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Thursday, 3 October 2013
NUI Galway only Irish university to increase ranking in both QS and THE world rankings NUI Galway is one of only three Irish universities to move up the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2013-14. With an increase of 22 places, NUI Galway is now ranked 314th in the THE Rankings 2013/2014. NUI Galway is now the only Irish university to increase its position in the two main international rankings, having recently increased to 284th in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2013/2014. NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne said: “This is very good news for NUI Galway. As the only Irish university to increase our position in both the 2013 THE World University Rankings and the recently published QS World University Rankings, I am pleased to see that our position globally is on the rise. We have experienced significant cuts in overall funding at third-level in Ireland, while student numbers have continued to rise. Despite this, our university has gone against the tide to secure a marked improvement in these very competitive rankings. This is a testament to our high standards in teaching and research, and an affirmation of our very focused approach to developing an international reputation in a select set of research areas.” The Times Higher Education World University Rankings were developed in concert with rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters, with expert input from more than 50 leading figures in the sector from 15 countries across every continent. The Times Higher league table of the world’s top universities is based on 13 separate performance indicators covering all of the core missions of a world class university; teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The survey also includes the world’s largest academic reputation survey, with more than 10,000 academics asked to rate the world’s best universities for the 2013 ranking. President Browne added: “It will be critical for Ireland to maintain its investment in its universities if we are to remain internationally competitive. Every year, rankings such as this are broadened to include a burgeoning number of world-class universities. While the rankings evaluate universities against a limited range of measures, there is no doubting their influence on a University’s ability to attract international students. We operate in a global market, competing for students and research support on an international playing field. Support on a national level must be maintained for universities such as NUI Galway to continue with their success.” The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2013-14 is available to view online at: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ -ends- Léimeann OÉ Gaillimh 22 áit i Ranguithe Domhanda mór le rá Times Higher Education OÉ Gaillimh an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn i ranguithe domhanda THE agus QS Tá OÉ Gaillimh ar cheann de thrí ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn i Ranguithe Ollscoile Times Higher Education (THE) 2013-14. Tá OÉ Gaillimh anois sa 314ú háit i Ranguithe THE 2013/2014, sin ardú 22 áit ó anuraidh. D’éirigh linn le gairid an 284ú háit a bhaint amach ar domhan i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain 2013/2014, agus is í OÉ Gaillimh anois an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn sa dá phríomhrangú idirnáisiúnta. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Jim Browne, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Is iontach an dea-scéala é seo do OÉ Gaillimh. Ó tharla gur muid an t-aon ollscoil in Éirinn a rinne dul chun cinn i Ranguithe Ollscoile THE an Domhain 2013 agus i Ranguithe Ollscoile QS an Domhain a foilsíodh le gairid, táim ríméadach go bhfuil ár stádas domhanda ag dul ó neart go neart. Tá gearradh siar uafásach déanta ar mhaoiniú ag an tríú leibhéal in Éirinn agus ag an am céanna tá líon na mac léinn ag dul i méid. In ainneoin sin, tá an ollscoil s’againne ar a mine géire chun dul chun cinn a chinntiú sna ranguithe seo atá thar a bheith iomaíoch. Is cruthúnas é seo ar an ardchaighdeán teagaisc agus taighde atá againn agus deimhníonn sé an cur chuige dearfach atá againn chun cáil idirnáisiúnta a bhaint amach i réimsí áirithe taighde.” Cuireadh Ranguithe Ollscoileanna an Domhain Times Higher Education le chéile i gcomhar le soláthróir sonraí na ranguithe, Thomson Reuters, le hionchur sainiúil ó bhreis is 50 duine iomráiteacha san earnáil ó 15 thír i ngach mór-roinn. Tá tábla sraithe an Times Higher de na hollscoileanna is fearr ar domhan bunaithe ar 13 tháscaire feidhmíochta ar leith ag clúdach gach croímhisean a bheadh ag ollscoil den scoth; teagasc, taighde, aistriú eolais agus dearcadh idirnáisiúnta. Tá an suirbhé is mó ar domhan maidir le cáil acadúil áirithe sa suirbhé seo chomh maith. Fiafraíodh de bhreis is 10,000 duine acadúil na hollscoileanna is fearr a rátáil do rangú 2013. Dúirt an tUachtarán Browne chomh maith: “Is den riachtanas é go gcoinneoidh Éirinn ag infheistiú ina cuid ollscoileanna le gur féidir leo bheith iomaíoch go hidirnáisiúnta. Gach bliain, leathnaítear ranguithe den chineál seo chun ollscoileanna eile den scoth a thógáil ar bord. Cé go measann na ranguithe ollscoileanna de réir slat tomhais atá sách srianta, níl aon dabht ach go bhfuil an-tionchar acu ar chumas Ollscoil mic léinn idirnáisiúnta a mhealladh. Táimid ag feidhmiú i margadh domhanda, san iomaíocht do mhic léinn agus do thacaíocht taighde ar pháirc idirnáisiúnta. Caithfear an tacaíocht ag leibhéal náisiúnta a choinneáil d’ollscoileanna cosúil le OÉ Gaillimh chun go mbeidh an rath céanna uirthi amach anseo.” Tá Ranguithe Ollscoile Times Higher Education (THE) 2013-14 le feiceáil ar líne ag: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/ -críoch-
Monday, 7 October 2013
