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Archbishop Desmond Tutu to Visit NUI Galway

Wednesday, 28 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) The Literary and Debating Society, NUI Galway, will host a public address by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, at 5pm on Sunday, 15 February, in Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway. The Nobel Peace Prize winner will speak about the global legacy of aid, justice and charity. Originally from the Transvaal region of South Africa, Desmond Tutu was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in 1961, became Bishop of Lesotho in 1976, and by 1986 was his country s highest Anglican official as Archbishop of Cape Town. In 1984, Archbishop Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his anti-apartheid work in South Africa. As part of the struggle against apartheid, he championed economic sanctions throughout the 1970s and 1980s. When the apartheid regime fell in the 1990s, he was appointed as head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Nelson Mandela s new government. Speaking about Archbishop Tutu, Nelson Mandela has said he is: "Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless". Dr Vinodh Jaichand, a national of South Africa, is a lecturer with the Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway: "For South Africans, Archbishop Tutu continues to be the voice of conscience in South Africa, reminding us of things we so easily forget. His stance on controversial topics has always made us think twice". Archbishop Tutu will receive the Literary and Debating Society's President's Medal, the society's highest accolade. This award has been accepted in the past by philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky, US Senator Mike Gravel, Congressman Bruce Morrison, and former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern. Dan Colley, Auditor of Literary and Debating Society at NUI Galway, says: "Recipients of the President's Medal are those who we feel have made a significant contribution to the Society's first principal, freedom of speech; as well as made a significant contribution to wider society. Archbishop Tutu, as one of the world's foremost human rights activists and a leader who spoke out against totalitarianism, embodies the spirit of the award. We look forward to welcoming him as our honoured guest". Tutu retired as archbishop in 1996 but has remained active on the international scene, most recently as part of a group called 'The Elders', which comprise high profile public figures drawn from across the globe. The mission of the group is to 'contribute their wisdom, independent leadership and integrity to tackling some of the world s toughest problems and committed to working on pressing issues confronting society today'. Other members of The Elders who have previously visited NUI Galway include Mary Robinson and Nelson Mandela. Priced at €5 each, proceeds from ticket sales for the event will go to a charity of Archbishop Tutu's choosing. Tickets can be purchased from Monday, 2 February from the Socs Box on campus (Tel: 091 492852), as well as from Zhivago Records on Shop Street, Galway. Cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh á Beartú ag an Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu (View in English) Tá caint phoiblí leis an Ardeaspag Desmond Tutu á heagrú ag Cumann Liteartha agus Díospóireachta OÉ Gaillimh in Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh Dé Domhnaigh, 15 Feabhra ag 5pm. Labhróidh Buaiteoir Dhuais Síochána Nobel faoi oidhreacht dhomhanda an chúnaimh, an cheartais agus na carthanachta. Is as ceantar Transvaal na hAfraice Theas Desmond Tutu. Oirníodh ina shagart de chuid na hEaglaise Anglacánaí é i 1961, agus coisriceadh ina Easpag ar Leosóta é i 1976. Faoi 1986 bhí sé ina cheann feadhna Anglacánach ar a thír dhúchais nuair a ceapadh ina Ardeaspag ar Cape Town