Welcome to our RPL information portal for learners. In this section of our website you will find information on how to apply for RPL in relation to courses offered by University of Galway.

We explain what RPL is, the benefits that it can offer potential learners and how the RPL process operates. We aim to answer all the questions you might have about RPL.

If you cannot find the answer to your RPL query please email us on rpl@universityofgalway.ie

What is RPL used for?

If you have read our section on 'What is RPL?' you will know that RPL can be used to gain:

  • Entry to a course where you do not meet the standard entry criteria
  • Advanced entry to a course (i.e. into year 2 or year 3)
  • Exemption from one or more modules on a course

RPL for Entry

If you do not meet the standard entry criteria for a course of study the RPL process may provide you with an alternative entry mechanism. You will need to provide suitable evidence that you meet standards that are equivalent to the entry criteria. This evidence may be drawn from previous courses you have completed and/or it may be drawn from your professional work experience. Please check that the course you are interested in accepts RPL for Entry applications. You can do this by looking at the course webpage or by contacting the relevant Programme Director. 

RPL for Advanced Entry

In some situations you may be able to join a course beyond the first year. In such situations you will need to provide sufficient evidence demonstrating that you have already achieved the learning that would have been acquired in the year/s you wish to skip. Again this evidence may be drawn from previous courses you have completed and/or it may be drawn from your professional work experience. You will need to map your prior learning against the year level learning outcomes of the course year/stage you wish to be exempted from. Please check that the course you are interested in accepts RPL for Advanced Entry applications. 

RPL for Module Exemptions

RPL may also be used to earn module exemptions on a course of study. In this case you will be required to present evidence that demonstrates you have already acquired the learning outcomes of the module that you wish to be exempted on. Your evidence may be drawn from previous studies you have completed and may be supplemented with learning evidence acquired through your professional work experience. 

What type of evidence should I present?

The type of learning (formal, non-formal, informal) you plan on presenting will dictate the type of evidence that you need to include with your application.

Formal Learning

If you are presenting prior formal learning then your learning evidence should include a copy of your previous course transcripts, course outline, course prospectus etc. 

Non-formal Learning

If you are presenting prior non-formal learning then your learning evidence may include certificates of attendance, course outlines, course brochures, evidence of completion, samples of work etc.

Informal Learning

Evidence of informal learning may be more complex and time-consuming to assemble. We recommend that you use our RPL Learning Portfolio template to help you to structure your informal learning in such a way that it can be more easily assessed by the University. In the RPL Learning Portfolio you should organise your work experience in a chronological order and demonstrate how you have achieved the required standards of learning. You should use professional work related evidence to support your learning portfolio claims. This may include references from your employers, job specifications or samples of work you have completed, for example, reports, photographs, videos etc. 

How do I make a Recognition of Prior Learning Application?

RPL For Entry

To make an application under the RPL for Entry route you must first make an application under the normal application process. Check the relevant course webpage for application details. You should then complete the RPL Application Form (Form RPL1) and submit it to the relevant Programme Director. If your claim includes non-formal and informal learning you should also complete the RPL Learning Portfolio (Form RPL2).

RPL for Advanced Entry

To make an application under the RPL for Advanced Entry route you must first make an application under the normal application process. Check the relevant course webpage for application details. You should then complete the RPL Application Form (Form RPL1) and submit it to the relevant Programme Director. If your claim includes non-formal and informal learning you should also complete the RPL Learning Portfolio (Form RPL2).

RPL for Module Exemptions

Applications for module exemptions are only accepted once you are a registered student of the university. Your application for module exemptions must be made as soon as possible after registration but no later than 2 weeks after a module has commenced teaching. You must complete the RPL Application Form (Form RPL1) and submit it to the relevant Programme Director. If your claim includes non-formal and informal learning you should also complete the RPL Learning Portfolio (Form RPL2).

**Always check with the Programme Director in case there are course specific RPL application forms.