Ancient Classics in Second Year Arts 2024–25

For full details, consult the Ancient Classics Student Handbook available on our Undergraduate Classics page.

Information session

At the start of semester one, we hold an in-person information session for students who have decided to take Ancient Classics as a subject in Second Year or who are still making up their minds. 

This session provides an overall introduction to the course ahead, including an overview of the available modules. This is an opportunity to find out more about the course and to ask any questions.

Choosing your modules

All Second Year Ancient Classics modules count for 5 ECTS credits. Depending on your programme, during Second Year you will take the following credits in Ancient Classics:

  • 25 ECTS credits (5 modules):
    Typically students taking BA Connect programmes (Bachelor of Arts with Children's Studies, Human Rights, or Performing Arts Studies).
  • 30 ECTS credits (6 modules):
    Most other programmes, including the BA Joint Honours (GY101).

2BA semester one course structure

CC2105    Heroic Epic [core module]
CC230      Beginning Latin 1
CC2103    Mediterranean Origins

2BA semester two course structure

CC2104    The City-State [core module]
CC2107    Science and God
CC232      Beginning Latin 2 (continuing from CC230)

Interdisciplinary option

SG217    A Field of Gods & Men: Celtic Mythology