Dr Brian McGrath



I am currently Lecturer and former Programme Director for the MA in Community Development 2000-2016. My studies included a Bachelor of Social Science (1988-91) from UCC, a MA (Community Development; 1993-95) from NUI Galway and a PhD (Land Economy; graduating in 2005) from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. 

I teach at undergraduate level and contribute towards the teaching programme and research supervision of the five taught MAs in the School of Political Science and Sociology.  My work combines both qualitative and quantitative methods of investigation, across a range of areas.  Currently I am interested in coastal and marine issues/disputes, such as aquaculture and the relationship people have with the sea and the coast. I also have an interest in human-nonhuman relations. My past work has also revolved around generating stronger understanding and research evidence in such areas as: social support, policy interventions, civic engagement and educational inclusion.   My research has been published in a number of international journals, including: Journal of Youth Studies, Journal of Rural Studies, Folk Life, Sociologia Ruralis, Community Development Journal, Child & Family Social Work and Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. I have also been involved in a number of international collaborations with academics in the UK (at Newcastle University), the United States (Penn State University; Purdue University) and Australia, in exploring and publishing on themes of: youth civic engagement, educational inclusion, community connectedness and community development.  I have co-edited a book for Routledge (with Susan Kenny, Australia and Rhonda Phillips, USA) entitled: Handbook of Community Development, which was published in 2018.   

I have previously supervised to completion PhDs in the following areas: Muslim immigrant youth; youth transitions among farming youth, the traditional sailing boat (the Galway Hooker) and its social significance in a Gaeltacht community; and the role of digital capital and youth leadership for rural community development in Canada.

Research Interests

sociology and politics of community
coastal and marine issues/disputes
community development
welfare/wellbeing studies

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Starting from `scratch¿: Building young people¿s digital skills through a coding club collaboration with rural public libraries'
Kelly, W., McGrath, B. and Hubbard, D. (2023) 'Starting from `scratch¿: Building young people¿s digital skills through a coding club collaboration with rural public libraries'. Journal Of Librarianship And Information Science, 55 (2):487-499 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) ''That's the boat that reared us'. Maritime culture, place and the role of the 'Galway hooker' in southwest Conamara'
Sabhain, PO;McGrath, B (2020) ''That's the boat that reared us'. Maritime culture, place and the role of the 'Galway hooker' in southwest Conamara'. Folk Life: Journal Of Ethnological Studies, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Traditional sailing boats, embodied knowledge(s) and dwelling in coastal rural communities: The case of the 'Galway Hooker' in South West Conamara, Ireland'
O'Sabhain, P,McGrath, B (2019) 'Traditional sailing boats, embodied knowledge(s) and dwelling in coastal rural communities: The case of the 'Galway Hooker' in South West Conamara, Ireland'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 72 :228-239 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Artists as workers in the rural; precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures'
Mahon, M., McGrath, B., Ó Laoire, L., and Collins, P. (2018) 'Artists as workers in the rural; precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures'. Journal Of Rural Studies, (63):271-279 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'The transformative potential of the arts and culture in sustaining rural futures'
Marie Mahon, Brian McGrath, Lilis O'Laoire (2018) 'The transformative potential of the arts and culture in sustaining rural futures'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 63 :214-216 [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Artists as workers in the rural; precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures'
Mahon, M,McGrath, B,Laoire, LO,Collins, P (2018) 'Artists as workers in the rural; precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 63 :271-279 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Reflecting on 'evidence' and documentation devices in 'translating' community interventions'
McGrath, B (2016) 'Reflecting on 'evidence' and documentation devices in 'translating' community interventions'. Community Development Journal, 51 :179-194 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Farm, place and identity construction among Irish farm youth who migrate'
Cassidy, Anne and McGrath, Brian (2015) 'Farm, place and identity construction among Irish farm youth who migrate'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 37 :20-28 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Adolescents and their networks of social support: real connections in real lives?'
McGrath, B,Brennan, MA,Dolan, P,Barnett, R (2014) 'Adolescents and their networks of social support: real connections in real lives?'. Child & Family Social Work, 19 :237-248 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'The Relationship between 'Non-successor' Farm Offspring and the Continuity of the Irish Family Farm'
Cassidy, A,McGrath, B (2014) 'The Relationship between 'Non-successor' Farm Offspring and the Continuity of the Irish Family Farm'. Sociologia Ruralis, 54 :399-416 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Understanding Youth Civic Engagement: Debates Discourses and Lessons from Practice'
Shaw, A., Brady, B., McGrath, B., Brennan, M. and Dolan, P. (2014) 'Understanding Youth Civic Engagement: Debates Discourses and Lessons from Practice'. Community Development, 45 ((4)):300-316 [Details]
(2014) 'The Relationship between ‘Non-successor’ Farm Offspring and the Continuity of the Irish Family Farm’'
Cassidy, A. and McGrath, B. (2014) 'The Relationship between ‘Non-successor’ Farm Offspring and the Continuity of the Irish Family Farm’'. Sociologia Ruralis, [Details]
(2014) 'The religio-cultural dimensions of life for young Muslim women in a small Irish town'
Brian McGrath and Orla McGarry (2014) 'The religio-cultural dimensions of life for young Muslim women in a small Irish town'. Journal Of Youth Studies, [DOI] [Details]
(2011) ''It's Not Like a Job Now; It's Part of Me: Exploring African Women's Experiences in the Irish Childcare Sector''
McGrath, B. & Garrity, S. (2011) ''It's Not Like a Job Now; It's Part of Me: Exploring African Women's Experiences in the Irish Childcare Sector''. Child Care In Practice, 17 (1):69-86 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Tradition, cultures and communities: Exploring the potentials of music and the arts for community development in Appalachia'
McGrath, B., & Brennan, M.A. (2011) 'Tradition, cultures and communities: Exploring the potentials of music and the arts for community development in Appalachia'. Community Development, 42 (3):332-350 [Details]
(2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Capital'
McGrath, B,Murray, F,Fanning, B,Munck, R (2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Capital'. Globalization, Migration And Social Transformation: Ireland In Europe And The World, :183-192 [Details]
(2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Capital'
McGrath, B;Murray, F (2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Capital'. Globalization, Migration And Social Transformation: Ireland In Europe And The World, :183-192 [Details]
(2010) 'Social capital in community, family and work lives of Brazilian migrant parents in Ireland'
McGrath, B (2010) 'Social capital in community, family and work lives of Brazilian migrant parents in Ireland'. Community, Work & Family, 13 (4):147-165 [Details]
(2010) 'The Intersection of Youth and Community Development in Ireland and Florida: Building Stronger Communities through Youth Civic Engagement'
McGrath, B., Barnett, R., Brennan, MA. (2010) 'The Intersection of Youth and Community Development in Ireland and Florida: Building Stronger Communities through Youth Civic Engagement'. Community Development, 40 (4):331-345 [Details]
(2009) 'School disengagement and 'structural options' Narrative illustrations on an analytical approach'
McGrath, B (2009) 'School disengagement and 'structural options' Narrative illustrations on an analytical approach'. Young, 17 :81-101 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'Brazilian migrants in Ireland: Emergent themes from research and practice on the significance of social networks and social capital'
McGrath, B. and F. Murray (2009) 'Brazilian migrants in Ireland: Emergent themes from research and practice on the significance of social networks and social capital'. Translocations: Migration & Social Change, 5 :1-20 [Details]
(2009) 'Community development and youth civic engagement: research findings from Ireland and Florida'
Barnett, R., Brennan, M., McGrath, B. (2009) 'Community development and youth civic engagement: research findings from Ireland and Florida'. Journal of Community Development Society, [Details]
(2009) 'Adolescent well-being and supporting contexts: a comparison of adolescents in rural Ireland and Florida'
McGrath, B., Brennan, M., Dolan, P. and Barnett, R (2009) 'Adolescent well-being and supporting contexts: a comparison of adolescents in rural Ireland and Florida'. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 19 :299-320 [Details]
(2007) 'Worldviews Apart? Perceptions of Place among Rural, Farm and Urban Young People in Ireland'
McGrath, B. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2007) 'Worldviews Apart? Perceptions of Place among Rural, Farm and Urban Young People in Ireland'. Youth Studies Ireland, 2 (1):17-31 [Details]
(2006) 'Everything is different here…: Enhancing capabilities through inclusive education practices and relationships'
McGrath, B. (2006) 'Everything is different here…: Enhancing capabilities through inclusive education practices and relationships'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 10 (6):595-614 [Details]
(2004) 'Broadening the Parameters of Support: Exploring Community Development Perspectives on 'Family Support' in the West of Ireland'
McGrath, B. (2004) 'Broadening the Parameters of Support: Exploring Community Development Perspectives on 'Family Support' in the West of Ireland'. Administration, 52 (1):69-91 [Details]
(2002) 'Towards the Enablement of 'Unqualified' Rural Youth: A Structurationist Perspective on Socially Inclusive Policy Intervention'
McGrath, B. (2002) 'Towards the Enablement of 'Unqualified' Rural Youth: A Structurationist Perspective on Socially Inclusive Policy Intervention'. Journal of Youth Studies, 5 (3):291-312 [Details]
(2001) 'Bridging the Gap in Traditional Social Care: The Provision of Social Care to Older People within a Rural Community Development Model'
McGrath, B. (2001) 'Bridging the Gap in Traditional Social Care: The Provision of Social Care to Older People within a Rural Community Development Model'. Administration, 49 (3):20-42 [Details]
(2001) 'A problem of resources: defining rural youth encounters in education, work & housing'
McGrath, B (2001) 'A problem of resources: defining rural youth encounters in education, work & housing'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 17 :481-495 [Details]
(2001) 'A problem of resources: defining rural youth encounters in education, work & housing'
McGrath, B (2001) 'A problem of resources: defining rural youth encounters in education, work & housing'. Journal Of Rural Studies, 17 :481-495 [Details]
(1996) 'Environmentalism and Property Rights: The case of the Mullaghmore Interpretive Centre Dispute'
McGrath, B. (1996) 'Environmentalism and Property Rights: The case of the Mullaghmore Interpretive Centre Dispute'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 6 :25-47 [Details]