NUI Galway’s fully accredited online Diploma in Italian is first of its kind in Ireland NUI Galway’s Diploma in Italian Online, launched in September 2012, has been a major success and has just been awarded the prestigious European Language Label, which recognizes innovation in the field of language teaching and learning. Italian Studies at NUI, Galway is the first discipline in Ireland to offer a fully accredited Online Diploma in Italian so that it is now possible to study Italian anywhere and any time. Dr Laura McLoughlin, programme co-ordinator said “unlike many distance learning programmes designed for independent learning, this diploma course is based on a collaborative, communicative approach and students are encouraged to participate in virtual class activities with their peers and e-tutors”. The Diploma is open to everybody and is designed for those who have no previous experience of the language. It is particularly suited to those who need flexibility in their time and mode of study and/or live away from Galway. Basic computer skills are sufficient. Professor Paolo Bartoloni, Head of Italian at NUI Galway, said “learning Italian provides invaluable transferable skills. There is no doubt that the profile of the professional of the future will be that of a person who can adapt quickly and effectively to new situations and environments, who speaks more than one language, and who is at home in more than one country.” He added “He and she will be mobile, cosmopolitan, and ready to embrace and negotiate different cultures and traditions. We in Italian at NUI Galway are committed to introducing and exploring new technology in the area of second language acquisition, while enhancing learning and teaching flexibility which respond to the needs of the community.” The course concentrates on all four main language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and provides a gradual introduction to the structures of the language. In addition, a module on oral and intercultural skills introduces aspects of Italian life from an intercultural prospective. Italian is a major language and its culture had and continues to have a central place in the shaping of Europe. Italian is also the language of a vibrant and creative EU country that has made extraordinary contributions to all forms of culture down through the centuries. For further information contact: Dr Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, 091-492240 or laura.mcloughlin@nuigalway.ie -ends-
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
8k to raise funds for services and support for young peoples’ mental health and well-being Jigsaw Galway, the free and confidential support service for young people in Galway city and county has called on people of Galway to join in next Saturday’s (12th October) 8k run around the University Campus along the banks of the river Corrib. All funds raised from this event will go to Jigsaw Galway. Jigsaw support young people aged 15-25 experiencing difficulties that affect their mental health and well-being. Jigsaw also provides advice and guidance to anyone concerned about a young person in their life. Justin McDermott of Jigsaw says “All the team here in Jigsaw are so delighted to involved with the NUI Galway Kingfisher 8K this Saturday, and we are calling on the people of Galway to get on their gear and take part in the NUI Galway Kingfisher 8K to raise funds for our services and support for young peoples’ mental health and well-being.” This Charity event is forming part of the NUI Galway Alumni Gathering schedule which takes place the weekend of the 11th to the 13th of October 2013 on the NUI Galway campus. The Classes of 1963, 1973, 1983, 1988, 1993 and 2003 are returning to NUI Galway this weekend to celebrate the anniversaries of their graduation. Events will include a special dinner for the class of 1963 in the Aula Maxima on Friday 11th with entertainment provided by renowned jazz singer Bertha Hope accompanied by some of Galway's leading session instrumentalists fused with the traditional singing of Mary McPartlan. Alumni are invited to walk part of the 8k route if they so wish. From 2pm events will include bus and walking tours of the campus, visits to the new wing of the Hardiman Library, home to archive material, the Natural History Museum and the iconic Engineering Building. There will also be a topical economics lecture ‘Taking Stock: A Conversation on the Irish Economy’ with Dr Alan Ahearne and Professor Tom Boylan. The day’s entertainment will close with Gala Reunion Dinner in the Bailey Allen Hall. As 2013 is the year of the gathering, this event gives a great opportunity to bring together students, staff, alumni and friends of NUI Galway in one place to take part in a fun event for all ages and abilities. The run is open to everyone, and runners and walkers of all fitness levels will be catered for. To register for this fantastic event please log on to the Kingfisher Club Website http://www.kingfisherclub.com/nuigalway8k.html Registration is quick and easy. All queries on the event can be sent to nuigalway8k@kingfisherclub.com. -ends-
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Professor Stefan Decker, Professor of Digital Enterprise at NUI Galway, is appointed to the Board of Informatics Europe, the association of computer science departments and research labs in Europe. Professor Stefan Decker, Professor of Digital Enterprise at NUI Galway, has been appointed to the Board of Informatics Europe, at the Annual General Assembly of Informatics Europe in Amsterdam this week. Professor Decker is the Director of INSIGHT@NUI Galway and is one of the leading computer scientists in Ireland. Informatics Europe is the association of computer science departments and research laboratories in Europe and neighbouring areas. The mission of the association is to foster the development of quality research and teaching in information and computer sciences, also known as Informatics. Professor Decker said “I am looking forward to work with Informatics Europe. This appointment enables me to help shape the European and Irish research and teaching landscape. Informatics is one of the driving forces in societal, technological and economic development”. NUI Galway is an acknowledged leader in the field of Semantic Web and Linked Data and Professor Decker has played a key role in that development through his research. The ability to link currently unlinked data and information in a world with exponential data growth is an area of societal, economic and academic interest and a key focus of the Government’s smart economy. Ireland’s economy is heavily influenced by IT and Informatics – Ireland is the host and European headquarter of Companies like IBM, Fujitsu CISCO, HP, Avaya, EMC, Facebook, Google, and many others. Influencing the European Research and Education environment is of importance for Ireland and its IT industry. About INSIGHT@NUI Galway INSIGHT@NUI Galway, Ireland (formerly known as the Digital Enterprise Research Institute). The INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics is a joint initiative between researchers at NUI Galway, University College Dublin, University College Cork, and Dublin City University, as well as other partner institutions. It brings together a critical mass of more than 200 researchers from Ireland's leading ICT centres to develop a new generation of data analytics technologies in a number of key application areas. For more information see: http://www.informatics-europe.org/ http://www.stefandecker.org/ http://www.insight-centre.org/ http://www.deri.ie/ -ends-
