What is the Cancer Biobank?

The Cancer Biobank is a collection of clinical samples used in research to study how cancer develops and progresses and responds to treatment. Click on the links below to learn more. 

Biobanking for Participants

Patient and Healthy Volunteer Information

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Biobanking for Researchers

Clinician and Scientist Information

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Ethical Approval 

Patients and members of the public who volunteer to donate their samples are requested to sign an Informed Consent Form. The Cancer Biobank has received ethical approval from the Galway University Hospitals' Clinical Research Ethics Committee.

Data Protection 

The Cancer Biobank works with the Data Protection Office of the University of Galway and Saolta University Health Care Group. Personal data relating to your participation in the Cancer Biobank will be processed under the University of Galway/Saolta Cancer MCAN Joint Data Controller Agreement. The Joint Controllers have conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment DPIA202300027. This is a living document which is routinely updated.   ‌‌‌‌

Click this link for more Data Protection Information 

Financial and Institutional Support

The Cancer Biobank is financially supported by the National Breast Cancer Research Institute with additional support from partner funding agencies.‌ The Cancer Biobank is located in the Lambe Institute for Translational Research and is a joint initiative between the University of Galway and Saolta University Healthcare Group.

3rd BioBANC Symposium

6th September 2024 University of Galway

Event Programme