  Year Publication
(2018) The Routledge Handbook of Community Development: Perspectives from Around the Globe.
Sue Kenny, Brian McGrath, Rhonda Phillips (2018) The Routledge Handbook of Community Development: Perspectives from Around the Globe. New York and London: Routledge. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Captial'
McGrath, B., & Murray, F. (2011) 'Brazilian Migrant Social Networks and Social Captial' In: Globalization, Migration and Social Transformation, Ireland in Europe and the World. Bryan Fanning and Ronaldo Munck (eds) Ashgate: Farnham. :183-192 Farnham: Ashgate. [Details]
(2009) 'A Growing Concern: Rural Youth and Sustainable Lives'
McGrath, B. (2009) 'A Growing Concern: Rural Youth and Sustainable Lives' In: J.McDonagh, T. Varley and S. Shorthall (eds) A Living Countryside? The Politics of Sustainable Development in Rural Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate. [Details]
(2006) 'Enhancing Support for Young People in Need: Reflections on Informal and Formal Sources of Help'
McGrath, B. & Dolan, P. (2006) 'Enhancing Support for Young People in Need: Reflections on Informal and Formal Sources of Help' In: Dolan, P., Pinkerton, J. and Canavan, J. (eds) Family Support for Reflective Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publications. [Details]
(2004) 'Rural Youth in Local Community Development: Lessons through partnership'
McGrath, B. (2004) 'Rural Youth in Local Community Development: Lessons through partnership' In: B. Jentsch and M. Shucksmith (eds) Young People in Rural Areas of Europe. Aldershot: Ashgage. :127-150 [Details]
(2002) 'Educational disadvantage and rural youth in the West of Ireland'
McGrath, B. & Canavan, J. (2002) 'Educational disadvantage and rural youth in the West of Ireland' In: T. Dax and I. Machold (eds) Voices of Rural Youth. A Break with Traditional Patterns?. [Details]
(2002) 'Encounters at the Periphery: Rural Youth and Labour Market Exclusion in North-West Connemara'
McGrath, B. (2002) 'Encounters at the Periphery: Rural Youth and Labour Market Exclusion in North-West Connemara' In: McDonagh, J. (ed) Economy, Society and Peripherality. Arlen Press. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2012) Understanding Youth Civic Engagement:Debates, discourses and lessons from practice.
Brady, B; Dolan, P; Kearns, N; Kennan, D; McGrath, B; Shaw, A; Brennan, M. (Expert Advisor, Pennsylvania State University) (2012) Understanding Youth Civic Engagement:Debates, discourses and lessons from practice. Unesco Child and Family Research Centre, Galway. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2018) The Routledge Handbook of Community Development, Perspectives From Around the Globe.
Sue Kenny, Brian McGrath and Rhonda Phillips (Ed.). (2018) The Routledge Handbook of Community Development, Perspectives From Around the Globe. New York and London: Routledge. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2016) '“Community Aware” education policy: Enhancing individual and community vitality'
Casto, H., McGrath, B., Sipple, J.W. and Todd, L. (2016) '“Community Aware” education policy: Enhancing individual and community vitality' Education policy analysis archives, 24 (49/50) :1-30. [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'A Virtual Canvas—Designing a Blog Site to Research Young Muslims' Friendships & Identities'
Orla McGarry, Brian McGrath (2013) 'A Virtual Canvas—Designing a Blog Site to Research Young Muslims' Friendships & Identities' Forum: Qualitative Social Research SOZIALFORSCHUNG, 14 (1) :1-21. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2024) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods,
Brian McGrath and Padraig O'Sabhain (2024) Galway Hookers, Cultural Heritage and Grassroots Association. [Oral Presentation], Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Letterfrack Galway , 20-JUN-24 - 20-JUN-24. [Details]
(2022) Civil Society in Turbulent Times¿, ESRC and IRC joint conference,
Brian McGrath (2022) `Rural and Environmental Citizenship¿. [Oral Presentation], Civil Society in Turbulent Times¿, ESRC and IRC joint conference, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 04-MAR-22 - 04-MAR-22. [Details]
(2022) Rural Futures,
Brian McGrath and Wayne Kelly (2022) `Community Capitals and Digital Literacy in Rural Communities¿. [Oral Presentation], Rural Futures, Online - Brandon University, Canada , 05-JUN-22 - 05-JUN-22. [Details]
(2017) International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS),
Brian McGrath, Cormac Forkan, Lisa Moran, Patsy Flanagan (2017) Connecting Children’s Learning, Citizenship & Well-Being – Evidence from an Irish Collaborative Arts, Science and Technology Project. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Innsbruck, Austria , 28-SEP-17 - 30-SEP-17. [Details]
(2015) TransAtlantic Rural Research Network (TAARN) Conference,
McGrath, B., Casto, H., Todd, L, Sipple, J.W. (2015) TransAtlantic Rural Research Network (TAARN) Conference, . [Details]
(2015) European Society for Rural Sociology Annual Conference Aberdeen,
Mahon, M., McGrath, B. (2015) Paper Title: Transformation or subordination? The potential of artistic and creative endeavours for sustainable rural futures. [Oral Presentation], European Society for Rural Sociology Annual Conference Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland , 18-AUG-15 - 21-AUG-15. [Details]
