Module Details

Title Short: Idea to Impact Bootcamp - Design Thinking Training Programme 

Language of Instruction: English

Module Code: GS5112

ECTS Credits: 5

NFQ Level: 9 EQF Level: 7 EHEA Level: Second Cycle

Valid From: 2023-24 (01-09-23 – 31-08-24)

Teaching Period:Semester 2
Module Delivered in: 14 programme(s)
Module Discipline: MG - Management
Module Level: PhD Generic
Module Data: 1 - 4 NON LAB Module

Module Description:
Programme participants will develop their innovation and entrepreneurial skills through developing their creativity, innovation, self-efficacy, the ability to work with others, planning and project management skills, understanding of risk, the ability to turn stressors or sources of harm into opportunities, and how to manage failure. They will also develop storytelling and business case development skills. This Bootcamp style module will be delivered over 3 days in block release (18 hours) with additional mentoring (6 hours) provided to each individual/team and a final presentation of the solution direction (2 hours). The programme will use a design thinking approach and hands on learning to develop a solution direction which will deliver economic or societal impact and has been designed based on the Stanford D.School approach to design thinking and the Venturewell lean canvas methodology. The module will be supported by materials designed by the Stanford D.School approach and delivery format) The Bootcamp will bring together interdisciplinary Graduate Researchers to develop their entrepreneurial mind-set, skills and ideas. The module will focus on discovering the next generation of founders and help them launch research-backed start-ups focused on long-term impact. Our participants will work at the intersection of research and commercialisation. The programme is discipline agnostic and designed for those who have either a very early stage concept that they would like to validate or would like to broadly develop their innovation skills through solving a problem that has been identified by one of our industry partners. Our partners include a mix of social and commercial companies spanning the arts,health, business, science, engineering and social sectors. This module is available to all graduate researchers across all 4 colleges of the University. The skillset developed through the module are aligned with the IUA Irish Universities PhD Graduate Skill Statement under the Entrepreneurship and Innovation pillar and also the Vitae Researcher Development Framework.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:

LO1: Understand argument (oral and textual) and articulate own assumptions; developing independent and critical thinking using the lens of design thinking
LO2: Understand and experience the dynamics of working in a team to foster innovation.
LO3: Apply the lean canvas methodology to a solution direction and develop a short business plan.
LO4: Actively practice exercising the customer discovery process.
LO5: Understand the process of starting a new business venture in a domain.
LO6 The goals of this module are to use design thinking and lean canvas methodology to support the translations of fundamental research to the market place, to encourage collaboration between academia and industry, and to train researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship skills.

Module Content & Assessment
Indicative Content
Idea to Impact Bootcamp - Design Thinking Training Programme
Programme participants will develop their innovation and entrepreneurial skills through developing their creativity, innovation, self-efficacy, the ability to work with others, planning and project management skills, understanding of risk, the ability to turn stressors or sources of harm into opportunities, and how to manage failure. They will also develop storytelling and business case development skills. The skillset developed through the module are aligned with the IUA Irish Universities PhD Graduate Skill Statement under the Entrepreneurship and Innovation pillar and also the Vitae Researcher Development Framework.

Special Regulation
The module will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. Participants will be assessed as follows: Reflective Journal (20%) Presentation of Final Project (60%) Lean canvas workbook (20%) The pass mark required for this module is 40%

The module will be assessed by the module leader with the support of the module facilitators.

Lecture Hours: 18 hours Mentoring: 6 hours Final Presentation: 2 hours Independent and Self-Directed Learning: 74 Hours • Customer Discovery Interviews • Analysis of interviews • Design thinking mapping • Iterating and Pivoting • Business model validation

Total Hours =100

No Written Assessment

Continuous Assessment

Assessment Type: Continuous assessment 1 

Assessment Description: N/A

Outcome addressed: 1,2,3,4,5

% of total: 100

Marks Out of: 100

Pass Marks: 40

Sitting: First Sitting

Assessment Period: Semester 2

Assessment Date: N/A

Duration: 0

Mandatory: True

No Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment
No Department-based Assessment
No Research
No Study Abroad
No Computer-based Assessment

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Workload: Full Time

Workload Type

WorkLoad Description

Learning Outcomes



Average Weekly Learner Workload


Bootcamp sessions(18 hours) Session 1: Origins of design thinking Design Thinking in Action Session 2: Customer journeys & empathy experiments Session 3: Brainstorming and ideation Session 4: Audience/customer profiling Synthesis and insights Session 5: Prototyping & iteration Testing Session 6: Origins of the Lean Canvas and Synergies between Design Thinking and Lean Session 7: Storytelling and the business case



Per Semester


Lecturer-Supervised Learning (Contact)

Mentoring (6 hours) (week 4, 6, 10) Each individual or team will have 3 x 2 hour mentoring sessions as part of the module. Mentors will be identified based on the problem area



Per Semester


Lecturer-Supervised Learning (Contact)

Storytelling in Action (2 hours) (Week 8) Participants will present their work to a panel of experts including their supervisor or their nominee.



Per Semester


Directed Learning

Self-directed Learning: Self-directed learning and mentorship will take place from week 4-10 to support participants to advance their ideas and learning. Additional mentorship can also be provided based on the specific area that is being addressed.



Per Semester


Total Hours


Total Weekly Learner Workload


Total Weekly Contact Hours


This module has no part time workload

Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources

Leonard, D. and Rayport, J.F., 1997. Spark innovation through empathic design. Harvard business review, 75, pp.102-115.


Fairbairn, G.J., 2002. Ethics, empathy and storytelling in professional development. Learning in Health and Social Care, 1(1), pp.22-32.


Brown, T., 2008. Design thinking. Harvard business review, 86(6), p.84.Session 8 Kornish, L.J. and Ulrich, K.T., 2014. The importance of the raw idea in innovation: Testing the sow's ear hypothesis. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(1), pp.14-26.


Brown, T. and Wyatt, J., 2010. Design thinking for social innovation. Development Outreach, 12(1), pp.29-43.


Fairbairn, G.J., 2002. Ethics, empathy and storytelling in professional development. Learning in Health and Social Care, 1(1), pp.22-32.


Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur ISBN: 978-0-470-87641-1


Talking to Humans-success starts with understanding your customers. By Giff Constable and Frank Rimalovski ISBN: 978-0990800927

This module does not have any article/paper resources

This module does not have any other resources



Module Instructors

Staff Member

Staff Email