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Emergency Information
Emergencies/First Responder/AEDs
In University of Galway, management and staff need to be prepared to respond to the range of emergencies that may arise, fire, medical conditions, gas leaks, etc. The Fire Safety Information page provides specific fire emergency information. Similarly, all University Units must locally develop and implement procedures for other emergencies likely to arise as a result of their activities.
When phoning 112 or 999 for emergency help what key details should I give?
- The location/eircode (and phone number) from which you are calling;
- The type of emergency and assistance required;
- The location where assistance is required and directions to get there;
- Do not hang up until you are satisfied that your message has been correctly received and that the emergency services have got all the details they require.
What is the contact number for University of Galway Security?
(091) 49333/Ext: 3333 is the contact number for Security in University of Galway. Please also see further information on the Buildings & Estates website.
What key information is needed to respond to an emergency?
- The main emergency numbers.
- The location of the nearest telephone(s) and confirm that they are available for use e.g. that the phone line is not barred;
- The First Aid Responders in your Unit and their contact phone number(s).
Is there a Campus Map that I can use to help direct the Emergency Services?
This linked Emergency Services Routes Map gives the nine (9) major routes onto the campus using landmarks such as Wards Shop. This map has been provided to the Ambulance Service, Fire Brigade and Gardaí.
In an emergency situation, what other points need to be considered?
- Do not put yourself or others at risk. At all times the most important consideration is human safety.
- Familiarise yourself with fire emergency procedures, and other arrangements, in advance.
- Act responsibly and methodically with due care for your safety and the safety of others.
- The senior member of staff must take local control of the situation ensuring the safe evacuation of all persons present and be prepared to warn the emergency services of any known special hazards.
Should the accident or emergency be reported afterwards?
- Yes, after any incident (near miss) or injury event.
- Ensure that all incidents i.e., accidents, near misses or first aid incidents are reported within 24 hours to the Safety Office. Visit: Incident Reporting.
- Additional information can be found on locally displayed Safety Contact Poster.
First Responders
Who are the current First Responders?
Link here for First Aid Responders.
What are the first aid resources relevant to Staff/Units?
- AEDs (Defibrillators) on Campus
- First Aid Kits available within University of Galway buildings.
Log a Buildings & Estates Pemac Request regarding first aid kit restocking, maintenance etc. - Units completed an Assessment of First Aid Responder Needs which must be periodically updated.
- First Aid Room (unstaffed) in the Sport Complex (Kingfisher) and Dangan Sports Pavillion
- A University of Galway First Aid Record Form to be completed in all cases where first aid was administered.
- "RED Card" (PHECC) giving responders the key points to be covered in making a 999/112 call. (Provided to First Aid Responders at training and to all staff at events and on request).
What are the first aid resources available to First Responders?
- Emergency Response Kits for external first aid emergencies are in 4 locations.
- An explanatory First Aid Responder Circular is available to staff prior to training.
- The Primary Survey is a useful training and refresher resource for OFAs.
- A Cardiac First Response Report (PHECC) to be completed in the event of a cardiac related incident. (Provided to First Responder at training).
- "Green Card" giving the key points in the administration of Aspirin, where required. (Provided to First Responder at training).
- A Laerdal mannequin is available from the Health and Safety Office to University of Galway First Responders who wish to practice their CPR skills.
Are there First Aid rooms in University of Galway?
There are First Aid Rooms (unstaffed) in the Sport Complex (Kingfisher) and Dangan Sports Pavillion.
What should be in a first aid kit?
What should be in a first aid box or travel kit?
Information taken from the HSA website:
The table below shows the recommended contents of first aid boxes and travel kits.
Materials | First Aid Travel Kit Contents |
First Aid Box Contents |
1-10 persons | 11-25 persons | 26-50 persons*1 | ||
Adhesive Plasters | 20 | 20 | 20 | 40 |
Sterile Eye Pads (No. 16) (bandage attached) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Individually Wrapped Triangular Bandages | 2 | 2 | 6 | 6 |
Safety Pins | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Individually Wrapped Sterile Unmedicated Wound Dressings Medium (No. 8) (10 x 8cm's) | 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Individually Wrapped Sterile Unmedicated Wound Dressings Large (No. 9) (13 x 9cm's) | 1 | 2 | 6 | 8 |
Individually Wrapped Sterile Unmedicated Wound Dressings Extra Large (No. 3) (28 x 17.5cm's) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Individually Wrapped Disinfectant Wipes | 10 | 10 | 20 | 40 |
Paramedic Shears | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Examination Gloves Pairs | 3 | 5 | 10 | 10 |
Sterile water where there is no clear running water*2 | 2x20mls | 1x500mls | 2x500mls | 2x500mls |
Pocket Face Mask | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Water Based Burns Dressing Small (10x10cm's)*3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Water Based Burns Dressing Large*3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Crepe Bandage (7cm ) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
*1: Where more than 50 persons are employed, pro-rata provision should be made.
