Research activities within Physics are organised within the following three clusters - click on the images below for more detail:

  • Atmospheric and Environmental Physics Research - Investigating physical and chemical properties of aerosols and gaseous species in the marine coastal environment and their ultimate role in climate change; Researching the processes that are responsible for air-sea exchange; Investigating indoor air particulate matter and energy efficient retrofits in the residential sectorindoor air quality 
  • Centre for Astronomy - Research interests in ‌Astronomy, Astronomical Instrumentation and Computational Astrophysics;
  • Photonics and Imaging Research - Research interests in Applied Optics and Imaging Science, Laser microfabrication and device development, Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging, Medical Imaging & Modelling.

Links to Research Projects

Click on the icons below to find further information about these research projects:

ARDEN Project: Indoor Air, Ventilation and comfoRt in Irish Domestic dwellings post DEep Energy reNovations
ELEVATE Project: Elucidating Levels and Pathways of Human Exposure in Ireland to POP-BFRs and PFOS
FUEL Project: Furthering Understanding of Emissions from Landfilled Waste Containing Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS)
IMAGE Project: Ireland’s bioMonitoring Assessment of Glyphosate Exposures
OPTI-SDS project: An investigation of the OPTImum specification for Soil Depressurisation Systems (active and passive) that take account of Irish Building Practices
SAFER Project: Screening of the Irish Waste Stream for Persistent Organic Chemicals (SAFER)
VALIDate Project: Assessment of VentilAtion effectiveness via a Longitudinal indoor environmental study in ‘A’ rated Irish Dwellings

NORM-BMI project: Investigation of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in building materials in Ireland