é. I 1984, bronnadh Duais Síochána Nobel ar an Ardeaspag Tutu as a chuid oibre frith-apartheid san Afraic Theas. Mar chuid den choimhlint in éadan apartheid, throid sé ar son smachtbhannaí eacnamaíocha i rith na 1970í agus na 1980í. Nuair a chlis ar réimeas an apartheid sna 1990í, ceapadh é ina cheannasaí ar an gCoimisiún Fírinne agus Athmhuintearais faoi rialtas nua Nelson Mandela. Ag labhairt dó faoin Ardeaspag Tutu, dúirt Nelson Mandela: "Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu s voice will always be the voice of the voiceless". Is léachtóir san Ionad Éireannach um Chearta an Duine in OÉ Gaillimh é an Dr Vinodh Jaichand, arb as an Afraic Theas é. "Do phobal na hAfraice Theas is é an tArdeaspag Tutu guth choinsias na hAfraice Theas go fóill, agus bíonn sé de shíor ag cur nithe ar furasta dúinn dearmad a dhéanamh orthu ar ár súile dúinn arís. Chuir an seasamh a ghlac sé faoi ábhair chonspóideacha orainn smaoineamh orainn féin i gcónaí." Bronnfar Bonn Uachtarán an Chumainn Liteartha agus Díospóireachta, buaicghradam an chumainn, ar an Ardeaspag Tutu. I measc na ndaoine ar bronnadh an gradam seo orthu san am a chuaigh thart bhí an fealsamh agus an teangeolaí Noam Chomsky, an Seanadóir Meiriceánach Mike Gravel, an Feisire Meiriceánach Bruce Morrisson, agus an t-iar-Thaoiseach Bertie Ahern. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Dan Colley, Reachtaire an Chumainn Liteartha agus Díospóireachta in OÉ Gaillimh: "Bronnaimid Bonn an Uachtaráin ar dhaoine a mbraithimid go bhfuil curtha go suntasach acu le príomhphrionsabal an Chumainn, an tsaoirse cainte; agus ar dhaoine a bhfuil obair mhór déanta acu ar son an phobail i gcoitinne. Is duine de na mórghníomhaithe ar son chearta an duine é an tArdeaspag Tutu agus is ceannaire é a cháin an t-ollsmachtachas; is é spiorad an ghradaim seo féin ina steillbheatha é. Táimid ag súil le fáiltiú roimhe mar aoi onórach." Chuaigh Desmond Tutu ar scor ón bpost mar ardeaspag i 1996 ach tá sé ag gníomhú leis go hidirnáisiúnta, agus chonacthas le fíordheireanaí é ag feidhmiú mar bhall den ghrúpa 'The Elders' ina bhfuil pearsana clúiteacha poiblí as gach cearn den domhan. Is é misean an ghrúpa 'a ngaois, a gceannaireacht neamhspleách agus a n-ionracas a úsáid le dul i ngleic le cuid de na fadhbanna is measa ar domhan agus tá siad tugtha go hiomlán do shaothrú ar son na ndeacrachtaí tromchúiseacha atá le sárú ag an tsochaí sa lá atá inniu ann'. I measc na gcomhaltaí eile de 'The Elders' a thug cuairt ar OÉ Gaillimh bhí Mary Robinson agus Nelson Mandela. Rachaidh luach na dticéad don ócáid, atá ar díol ar €5 an ceann, chuig carthanas a roghnóidh an tArdeaspag Tutu. Is féidir ticéid a cheannach ón Luan, 2 Feabhra ón Socs Box ar an gcampas (Teil: 091 492852), agus ó Zhivago Records ar Shráid na Siopaí i nGaillimh. -críoch-
>> Read full story about Archbishop Desmond Tutu to Visit NUI Galway
Collaboration Confirmed between NUI Galway and LYIT

Tuesday, 27 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge) NUI Galway and Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) have signed a memorandum of understanding outlining future collaboration between the two institutions. This collaboration represents the culmination of three years work by staff and management from both institutions with a view to identifying ways in which the relative strengths of both institutions could be used for the benefit of the Irish language and Gaeltacht community. A joint degree programme has emanated from this collaboration which meets the recognized need and increased demand from a range of organisations working through the medium of Irish for third level graduates who can function effectively in a bilingual environment. These organisations come from a broad range of sectors including the public sector, the Gaeltacht business sector, the education sector, national and local Irish language organisations, and community development