Mahon, M., McGrath, B., O'Laoire, L. (2015) Session title: The transformative potential of cultural and artistic endeavours for sustainable rural futures. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], CULTURE(S) IN SUSTAINABLE FUTURES: THEORIES, POLICIES, PRACTICES (COST conference), Helsinki , 06-MAY-15 - 08-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Cultures in Sustainable Futures (COST),
Mahon, M.; O'Laoire, L.; McGrath, B. (2015) Session Organiser: The transformative potential of cultural and artistic endeavours for sustainable rural futures. [Organising Chair], Cultures in Sustainable Futures (COST), Helsinki , 06-MAY-15 - 08-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) Cultures in Sustainable Futures (COST),
Mahon, M.; O'Laoire, L.; McGrath, B. (2015) Paper Title: Cultural workers, precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures. [Oral Presentation], Cultures in Sustainable Futures (COST), Helsinki , 06-MAY-15 - 08-MAY-15. [Details]
(2014) National Women in Family Farming Conference,
Cassidy, A. (2014) Attitudes to Succession and Attachment to the land among Non-Successors. [Keynote Address], National Women in Family Farming Conference, Trim, Co. Meath , 15-OCT-14 - 15-OCT-14. [Details]
(2012) Creativity at the Edge; the role of the arts and creativity in sustaining rural and Gaeltacht communities - beyond economic critiques,
Mahon, M., Farrell, M., McDonagh, J., O'Laoire, L., McGrath, B. (2012) The role of the arts and creativity in rural sustainability. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Creativity at the Edge; the role of the arts and creativity in sustaining rural and Gaeltacht communities - beyond economic critiques, Moore Institute, NUI Galway , 19-JUN-12 - 19-JUN-12. [Details]
(2009) Inaugural Irish Rural Studies Symposium,
McGrath, B. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2009) Young people in the countryside: Lifestyle patterns from the 2006HBSC study. [Invited Oral Presentation], Inaugural Irish Rural Studies Symposium, Galway , 04-SEP-09. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2015) 'Arts Development in Co Leitrim' in Introduction to Community Development (2nd Edition), Rhonda Phillips and Robert Pittman (eds), Routledge.
McGrath, B. (2015) 'Arts Development in Co Leitrim' in Introduction to Community Development (2nd Edition), Rhonda Phillips and Robert Pittman (eds), Routledge. Routledge Case [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2015) Transformation or subordination? The potential of artistic and creative endeavours for sustainable rural futures. European Society for Rural Sociology Annual Conference, Aberdeen.
Mahon, M.,McGrath, B. (2015) Transformation or subordination? The potential of artistic and creative endeavours for sustainable rural futures. European Society for Rural Sociology Annual Conference, Aberdeen. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Tradition, cultures and communities: Exploring the potentials of music and the arts for community development in Appalachia. Community Development Society, New Orleans.
McGrath, B. & Brennan, M. (2010) Tradition, cultures and communities: Exploring the potentials of music and the arts for community development in Appalachia. Community Development Society, New Orleans. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) From Vocationalist Needs to New Welfare Concerns: Conceptualising the school-to-work transition among marginalized rural youth. XI World Congress or Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norwary.
McGrath, B. (2010) From Vocationalist Needs to New Welfare Concerns: Conceptualising the school-to-work transition among marginalized rural youth. XI World Congress or Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norwary. Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) They had already prepared the way: Social capital formations and combinations in the lives of Brazilian migrants to Ireland. Sociological Association of Ireland conference.
McGrath, B. (2008) They had already prepared the way: Social capital formations and combinations in the lives of Brazilian migrants to Ireland. Sociological Association of Ireland conference. NUI Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Adolescent well-being and supporting contexts: a comparison of adolescents in rural Ireland and Florida. Child and Family Research Centre Symposium, Building Resilience in Children, Families and Communities.
McGrath, B., Brennan, M., Dolan, P., Barnett, R. (2007) Adolescent well-being and supporting contexts: a comparison of adolescents in rural Ireland and Florida. Child and Family Research Centre Symposium, Building Resilience in Children, Families and Communities. NUI Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) From Vocationalist Needs to New Welfare Concerns: XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway July 2004.
Brian McGrath (2004) From Vocationalist Needs to New Welfare Concerns: XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway July 2004. Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) The Power of Exclusion: Conceptualising social exclusion and inclusion in a structuraltionist framework of power. XI World Congress or Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norwary.
McGrath, B. (2004) The Power of Exclusion: Conceptualising social exclusion and inclusion in a structuraltionist framework of power. XI World Congress or Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norwary. Conference Paper [Details]

