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Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Dr Lesa Ní Mhunghaile

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | 'An dearcadh a léirítear ar fheidhmiú an dlí in Éirinn i bhfoinsí Gaeilge ón 18ú agus 19ú haois'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2011) 'An dearcadh a léirítear ar fheidhmiú an dlí in Éirinn i bhfoinsí Gaeilge ón 18ú agus 19ú haois'. Studia Hibernica, 36 :105-134 [Details] |
(2010) | 'An eighteenth-century Gaelic scribe's private library: Muiris Ó Gormáin’s books'
Ní Mhunghaile (2010) 'An eighteenth-century Gaelic scribe's private library: Muiris Ó Gormáin’s books'. Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy Section C-Archaeology Celtic Studies History Linguistics Literature, 110C :239-276 [Details] |
(2003) | 'Joseph Cooper Walker (1761-1810): cúrsaí féiniúlachta agus an deighilt sheicteach'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2003) 'Joseph Cooper Walker (1761-1810): cúrsaí féiniúlachta agus an deighilt sheicteach'. Taighde Agus Teagasc, 3 :45-56 [Details] |
(2002) | 'Joseph Cooper Walker, James Macpherson agus Melchiorre Cesarotti 17'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2002) 'Joseph Cooper Walker, James Macpherson agus Melchiorre Cesarotti 17'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland Iris An Dá Chultúr, 17 :79-98 [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | Amhráin na Midhe le hÉnrí Ó Muirgheasa. Athchóiriú agus Aistriúcháin le Lesa Ní Mhunghaile.
Ní Mhunghaile, Lesa (2015) Amhráin na Midhe le hÉnrí Ó Muirgheasa. Athchóiriú agus Aistriúcháin le Lesa Ní Mhunghaile. Navan: Meath Archaeological and Historical Society. [Details] |
(2013) | Ré Órga na nGael. Joseph Cooper Walker 1761-1810.
Ní Mhunghaile,Lesa (2013) Ré Órga na nGael. Joseph Cooper Walker 1761-1810. Indreabhán: Cló Iar-Chonnacht. [Details] |
(2009) | Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry.
Ní Mhunghaile, Lesa (2009) Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry. Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Comission. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | 'Edward Lhuyd, Roderick O'Flaherty: Antiquarianism and the vindication of Irish culture after Cromwell'
Ní Mhunghaile (2024) 'Edward Lhuyd, Roderick O'Flaherty: Antiquarianism and the vindication of Irish culture after Cromwell' In: The Oxford History of the Irish Book vol. ii. The printed book in Irish 1557-2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2024) | 'Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2024) 'Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)' In: The Oxford History of the Irish Book vol. ii. The printed book in Irish 1557-2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details] |
(2021) | ''Master-pieces of their kind': the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century reception of the songs of Carolan'
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2021) ''Master-pieces of their kind': the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century reception of the songs of Carolan' In: The Oxford Handbook of Irish Song, 1100-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Re-Imagining Feminist Protest in Contemporary Translation: Lament for Art O'Leary and The Midnight Court'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2020) 'Re-Imagining Feminist Protest in Contemporary Translation: Lament for Art O'Leary and The Midnight Court' In: Irish Literature in Transition, 1700-1780. Volume I. :365-381 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details] |
(2020) | 'Gaelic Literature in Transition, 1780-1830'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2020) 'Gaelic Literature in Transition, 1780-1830' In: Irish Literature in Transition, 1780-1830. Volume II. :37-51 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details] |
(2018) | 'Futures Past: Enlightenment and Antiquarianism in the Eighteenth Century'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. and Michael Brown (2018) 'Futures Past: Enlightenment and Antiquarianism in the Eighteenth Century' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland, Vol III 1730-1880. :380-405 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details] |
