Tenth Annual

Stokes Modelling Workshop

For Undergraduate Students

University of Galway

27 - 30 May, 2024


The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University of Galway is hosting a 4-day undergraduate Modelling Workshop, organised by the Stokes Cluster for Applied Mathematics and the SIAM Student Chapter 

This workshop is primarily aimed at students with a scientific or engineering background in their penultimate year of study, but applications are welcome from all interested undergraduates. Participants will take part in team-based modelling of real-world problems, supported with training and small group study sessions provided by lecturers and postgraduate students. We have two confirmed speakers this year, Artur Gower from the University of Sheffield and Tom Shearer from the University of Manchester. Various tutorials will also take place during the workshop: Introduction to LaTeXcommunication skillscoding in PythonQ&A on PhD life 

We are delighted to host this years workshop on our campus in the University of Galway!

The registration is free and can be made here before May 10th 2024. 



Modellers at the 2023 Stokes Modelling Workshop

Modellers at the 2023 Stokes Modelling Workshop


 "A great chance to meet students from other courses and other colleges. It was interesting to see their approaches to the problem and to learn from them. It was also great to chat to the mentor as he taught us a lot."

 "Interesting and relevant range of projects available, with variety of skills/abilities catered for."

"It offered an opportunity to study problems in a relatively independent environment."

"The free lunch and coffee were really appreciated! The best part was the opportunity to do the problems our own way with programming etc, playing to our own skill set."