Designing Futures Framework for Student Development

Within the University of Galway, there is an agreed Graduate Attribute Statement as set out in the Teaching and Learning Strategy 2021-2026. This provides the anchor for our Designing Futures Framework for Student Development.  All identified skills and dispositions are linked back to this agreed and validated structure.

Given the complex range of initiatives involved in the DF project, it was important to develop a core framework that would specify the core skills and dispositions being addressed by the project. This framework is a key resource underpinning all the innovative initiatives created within the project.  It also underpins our use of externally developed approaches, including the ‘Design your Life’ programmes created by Stanford University’s Life Design Lab and on trans-disciplinary learning models pioneered by Georgia Institute of Technology

Creating the Designing Futures Framework for Student Development

Review & Research of Available Frameworks

Firstly, the team undertook a period of review and research to identify potential frameworks that could serve as an underpinning resource. The aim was to have a framework that could be developed and enhanced by each initiative as it is implemented. This process was informed by a literature review undertaken by the evaluation sub group. It directed the group to the main skills frameworks currently being used in the sector. The following exemplars in particular were identified as potential starting points to be reviewed by the entire DF project team.

Analysis & Drafting of the Framework 

Next the wider DF team reviewed and analysed each of these models and considered their goodness of fit for DF. ‌‌

This feedback was used to develop a new DF composite framework to incorporate the most applicable part of the above models. Care was also take to consider overlaps with university strategy documents, university skills statements, national skills policies and the UNSDGs.

The draft framework was then presented to key staff across each of the DF initiatives to consider its goodness of fit for their particular area of focus. Consultation was also carried out with project stakeholders across the university.  Special thanks to all who engaged in this process.  As a result a number of useful additions and suggestions were made, especially in the development of the “associated construct” section.  Overall, our consultation demonstrated that the framework is sufficiently comprehensive for current DF initiatives. 

The Designing Futures Framework for Student Development

The DF framework is now available to all staff as a guiding matrix in developing and implementing DF initiatives. It is not prescriptive. The links to existing frameworks are provided as guides. It remains under active review throughout the implementation of DF.

Designing Futures Framework for Student Development

We are particularly interested in student and staff feedback and welcome your recommendations for other resources or guides that will help develop a repository in this area.

Please use this Microsoft Form to forward your comments and suggestions.

Framework for Student Development

Framework for Student Development

Find out more about the Designing Futures Framework for Student Development

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