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Sinead Hayes, NUI Galway civil engineering graduate and Bursary winner, will make her RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra debut on Friday, 25 October conducting Mozart’s ‘Paris’ Symphony at the National Concert Hall as part of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra’s 2013–2014 Season. Ten years after she first stood in front of an orchestra as a conductor, she will conduct as part of an all-Mozart concert programme which features violinist Baiba Skride, a major international artist, directing three Mozart concerti in the conclusion of her Mozart violin concerti cycle with the RTÉ NSO. Full concert information below. From Corofin, Co. Galway, Sinead studied violin and piano during her school years. Following training as a structural engineer (BE (Civil), First Class Honours, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2000; Winner National University of Ireland Bursary in Civil Engineering, 2000; MSc (DIC) in Structural Steel Design, Imperial College, London, 2001) and a period working in London as a structural engineer ‘on some very interesting projects’ she returned to music. A weekly orchestral conducting course at Morley College, London, an adult education institute, was followed by further music study and graduation in 2008 with a BMus, First Class Honours, in violin and composition from City University, London and a MMus in Conducting from the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester (2009), winning the Mortimer-Furber Conducting Prize for her final recital. Sinead says that she is ‘equally at home working with choir, orchestra and in opera’. She is currently principal conductor of the Amaretti Chamber Orchestra and has recently relocated to Berlin to learn the German language and to further her conducting experience. From 2009 – 2013 she was music director of Bury Choral Society, with whom she conducted major choral works for choir and orchestra, and was assistant conductor and chorus master for British Youth Opera’s 2011 production of Le nozze di Figaro. In June 2011 she was invited to participate in the Orkney Conductor’s Course, working with Martyn Brabbins, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and London Sinfonietta. Sinead has a strong interest in contemporary music, particularly the work of Irish composers. In March 2012, working with an orchestra of what she describes as ‘Irish and honorary Irish string players, mostly studying/living in Manchester/London’, she devised and conducted a sell-out concert for the Manchester Irish Festival featuring the UK premiere of John Kinsella’s Symphony No. 9, Strings A-stray by Elaine Agnew and music by Micheál O Súilleabháin. She called it ‘Beyond the Shamrock’, describing it as a ‘reaction against the Plastic Shamrock perception of Ireland.’ She has participated in masterclasses with Johannes Schlaefli, Jorma Panula and Sylvain Cambreling and has worked with the Chamber Orchestra of Luxembourg, Orquestra do Algarve, North Czech Philharmonic, Bochumer Symphoniker, Essener Philharmoniker and Ensemble and Orquestra de Cadaqués. As she prepares for her RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra debut, Sinead has commented: ‘It is fantastic to get to work with the RTÉ NSO, a world-class orchestra, and Irish also! The ‘Paris’ Symphony was one of the first pieces I conducted at Morley College. If someone had said that ten years later I would be conducting it with the RTÉ NSO, I just would not have believed them!’ Welcoming Sinead’s impending debut, Assumpta Lawless, General Manager of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra said: ‘The RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra is committed to supporting Irish artists. It is particularly exciting to offer Sinead her RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra debut in our 2013–2014 Main Season, to do so at a key stage in the development of her conducting career and to invite her to conduct Mozart’s adrenalin-packed ‘Paris’ Symphony as part of an all-Mozart evening which features the acclaimed Latvian violinist Baiba Skride directing three Mozart concerti.’
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
The Value of Arts in the Lives of Children is the title of a module specially commissioned by Baborówhich forms one part of a unique partnership Baboró International Arts Festival for Children has with NUI Galway. It is being delivered for the first time this autumn, to third year students studying for a Degree in Youth And Family Studies. The module was designed and is presented by playwright and Baboró Board Member Rebecca Bartlett. Research shows that 75% of a child’s brain develops during the first five years of their life, and half of all intellectual and developmental potential of a child is established by age four. Keeping childhood front and centre, this module offers a different means of exploring the extrinsic and intrinsic importance of Arts in a child’s life. The module is intended to encourage students to examine the role that the arts play in providing children with safe and creative environments in which they can learn to make sense of the world around them. As well as seminars and guest lectures by among others, Baboró Founder and Childrens’ Author, Patirica Forde and Baboró’s own Artisitc Director, Lali Morris. The students will attend shows at Baboró 2013 and take part in post event reflections and de-construction . In her introduction to the module Rebecca Bartlett commented, “It is hoped that by taking the students on this Baboró journey they will have a deeper understanding of the value of arts as the natural medium for child learning. They will reflect on childrens’ real experiences and the ways in which arts activities enhance childrens’ cognitive, sensual and physical development. Students will be introduced to the ethos of the Fesitval, exposed to other ground breaking projects that Baboró has undertaken, such as the BEAST! project, and explore the crucial ‘learning triangle’of the Child, Parent and Teacher. Ultimately Baboró would hope that these students would consider the arts as playing an intrinsic role in any career they may choose that has young people as its centre.” Dr. Cormac Forkan, coordinator of the Degree in Youth and Family Studies at NUI, Galway added, “This is an extremely exciting time for us all, especially the students. They are being afforded the opportunity to critically reflect upon and internalise the skills, feelings and ideas central to Baboró’s ethos, which will no doubt inform their practice as frontline practitioners in the future.” Baboró International Arts Festival for Children will open next Monday 14th October and run until Sunday 20th October. For tickets phone the Town Hall Theatre on 091 569777 or book online at www.tht.ie and for programme details see www.baboro.ie Ends.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
