The policy on Governance and Management of Designated University Research Institutes (QA508) sets out how our research institutes are managed and governed. It sets out the relationship between Institutes and Colleges: the role and reporting relationship of Research Institute Directors; and the principles, responsibilities and requirements of research Institute Membership.

Each University of Galway Research Institute has a primary affiliation to a specific College of the University. This is informed by its research themes and by the College affiliation of the members of the academic members of the Institute who are affiliated both to Colleges and Schools within the Colleges.

Institute Director

Each Institute is led by a Director, a member of academic staff,  who has responsibility for the academic and administrative affairs of the Institute, including academic policy and planning, academic affairs, management of operations, resources, quality assurance, risk and governance.

Directors of Research Institutes report to the University Institute Board via a dual reporting relationship as follows:

-          to the Vice-President for Research and Innovation in relation to the strategic direction and development of the Institute’s research activity; compliance with University and national policies with respect to research and innovation; and responsibilities to external funding agencies. 

-          to the Executive Dean of the affiliated College on matters relating to finance; resources and personnel; risk management and compliance

Institute Executive Management Team (EMT)

The EMT supports and assists the Institute Director in the operations of the Institute; the delivery of the research agenda; the setting and implementation of operational plans; and the long term strategic direction of the Institute.

University Institute Board

The University Institute Board provides internal oversight and direction for the Research Institute and is chaired by the Vice-President for Reseach and Innovation. Its members (max 13) include the Executive Dean of the College of primary affiliation, other relevant Executive Deans and the Dean of Graduate Studies, in addition to the Institute Director, Associate Directors, Finance and HR representatives and 1-2 members of the Institute.

External Advisory Panel (EAP)

Each Institute also has an External Advisory Panel (EAP). The EAP has a non-executive role to provide advice on the strategic direction and development of the Institute. It helps to review and guide the Institute’s research strategy. The EAP comprises 4-5 nationally and/or internationally respected experts in relevant fields. Members of the EAP are proposed by the Director and the VP for Research and Innovation, approved by the Institute Board and appointed by the President of the University.