Who is Eligible to Apply?

For non-EU students who have had a significant life changing experience within the last 12 months and during the course of their studies that has left them in financial crisis . Chronic mental / physical illness, bereavement, and sudden unemployment of a parent / guardian or partner are some of the situations where students may be eligible for this fund. On-going low income does not, in and of itself, qualify you for the Emergency Hardship Fund.   

To apply please ensure you have the following details:

  • Your completed Budget Template
  • Details of why you need funding assistance
  • Your funding requirement
  • Republic of Ireland bank account details

Where do I apply?

The fund is open for the 2024/25 Academic Year. Please apply here

Key considerations in making your application:

  • Students can only apply once per academic year to a fund.
  • If you submit more than one application to a fund, only your latest application will be retained and assessed; earlier applications to that fund are over-written.
  • By uploading incorrect or inaccurate documentation, your application will be rejected or delayed.

Fund-Specific FAQ's:

How do I get setup for online meetings to discuss my application?

Details on how to set-up your hand-held device or laptop are here: MS Teams setup for Student online Guidance

What documentation do I need to submit with my application?

For those wishing to show a significant change in circumstances, a completed application form together with all the required documentary evidence necessary in support of the application and documentary evidence to show the change of circumstances that has occurred.

Some examples of successful Emergency Hardship situations:

Recent diagnosis of cancer (parent). 

Student asked to leave home due to gender issues. 

Student recently bereaved.

Student recently diagnosed with mental health issues.

Student recently assaulted.

Student recently estranged from abusive (emotional, physical and sexual) family. 

In each of the above situations, the student was able to demonstrate the negative effect these circumstances had on their financial plan

Some examples of unsuccessful Emergency Hardship situations:

- Student lost her job, however she has sufficient financial support.

- Student with no significant change in circumstances other than inflation. As this impacts all students this does not meet the criteria of the fund.

Student with health issues requiring treatment in the private medical system. Health issues did no occur in recent times so there is no unforseen circumstances.

- Student can't afford rent due to limited household income. No unforseen circumstances.

- Student has significant loans and is seeking help with fees. Student is seeking help with these. This fund cannot help with either of these situations.

- Student going on an unpaid work placement and/or ERASMUS programme. No unforseen circumstances.

- Student unable to afford laptop. Refer to laptop loan scheme.

- PhD student's funding has ceased but student is still undertaking their studies. This fund is not apppropriate for this purpose and student should seek out other funding options (e.g. write-up bursary)

Note: The above situations may be funded under the HEAR/Access or Means Tested fund (if the student meets the criteria)