NUI Galway is offering open nights at the Imbusch Observatory in Dangan, on 16 October, 13 November and 11 December at 7pm. An informative hour-long lecture and 3D tour of the universe will be followed by a hands-on viewing of the sky by night, weather permitting. The Imbusch Astronomical Observatory was opened in 2004 and is used by students studying Physics and Astronomy at NUI Galway. The observatory is equipped with a modern computer controlled 16" telescope and camera, and a radio telescope with a hydrogen line spectrometer, which is able to map out and measure the velocity of the sun and the Milky Way. There is also a 10" portable telescope - computer controlled – for visual observations of planets, star clusters, nebulae and other bright objects. Admission is limited to two per person and is strictly by ticket only, on a first come first served basis. All bookings are by email and those interested should send requests to tara.shanahan@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
Monday, 14 October 2013
Dr Dugon who received his PhD in NUI Galway to use his ‘creepy crawlies’ to bring ecology and biology to life NUI Galway is to collaborate with Dr Michel Dugon, the presenter of RTÉ’s new children’s television programme on creepy crawlies; ‘Bug Hunters’, in bringing stick insects, tarantulas, giant millipedes, stag beetles, scorpions and other stars of the RTÉ shows to primary and secondary schools. The RTÉ Bug Hunters series will be broadcast this October as part of the Awesome Autumn series of children’s programming. It will begin today (October 14th) on RTÉ 2 and will also be broadcast on RTÉ Jr on October 21st. Further information at rte.ie/bughunters Bug Hunters’ Michel Dugon will take his Eco EXPLORERS on school visits joining forces with Cell EXPLORERS part of NUI Galway’s School of Natural Sciences outreach programme. The Cell EXPLORERS programme, led by Dr Muriel Grenon, promotes biological and biomedical sciences in schools and to the general public. Professor Vincent O’Flaherty, Head of the NUI Galway School of Natural Sciences says that “the outreach programme is a practical and effective way of bringing science to life in the classroom for primary and secondary school children. Allowing children to engage with the natural world begins a lifelong relationship with learning and scientific exploration that has led many of our students to study at NUI Galway’s School of Natural Sciences.” To mark the beginning of the RTÉ Bug Hunters series, Dr Dugon and NUI Galway are offering 5 schools a free half-day Eco EXPLORERS course hosted at NUI Galway. Schools are invited to register for the courses at www.nuigalway.ie/bughunters. The Eco EXPLORERS course is non-profit but does charge schools a fee to cover expenses. During the Galway Science and Technology Festival, schools can register at http://www.galwayscience.ie/ for Cell EXPLORERS. These school visits are free and feature ‘Fantastic DNA’ and ‘Little Cells’. The programme, run by Dr Muriel Grenon, aims to inspire scientific interest in children, provide teaching resources for teachers and engage the general public in the role of science and its importance in society. About Dr Michel Dugon A former teacher, Michel came to NUI Galway holding a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Education and a Masters degree in Ecology. He completed a PhD in Zoology under Professor Wallace Arthur, Professor Emeritus of Zoology at NUI Galway. Prior to joining NUI Galway, Michel spent several years studying venomous snakes, spiders, scorpions and centipedes in various parts of the world, including France, Vietnam, Malaysia and the UK. -ends-
Monday, 14 October 2013
NUI Galway’s School of Psychology is currently recruiting people of all ages to take part in a study exploring Wellbeing in Ireland. The study makes use of a new collective intelligence thinking tool that helps people to structure relationships between national wellbeing objectives, and will be used to shape government policy into the future. Internationally, there is increasing interest in, and analysis of, human wellbeing and the economic, social, environmental and psychological factors that contribute to it. Current thinking suggests that to measure social progress and national wellbeing we need something more than economic indicators, which are traditionally used by governments to track progress. Experts across a range of disciplines have increasingly highlighted a number of key values and domains of measurement that are influencing the way governments in different countries are thinking about wellbeing measures and policies. Different countries have focused more or less on citizen consultation in the design of new wellbeing measures and policies. However, recent international studies highlight the dangers of failing to consult with citizens and the importance of citizen consultations in the design of wellbeing measures and policies. Researchers at the Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change, NUI Galway have strongly argued for the value of citizen consultations. The Health and Wellbeing research group at NUI Galway are working to understand how best to optimize collective intelligence of experts, citizens and politicians using simple and powerful systems thinking tools. They have used their systems thinking methods to consult with participants at the recent national Wellbeing in Ireland Conference. During the conference participants explored goals that need to be achieved in order to improve wellbeing in Ireland. There was a strong focus on strategic wellbeing goals focused on Education, Community, Health, Governance, Democracy, Environment, Equality, Lifestyle, Business and Employment, and Sustainability. The Health and Wellbeing