EPIC (Engaging People in Communities) is a point of contact for community, civic and civil society organisations which would like to access partnership and collaborative opportunities with the university. It is also a key contact point for staff and students within the university who would like to become involved in engaged research and other civic engagement opportunities with the wider community. EPIC matches requests and interests from both within and outside the university so as to facilitate and support these partnerships. Among the activities EPIC supports are: 

  • Community engaged research by students through research carried out by students as part of their studies, under the supervision of a member of academic staff
  • Community engaged research by staff 
  • Provision of public lectures, presentations and workshops
  • Collaboration with community organisations on events, festivals, conferences, including facilitating access to university facilities and resources 
  • Membership of boards of community-based and civil society organisations. 

Queries, ideas and proposals for community-university partnerships can be made to:

Dr. Ann Lyons, Email: ann.lyons@universityofgalway.ie Mobile: 0877677080, who will be very pleased to discuss and progress requests for community-university collaboration and partnerships!