‌Induction Resources

Induction Workshops

The remaining 2024 induction dates are as follows:

  • September 18th (online)
  • October 31st (in person)
  • December 12th (online)

The 2025 induction dates are below:

  • Jan 23rd Thursday (in person)
  • March 6th Thursday (online)
  • April 16th Wednesday (in person)
  • May 29th Thursday (online)

The Centralised Induction normally includes sessions on: HR policies and procedures, Procurement, Finance, Disability Support, EDI, Health and Safety, Learning and Development, Payroll, Research, Irish language, Sustainability (nature & ecosystems, energy & GHG emissions, built environment, health & wellbeing), Library, ISS, International Staff Network, and Employee Union.

Staff Handbook and Training Log

At the time of appointment, new staff should receive a copy of this booklet in their induction pack from the Human Resources Office.  The handbook is also available as gaeilge (**Both handbooks are currently being updated).
We have created the following pack as a guide for new staff members - Welcome to the University of Galway‌.‌

Coffee morning for New Staff
  • 10th October Coffee Morning (in the Aula Maxima)

Local Induction

The local induction is held at Unit/School level and provided to new staff members by their local induction coordinator (the coordinator is identified to the new staff member at offer stage by the HR office) on their first day.  The local induction is to assist the new staff member in familiarising themselves with their work environment, colleagues and the practical details when starting a new position, i.e. office/desk space, location of photocopier, etc.

A well-planned and executed induction should:
  • make new members of staff feel welcome
  • provide an introduction to the University
  • give an insight into other people’s jobs
  • provide essential background information to assist new members of staff with their own work
  • clarify job expectations and initial objectives
Head of Unit's Role

The Head of Unit's role is to ensure the induction meets these requirements so that every new member of staff has a strong start in their new role and feels part of their new team as soon as possible. 

In nominating an Induction Coordinator, the Head of Unit must ensure the induction coordinator has all the knowledge required to carry out the induction properly.

Induction Coordinator's Role

The Induction coordinator is a point of contact for the new appointee and their role is to make the transition of starting a new job in NUI Galway as smooth as possible. 

Below are guidelines to assist the coordinator in the induction of a new staff member into the Unit.

Guidelines for the Induction Coordinator/PI 2023

New International Staff Members to the University

It is important that new international staff members are supported on their move to the university. Below are guidelines for starting employment in Ireland. 

Moving to Ireland FAQ's - University of Galway

For Research staff see also: Hosting Agreement FAQ's - University of Galway