research group at NUI, Galway now seek participants for an important study that will expand on these initial conference findings. They will be holding workshops with Irish people of all ages and backgrounds. Participation in the study offers people a unique opportunity to offer their opinion on what goals we should pursue to enhance the wellbeing of the people of Ireland, thereby helping to shape what is measured at a national level. Dr Mike Hogan of the School of Psychology at NUI Galway said: “One of the most important lessons we can learn from an analysis of the international wellbeing movement and various attempts by different countries to design a national wellbeing index is that you must consult with citizens in the design of your national wellbeing measure. It is the citizens who must decide what our national priorities should be.” Workshops will be held in Dublin, Sligo and Galway in October and November, with a workshop for people of working age on Tuesday, 22 October at 6.45pm in NUI Galway. To participate in a workshop, please contact Claire McMoreland at c.mcmoreland1@nuigalway.ie or 087 9232489, or online through the Wellbeing in Ireland Facebook page. -Ends-
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
App aims to improve the public’s perception of maths, and let them ‘solve’ their way around NUI Galway! Gafa le Mata, a new bilingual mathematical walk app of the NUI Galway campus was launched yesterday (14th October) by the University’s Vice-President for Innovation and Performance, Professor Chris Curtin. This free app is designed to help visitors, students and staff to explore and learn about the many mathematical features associated with the campus. This app invites all people, irrespective of mathematical ability, to participate successfully in mathematical problem solving and to be ‘Gafa le Mata’. Funded by EXPLORE, the development of this bilingual mathematical walk of the campus is the first for NUI Galway and the first to be developed on any third-level campus in Ireland. EXPLORE supports NUI Galway students and staff to collaborate on innovative, new projects to benefit NUI Galway and the wider community. This project was undertaken with eight BA in Mathematics and Education student teachers. Dr Máire Ní Ríordáin, staff partner on the project, emphasised that “by participating in this project, the student mathematics teachers had to work collaboratively together to develop material and content for the app, while also designing the app interface. They developed new skills, while also developing awareness of the potential of mathematical learning taking place outside the classroom and the importance of improving the public perception of mathematics.” Technical development of the app was carried out by INSIGHT @ NUI Galway (formerly the Digital Enterprise Research Institute). Professor Stefan Decker, Director of INSIGHT, said: “The project demonstrated the multi-disciplinary nature of modern app development that we are embracing at NUI Galway. It was designed by the School of Education, developed at INSIGHT and the main software developer on the project was a recent graduate of the NUI Galway’s Higher Diploma in Software Design and Development (Industry Stream).” This app is available and free to download from both the Apple and Android stores. -Ends- Aip Dhátheangach Matamaitice Saor in Aisce do Champas OÉ Gaillimh seolta Tá súil go bhfeabhsóidh an aip dearcadh an phobail i leith na matamaitice agus go gcuideoidh sé leo a mbealach a éascú timpeall OÉ Gaillimh! Sheol an Leas-Uachtarán do Nuálaíocht agus Feidhmíocht, an tOllamh Chris Curtin, aip nua dhátheangach matamaitice a threoróidh tú timpeall champas OÉ Gaillimh, Gafa le Mata, inné (14 Deireadh Fómhair). Tá an aip saor in aisce seo deartha chun cuidiú le cuairteoirí, le mic léinn agus le comhaltaí foirne tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar ghnéithe matamaiticiúla den champas. Cuideoidh an aip seo le gach duine, is cuma cén cumas matamaiticiúil atá iontu, fadhbanna matamaiticiúla a réiteach agus a bheith ‘Gafa le Mata’. Tá an togra maoinithe ag EXPLORE. Is í an tsiúlóid dhátheangach mhatamaiticiúil seo den champas an chéad cheann dá leithéid forbartha ag OÉ Gaillimh agus an chéad cheann a forbraíodh ar aon champas tríú leibhéal in Éirinn. Cuidíonn EXPLORE le mic léinn agus le comhaltaí foirne OÉ Gaillimh comhoibriú ar thograí nua, nuálacha ar mhaithe le OÉ Gaillimh agus an pobal i gcoitinne. Thug ochtar múinteoir faoi oiliúint ar an BA le Matamaitic agus Oideachas faoin togra seo. Dúirt an Dr Máire Ní Ríordáin, páirtnéir foirne ar an togra go raibh ar “na múinteoirí matamaitice faoi oiliúint comhoibriú le chéile chun ábhar a fhorbairt don aip, agus comhéadan na haipe a dhearadh chomh maith. D’fhoghlaim siad scileanna nua, agus fuair siad amach faoi fhoghlaim na matamaitice taobh amuigh den seomra ranga agus an tábhacht a bhaineann le dearcadh an phobail i leith na matamaitice a fheabhsú.” Rinne INSIGHT@OÉ Gaillimh, ÉIRE (Institiúid Taighde na Fiontraíochta Digití (DERI) roimhe seo) an aip a fhorbairt go teicniúil. Dúirt an tOllamh Stefan Decker, Stiúrthóir INSIGHT: “Léiríonn an togra seo an mianach ildisciplíneach atá i bhforbairt na n-aipeanna nua-aimseartha seo a bhfáiltimid roimhe in OÉ Gaillimh. Dhear Scoil an Oideachais í, d’fhorbair INSIGHT í agus is céimí de chuid an Ard-Dioplóma i nDearadh agus i bhForbairt Bogearraí (An Tionscal) in OÉ Gaillimh a d’fhorbair an bogearra don aip.” Tá an aip ar fáil le híoslódáil saor in aisce ó shiopa Apple agus Android. -Críoch-
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
