Current PhD researchers in Classics

For guidance on how to join our research community, see our Postgraduate options in Classics page.


Project title



Chiara Corongiu

A descriptive and analytical catalogue of Latin glossing in Irish manuscripts   

Dr Pádraic Moran

Irish Research Council Laureate Scholarship (2022–2026)

Francesca Guido

De Analogia, ut ait Romanus: Recovering an embedded text in Charisius’ Latin grammar  

Dr Pádraic Moran

NUIG Digital Arts and Humanities Scholarship (2019–2020), Irish Research Council (2021–2023)

Paula Harrison

A study and critical edition of the Carolingian compilation De Astronomia in Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 422.

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

Irish Research Council Laureate Scholarship (2018–2022)

Ann Hurley

The Anonymous Excidium Troiae: Its importance as a didactic question-and-answer text and its reception and intertextuality in later vernacular literature

Prof. Michael Clarke

Galway Doctoral Scholarship (2015–2016), Irish Research Council (2016–2019)

Darcy Ireland

An 'Irish' Reference Bible: A Source Analysis of Pauca problesmata de enigmatibus ex tomis canonicis

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

University of Galway Hardiman Research Scholarship (2023-2027)

Andrew Levie

The Faerie Queene and the discourse of ethnogenesis in Elizabethan England and Ireland: Edmund Spenser's poetic undermining of narratives of Antiquity in relation to the world-picture of his own time

Prof. Michael Clarke and Dr Clíodhna Carney (English)

NUIG Hardiman Research Scholarship (2021–2025)

Luke McDermott

The Poetics of Foresight: Assessing the Communicative Function of Figurative Imagery in Prophecy and Prediction Texts from the Neo-Assyrian Period of Ancient Mesopotamian Textual Culture    Prof. Michael Clarke


University of Galway Hardiman Research Scholarship (2023-2027)

Conor McDonough

The Letters of St Paul in Early Irish Christianity

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

University of Galway Hardiman Research Scholarship (2024-2028)

Elena Nordio

Regionalism and Diversification in Seventh-Century Visigothic Latinity: A Sociolinguistic Approach

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

Irish Research Council (2018–2022)

Completed PhD projects


Project title



Dr Erin McKinney (2024)

Linguistic Code-Switching in Bethu Brigte, the Old Irish Life of St Brigit

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

NUIG Hardiman Scholarship (2017-2018), Irish Research Council (2018-2021)

Dr Maria Chiara Marzolla (2024)

Music and the Early Irish Church

Dr Jacopo Bisagni (and Prof. Cesarino Ruini, Bologna)

Galway Doctoral Scholarship (2018–2022)

Dr Mary Sweeney (2023)

Master of Two Nations: Examining Hellenistic Judean Identity in the Exagoge of Ezekiel

Prof. Michael Clarke

Irish Research Council (2018–2022)

Dr Noémi Farkas (2023)

Constructing the Good King: Biblical Exempla in Sedulius Scottus' De Rectoribus Christianis

Dr Pádraic Moran

Galway Doctoral Fellowship (2017–2021)

Dr Harry Tanner (2023)

Ancient Greek Lexical Semantics: Word Meanings as a Function of Contex

Prof. Michael Clarke


Dr Grace Attwood (2022)

Describing the Indescribable: Lexical Obscurity and Biblical Exegesis in Early Medieval Ireland

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

Irish Research Council (2017–2021)

Dr Ioannis Doukas (2022)

A Trojan Cycle for Late Antiquity: Towards a Digital Intertextual Commentary

Prof. Michael Clarke, Dr Pádraic Moran

NUIG Digital Arts and Humanities Scholarship (2014–2018)

Dr Micheál Geoghegan (2021)   

Man the Tamer: case studies in masculine ideology, power and the domestication of the wild in Ancient Greek social thought

Dr Edward Herring

Irish Research Council (2016–2020)

Dr Charles Doyle (2018)   

Studies in the Latin Christian reception of early Greek materialism

Dr Pádraic Moran

Galway Doctoral Fellowship (2014–2015), Irish Research Council (2015–2018)

Dr Jason O’Rorke (2017)

Voice of Ancients: An examination of verbal diathesis and its didactic practices in Latin grammars from Late Antiquity to the early Middle Ages

Dr Jacopo Bisagni

NUIG College of Arts (2010–2011), Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (2011–2014)

Dr Sarah Corrigan (2017)

The sea in early medieval Hiberno-Latin and latinate literature: Cosmological problem and imaginative resource

Prof. Michael Clarke

NUIG College of Arts (2009–2011), Irish Research Council (2011–2013)

Dr Peter Kelly (2016)

Synthesizing identity and text in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Prof. Michael Clarke

NUIG Hardiman Fellowship, Irish Research Council 

Dr Adelia Greer (2015)

Xenophon and the ancient Greek cavalry horse: an equestrian perspective

Dr Edward Herring

 NUIG College of Arts

Dr Francesca Bezzone (2013)

Deconstructing the Man, creating the Saint: The literary sanctification of Saint Germanus in the Vita Germani Auctore Constantio

Dr Mark Stansbury


Dr Emmet Marron (2012)

In His Silvis Silere: The Monastic Site of Annegray—Studies in a Columbanian Landscape.

Dr Mark Stansbury (and Dr Conor Newman, Archaeology)


Dr Eóin O'Donoghue (2011)

Remember me when I am gone away: An examination of the representation of gender in the material culture of archaic Etruria

Dr Edward Herring

NUIG College of Arts

Dr Anastasia Remoundou-Howley (2011)

Palimpsests of Antigone: Contemporary Irish versions of Sophocles’ tragedy      

Prof. Brian Arkins


Dr John (Jerry) Lidwill (2010)

The reception of Roman themes in modern Irish poetry

Prof. Brian Arkins