To create a landing page

  1.  Modify the section
  2.  Go to the Metadata Tab
  3.  Add the keyword landingPage to the 'Page Customisation Keywords' field.  You can use 1 of 5 other images too. 

    Built-in options(Click any of these to change this page, so you can see exactly what they look like)


    landingPage headerCollegesSchools

    landingPage headerCourses

    landingPage englishBuilding

    landingPage greenAbstract

    landingPage oldScriptBook

    Bespoke images:
    Advanced users could upload a 1600 x 250 image to the media library (Categorised » Landing Page Banners), or choose to use one of the 27 extra landing page banner images that we have already put there, for your convenience.
    To use the uploaded bespoke image in a landing page, you must also:
    a. Copy (duplicate) the customisation code from this page's section (in T4) into your own landing page.
    b. Change your copy of the customisation code to:
     - Make it load your preferred image
     - Set your required level of blur and image brightness,
    c. Tell your landing page to apply your customisation by setting its 'Page Customisation Keywords' field to 'landingpage custom'

    See step-by-step instructions.

    landingPage custom

  4.  Click 'Update'


By default, landing pages don't show the sidebar (rightbar) but if you want it to appear in the only place there is room for it (i.e. under the left nav), you can do the following:

  1. Go to the Metadata Tab
  2. Add the keyword fullContentWidth to the 'Page Customisation Keywords' field
  3. Click 'Update'
  4. Add an 'NUIG Code Only' content type to your landing page
    a. Name it 'Make Sidebar Visible'
    b. Paste in this exact code: <script>$('#pageRightColumn').show();</script>
  5. Update & Approve


You can add any content you like to a landing page but people very often use the 'Landing page box (small)' or 'Landing page box (Large)' content type in landing pages, which are essentially large picture links to other pages.  E.g: