Teaching Programming & Computational Thinking in Early Childhood, Primary & Secondary Education

Nov 07 2022 Posted: 09:57 GMT

Methodologies, Applications and Programmes - Teaching Programming and Computational Thinking in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education

Speaker: Prof. Raquel Hijón Neira
Monday, 21st November 2022 at 11 am
Zoom: https://nuigalway-ie.zoom.us/j/92297028763

The interest in children learning to code has grown exponentially recently. In recent years, we have tried effective ways to bring programming to the classrooms of Primary and Early Childhood Education.

In this talk, the experiences carried out to bring programming closer to these levels are explained: proposed methodologies, applications and programs used and developed, different approaches, different types of interaction and results obtained in both stages, as well as some experiences to support the introduction of programming in Secondary Education and future work.

In Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, results are presented in which significant improvements are observed using different approaches and ways of interaction, which depend on factors such as age.

For further information on this and all our Research Seminars please contact Dr Cornelia Connolly cornelia.connolly@universityofgalway.ie

Research Seminar Coding



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