Biography & Researc Interests

Rishabh Jain is originally from Delhi, India and he did his Bachelors from 2015-2019 at the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) in ‘Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Bioinformatics’. His thesis work included ‘Patient Health Monitoring System and Detection of Atrial Fibrillation, Fall, and Air Pollutants Using IoT Technologies’.  After graduating from VIT, he did his Masters at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) from 2019-2020. His research thesis included working with Face Recognition and Deep learning technologies. Specifically, he worked to create a methodology for ‘Extracting Frontal facial region in videos based on face recognition and pose estimation in videos’.  Rishabh is currently working on DTIF DAVID Project as a Research Assistant, and is also a first year PhD student at NUIG. His research interests include working with Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies specifically in the domain of Child Speech. 

Research Activities

Working with the SOTA TTS models to synthesize child speech.
Working with the SOTA ASR models to recognize child speech.
Working on creating evaluation methods for TTS generated child speech.
Speech Understanding models to improve synthesis and recognition of child speech.
Plan to collect child speech data to improve TTS/ASR due to lack of usable child speech data available for research use.

Conference Participation & Publications

Participated in D-Real Summer School to present an overview of audio understanding and processing for TTS Research.

Participated in Interspeech 2021 conference as an attendee.