Information and guidance for commencing 1st year

Commencement of the Programme

Teaching will commence on Monday 16 September 2024. 
On this date, the School will be processing all student forms required for clinical placements. Please bring all relevant documentation on this date. 

Uniform requirements for clinical practice

You will be provided with uniforms for your clinical practice placements. However, there are other essential uniform requirements, such as shoes, fob-watch and scissors, which you will need prior to undertaking your clinical placement.  For more information please read the Uniform Requirements guidelines.

Uniform fitting will be organised in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the beginning of the term, please check your timetable for the date. All students must attend to be fitted and order uniforms.

Occupational Health Screening

To determine an applicant's fitness to perform duties within the clinical area whilst on clinical placement, all students must be reviewed and cleared by our Occupational Health provider before they can commence their clinical placement. This screening is carried out over the first few weeks of the programme. 

‌You will also be required to provide records of previous vaccinations and immunisations. If you have been previously treated or are currently under management for any medical, surgical or psychological condition, the Occupational Health team may ask you to provide letters from your managing physician and/or consultant which clearly identifies the condition, severity of the condition, the past and current management of the condition and the current status of the condition. 
Note: Students who are not cleared through the Occupational Health Screening process cannot undertake clinical placement and will be required to withdraw from the programme.

Official Documents

Please read the Introduction letter for students before completing the following forms. Completed documentation must be presented on Monday 16 September 2024.

These are important legal documents, so please take care to complete them correctly. Ensure that you follow the instruction carefully. A delay or incorrectly completed forms may prevent you from commencing your clinical placement. 
Below is a list of essential documentation that must be completed prior to commencing your undergraduate programme.
 Documents Required  Age 18 & Over Under 18
 Garda Vetting Invitation Form (Received via email)    (Completed by Parent/Guardian)
 Overseas police clearance*    x
 Statutory Declaration  √  x
 General Declaration U18  x  
 Policy Acknowledgement    
 Confidentiality Form    
 Occupational Health Contact Details Form    
 Personal Details Form    
 *If you have resided for six months or more (including time spent away on Erasmus) in any country outside of Ireland/Northern Ireland from age 16 upwards you must obtain a Police Clearance Certificate from that country. Further information can be found here:

If you have any questions in relation to the above or clinical placements, please contact Allocation Officer Aedemar Hyland