(2017) | 'Ossian and the Gaelic World'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2017) 'Ossian and the Gaelic World' In: The International Companion to James Macpherson and the Poems of Ossian. :26-38 Glasgow: Scottish Literature International. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2016) | ''An Solamh Sochmadh': Seon Mac Solaidh agus Ciorcal Uí Neachtain'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2016) ''An Solamh Sochmadh': Seon Mac Solaidh agus Ciorcal Uí Neachtain' In: Saothrú na Gaeilge Scríofa i Suímh Uirbeacha na hÉireann 1700-1850. 'Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies. Foilseacháin 2. :74-95 Dublin: National University of Ireland. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Charles O'Conor's contribution to Irish language scholarship'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2015) 'Charles O'Conor's contribution to Irish language scholarship' In: Charles O'Conor of Ballinagare: essays on his life and works. :211-226 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2015) | 'Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha: samhlú an náisiúin agus Coimisiún na Gaeltachta'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2015) 'Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha: samhlú an náisiúin agus Coimisiún na Gaeltachta' In: 'Rí na Gréine': Aistí i gcuimhne ar An Seabhac. :23-46 Dublin: An Cumann le Béaloideas Éireann. [Details] |
(2015) | 'The Irish language in County Meath, 1700-1900'
Ní Mhunghaile (2015) 'The Irish language in County Meath, 1700-1900' In: Meath. History and Society. Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. Dublin: Geography Publications. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Gabriel Rosenstock (*1949):The Rejection of the Early Morning Dew'
Sabine Egger (ed.) (2014) 'Gabriel Rosenstock (*1949):The Rejection of the Early Morning Dew' In: Cultural/Literary Translators. Selected Irish-German Biographies II. :195-210 Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Saothrú Léann na Gaeilge i gCo. na Mí san 18ú agus 19ú haois'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2014) 'Saothrú Léann na Gaeilge i gCo. na Mí san 18ú agus 19ú haois' In: Léachtaí Cholm Cille XLIV. Oidhreacht Uí Ghramhnaigh. :104-128 Má Nuad: Léachtaí Cholm Cille. [Details] |
(2013) | 'Doing an Acceptable Service to my Country: Political Thought in Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry'
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2013) 'Doing an Acceptable Service to my Country: Political Thought in Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry' In: Political Ideas of Enlightenment women. Virtue and Citizenship. :203-216 Farnham: Ashgate. [Details] |
(2012) | 'Tionchar Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789) le Charlotte Brooke ar oidhreacht liteartha na Gaeilge sa naoú haois déag'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2012) 'Tionchar Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789) le Charlotte Brooke ar oidhreacht liteartha na Gaeilge sa naoú haois déag' In: Éigse Loch Lao 1. :87-106 Belfast: Éigse Loch Lao. [Details] |
(2012) | 'Bilingualism, print culture in Irish and the public sphere, 1700-c.1830'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2012) 'Bilingualism, print culture in Irish and the public sphere, 1700-c.1830' In: Linguistic and cultural frontiers: Irish and English, 1650-1850. :218-242 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2011) | 'The Legal System in Ireland and the Irish Language 1700-c.1843'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2011) 'The Legal System in Ireland and the Irish Language 1700-c.1843' In: Law and the Irish, 1689-1848: power, privilege and practice. :325-358 Ashgate: Aldershot. [Details] |
(2010) | 'The intersection between oral tradition, manuscript and print cultures in Charlotte Brooke’s Reliques of Irish poetry (1789)'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) 'The intersection between oral tradition, manuscript and print cultures in Charlotte Brooke’s Reliques of Irish poetry (1789)' In: Oral and print cultures in Ireland, 1600-1900. :14-31 Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] |
(2010) | 'To open treasures so long locked up”: aidhmeanna agus cur chuige Charlotte Brooke ina saothar Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) 'To open treasures so long locked up”: aidhmeanna agus cur chuige Charlotte Brooke ina saothar Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)' In: Léachtaí Cholm Cille XL. Foinn agus Focail. :59-102 Má Nuad: An Sagart. [Details] |
(2010) | 'Anglo-Irish Antiquarianism in Longford in the 1780s: the case of Charlotte Brooke'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) 'Anglo-Irish Antiquarianism in Longford in the 1780s: the case of Charlotte Brooke' In: Longford: History and Society. Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. :237-258 Dublin: Geography Publications. [Details] |
