World Health Organization Collaborative Cross-National Study

The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey is a WHO collaborative cross-national study that monitors the health behaviours, health outcomes and social environments of school-aged children every four years. HBSC Ireland surveys school-going children aged 9-18 years. The study is conducted by the HBSC Ireland team, based at the Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway.

Latest News

HBSC International Report on Social Media Use and Gaming

25 September 2024

The report ‘A focus on adolescent social media use and gaming in Europe, central Asia and Canada’ is the sixth in a series of international reports using data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey 2021/2022. 
The report is available to download from

More information on HBSC international reports can be found on the 
HBSC International page or the international website .



HBSC Ireland 2022

The The Irish Health Behaviour in School Children (HBSC) Study 2022 was launched via an online webinar on Thursday 2nd May at 10.00am.

The report presents data collected in 2022 from over 10,000 participants. HBSC Ireland would like acknowledge all the parents and children who consented and participated as well as the management authorities, principals and teachers in all schools that participated. 

For more information see the HBSC 2022 page or contact


Other International reports from the 2021/2022 survey

Volume 1 'A focus on adolescent mental health and well-being in Europe, Central Asia and Canada' was launched on 10th October 2023. The report is available to download from

Volume 2 'A focus on adolescent peer violence and bullying in Europe, central Asia and Canada’ was launched on 27th March 2024. The report is available to download from

Volume 3 ‘A focus on adolescent substance use in Europe, central Asia and Canada’ was launched on 25 April 2024. The report is available to download from

Volume 4 A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada’. The report is available to download from 

Volume 5 A focus on adolescent sexual health in Europe, central Asia and Canada’. The report is available to download from

Further volumes will be available soon. More information can be found on the WHO Europe website.


HBSC Data Browser

The HBSC Data Browser is a new tool which allows researchers, policymakers, and educators to easily access, compare, and share findings from our 2021/22 survey, with comparable figures from 2013/14 and 2017/18. Discover trends, analyze differences, and inform policies to improve the lives of young people. 

The browser can be accessed at