ollscoil Dochtúireacht Oinigh le Dlí ar iar-Uachtarán CLG, an Dr Mick Loftus.
Cróinéir agus dochtúir teaghlaigh atá ar scor é Mick Loftus agus bhí sé ina Uachtarán ar CLG ó 1985 go dtí 1988. Ba é an t-ochtú Uachtarán agus fiche ar an eagraíocht sin é. Peileadóir a bhí ann a d’imir do Chrois Mhaoilíona (Ruagairí na Daoile mar a thugtar orthu anois), a áit dhúchais. Bhuaigh sé bonn Craoibhe Sinsir Mhaigh Eo i 1947, agus bonn Craoibhe Sóisir i 1955. D’imir sé dá chontae sna Sóisir, sna Mionúir agus sna Sinsir agus bhí sé ina chaptaen ar fhoireann Mhaigh Eo a bhuaigh craobh na hÉireann sna Sóisir i 1957. Bhí sé ar fhoireann Mhaigh Eo a bhuaigh Cluiche Ceannais na hÉireann sa Pheil i 1951 chomh maith. Rinne sé réiteoireacht ar Chluiche Ceannais na hÉireann i 1965 agus 1968, agus ar Chluiche Ceannais na Mionúr i 1964. Bhí sé ina Chathaoirleach ar Choiste Náisiúnta na Réiteoirí agus ar an nGrúpa Athbhreithnithe Rialacha, agus bhí sé ina Uachtarán ar Chomhairle Chonnacht.
Bíonn an Dr Loftus ag iarraidh daoine atá ag dul in aois a spreagadh le bheith aclaí. Bronnadh an chéad Ghradam Uile-Éireann as Saol Inspioráideach a Chaitheamh air mar aitheantas as a chuid oibre mar chathaoirleach ar Chomhairle Náisiúnta na nAosach agus na nDaoine Breacaosta. Bhí sé páirteach i gCluichí Seanóirí an Domhain in 2011, agus bhuaigh sé ceithre bhonn san aoisghrúpa idir 80 agus 85 bliain d’aois: bonn óir sa rás 3000m agus sa rás 400m, agus bonn airgid sa rás 1500m agus sa rás 150m. Sna cluichí céanna cúpla bliain roimhe sin, sháraigh sé curiarracht dhomhanda an ráis 2000m san aoisghrúpa idir 75 agus 79 bliain d’aois.
Beidh ionadaithe ó gach Coláiste san Ollscoil i láthair ag an searmanas, agus beidh céimeanna á mbronnadh ar mhic léinn ó Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta agus an Léinn Cheiltigh; ó Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí; ó Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice; ó Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Leighis; agus ó Choláiste na hEolaíochta.
Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne: “Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le gach céimí as a gcéim dhochtúireachta a bheith bainte amach acu. Tá OÉ Gaillimh diongbháilte de go ndéanfaidh an Ollscoil seo a dícheall chun céimithe agus ceannairí a chur ar fáil a bheidh ábalta cor a chur i gcinniúint na tíre seo. Tá méadú mór ar líon ár gcéimithe PhD le blianta beaga anuas agus táimid ag déanamh ár ndíchill le freastal ar riachtanais gheilleagar an eolais agus na nuálaíochta. Ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh lenár gcéimí oinigh, an Dr Mick Loftus. Táimid ag tabhairt ómóis dó inniu as a bhfuil déanta aige don saol poiblí in Éirinn; as dea-shampla a thabhairt do dhaoine le saol sláintiúil a chaitheamh, as a bheith ina fheachtasóir in éadan mí-úsáid alcóil agus as an gceannaireacht atá léirithe aige i saol an spóirt.”
Is é bronnadh na gCéimeanna Oinigh an chéad bhronnadh céimeanna eile a bheidh ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh Dé hAoine, 12 Meitheamh agus beidh bronnadh céimeanna an tsamhraidh ar siúl Déardaoin, 18 Meitheamh.
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