organisations. The new BA Riarachán Gno (Business Administration) is a four year programme taught through the medium of Irish at NUI Galway s external campus in Gaoth Dobhair, County Donegal. It aims to provide graduates with the practical and analytical skills necessary to work effectively in a business and administration environment in which Irish and English are used. The programme is provided jointly by staff from LYIT and NUI Galway and is recognized by the Teachers Council for the purposes of teaching Business at Post Primary level. President of NUI Galway, Dr James J. Browne, said: "I would like to congratulate the Joint Working Group which brought this project to its conclusion. I know it is not always easy to overcome the obstacles that emanate from working under different policy regimes and with different structures. However, the Working Group, through their dedication to the project and their ability to work together has managed to overcome these challenges. I am confident that this project will provide the basis for future collaborative projects between LYIT and NUI Galway in the area of Irish language teaching and research". Paul Hannigan, President of LYIT, commented: "We are delighted with this collaboration and the exciting programme which, through a combination of academic studies and training, will provide education to graduate level in the main business and administrative disciplines and develop well educated and highly trained young graduates". Comhfhiontar idir OÉ Gaillimh agus LYIT dearbhaithe (View in English) Tá meamram comhthuisceana ina bhfuil cur síos ar chomhfhiontar idir OÉ Gaillimh agus Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn (LYIT) sínithe ag an dá institiúid. Is ann don chomhfhiontar seo i ndiaidh do chomhaltaí foirne agus do lucht bainistíochta ón dá institiúid trí bliana a chaitheamh ag iarraidh bealaí a aimsiú le láidreachtaí an dá institiúid a úsáid chun tairbhe na Gaeilge agus phobal na Gaeltachta. Tá clár céime á thairiscint ag an dá institiúid in éindí mar chuid den chomhfhiontar seo a fhreastalaíonn ar riachtanas agus ar éileamh méadaithe ó eagraíochtaí éagsúla atá ag feidhmiú trí mheán na Gaeilge céimithe tríú leibhéal le Gaeilge a aimsiú, céimithe a bhfuil ar a gcumas feidhmiú go héifeachtach i dtimpeallacht dhátheangach. Áirítear i measc na n-eagraíochtaí seo eagraíochtaí as earnálacha éagsúla lena n-áirítear an earnáil phoiblí, earnáil gnó na Gaeltachta, an earnáil oideachais, eagraíochtaí náisiúnta agus áitiúla Gaeilge, agus eagraíochtaí forbartha pobail. Clár ceithre bliana é an BA i Riarachán Gnó atá á theagasc trí mheán na Gaeilge ar champas seachtrach OÉ Gaillimh i nGaoth Dobhair, Co. Dhún na nGall. Tá sé mar aidhm leis an gclár na scileanna praiticiúla agus anailíseacha riachtanacha a thabhairt do chéimithe ionas go mbeidh ar a gcumas feidhmiú go héifeachtach i dtimpeallacht gnó agus riaracháin ina bhfuil Gaeilge agus Béarla in úsáid. Beidh an clár seo á theagasc ag comhaltaí foirne ó LYIT agus ó OÉ Gaillimh araon agus tá aitheantas aige ón gComhairle Mhúinteoireachta a chuirfidh ar chumas na gcéimithe Gnó a theagasc ag leibhéal iar-bhunoideachais. Dúirt an Dr James Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: "Is mian liom tréaslú leis an gComhghrúpa Oibre a d'oibrigh ar an tionscadal seo. Is eol dom nach mbíonn sé éasca i gcónaí constaicí a shárú – constaicí a eascraíonn as a bheith ag obair faoi réir beartais éagsúla agus struchtúir dhifriúla. D'éirigh leis an nGrúpa Oibre, áfach, an tionscadal a fhorbairt agus na dúshláin seo a shárú trí bheith ag obair i dteannta a chéile. Táim lánmhuiníneach go bhfeidhmeoidh an tionscadal seo mar bhunús le tionscadail chomhoibritheacha eile bunaithe ar theagasc agus ar thaighde na Gaeilge idir LYIT agus OÉ Gaillimh". Dúirt Paul Hennigan, Uachtarán LYIT: "Cúis áthais dúinn a bheith ag obair i dteannta OÉ Gaillimh ar an gclár nua seo. Níl amhras ar bith orm, trí staidéar agus oiliúint acadúil, go mbeidh ar ár gcumas oideachas a chur ar chéimithe sna príomhdhisciplíní gnó agus riaracháin agus céimithe óga oilte, láncháilithe a sholáthar". -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Collaboration Confirmed between NUI Galway and LYIT
