Dr Rory Kelly

LLB, MSc, DPhil

Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
E: Rory.Kelly@universityofgalway.ie


I teach and research across criminal law with a particular interest in sentencing.

This Year I am teaching Evidence 1, Evidence 2, Criminal Law 2, and Advanced Criminal Justice.

 I co-author Sentencing and Criminal Justice, and my research has been published in leading generalist and criminal law journals.
 I have written on stalking, strangulation, behaviour orders, judicial dissent, maximum sentences, and sentencing for multiple offences amongst other topics. I have three ongoing research projects: 1. retrospective law and sentencing reform; 2. prison labour as punishment; 3. the new stalking and harassment offences.

My research has been cited by the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal; the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal; and the District Court of Western Australia.

It has also been relied on by  the Justice Select Committee (UK); the Department of Justice (USA); the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation (UK); the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (UK); the Sentencing Council (UK); the New South Wales Sentencing Council (Australia); the Judicial Policy Research Institute (Korea) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

I also engage in law and policy reform to include with JUSTICE, the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, and the Sentencing Academy. 

 I have previously worked at University College of London, the University of Oxford, and the Law Commission of England and Wales.