NUI Galway’s School of Humanities have organised a series of free public lecture series on the humanities, commencing on Wednesday, 23 October. All lectures are open to the public and will be held in the Galway City Library on Augustine Street at 6.30pm. Professor Lionel Pilkington, Personal Professor in English at NUI Galway, will deliver the first of the series of talks entitled 'What's the use of Acting? Thoughts about Theatre and a Market Economy' on Wednesday, 23 October. This talk will examine the connection between theatrical acting and the ways in which we think about how we might act socially and politically. Specifically, Professor Pilkington will look at particular issues of labour, poverty and social justice in the Irish Free State in the mid-1920s and then move on to consider these alongside Ria Mooney’s tour de force performance of the prostitute Rosie Redmond in the first 1926 production of Sean O’Casey’s The Plough and the Stars. On Wednesday, 13 November, Professor Patrick Lonergan, Personal Professor in Drama and Theatre Studies at NUI Galway, will discuss ‘Irish Theatre and Social Media/Social Media as Irish Theatre’. He will explore the relationship between theatre and social media, showing that social media resources can be seen as a performance space - like a theatrical stage - in which people "perform" versions of themselves to the outside world. He will also consider how authors are developing, and changing, their reputation by engaging with audiences on Twitter, and how major theatre companies, such as the Abbey Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company, are using social media to interact in new ways with audiences. The third and final lecture will be delivered by Professor Máirín Ní Dhonnchadha, School of Humanities at NUI Galway, on Wednesday, 22 January. Professor Ní Dhonnchadha will pose the question ‘Medieval Irish literature, why read it today? '. Professor Ní Dhonnchadha will argue that we should take a long view of culture and that medieval and even earlier writers may be regarded as our contemporaries. She will call attention to some of the customary ways of reading pre-modern Irish literature, and ask how we can move beyond these to a fuller appreciation of the riches of pre-modern Irish writing and its authors. For further information, contact Karen Walsh in the School of Humanities, NUI Galway at 091 495689 or email karenm.walsh@nuigalway.ie. -Ends-
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
A step on the road towards real-time drug delivery for those living with Parkinson’s Disease A wearable device to help improve the quality of life for Parkinson’s disease patients is being developed in a €4.7 million project involving NUI Galway. The project has completed its first phase which was gathering data on the movements of those living with Parkinson’s Disease. The completed ‘Personal Health System’ will include a portable system, capable of identifying the motor status of patients, guiding them to walk more easily, and delivering real-time data to their medical care teams. Real-time data, it’s hoped will lead to real-time drug delivery which will increase the efficiency of the drug treatment for a longer time. The REMPARK (Personal Health Device for the Remote and Autonomous Management of Parkinson’s Disease) EU FP7 project involves 11 partners across Europe, including NUI Galway and Irish electronics manufacturing company M&M Qualtech, also based in Galway. After Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative condition, with estimates that there are approximately 8,000 living with the condition in Ireland. The REMPARK project expects to ultimately improve the management of the disease, reduce the hospitalisation of patients, and improve medical knowledge on Parkinson’s through the quantitative evaluation of associated motor problem states. Professor Gearóid Ó Laighin, Professor of Electronic Engineering at NUI Galway and REMAPRK Principal Investigator for NUI Galway says “one of the main problems associated with Parkinson’s is the motor fluctuations suffered by the patients. These include tremors, changes in walking speed, freezing of gait and falls, and the severity of these depends on the patient and the stage of progression of the disease.” NUI Galway’s technical contribution to the project will be in the development of a novel electrical stimulation system to help manage these motor fluctuations. The University will work closely with M&M Qualtech in developing the device. As one of four clinical partners, NUI Galway/University Hospitals Galway will also provide access to Irish Parkinson’s patients to test and evaluate the system under development, with the support and assistance of patient groups such as the Galway Parkinson’s Association and the European Parkinson’s Disease Association. The REMPARK project will also use smart phone technology to feed information to a central computer server, to enable easy interaction with neurologists supervising patients. Dr Tim Counihan, Consultant Neurologist, University Hospitals Galway and Senior Lecturer, NUI Galway explains that “at the moment, medication is used to mitigate the set of symptoms. Neurologists try to set the medication dose in order to avoid the presence of motor fluctuations as much as possible. The problem that neurologists currently face is the lack of quantitative information on the intensity of the symptoms and their duration. Neurologists would be able to manage the disease more effectively if this information could be provided, which we hope is what the REMPARK project will deliver.” The REMPARK group at NUI Galway is a multidisciplinary effort and involves an important collaboration with the Discipline of Physiology, led by Dr Leo Quinlan. Dr Quinlan says “this is a wonderful example of translational research, capitalising on the synergies between Engineering and Biomedical Sciences to deliver solutions to an unmet clinical need and a real-life daily challenge for Parkinson’s patients.” -ends-
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Those interested in taking part in the App study are invited to the IBD patient open day in Salthill, Galway October 19th 2-5pm The HRB Clinical Research Facility (CRFG) at NUI Galway is supporting research utilizing smartphones for the care of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Professor Laurence Egan, gastroenterologist at University Hospital Galway and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology/Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist and Head of the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at NUI Galway is the Principle Investigator for this research study. The research aims to assess a new smartphone application or ‘app’ in the care of patients with IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) to see if patient care can be improved by using this smartphone application. Patients record their IBD symptoms daily on the ‘app’. This information is then sent securely to the clinical research team at HRB Clinical Research Facility, Galway. The data is reviewed twice weekly by the IBD research nurse Áine Keogh. If patient symptoms deviate from a normal level, this will alert the IBD nurse who will then contact the patient and consult with the medical team to direct the patient’s care appropriately. Many patients with Crohn’s and colitis struggle to take the medication. Along with recording symptoms patients can record if they have missed their medication dose. It