Spring Festival Launches at NUI Galway

Monday, 26 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)Múscailt, the University Spring Festival celebrating creative excellence at NUI Galway and showcasing all that's happening in the Arts has announced the line-up for Múscailt 09. From 9–13 February, the University will be transformed as senses are hijacked when people come together to enjoy and celebrate creativity and the coming of spring. Mùscailt, meaning to awaken, inspire and celebrate, has gathered work this year that is as diverse as the student body. From the tremendous installation 'Versus' on the college green by Ben Geoghegan to the Jerome Hynes Original One Act Play Series, there is inspiration to be found everywhere. 'Versus' is a new work by artist Ben Geoghegan and commissioned by NUI Galway for Múscailt 09. Living and working in Galway and a member of Artspace Studios, Ben completed a Masters in Visual Art Practices at IADT in 2008 and exhibited as part of the celebrations to commemorate 100 years of The Hugh Lane Gallery in the summer of 2008. The provocative work of photographer Sue Fox promises debate. Currently a lecturer of Photography at Manchester Metropolitan University, Sue will be a guest speaker at the festival opening in February and present an illustrated talk 'Contemplations on the Corpse'. 'I like the unusual, the taboo, the sexual, the abstract, the absurd, the surreal… anything edgy, uncensored.' (Sue Fox, Photographer, 2008) Metal artist, Luca Ciavarella will be inspired by salvaged/reclaimed pieces, creating an art sculpture in the campus tennis court throughout the course the festival. His piece, entitled Living Sculpture, will be auctioned at the NUI Galway Gala Banquet in March in aid of Habitat for Humanity. Leanaí I Limbo by Lorraine Tuck is a haunting collection that depicts the final resting places of unbaptised stillborn babies around Ireland. The bleak landscape of Connemara mirrors the sentiment portrayed within this exhibit. Moving in their simplicity the images speak to a time when the Catholic Church's power forced their flock to bury their stillborn babies in unconsecrated ground. Lorraine Tuck captures the full emotional force of her subject matter with a backdrop of the weathered landscape of Connemara. Music entertainment during the festival includes leading international performers in a special concert presented by the Arts in Action Programme: Cahill Hayden (fiddle) Mairtín O'Connor (accordion), Ronan Brown (uillean pipes), Seamie O Dowd (guitar), Roisín Elsafty (sean-nós singing), Roisín Ní Mhainín (sean-nós dance), Mary McPartlan (Traditional/Contemporary singing) and Louis De Paor (Irish Poetry), will present a concert of the traditional arts. Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) this year presents Disco Inferno, a musical full of fantastic hits from the seventies, including numbers such as 'Hot Stuff', 'Celebration', and of course 'Disco Inferno', to name but a few! A great night's entertainment is guaranteed! Local favourite Noelie McDonnell has been described in The New York Post As a startlingly good new Irish talent and in Hot Press as The real deal . A performance by the Galway musician who has been winning the hearts of new fan s all over the nation with his song Nearly Four which remained at No.1 in the itunes folk chart for 6 weeks is sure to be a sell-out. Other festival highlights include: Stolen Apples, presented by Colours Street Theatre Company; Billy Goats Gruff, a performance by Your Man's Puppets; A Voyage to Skellig Michael: Medieval and Modern by Bob Harris; and Witless Battle of the Bands. Múscailt is