(2010) | 'The Irish language and Gaelic literary heritage of County Longford in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) 'The Irish language and Gaelic literary heritage of County Longford in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries' In: Longford: History and Society. Interdisciplinary essays on the History of an Irish County. :283-296 Dublin: Geography Publications. [Details] |
(2009) | 'Anglo-Irish Antiquarianism and the Transformation of Irish Identity, 1750-1800'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) 'Anglo-Irish Antiquarianism and the Transformation of Irish Identity, 1750-1800' In: Anglo-Irish Identities 1600-1800. :181-198 Lewisberg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press. [Details] |
(2009) | 'Muiris Ó Gormáin (?-1793): scoláire idir dhá chultúr'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) 'Muiris Ó Gormáin (?-1793): scoláire idir dhá chultúr' In: Diasa Díograise. Aistí in omós do Mháirtín Ó Briain. :215-236 Indreabhán: Cló Iar-Chonnachta. [Details] |
(2008) | ''My comparatively feeble hand': iarrachtaí Charlotte Brooke mar aistritheoir in Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2008) ''My comparatively feeble hand': iarrachtaí Charlotte Brooke mar aistritheoir in Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789)' In: Aistriú Éireann. Gnéithe de Chultúr an Aistriúcháin Liteartha in Éirinn. :68-82 Belfast: Queen's University Press. [Details] |
(2007) | 'James Macpherson und Ossian. Eine literarische Kontroverse zwischen National- und Universalkultur'
Ní Mhunghaile, Lesa (2007) 'James Macpherson und Ossian. Eine literarische Kontroverse zwischen National- und Universalkultur' In: Aufklärung zwischen Nationalkultur und Universalismus. :155-166 Hannover-Laatzen: Wehrhahn Verlag. [Details] |
(2007) | 'Carolan's Verse'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2007) 'Carolan's Verse' In: Amhráin Chearbhalláin/The Poems of Carolan: Reassessments. :43-64 London: Irish Texts Society. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium XXIII (2003)
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) Joseph Cooper Walker's Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards: Significance and Impac . In: Betinna Kimpton eds. Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium XXIII (2003) Cambridge, Mass, , pp.232-248 [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Rí na Gréine': Aistí i gCuimhne ar An Seabhac.
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile, Deirdre Ní Loingsigh agus Ríonach uí Ógáin (Ed.). (2015) 'Rí na Gréine': Aistí i gCuimhne ar An Seabhac 'Rí na Gréine': Aistí i gCuimhne ar An Seabhac. Dublin: An Cumann le Béaloideas Éireann. [Details] |
(2011) | New Perspectives on the Penal Laws. Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Special issue no. 1.
John Bergin, Eoin Magennis, Lesa Ní Mhunghaile and Patrick Walsh (Ed.). (2011) New Perspectives on the Penal Laws. Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Special issue no. 1 New Perspectives on the Penal Laws. Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Special issue no. 1. Dublin: Eighteenth Century Ireland Society. [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2025) | ''This fanatical and dauntless lady': Nano Aiken, internment and the end of the Irish Revolution in the North, 1923-1924'
Ní Mhunghaile, L.; Magennis, E. (2025) ''This fanatical and dauntless lady': Nano Aiken, internment and the end of the Irish Revolution in the North, 1923-1924' History Ireland, . [Details] |
(2025) | 'The Brú na Midhe Irish-language summer hostel, Clann na hÉireann and nation building in the period 1937-1970'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2025) 'The Brú na Midhe Irish-language summer hostel, Clann na hÉireann and nation building in the period 1937-1970' Ríocht na Midhe, :280-307. [Details] |
(2011) | 'Charlotte Brooke, her political and literary connections and the genesis of Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789) 245-261'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2011) 'Charlotte Brooke, her political and literary connections and the genesis of Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789) 245-261' Breifne, 46 :245-261. [Details] |
(2011) | 'Scribal networks and manuscript circulation in Meath during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries'