*2: Where mains tap water is not readily available for eye irrigation, sterile water or sterile normal saline (0.9%) in sealed disposable containers should be provided. Each container should hold at least 20ml and should be discarded once the seal is broken. Eye bath/eye cups/refillable containers should not be used for eye irrigation due to risk of cross infection. The container should be CE marked.
*3: Where mains tap water is not readily available for cooling burnt area.
What is an AED or Defibrillator?
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is used to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Currently the survival rate for sudden cardiac conditions is very poor, typically 1% however if an AED is used promptly, the victims chances of survival can increase significantly, e.g. if an AED is used within five minutes the victim has a 50% chance of survival.
How many AEDs are there in University of Galway?
There are 20 AEDs on campus. AEDs are also in place in Áras Shorcha Ní Ghuairim, Carna and Áras Uí Chadhain, An Cheathru Rua and Shannon College of Hotel Management. There are also AEDs on the Park & Ride buses. For locations see map under files for download. This equipment is to be used by trained personnel only.
Where are the AEDs located and is there a phone near them?
Yes, the table below summarises this information for all University of Galway AEDs and you will find an AED Map here.
Please note, if ringing from an external phone dial (091) 49 before the 4 digit extensions below.
1 | Áras na Mac Léinn | Áras na Mac Léinn AED | H91 RTR6 | Main Foyer | 5100 |
2 | Áras Moyola | Áras Moyola AED | Main Foyer | 5200 | |
3 | James Hardiman Building | Library AED | H91 REW4 | Behind Steward's Desk | 5340 |
4 | Engineering Building - North Campus | Alice Perry Building AED | H91 HX31 | Riverside Reception Ground Floor | tbc |
5 | Sports Pavilion Dangan | Sports Pavillion AED | Gable wall to right of building | n/a | |
6 | NCBES, Orbsen Building | Orbsen AED | H91 DK59 | 1st Floor, Adjacent to Reception | 5900 |
7 | CSI, Entrance Level | CSI AED | Adjacent to Main Restaurant | 5500 | |
8 | Data Science Institute, Dangan | Data Science Inst, Dangan AED | H91 AEX4 | 1st Floor Meeting Room Corridor | 5300 |
9 | Sports Complex Kingfisher | Kingfisher AED | Main Reception | 540300 | |
10 | Sports Complex Kingfisher | Kingfisher AED | First Aid Room | 540300 | |
11 | Quadrangle | Quadrangle AED | Archway | 3543 | |
12 | Concourse | Concourse AED | H91 CF50 | BOI end outside O' Flaherty Theatre | 2800 |
13 | Cairnes Building | Cairnes Building AED | H91 WN80 | St. Anthony's side of Friar's | 5693 |
14 | LifeCourse Science Institute | ILAS AED | H91 C7DK | Main Entrance Foyer | tbc |
15 | Biomedical Sciences | Biomedical Sciences AED | H91 W2TY | Main Entrance Foyer | 5638 |
16 | Education Building, Nun's Island | Nuns' Island AED | Main Entrance Corridor | 2195 | |
17 | Carna | Carna AED | Corridor to Left of Reception Area | tbc | |
18 | An Cheathrú Rua | An Cheathrú Rua | Reception Area | 595101 | |
19 | Human Biology Building | HBB AED | H91 W5P7 | Main Entrance | tbc |
20 | Security Office | Security Office | n/a |
How many staff are trained to use an AED in University of Galway?
There are approx 200 staff in University of Galway trained to use AEDs. This includes all First Aid Responders and staff in the Student Health Unit and the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
What should Heads of Units do to be prepared to repond to an cardiac emergency?
Heads of Units must ensure that adequate local arrangements are in place to ensure a prompt response to a cardiac emergency as part of their Occupational First Aid arrangements. A Local Cardiac Arrest Response Plan should be prepared.
What should I be familiar with so that I can assist in a cardiac emergency?
- The locations of the AEDs.
- The trained University of Galway personnel to contact in the event of coming across an unconscious person (print off the attached lists of AED trained personnel for the AED(s) nearest you)
- How to make an 112/999 emergency phone call - See Emergency Information above and RED Card (PHECC).
- A 112/999 call requesting a "cardiac ambulance" must be made where you come across any unconscious casualty.
- This information is summarised in this AED Demonstration Information Summary.
Where can I find a list of AED's and Local Co-Ordinator's?
You will find a List of AED's and Local Co-Ordinator's here.