produced by the Arts office and the Societies office, and includes the best of the societies' events and exciting guest artists from around the world. Múscailt is supported by the University Foundation Office. For all ticket and further information contact the SocsBox the Hub, Aras na Mac Léinn at 091 492852 or email socsbox@socs.nuigalway.ie. For full programme details and further information about the festival visit www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie or www.socs.nuigalway.ie Féile an Earraigh seolta in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Tá clár na n-imeachtaí fógartha do Múscailt '09, Féile Ealaíon an Earraigh OÉ Gaillimh. Ón 9–13 Feabhra, beidh atmaisféar iontach ar champas na hOllscoile tráth a mbaileoidh na sluaite le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh agus sult a bhaint as cruthaitheacht na féile agus teacht an earraigh. Ciallaíonn Múscailt dúiseacht, spreagadh agus ceiliúradh – is iad sin aidhmeanna bunúsacha na féile. I mbliana tá na himeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl mar chuid den fhéile chomh héagsúil lenár mic léinn. I measc na n-imeachtaí a bheidh ar siúl tá an píosa ealaín suiteála dar teideal 'Versus' le Ben Geoghegan a bheidh le feiceáil i bhfaiche an choláiste, agus Sraith Nua Drámaí Aonghnímh Jerome Hynes. Is cinnte gur imeachtaí iad seo a chothóidh spéis an tslua. Saothar nua ealaíne leis an ealaíontóir Ben Geoghegan é 'Versus', saothar a choimisiúnaigh OÉ Gaillimh do Múscailt '09. Tá Ben ag cur faoi agus ag obair i nGaillimh agus is ball de Artspace Studios é. Chríochnaigh sé Máistreacht i gCleachtais Amharcealaíon in Institiúid Ealaíne, Deartha & Teicneolaíochta Dhún Laoghaire in 2008 agus bhí saothar dá chuid ar taispeáint mar chuid de cheiliúradh 100 bliain Ghailearaí Hugh Lane i rith an tsamhraidh anuraidh. Níl dabht ar bith ach go dtarraingeoidh saothar gríosaitheach an ghrianghrafadóra Sue Fox neart cainte agus díospóireachta. Tá Sue ag obair mar léachtóir Grianghrafadóireachta in Ollscoil Chathair Mhanchain i láthair na huaire, agus tá sí roghnaithe mar aoi-chainteoir d oscailt na féile i mí Feabhra nuair a thabharfaidh sí caint dar teideal Contemplations on the Corpse . Beidh grianghraif á dtaispeáint aici i rith na cainte freisin. Faigheann an t-ealaíontóir miotail, Luca Ciavarella inspioráid ó sheanphíosaí miotail, agus cruthóidh sé dealbhóireacht ealaíne ar chúirt leadóige an champais i rith na féile. Cuirfear a shaothar, dar teideal Living Sculpture, ar ceant ag Mórfhéasta OÉ Gaillimh a bheidh ar siúl i mí an Mhárta. Rachaidh an t-airgead a bhaileofar chuig Habitat for Humanity. Bailiúchán dodhearmadta le Lorraine Tuck é Leanaí i Limbo a thugann léargas iontach ar na háiteanna ar cuireadh marbhghinte gan bhaisteadh fud fad na hÉireann. Tagann tírdhreach sceirdiúil Chonamara go mór le meon an taispeántais áirithe seo. Cé gur íomhánna simplí atá iontu is iontach an léargas a thugann siad ar an ré sin inar mhair daoine faoi smacht na hEaglaise Caitlicí; tráth ar cuireadh brú ar dhaoine marbhghinte a chur i dtalamh neamhchoisricthe. Éiríonn le Lorraine Tuck na mothúcháin uile a mhúsclaíonn an t-ábhar seo a chur inár láthair go héifeachtach agus tírdhreach síonchaite Chonamara mar chúlra dó. Beidh neart ceoil le cloisteáil i rith na féile freisin agus i measc na n-imeachtaí sin beidh ceolchoirm speisialta le sárcheoltóirí idirnáisiúnta á eagrú ag Clár na nEalaíon Cruthaitheach: Cahill Hayden (fidil), Máirtín O'Connor (bosca ceoil), Ronan Browne (píb uilleann), Seamie O Dowd (giotár), Róisín Elsafty (amhránaíocht ar an sean-nós), Róisín Ní Mhainín (damhsa ar an sean-nós), Mary McPartlan (Amhránaíocht Thraidisiúnta/Chomhaimseartha). Ceolchoirm é seo a mheallfaidh na sluaite ar spéis leo an ceol traidisiúnta! I mbliana beidh an ceoldráma dar teideal Disco Inferno á chur ar stáitse ag Cumann Ceoldrámaíochta Ollscoil na Gaillimhe (GUMS). Ceoldráma é seo ina bhfuil