Step by step

During the first year, each student enters with one or more supervisors who have a research interest in the topic being investigated. In addition, students are assigned to a small group of other academic staff in related fields, who together are known as the student’s Graduate Research Committee (or GRC).

Graduate study and research in economics builds upon firm foundations in economic analysis and quantitative methods. Consequently, the early stage of the PhD includes coursework, consisting of modules in:

  • Advanced Microeconomic Theory
  • Advanced Macroeconomic Theory
  • Econometrics
  • Philosophy of the Social Sciences

The first year also includes the completion of an advanced research proposal.

During the second, third and fourth years, the PhD student focuses on the thesis, meeting regularly with their supervisor.

The PhD experience

Throughout their studies, students attend regular seminars given by invited external speakers, faculty of the discipline of economics and other PhD students in economics (typically two seminars weekly during term).

The student provides annual reports of progress, and this process includes both an internal seminar presentation of the student’s work and a conference-style presentation of the student’s thesis plan to fellow students and to academic staff. Presenting at internal seminars provides valuable opportunities to present research work at University of Galway before presenting externally at academic conferences. 

Progress from one year to the next is subject to annual review by the Graduate Research Committee (GRC).

We have strong record in economics at University of Galway in encouraging participation in national and international conferences (some financial assistance may be available to students who are invited to present papers).

Students are encouraged to publish their completed chapters as Working Papers, often as a prelude to publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Research record, ethos, and environment

The PhD programme in economics reflects, builds upon, and contributes to the range, diversity, and quality of research in economics at University of Galway, and in particular to the record of distinctive strengths in our designated priority research areas.

Economics at University of Galway has an outstanding record at winning fully funded competitive externally funded fellowships to support doctoral research in economics, including in fields such as health economics, environmental economics, rural development, financial economics, political economy, and marine resource economics.

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