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2011) 'Scribal networks and manuscript circulation in Meath during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries' Ríocht na Midhe, 22 :131-149. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | An Chomhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge 2024,
Ó hAisibéil, L.; Woods, J.; Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2024) Ómós Áite i Litríocht agus i gCultúr na Gaeilge. [Conference Organising Committee Member], An Chomhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge 2024, Áras na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe , 27-SEP-24 - 28-SEP-24. [Details] |
(2023) | Armagh History Group Public Lecture,
Ní Mhughaile, L., and Eoin Magennis (2023) Escaping gender in County Armagh?: The case of Nano Aiken in the Irish Revolution, 1918-1924. [Invited Oral Presentation], Armagh History Group Public Lecture, Armagh , 11-OCT-23. [Details] |
(2023) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge,
Ní Mhunghaile, L.; Downey, C.; Woods, J. (2023) Comhdháil bhliantúil Roinn na Gaeilge. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe , 07-OCT-23 - 07-OCT-23. [Details] |
(2019) | Oxford Seminar in Irish History, Hertford College, Oxford,
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2019) The Hidden Ireland: Re-visiting a Concept. [Invited Oral Presentation], Oxford Seminar in Irish History, Hertford College, Oxford, Hertford College, Oxford , 20-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Labour, Gender, and Class in the Struggle for Irish Independence, NUIG, 7-9 November,
Ní Mhunghaile, L. & Eoin Magennis (2019) 'Gender and class in the North-East border region, 1918-1924: The case of Nano Aiken'. [Oral Presentation], Labour, Gender, and Class in the Struggle for Irish Independence, NUIG, 7-9 November, NUIG , 07-NOV-19 - 09-NOV-19. [Details] |
(2016) | 1916 agus an Fhéiniúlacht Náisiúnta,
Ní Mhunghaile, L.; Walsh, J. (2016) Comhdháil Speisialta ag comóradh 1916. Comhdháil bhliaintiúil Roinn na Gaeilge. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 1916 agus an Fhéiniúlacht Náisiúnta, NUI Galway , 07-OCT-16 - 08-OCT-16. [Details] |
(2016) | Eighteenth Century Ireland Annual Conference,
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2016) Annual Eighteenth Century Ireland Society Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Eighteenth Century Ireland Annual Conference, NUI Galway , 10-JUN-16 - 11-JUN-16. [Details] |
(2019) | Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019 Public Lecture,
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2019) The Irish Language in County Meath 1700-1900. [Invited Lecture], Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019 Public Lecture, Navan County Library , 14-MAR-19. [Details] |
(2018) | Seimineár Leathlae ar Roinnt Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge sna Bailiúcháin Speisialta UCD,
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2018) 'An duanaire filíochta san ochtú agus sa naoú céad déag: fianaise ó na lámhscríbhinní sna Bailiúcháin Speisialta', Seimineár Leathlae ar Roinnt Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge sna Bailiúcháin Speisialta UCD. [Invited Oral Presentation], Seimineár Leathlae ar Roinnt Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge sna Bailiúcháin Speisialta UCD, UCD , 30-NOV-18 - 30-NOV-18. [Details] |
(2017) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge,
Ó hAisibéil, L.; Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2017) Comhdháil bhliantúil Roinn na Gaeilge. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus ar Chultúr na Gaeilge, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh , 06-OCT-17 - 07-OCT-17. [Details] |
(2015) | Post-Print Manuscript Cultures in Ireland, Scotland and Iceland',
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2015) `Tiobrach ionmhain ó Fhine Gall: Richard Tipper's Scribal Legacy'. [Oral Presentation], Post-Print Manuscript Cultures in Ireland, Scotland and Iceland', Magee Campus, University of Ulster , 10-SEP-15 - 11-SEP-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Meath History Workshop [Workshop Leader],
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2015) Workshop on Irish-language sources for local history. [Invited Oral Presentation], Meath History Workshop [Workshop Leader], Kells, Co. Meath , 19-SEP-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Comhdháil Lae in Ómós do Úna Nic Éinrí,