scoth na n-amhrán ó na 70idí, amhráin ar nós 'Hot Stuff', 'Celebration', agus 'Disco Inferno'. Tá an-oíche siamsaíochta geallta do chách! Ceoltóir de bhunadh na Gaillimhe é Noelie McDonnell a bhfuil aird idirnáisiúnta tarraingthe air le tamall anuas. Dúradh sa New York Post gur 'startlingly good new Irish talent' a bhí ann agus dúradh in Hot Press gurb é 'the real deal' é. Is cinnte go mbeidh an-tóir ar thicéid do cheolchoirm Noelie McDonnell fear a bhfuil cáil bainte amach aige mar gheall ar an amhrán Nearly Four a bhí ag uimhir 1 i gcairteacha ceoil tíre itunes ar feadh 6 seachtaine. I measc na n-imeachtaí eile a bheidh ar siúl tá: Stolen Apples, á chur i láthair ag Colours Street Theatre Company; Billy Goats Gruff, léiriú le Your Man's Puppets; A Voyage to Skellig Michael: Medieval and Modern le Bob Harris; agus Witless Battle of the Bands. Comhfhiontar idir an Oifig Ealaíon agus Oifig na gCumann é Múscailt – imeacht a thugann léargas ar na himeachtaí is fearr a bhíonn á reáchtáil ag na cumainn éagsúla agus imeacht a mheallann ealaíontóirí agus ceoltóirí éagsúla as gach cearn den domhan. Tacaíonn Fondúireacht na hOllscoile le Múscailt. Má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolais uait ba cheart duit glaoch ar an SocsBox, An Hub, Áras na Mac Léinn ag 091 492852 nó ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig socsbox@socs.nuigalway.ie. Tá clár iomlán na n-imeachtaí agus tuilleadh eolais faoin bhféile le fáil ag www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie nó www.socs.nuigalway.ie -Críoch-
>> Read full story about Spring Festival Launches at NUI Galway
NUI Galway Graduate Studies Fair to Focus on Employability

Monday, 26 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)The Annual NUI Galway Graduate Studies Fair takes place on Tuesday, 3 February 2009, in Áras na Mac Léinn, from 1.30pm to 6pm. The event will showcase over 400 of NUI Galway's full-time and part-time postgraduate programmes, including taught and research masters, and doctoral research options. The theme of the event this year is employability with a series of seminars and presentations on choosing the right postgraduate option. Almost 3,500 postgraduate students currently attend NUI Galway, many of them travelling from overseas. At the Graduate Studies Fair, 70 information stands will provide details on postgraduate opportunities at NUI Galway, with academic staff and current students on hand to answer questions about specific courses. According to John Hannon, Head of NUI Galway's Career Development Centre, "In the current economic climate, there is increased interest among undergraduate students in staying in education by pursuing postgraduate studies. A postgraduate qualification can provide a real career boost. Undoubtedly, it can maximise career prospects and earnings". NUI Galway offers world-class fourth level education, developing programmes based on its traditional academic strengths of Arts, Social Sciences, Celtic Studies; Commerce, Medicine, Nursing, Health Science, Law, Engineering, Informatics and Science. These areas have been augmented with innovative Research Centres in areas as diverse as Biomedical Engineering, International Human Rights, Digital Media & Film Studies, and Regenerative Medicine. John Hannon adds: "With so many options available at postgraduate level, people must choose carefully. Graduates need to look at their careers in broad terms and the postgraduate qualification pursued must be carefully thought through. This is why the Graduate Studies Fair, and the chance to talk to lecturers and current postgraduate student, is so important". The Graduate Studies Fair will also feature stands from other institutions across the country. An online prospectus of all that is on offer at NUI Galway at postgraduate level and further information about the Graduate Studies Fair is available at www.nuigalway.ie/graduatestudies/. Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime OÉ Gaillimh le díriú ar Infhostaitheacht (View in English) Beidh Aonach Bliantúil Staidéir Iarchéime OÉ Gaillimh ar siúl Dé Máirt, 3 Feabhra 2009, in Áras na Mac Léinn ó 1.30pm go dtí 6pm. Beidh eolas le fáil faoi bhreis is 400 clár iarchéime lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha atá á dtairiscint in OÉ Gaillimh, lena n-áirítear cláir mháistreachta theagaisc agus thaighde, agus roghanna taighde dochtúireachta. Infhostaitheacht atá roghnaithe mar théama an imeachta i mbliana agus reáchtálfar sraith seimineár agus láithreoireachtaí le cabhrú leat an cúrsa iarchéime is oiriúnaí a roghnú duit féin. Tá beagnach 3,500 mac léinn iarchéime ag freastal ar OÉ Gaillimh i láthair na huaire, agus is mic léinn as thar lear go leor acu. Beidh 70 seastán eolais ag an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime le heolas a thabhairt faoi na deiseanna iarchéime atá ar fáil in OÉ Gaillimh. Beidh idir chomhaltaí foirne acadúla agus mhic léinn i láthair le ceisteanna faoi na cúrsaí éagsúla a fhreagairt. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh, "Agus cúrsaí geilleagracha mar atá, tá níos mó spéise ag mic léinn bunchéime leanúint lena gcuid staidéir agus tabhairt faoi chúrsaí iarchéime. Cabhraíonn cáilíocht iarchéime go mór le daoine post a fháil. Gan amhras, cabhraíonn sé le hardú céime a fháil agus pá níos fearr a thuilleamh freisin". Tá oideachas ceathrú leibhéal den chéad scoth á thairiscint ag OÉ Gaillimh. Tá cláir iarchéime forbartha atá bunaithe ar na réimsí sin a bhfuil cáil ar OÉ Gaillimh iontu – Na Dána, Eolaíochtaí Sóisialta, Léann Ceilteach; Tráchtáil, Leigheas, Altranas, Eolaíocht Sláinte, Dlí, Innealtóireacht, Faisnéisíocht agus Eolaíocht. Cuireadh go mór leis na réimsí staidéir seo trí Ionaid Nuálacha Taighde a bhunú i réimsí chomh héagsúil le hInnealtóireacht Bhithleighis, Cearta Daonna Idirnáisiúnta, Meáin Dhigiteacha & Scannánaíocht, agus Leigheas Athghiniúnach. Chomh maith leis sin, dúirt John Hannon: "De bhrí go bhfuil an oiread sin cúrsaí ar fáil anois do mhic léinn iarchéime, ní mór smaoineamh go cúramach ar na roghanna ar fad atá ann. Ní mór do chéimithe smaoineamh ar a ngairmeacha beatha sa chomhthéacs is leithne is féidir agus dianmhachnamh a dhéanamh ar an gcáilíocht iarchéime is mian leo a bhaint amach. Dá bhrí sin, baineann an-tábhacht leis an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime agus an deis labhairt le léachtóirí agus le mic léinn iarchéime". Beidh seastáin ag institiúidí eile as gach cearn den tír ag an Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime freisin. Tá réamheolaire ar líne le fáil ina bhfuil cur síos ar na cúrsaí uile atá ar fáil d iarchéimithe in OÉ Gaillimh mar aon le tuilleadh eolais faoin Aonach Staidéir Iarchéime ag www.nuigalway.ie/graduatestudies/. -críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Graduate Studies Fair to Focus on Employability
NUI Galway Event to Provide Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times

Thursday, 22 January 2009
(Leagan Gaeilge)In response to recent changes in the graduate labour market, the Career Development Centre at NUI Galway has put together a series of seminars, beginning with 'Get a Step Ahead, Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times' on Tuesday, 27 January, from 6-8pm, in the Colm Ó hEocha Theatre, Arts Millennium Building. The event is aimed at final year students and current post graduates and will feature a variety of expert speakers. Today FM presenter, RTÉ contributor, and Managing Director of the Communications Clinic, Anton Savage, will reveal to students how to stand out from the crowd in the current competitive graduate labour market. Dr James Cunningham, Director of the Centre of Innovation and Structural Change, (CISC), NUI Galway, and co-editor of the recently published Irish Management 2.0, will examine the link between current economic trends