Qiaoyan Lai - Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting

Why did you choose University of Galway? "I was a student of Shannon College of Hotel Management, and I want to study advanced accounting, that’s why I transfered here in my last year."
What was your first day at University like? "Here is different with Shannon College, it's is larger and have more students. I can not find my class and lost in campus in my first day, haha. But I was still excited and looking forward my University life."
How did you find University of Galway? "Lecturers are very nice and helpful, and library provide all material that I need. I am very enjoying in studying here. Although course is not easy, and I maybe lost balance sometimes at first. But I find my way with lecturers’ and friends’ help. I satisfied with my study result in the end, and what is more important is, I really learned something which will have long impact in my life."
Irish culture in 3 words? "Peace, Happy, and Drink!" Galway in 3 words? "Beautiful, Wind and Rain!"
— Qiaoyan Lai, Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting