Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate Poulnabrone field-class

We offer Archaeology at undergraduate level as part of the BA (Joint-Honours) undergraduate degree

Proleek Portal Tomb

 Ahenny High Cross

 Skerries Windmill

1st Year Archaeology

2nd Year Archaeology

3rd Year Archaeology

 High cross of Moone  Isertkelly Tower House, Co. Galway.  Killadangan Stone Row, Co. Mayo.

Diploma in Irish Archaeology
(fully on-line Diploma course)



1BA Poulnabrone_field-class 2016


International Visiting and Erasmus Students (Undergraduate)

Archaeology has played a central role in the social sciences in universities throughout the world, providing important insights to the story of humankind.  Archaeology provides you with interpretative, analytical and communication skills of direct value in a wide range of career paths, particularly in heritage-related professions.  Archaeology in NUI Galway is to the forefront of Irish archaeology producing quality graduates and postgraduates employed across the full spectrum of the heritage profession in Ireland and abroad.

The coming together of teaching and research makes archaeology at university a unique experience: we don’t just impart knowledge, we create it. Exciting discoveries by researchers in Galway about the lifestyles of the earliest farming communities, geophysics at the great royal sites like Tara, and the art and architecture of the medieval world, add an extra dimension to the teaching programme and ensure that students are exposed to cutting-edge research.

Archaeology at NUI Galway Poster 2022

Student frequently asked questions (FAQs)

On-line learning at NUI Galway - getting started

Planning for effective learning during Covid-19 (leaflet)

Ag pleanáil don fhoghlaim éifeachtach le linn Covid-19 (leaflet)



Blackboard (the Virtual Learning Environment used by NUI Galway) is the portal for all module and teaching-related information.

Blackboard Login

Click here to login to Blackboard

               Username = student number

               Password = your personal alpha-numeric password

Health & Safety / Covid-19

Information, forms and links in relation to H&S and Covid-19


Undergraduate Coursework Coversheet

Click here for a copy of the Undergraduate Coursework Coversheet.

You may left-click on the highlighted text above to open the 'Undergraduate Coursework Coversheet' and print it from there.
Alternatively, you can download a pdf of the 'Undergraduate Coursework Coversheet' by rignt-clicking on the highlighted text above and choosing the 'Save target as ...' option.