Ní Mhughaile, L. (2015) ''Tiobrach ionmhain ó Fhine Gall': Risteard Tiobar agus ciorcail Neachtain'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Comhdháil Lae in Ómós do Úna Nic Éinrí, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 15-MAY-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Royal Irish Academy Public Lecture,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2015) 'The last of the great antiquarians of the past': Standish Hayes O'Grady, 1832-1915. [Invited Lecture], Royal Irish Academy Public Lecture, RIA, Dublin , 01-APR-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Word-Bridges: Translation in Ireland 1700-1900,
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2015) International Conference on Translation History. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Word-Bridges: Translation in Ireland 1700-1900, NUI Galway , 20-FEB-15 - 20-FEB-15. [Details] |
(2014) | Longford Historical Society Public Lecture,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2014) Charlotte Brooke c.1750-1793. [Invited Lecture], Longford Historical Society Public Lecture, Longford , 20-MAR-14. [Details] |
(2014) | Siompósiam ar Phádraig Ó Siochfhradha 1883-1964,
Ní Mhughaile, L., Deirdre Ní Loingsigh, Ciara Breathnach (2014) Siompósiam ar Phádraig Ó Siochfhradha 1883-1964. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Siompósiam ar Phádraig Ó Siochfhradha 1883-1964, gColáiste Íde, Baile an Ghóilín, An Daingean, Ciarraí , 07-MAR-14 - 08-MAR-14. [Details] |
(2014) | UCD Centre for Canadian Studies Distinguished Lecture Series,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2014) 'The prevalence of the Irish language in Eastern Ontario during the nineteenth century: Evidence from the Canadian Census'. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], UCD Centre for Canadian Studies Distinguished Lecture Series, UCD Dublin , 24-FEB-14. [Details] |
(2013) | Cumann Seanchais Ard Mhacha Public Lecture,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2013) Scribes and the Irish language in North-East Leinster. [Invited Lecture], Cumann Seanchais Ard Mhacha Public Lecture, Armagh , 04-DEC-13. [Details] |
(2012) | Institute for Scottish and Irish Studies, University of Aberdeen,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2012) The prevalence of the Irish language in Eastern Ontario during the nineteenth century: Evidence from the 1901 Canadian Census. [Invited Lecture], Institute for Scottish and Irish Studies, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen , 15-MAR-12. [Details] |
(2011) | Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2011) 'Charlotte Brooke: faithful translator or imitator?'. [Invited Lecture], Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, Paris , 02-APR-11. [Details] |
(2010) | Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2010) Doing an acceptable service to my country: Reliques of Irish Poetry (1789) le Charlotte Brooke. [Plenary Lecture], Comhdháil ar Litríocht agus Cultúr na Gaeilge, NUI Galway , 15-OCT-10 - 16-OCT-10. [Details] |
(2010) | Eighteenth Century Ireland Society Annual Conference,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2010) The representation of the law in Irish-language sources from the long eighteenth century. [Plenary Lecture], Eighteenth Century Ireland Society Annual Conference, UL, Limerick , 25-JUN-10 - 26-JUN-10. [Details] |
(2008) | Thomond Archaeological Society Lecture Series,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2008) Sylvester O'Halloran (1728-1807). [Invited Lecture], Thomond Archaeological Society Lecture Series, Limerick , 28-APR-08. [Details] |
(2003) | Rare Book's Group of the Librarian Society of Ireland Seminar,
Lesa Ní Mhunghaile (2003) The Reception of Irish literature in early nineteenth-century Germany: Sydney Owenson and Thomas Moore’. [Invited Lecture], Rare Book's Group of the Librarian Society of Ireland Seminar, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 21-NOV-03. [Details] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | Review of Eoin Bourke, Poor Green Erin. German Travel Writers' Narratives on Ireland from Before the 1798 Rising to After the Great Famine.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2013) Review of Eoin Bourke, Poor Green Erin. German Travel Writers' Narratives on Ireland from Before the 1798 Rising to After the Great Famine. Martyn Powell, Patrick Walsh and Pádraig Ó Liatháin Book Review [Details] |
(2013) | Review of Sarah E. McKibben, Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780 Dublin University Press: Dublin 2010).
