Disability in the University of Galway

The University of Galway is committed to equality of opportunity for all staff and students,  inclusive of those who have or acquire a disability while working or studying here. The Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, along with the Student Disability Support Service and the Human Resources Office will help promote inclusive practices throughout the campus community.

Work on implementing initiatives, creating policies, and reviewing practices is underway and will continue to be championed by the EDI Campus Committee through their Disability Working Group. The EDI Campus Committee was first formed in 2016/17, and works to eliminate discrimination, advance equal opportunity, and foster relationships by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.  

Access Officers

Under the Disability Act 2005, all Public Bodies are required to nominate one or more persons as Access Officers, whose responsibility it is to provide assistance and guidance to people with disabilities in accessing the services of the Public Body and to act as a point of contact for people with disabilities who wish to access the service.

Who to Contact?

Access Officer for staff and prospective staff:

Aoife Cooke, email aoife.cooke@universityofgalway.ie, phone 091 495408 

Access Officer for students and prospective students:

Bernie McGee, email bernie.mcgee@universityofgalway.ie, phone 091 493541

Members of the public who have an enquiry under the Act should contact Aoife Cooke in the first instance. 

Further Information

T‌o find out more about ongoing work in disability at University of Galway please contact the Office of the Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at OVPEDI@universityofgalway.ie

Visit the Accessibility webpage to find out about projects that make the University of Galway campus and our digital environment more accessible for students, staff and the general public.

Staff may be interested in reviewing the Staff Guide to Disability in the Workplace, available on the OVPEDI Policies webpage.

Students looking for support or information can contact their relevant Students' Union Officer.

National Disability Authority Fact Sheets:
Disability Statistics
Employability Statistics

EDI News