Miss Jeannine Jud


Contact Details

School of LLC
University of Galway
E: jeannine.jud@universityofgalway.ie


Dr. Jeannine Jud is Lecturer in German at the University of Galway. She is a graduate of the University of Galway, where she obtained a BA International in German and History, followed by an MA in German and a PhD in German. Jeannine was awarded the Galway Doctoral Research Scholarship for the duration of her structured PhD. She was also the recipient of the DAAD postgraduate research scholarship which enabled her to carry out research at the libraries of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin during her doctoral studies.

Jeannine's research and teaching interests include GRD literature, particularly the literature of Christa Wolf, Holocaust literature and trauma and memory studies. Jeannine is a member of the Christa Wolf Gesellschaft, the German Studies Association of Ireland and the research network Literatur im geteilten Deutschland.

Research Interests

GRD literature, particularly the literature of Christa Wolf, Holocaust literature and trauma and memory studies


  Year Publication
(2021) Repression, Alienation, Fragmentation of the Self: Christa Wolf Revisited.
Jeannine Jud (2021) Repression, Alienation, Fragmentation of the Self: Christa Wolf Revisited. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2018) '“Der Schlüssel liegt im kleinen Engagement” - Jeannine Jud im Gespräch mit Therese Hörnigk'
Jeannine Jud (2018) '“Der Schlüssel liegt im kleinen Engagement” - Jeannine Jud im Gespräch mit Therese Hörnigk' In: German Reunification and the Legacy of GDR Literature and Culture. Amsterdam: Brill. [DOI] [Details]
(2015) '“Dieser fatale Hang der Geschichte zu Wiederholungen, gegen den man sich wappnen muss” – Zur Rezeption Christa Wolfs in Irland'
Jeannine Jud (2015) '“Dieser fatale Hang der Geschichte zu Wiederholungen, gegen den man sich wappnen muss” – Zur Rezeption Christa Wolfs in Irland' In: Zwischen Moskauer Novelle und Stadt der Engel: Neue Perspektiven auf das Lebenswerk von Christa Wolf. Berlin: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2015) 25 Jahre Mauerfall – Reflections on GDR Literature, its Legacy and Connections between the GDR and Ireland.
Jeannine Jud (2015) 25 Jahre Mauerfall – Reflections on GDR Literature, its Legacy and Connections between the GDR and Ireland. Germanistik in Ireland, the yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland, Dublin. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2015) Book Launch of Zwischen Moskauer Novelle und Stadt der Engel: Neue Perspektiven auf das Lebenswerk von Christa Wolf,
Jeannine Jud (2015) Dieser fatale Hang der Geschichte zu Wiederholungen, gegen den man sich wappnen muss” – Zur Rezeption Christa Wolfs in Irland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Book Launch of Zwischen Moskauer Novelle und Stadt der Engel: Neue Perspektiven auf das Lebenswerk von Christa Wolf, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin , 11-MAY-15 - 11-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) The GDR Today II Postgraduate Colloquium,
Jeannine Jud (2015) Re-Evaluating the Literature of Christa Wolf: Patterns of Conformity, Memory and Identity in Kindheitsmuster and Stadt der Engel oder The Overcoat of Dr. Freud. [Conference Paper], The GDR Today II Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Bristol , 10-SEP-15 - 11-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014) The GDR Today Postgraduate Colloquium,
Jeannine Jud (2014) Christa Wolf - From Victim to Perpetrator. [Conference Paper], The GDR Today Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Birmingham , 10-JAN-14 - 10-JAN-14. [Details]

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
German Studies Association of Ireland Member /
Christa Wolf Gesellschaft Member /


  Employer Position From / To
National University of Ireland, Galway Part-Time Teaching Assistant /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2011 National University of Ireland, Galway MA German
2009 National University of Ireland, Galway BA International German and History
2017 National University of Ireland, Galway PhD in German German



Teaching Interests

German to English and English to German translation, Holocaust memoirs, the literature of Christa Wolf