and future skills needs which will assist students in making the right postgraduate study choices. Students will learn the secrets to effective goal setting and personal techniques for achieving career success with qualified executive business coach Bernard Chanliau, Director and owner of XenerGie. Bernard Chanliau has extensive experience in coaching individuals to achieve their career and business goals. John Hannon, Head of the Career Development Centre in NUI Galway, stresses the need for graduates to look at their careers in broader terms and see it as a series of stepping stones or portfolios where they can accumulate skills, knowledge and experience. He said: "We have hit a tough economic period but I still believe that the majority of graduates will manage to get jobs". Mary O Riordan, Vice-President for Student Services & Human Resources at NUI Galway, encourages students to avail of this opportunity and the many career related events planned for this semester by the NUI Galway Career Development Centre. "This is an exciting event for students and recent graduates and demonstrates a proactive approach". For further information contact the NUI Galway Career Development Centre on 091 492504. Ócáid dírithe ar Fhostaíocht a aimsiú sa Ré Dhúshlánach seo á reáchtáil in OÉ Gaillimh (View in English) Is eol do chách anois go bhfuil athrú tagtha le gairid ar mhargadh fostaíochta céimithe agus tá sraith seimineár eagraithe ag Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh dar teideal 'Get a Step Ahead, Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times'. Beidh an chéad seimineár ar siúl Dé Máirt, 27 Eanáir, ó 6-8pm, i dTéatar Choilm Uí Eocha, Áras Dán na Mílaoise. Tá an ócáid seo dírithe ar mhic léinn bhliain na céime agus ar mhic léinn iarchéime agus is cainteoirí ar saineolaithe i réimsí éagsúla iad a bheidh i mbun na seimineár. Labhróidh Anton Savage, láithreoir ar Today FM, painéalaí le RTÉ agus Stiúrthóir Bainistíochta Communications Clinic, le mic léinn faoin tslí is fearr le haird a tharraingt orthu féin sa mhargadh fostaíochta seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch. Labhróidh an Dr James Cunningham, Stiúrthóir an Ionaid um Nuálaíocht agus um Athrú Struchtúrtha (CISC), OÉ Gaillimh, agus comheagarthóir Irish Management 2.0, a foilsíodh le déanaí, ar an nasc atá idir treochtaí reatha sa gheilleagar agus na réimsí scileanna a theastóidh amach anseo chun cabhrú le mic léinn na cúrsaí iarchéime is feiliúnaí a roghnú. Cabhróidh Bernard Chanlia, oiliúnóir cáilithe gnó, agus Bainisteoir agus úinéir XenerGie le mic léinn a n-aird a dhíriú ar na rúin a bhaineann le spriocanna éifeachtacha a shocrú agus conas leas a bhaint as teicníochtaí pearsanta a chabhróidh leo dul chun cinn a dhéanamh. Tá an-taithí ag Bernard Chanliau ar oiliúint daoine aonair le cabhrú leo a spriocanna gairme agus gnó a bhaint amach. Deir John Hannon, Ceann an Ionaid Forbartha Gairmeacha in OÉ Gaillimh, gur gá do chéimithe anois féachaint ar a ngairmeacha i gcomhthéacs níos leithne agus mar shraith céimeanna nó portfóiliónna a thugann deis dóibh cur lena gcuid scileanna, leis an eolas agus leis an taithí atá acu. Dúirt sé: "Tá cúinsí geilleagracha na tíre seo imithe chun donais ach creidim fós go n-éireoidh le formhór na gcéimithe poist a fháil dóibh féin". Molann Mary O'Riordan, Leas-Uachtarán um Sheirbhísí do Mhic Léinn & Acmhainní Daonna in OÉ Gaillimh, leas a bhaint as an deis seo agus na himeachtaí eile a bheidh á reáchtáil ag Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh i rith an tseimeastair seo. "Imeacht iontach suimiúil a bheidh anseo do mhic léinn agus do chéimithe ina leagfar béim ar an gcur chuige réamhghníomhach". Tá tuilleadh eolais le fáil ach glaoch ar Oifig Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh ag 091 492504. -críoch-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Event to Provide Tips for Career Success in Challenging Times