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2013) Review of Sarah E. McKibben, Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780 Dublin University Press: Dublin 2010). Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr Book Review [Details] |
(2012) | Review of Gregory Schirmer, After the Irish: An Anthology of Poetic Translation (Cork, 2009).
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2012) Review of Gregory Schirmer, After the Irish: An Anthology of Poetic Translation (Cork, 2009). Book Review [Details] |
(2010) | Review of Breandán Ó Conchúir (eag.), Eoghan Rua Ó Súilleabháin. Baile Átha Cliath: Field Day, 2009.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) Review of Breandán Ó Conchúir (eag.), Eoghan Rua Ó Súilleabháin. Baile Átha Cliath: Field Day, 2009. Book Review [Details] |
(2009) | Review of Léann, Iris Chumann Léann na Litríochta, Iml. 1 (2007).
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) Review of Léann, Iris Chumann Léann na Litríochta, Iml. 1 (2007). Book Review [Details] |
(2008) | Review of Michelle O Riordan, Irish Bardic Poetry and Rhetorical Reality. Cork: Cork University Press, 2007.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2008) Review of Michelle O Riordan, Irish Bardic Poetry and Rhetorical Reality. Cork: Cork University Press, 2007. Book Review [Details] |
(2003) | Review of Úna Nic Éinrí, An Cantaire Siúlach: Tadhg Gaelach An Sagart: An Daingean, 2001.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2003) Review of Úna Nic Éinrí, An Cantaire Siúlach: Tadhg Gaelach An Sagart: An Daingean, 2001. Book Review [Details] |
Dictionary Entry
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | 91 biographical entries in Cambridge Dictionary of Irish Biography.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) 91 biographical entries in Cambridge Dictionary of Irish Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dictionary Entry [Details] |
Editorship of Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 25.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2010) Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 25. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
(2009) | Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 24.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2009) Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 24. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
(2008) | Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 23.
Ní Mhunghaile (2008) Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 23. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
(2007) | Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 22.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2007) Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Iris an dá chultúr 22. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
(2006) | Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an dá chultúr 21.
Ní Mhunghaile, L; Magennis, E; McKee, J. (2006) Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an dá chultúr 21. Editorship of Journals [Details] |
Invited Review Articles
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | Review article on Cambridge Dictionary of Irish Biography 9 (Cambridge: CUP 2009).
Ní Mhunghaile, L; Magennis, E. (2010) Review article on Cambridge Dictionary of Irish Biography 9 (Cambridge: CUP 2009). Invited Review Articles [Details] |
(2005) | Ossian and other Scottish Connections and Canons.
Ní Mhunghaile, L. (2005) Ossian and other Scottish Connections and Canons. Invited Review Articles [Details] |
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2014 | Foras na Gaeilge/ACIS: Duais Leabhar Taighde na Bliana/Prize for Books in the Irish Language | American Association for Irish Studies (ACIS) | |
2012 | Cuireadh chun freastal ar ‘HERA JRP Matchmaking Event 2012’ i mBerlin | European Science Foundation | |
1992 | Duais Ollscoile | Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh | |
1991 | Duais Ollscoile | Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh | |
1992 | Scoláireacht Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst (DAAD) | Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst (DAAD) | |
1994 | Comhaltacht MA ó Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh | Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh | |
2010 | Ireland Canada University Foundation Craig Dobbin Award | Ireland Canada University Foundation | |
2010 | Scoláireacht chónaithe ón Centre Culturelle Irlandaise, Páras. | Centre Culturelle Irlandaise, Páras | |
1994 | Scoláireacht bliana ón chun staidéar a dhéanamh ar an mbéaloideas in Ollscoil Joensuu san Fhionlainn | Roinn Oideachais | |
2002 | An chéad duais i gComórtas an Chraoibhín i gcomórtais litríochta Oireachtas na Gaeilge 2002 | Oireachtas na Gaeilge | |
2001 | Comhaltacht iardhochtúireachta in Institiúd de Mórda, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, | PRTLI, NDP agus ag an Aontas Eorpach |
Language | |
Russian | |
French | |
German | |
English | |
Gaeilge |