Most academic programmes at University of Galway involve some coursework, continuous assessment, or assignments – terms that are used interchangeably. These are organised by your discipline (usually a lecturer or tutor). The Examinations Office organises official University exams at the end of each semester. 

Coursework can reduce the pressure of end-of-semester exams, and can give you opportunities to demonstrate your learning and skills in more creative and engaging ways than exams do. The coursework that you complete for a module can also help you to prepare for the end-of-semester exam.

The amount of time and effort required to complete assignments sometimes comes as a surprise to students. Doing well in your coursework requires a range of organisational and other skills that are not strictly related to your understanding of the module content.

When it comes to take-home assignments, regardless of what form they come in, there are some features common to all assignments that you really need to be clear about before you start. See our assignment checklist for more on this.

Click on the boxes below to learn more about assignments and exams at University of Galway.

Supported by the Student Project Fund