
History is first and foremost about people, the forces that shaped their lives and the ways in which they changed their societies. Studying history makes us aware that our world today took on its current appearance less by chance than as a result of specific developments and decisions taken in the past. 

Are you curious about how the modern world came to be? Would you like to find out how past events have shaped our contemporary global world?  If so, the BA History (Pathways) is the programme for you. It is an innovative degree that gives coherence and depth to your learning and opportunities to develop key skills for employment.

The BA History Denominated (Pathways) is a four-year degree that offers you choice and flexibility in what and how you study: 

  • It enables you to combine your study of History (your ‘major’) with two other subjects (your ‘minors’) that complement your major: choose from minors in Journalism and Global Media, Political and Sociological Studies, Economics and Public Policy, Philosophy, French, Italian and German.
  • In your third year, you will have the opportunity to compete for work placements, study abroad programmes and further on-campus special studies.
  • The BA History (Pathways) prepares students for careers in the public and private sectors, including international development, the diplomatic and civil service, NGOs, journalism, publishing, marketing and media, the heritage industry, and education.

Visit NUI Galway's Courses Page for information on entry requirements and how to apply. Click here for information on the programme structure, content and assessment.

To find out more, please contact Dr Gearóid Barry, Programme Director (gearoid.barry@universityofgalway.ie)

First Year BA History (Pathways)

On arrival in first year, BA History students select History as their core subject (major) and choose two other subjects (minors) to start on a learning ‘pathway’ for their degree.

‌Pathway One
Historical Studies

‌Pathway Two
History, Politics and Philosophy

Pathway Three
History (joint honours)

History (major) History (major) History (major)

PLUS TWO of the following:
Journalism and Global Media, Political and Sociological Studies, Philosophy, Economics and Public Policy, French, Italian, German (minors)

PLUS Political Science, Sociology and Policy AND

PLUS TWO other subjects from the Arts subject groupings
In second year, students will continue with History (major) and the other two subjects (minors)

In second year, students will continue with History (major), Political Science, Sociology and Policy and Philosophy (minors)

In second year, students will continue with History and one of their other first year subjects (double major)

Second Year BA (History)

BA History Pathways Programme

Second Year

In second year, students continue on one of these degree pathways:

  1. Historical Studies
  2. History, Politics and Philosophy
  3. History (joint-honours)

For information on pathways, subjects and modules, your first port of call should be the AY24-25 BA History Pathways Handbook for Second Year. Please read it carefully.

 Timetable:  2nd Yr Sem 1    2nd Yr Sem 2 

LIB2102 Module Description . All other relevant module descriptions can be found at this link


  • Your pathway depends on what subjects you studied with History in first year.
  • Journalism and Global Media, Political and Sociological Studies, Economics, Philosophy, French, Italian and German can be studied as majors or minors with History (if you are on Pathway 1 or 3)
  • Other subjects can be taken as Majors with History (if you are on Pathway 3)



Pathway 1

Historical Studies


Pathway 2

History, Politics and Philosophy


Pathway 3

History (joint- honours)


Year 2



15 ECTS x 2

Major: History


Minors: Two other subjects taken in first year (ie. Journalism and Global Media; Politics, Sociology and Policy; Philosophy; Economics and Public Policy; French; Italian, German. [1])

Major: History


Minors: Political Science, Sociology and Policy AND


Major: History


Major: One of the other subjects taken in first year (also 30 ECTS)


[1] Italian and Philosophy cannot be taken together as Minors.

Third Year History BA (History)

For students now entering their Third Year of BA History (Pathways) for Academic Year 2024-25…

Fáilte ar ais! Welcome back!

As we face September 2024 we in the History Department wish to communicate the following series of clear points to you as a group and individually:

[information posted 16 August 2024 – please watch this webpage for further updates]

As this is a different type of year in your degree you must still register for ‘modules’ with the online registration system (from 19 August 2024 on) but the modules you register for (listed clearly below) depend on what has already been decided about the shape of your Third Year.

For those who are away on Study Abroad for the whole year or for Semester Two, the relevant modules are those indicated below (i.e. HI3188 & HI3189 or HI3189 in the case of Study Abroad in Semester Two.)

With the exception of those studying abroad for the whole year (both semesters) everyone will take HI3192 (Independent Research Project 1) in Semester One.

Dr Gearóid Barry – as Programme Director – will host an in-person meeting with you ON FRIDAY 13th September 2024 at 12 noon (venue: Rm310 Tower One, Floor One, History Department) in Week One of Semester One – to guide you on all this below, especially the Independent Research Project. WATCH THIS WEBPAGE HERE AND YOUR EMAIL FOR UPDATES ON THIS MEETING – IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU ATTEND THIS MEETING. There will be about four such in-person group meetings on campus between September and November 2024 at times and locations TBC but communicated to you in September to allow you plan for travel.


Because Work Placements have not been fully decided or secured yet, it is not yet possible to register for that module HI3191 (Work Placement -Semester Two).

For now, I suggest that to complete your registration you register for BOTH HI3192 and the additional HI3193 – Independent Research Project – Semester 2 and we can have your registration amended centrally later in the year if and when you secure a suitable Work Placement and you are deemed to have passed the requisite Work Placement Training provided by the Work Placement Officer.

To recap:

Students who are now in their Third Year should register for modules below that correspond with the choices they agreed with the programme director at the end of the previous academic year.

The relevant module codes and titles are given below.

Be sure to register for the right module in the right semester!

Codes and titles of modules for 3rd year are:

HI3188 – Study Abroad – Semester 1

HI3189 – Study Abroad – Semester 2

HI3191 – Work Placement – Semester 2

HI3192 – Independent Research Project – Semester 1

HI3193 – Independent Research Project – Semester 2


Again, if you have questions, please contact the Programme Director, Dr Gearoid Barry (gearoid.barry@universityofgalway.ie)


Fourth (Final) Year BA History (Pathways)

A Chairde: Fáilte romhaibh ar ais!

For September 2024, the Department of History welcomes you back!

In the Third Year of your BA History (Pathways) you will have taken a combination of independent study, work placement and study abroad options.

Now, entering your fourth and final year, you return fully to campus to complete the degree pathway you choose at the beginning of Second Year.

Note: the History components of your Fourth Year follow the same pattern as those for all Final Year History students.

The relevant module descriptions and timetable can be found at this link.


The Pathway you are on affects the number and type of other subject(s) you may take with History.  Check the basic structure of your Pathway here on the Second Year BA History webpage.

For subject choice in your other (non-History) subjects, please be guided by instructions from Year Heads in the relevant departments.

If still in doubt, consult with the Programme Director below.

Dr Gearóid Barry, August 2024