Electronic Publication

  Year Publication
(2012) Foroige Volunteer led Youth Clubs: Youth club outcomes in Foroige Volunteer Led Youth Clubs.
Brian McGrath (2012) Foroige Volunteer led Youth Clubs: Youth club outcomes in Foroige Volunteer Led Youth Clubs. Dublin: Foroige Best Practice Unit Electronic Publication [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2015) Cultural workers, precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures. Cultures in Sustainable Futures COST Conference, Helsinki.
Mahon, M., McGrath, B., O'Laoire, L. (2015) Cultural workers, precarious livelihoods, sustaining rural futures. Cultures in Sustainable Futures COST Conference, Helsinki. Invited Lectures [Details]

Non Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2011) It was good to make a difference: A review of the Foroige Alan Kerins Project linking visit to Kaoma, Zambia. CFRC, NUI Galway.
McGrath, B. (2011) It was good to make a difference: A review of the Foroige Alan Kerins Project linking visit to Kaoma, Zambia. CFRC, NUI Galway. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2010) Children and Young People's Policy: Critical Issues and Recent Developments. A report for the Limerick City Children's Service Committee. CFRC, NUI Galway.
McGrath, B., Dolan, P. (2010) Children and Young People's Policy: Critical Issues and Recent Developments. A report for the Limerick City Children's Service Committee. CFRC, NUI Galway. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2003) Assessing the community development-family support relationship: an exploratory examination of projects & programmes in the West of Ireland. Galway: Child & Family Research and Policy Unit, WHB/NUI Galway.
McGrath, B. (2003) Assessing the community development-family support relationship: an exploratory examination of projects & programmes in the West of Ireland. Galway: Child & Family Research and Policy Unit, WHB/NUI Galway. Non Published Reports [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2001) An evaluation of Forum's Social Care Programme. Forum: Letterfrack.
McGrath, B., Canavan, J. (2001) An evaluation of Forum's Social Care Programme. Forum: Letterfrack. Non Published Reports [Details]


  Year Publication
(2009) Adolescent Well-being and Supporting Contexts: A Comparison of Adolescents in Ireland and Florida.
McGrath, B;Brennan, MA;Dolan, P;Barnett, R (2009) Adolescent Well-being and Supporting Contexts: A Comparison of Adolescents in Ireland and Florida. HOBOKEN: WILEY Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2009) Adolescent Well-being and Supporting Contexts: A Comparison of Adolescents in Ireland and Florida.
McGrath, B,Brennan, MA,Dolan, P,Barnett, R (2009) Adolescent Well-being and Supporting Contexts: A Comparison of Adolescents in Ireland and Florida. Reviews [DOI] [Details]