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Parisa Zangeneh
Parisa Zangeneh

- https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=3146628
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0263-802X
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NAMajvcAAAAJ&hl=en
- https://independent.academia.edu/ParisaZangeneh
- https://philpeople.org/profiles/parisa-zangeneh
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Parisa-Zangeneh
- https://hcommons.org/members/parisazangeneh27/
- “Zan, Zendegi, Azadi”, Irish Times, October 5, 2022.
- “International institutions should take ‘all measures’ to uphold peace”, Irish Times, March 14, 2022.
- “Afghanistan: what has come of the last 20 years?”, Irish Times, August 17, 2021.
- “Mark Chadwick, Piracy and the Origins of Universal Jurisdiction. On Stranger Tides? Queen Mary Studies in International Law, vol. 34 (Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, 2018), isbn:978-90-04-33119-8, Hardback, 278 pp, €154.00 / USD $185.00”, International Criminal Law Review.
- “Book review: The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-States Parties, Monique Cormier”, Opinio Juris, April 26, 2021.
- “Elizabeth Grimm Arsenault, How the Gloves Came Off: Lawyers, Policy Makers, and Norms in the Debate on Torture (Columbia University Press, 2017, viii + 254 pp, £30.00) ISBN 9780231180788 (hb) 9,780,231,543,255 (ebk)”, Human Rights Law Review, March 2021.
- “Book review: Kinnari I Bhatt, Concessionaires, Financiers and Communities: Implementing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land in Transnational Development (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2020)”, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, March 2021.
- “Philippe Sands, The Ratline: Love, Lies and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2020) 412 pp. (Hardback) £20.00 ISBN 978 1 4746 0812 1”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, March 2021.
- “Memories of Kabul while walking by Galway Bay”, Irish Times, March 20, 2021.
- “Book Review of East West Street: On the Origins of ‘Genocide’ and ‘Crimes against Humanity’”, Opinio Juris, February 18, 2021.
- “International Law is Clear: the U.S. Must Stay Lisa Montgomery’s Execution”, Opinio Juris, January 8, 2021.
- “International Criminal Justice Institutions: Brief Analysis of the IER Final Report”, Opinio Juris, October 15, 2020.
- “The ICC Independent Expert Review – A Resopnse to Prof. Guilfoyle’s Post on Questions of Tenure and Trust”, Opinio Juris, November 11, 2020.
- “My yearly pilgrimage to the Garda Station”, Irish Times, November 2, 2020.
- “Today’s Judgment in Ayyash et al.”, IntLawGrrls, August 18, 2020.
- “Internships in International Criminal Justice Institutions”, Opinio Juris, July 31, 2020.
- “The External Dimension of CA1 and the Creation of International Criminal Tribunals”, chapter in Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law, Routledge, July 2020.
- “The killing of George Floyd in the time of the Coronavirus”, Delaware County Daily Times, June 9, 2020.
- “Vulnerability of casual workers ‘never more apparent’”, Irish Times, April 1, 2020.
- “Yesterday’s Ntaganda Judgment and Sexual and Gender-based Violence Committed against Men and Boys”, IntLawGrrls, July 9, 2019.
- “Can International Institutions Stop A U.S.-Iran War?”, Lobelog, June 25, 2019.
- “The number of convictions at the ICC – a fair performance indicator?”, IntLawGrrls, April 25, 2019.
- “The ICC’s Afghanistan Decision and the Interests of Justice”, IntLawGrrls, April 19, 2019.
- “The Arms Trade and the US-Iran Standoff – a Lucrative Deal for the US, Saudi Arabia, and other Regional Allies?”, IntlLawGrrls, May 13, 2018.
- “Croatia v. Serbia: Genocide and the Dolus Specialis Question”, IntLawGrrls, February 3, 2015.
- “The Gloves Came Off: Torture and the United States after 9/11”, International Human Rights Law Review, May 2013.
- “The Ntaganda Case, Prosecutorial Discretion at the ICC, and the Recognition of Sexual Violence against Males”, IntLawGrrls, November 25, 2014.
- “People’s Justice: Addressing the 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran”, EJIL (European Journal of International Law) Talk! Blog, October 2, 2012.
- "Nuclear Politics, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian People," Iran Analysis Quarterly, 2006.
- “The Legal Architecture of the International Military Tribunals and the Creation of a System of Exclusionary Justice’, Conference presentation, Irish Association of Law Teachers Conference in Belfast, November 2022.
- Online presentation at the Symposium, Fractures and Continuities of Changing Rule in (Post-) Conflict Settings, April 1st, 2021, paper: 'Fractures and contested narratives of statehood in litigation before the International Criminal Court', Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (Germany)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)
- Presentation, part of “Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law” webinar, NUIG, 19 March 2021.
- NUIG Doctoral Seminar, April 2020; May 2021.
- “Doing a PhD in International Law”, Zoom Event, April 8, 2020.
- “The Jurisprudential Treatment of Sexual Violence against Males in International Criminal Law”, Symposium on Occupation, Transitional Justice and Gender, Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster, May 8, 2015.
- Introduction, International Criminal Courts in an Internationalised World: Their Evolution and Future Prospects, University of Edinburgh, February 12, 2014.
- Panelist, Teaching Middle East Studies, Center for Iranian Research and Analysis, June 2005; Chair, Talk on Iranian Nuclear Issue, Center for Iranian Research and Analysis, June 2005.