is hoped that this reminder will help improve medication compliance. Previous studies have demonstrated that using static telephones to follow up IBD patients improves patient satisfaction with their care. However, the use of smartphones to help deliver more personalised health care has not been tested in a scientific setting. This study will test the technology and explore if patients using a smartphone software application to record their daily symptoms will help prevent flare ups of their condition through close monitoring by clinicians and therefore reduce hospitalizations and improve their health and well being. It is envisaged that that the use of smartphone technology may also help improve the care of other groups of patients with chronic medical conditions. Patients with asthma, diabetes, chronic pulmonary disease and depression may benefit from the use of mobile phone technology. The ‘app’ was designed by Open Brolly (http://openbrolly.com/) Scotland in collaboration with an NHS Scotland Highland surgeon, Angus Watson. It is funded through the Implementing Translational Telemedicine Solutions by the Northern Periphery Programme (http://www.transnational-telemedicine.eu/projects/ibd/) in collaboration with the Discipline of General Practice NUI Galway (Monica Casey, Patrick Hayes, Liam Glynn) and the HRB CRFG (Professor Laurence Egan and Aine Keogh). Recruitment for the study will take place at Irish Society for Colitis and Crohn’s disease meeting being held on Saturday 19 October 2-5pm at the Salthill Hotel Galway. Further information can be found on http://www.iscc.ie/. For more information on the study please contact the HRB Clinical Research Facility Galway on 091 494281/086 7845554 (www.crfg.ie). -Ends-
Thursday, 17 October 2013
NUI Galway PhD student Nora Duggan will host single channel video projection exhibition, Quad, in the University’s Art Gallery from 18-26 October from 12-4pm daily. The temporal relations between stillness and movement constantly drive Nora's art practice. Taking the original Quadrangle building of NUI Galway as her subject, she compiled a series of digital photographs and videos over the past year, recording the movement of light in and around the building and its surrounds. These images are then reconfigured, manipulated, cut and collaged together in order to investigate the ambiguous nature of time. As she reaches the mid-point of her practice-based PhD at the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, NUI Galway, Nora looked to Quad for evidence of how her research has progressed to date, but also to inform her future direction. Nora explains: “The work questions how our experience of time can be informed/influenced/reflected through combined stillness and movement in digital imagery. Here, linear and chronological time are abandoned, and replaced by the possibilities suggested when time is understood as a multitude of simultaneous temporal relations that expand and contract, existing not merely as past, present and future but as future pasts, present futures, and so on.” The opening reception for the exhibition will take place at Friday, 18 October at 1pm. This exhibition coincides with the Practice-based Research Symposium titled 'The Intelligence of Art: Art Practice as Research' at the Huston School of Film and Digital Media, NUI Galway, running from 24-26 October. -Ends-
Friday, 18 October 2013
Six Honorary Masters Degrees will also be presented Almost 4,000 students will graduate from NUI Galway during the Autumn Conferring Ceremonies which take place from 19-25 October. NUI Galway will also confer six Honorary Masters Degrees during the ceremonies on Lorna Siggins, Michael Murphy, Bernard Kirk, Liam Mac Con Iomaire, Micheál Ó Conghaile and Thomas Roche. Lorna Siggins - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Lorna is The Irish Times Western and Marine Correspondent since 1998. Born in Scotland to Sligo parents, Lorna was educated in Glasgow, Kildare and Dublin, where she studied Arts at TCD. After teaching in the Middle East for a year Lorna took up journalism, beginning as a freelancer and in 1988 she joined The Irish Times where she spent ten years based in their Dublin newsroom. In 1993, she spent seven weeks with Dawson Stelfox, the first Irishman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, and his team in the Himalayas. She is also a published author on Everest, the volunteer sea rescue services, former President Mary Robinson and the Corrib Gas controversy in Mayo. Michael Murphy - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Born in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Michael is a UCD graduate. After a long career as a newscaster with RTÉ, he left to pursue his interest in psychoanalysis. He now combines his practice as a psychoanalyst, lectures in the subject at St Vincent's Hospital and UCD, while maintaining a broadcasting career with RTÉ. His 2009 memoir detailing his battle with prostate cancer also addressed child abuse and sexuality. The memoir received critical acclaim, was followed by a collection of poetry and a second memoir is due for publication. Bernard Kirk - Masters of Science honoris causa: Director of the Galway Education Centre. Born in Cork, he taught in Claregalway primary school for 13 years. He is co-founder of Robotics Ireland, the All Ireland Primary Schools Debating Competition and Space Camps Ireland. He chairs the Galway Music Residency. His committee memberships include NUI Galway's University's Research Ethics Committee, National Education Committee and TCD's Science Gallery. Liam Mac Con Iomaire - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Born in Casla, he trained as a primary school teacher before joining RTÉ as part of the Nuacht desk. He worked as a journalist, newsreader and sub-editor. He moved to UCD as Director of the Modern Irish Languge Laboratory. Liam is a long-time collaborator of Tim Robinson and has translated a number of Robinson’s works along with other author’s works. He also founded Sean Nós Cois Life. Widely published, his scholarship in journalism, communications and the Irish language are renowned. Micheál Ó Conghaile - Masters of Arts honoris causa: Micheál is a creative writer, social historian and cultural innovator in the fields of literary and music publishing. He founded Irish-language publishing company Cló Iar-Chonnachta in 1985. As well as his own creative literary work, he has translated plays The Beauty Queen of Leenane, The Lonesome West and the Irish-language film Kings; and edited a short story anthology for teenagers. His awards include the Butler Literary Award of the Irish American Cultural Institute and a Hennessy Literary Award. He was writer-in-residence at Queen's University, Belfast and at the University of Ulster between 1999 and 2002. His works have been translated into Romanian, Croatian, Albanian, German and English. Thomas Roche - Masters of Engineering honoris causa: Inventor, industrialist, entrepreneur, farmer and community activist who has invented machinery for electricity and telecom industry across the world, Thomas is originally from East Galway. He invented the internationally renowned ‘Pole Erector’ which while attached to a JCB can erect a thirty foot pole for electricity and telephone supplies, which has been exported internationally. Thomas established his own manufacturing company, Roche Manufacturing Ltd., and designed a range of industry and agriculture products under the brand name ‘Roco’. Throughout the years Thomas has received many awards from the IDA, the Irish Trade Board and Enterprise Ireland amongst others. Commenting on the conferring of this year's graduands, Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway, said: “NUI Galway is fortunate to be associated with many outstanding honorary graduates throughout its history. This week we are proud to honour Lorna Siggins, Michael Murphy, Bernard Kirk, Liam Mac Con Iomaire, Micheál Ó Conghaile and Thomas Roche. Each of these individuals has made an outstanding and distinctive contribution to the diverse fields of journalism, broadcasting, education, literature and engineering innovation. NUI Galway is very pleased to be in a position to recognise their exceptional talents and achievements.” The annual Autumn Conferring Ceremonies will begin with the Adult and Continuing Education ceremonies, where awards will be conferred on over 950 students who completed their certificate, diploma and degree courses at many locations across the country. -ENDS- Bronnadh an Fhómhair in OÉ Gaillimh Bronnfar Sé Chéim Mháistreachta Oinigh chomh maith Bainfidh beagnach 4,000 mac léinn céim amach in OÉ Gaillimh sna Searmanais Bronnta Céime a bheidh ar bun idir an 19-25 Deireadh Fómhair. Bronnfaidh OÉ Gaillimh Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh ar an seisear seo a leanas: Lorna Siggins, Michael Murphy, Bernard Kirk, Liam Mac Con Iomaire, Micheál Ó Conghaile agus Thomas Roche. Lorna Siggins - Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh sna Dána honoris causa: Tá Lorna ina Comhfhreagraí ag an Irish Times ar chúrsaí mara agus an Iarthair ó 1998. Rugadh san Albain í ach b’as Sligeach a muintir. Fuair sí a cuid oideachais i nGlaschú, i gCill Dara agus i mBaile Átha Cliath áit a ndearna sí staidéar ar na Dána i gColáiste na Tríonóide. Chaith Lorna bliain ag múineadh sa Mheánoirthear sular thug sí aghaidh ar shaol na hiriseoireachta. Thosaigh sí amach mar shaoririseoir agus ansin i 1988 thosaigh sí ag obair leis an Irish Times áit ar chaith sí deich mbliana sa seomra nuachta i mBaile Átha Cliath. I 1993, chaith sí seacht seachtaine le Dawson Stelfox, an chéad Éireannach a bhain barr Sliabh Everest amach, agus a fhoireann sna Himiléithe. Tá saothar foilsithe aici ar Everest, na seirbhísí deonacha tarrthála farraige, iar-Uachtarán Máire Mhic Róibín agus conspóid Ghás na Coiribe i Maigh Eo. Michael Murphy - Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh sna Dána honoris causa: Rugadh Michael i gCaisleán an Bharraigh, Co. Mhaigh Eo agus bhain sé céim amach in UCD. Chaith sé blianta fada mar léitheoir nuachta le RTÉ agus ina dhiaidh sin dhírigh sé ar an tsíocanailís. Tá sé ag obair anois mar shíocanailísí, bíonn sé ag léachtóireacht ar an ábhar in Ospidéal Naomh Uinseann agus UCD, agus bíonn sé fós ag plé leis an gcraoltóireacht in RTÉ. D’fhoilsigh sé a chuimhní cinn in 2009. Rinne sé cur síos iontu ar an ailse phróstataigh a bhí air agus labhair sé faoi mhí-úsáid leanaí agus gnéasacht. Fuair na cuimhní cinn ardmholadh ó na léirmheastóirí. D’fhoilsigh sé ansin bailiúchán filíochta agus tá cuimhní cinn eile le foilsiú aige anois. Bernard Kirk - Máistreacht Oinigh san Eolaíocht honoris causa: Stiúrthóir ar Ionad Oideachais na Gaillimhe. Rugadh i gCorcaigh é agus mhúin sé i mbunscoil Bhaile Chláir ar feadh 13 bliana. Tá sé ar dhuine de bhunaitheoirí Robotics Ireland, Comórtas Díospóireachta Bhunscoileanna Uile Éireann agus Campaí Spáis na hÉireann. Tá sé ina chathaoirleach ar Cheol Cónaitheach na Gaillimhe. Tá sé ar choistí éagsúla cosúil le Coiste Eitic Taighde OÉ Gaillimh, An Coiste Oideachais Náisiúnta agus Gailearaí Eolaíochta Choláiste na Tríonóide. Liam Mac Con Iomaire - Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh sna Dána honoris causa: Rugadh Liam i gCasla, agus fuair sé a chuid oiliúna mar bhunmhúinteoir sular thosaigh sé ag obair le RTÉ i seomra na Nuachta. Bhí sé ina iriseoir, ina léitheoir nuachta agus ina fho-eagarthóir. Chuaigh sé as sin ansin go UCD ag obair mar Stiúrthóir ar Theanglann na Nua-Ghaeilge. Tá Liam ag comhoibriú le fada an lá le Tim Robinson agus is iomaí saothar le Robinson agus le húdair eile atá aistrithe aige agus is é a bhunaigh Sean Nós Cois Life. Is iomaí saothar le Mac Con Iomaire atá foilsithe, agus tá cáil i bhfad agus i gcéin ar a shaothar iriseoireachta, cumarsáide agus Gaeilge. Micheál Ó Conghaile - Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh sna Dána honoris causa: Is scríbhneoir cruthaitheach, staraí sóisialta agus nuálaí cultúir é Micheál i réimse na foilsitheoireachta liteartha agus ceoil. Bhunaigh sé an chuideachta foilsitheoireachta Ghaeilge, Cló Iar-Chonnachta, i 1985.. Chomh maith lena shaothar cruthaitheach liteartha féin, tá na drámaí The Beauty Queen of Leenane, The Lonesome West agus an scannán Gaeilge Kings aistrithe aige; agus tá cnuasach gearrscéalta curtha in eagar aige do dhéagóirí. I measc na ngradam atá bainte amach aige tá Gradam Liteartha Butler ón Irish American Cultural Institute agus Gradam Liteartha Hennessy. Bhí sé ina scríbhneoir cónaithe ag Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste agus ag Ollscoil Uladh ó 1999 go dtí 2002. Tá a shaothar aistrithe go Rómáinis, Cróitis, Albáinis, Gearmáinis agus Béarla. Thomas Roche - Céim Mháistreachta Oinigh san Innealtóireacht honoris causa:Is as Oirthear na Gaillimhe do Thomas ó dhúchas. Is aireagóir, tionsclóir, fiontraí, feirmeoir agus gníomhaí pobail é a bhfuil meaisínre cruthaithe aige do thionscal an leictreachais agus na teileachumarsáide ar fud an domhain. Is é a chéad cheap an tArdaitheoir Cuaillí a bhfuil cáil idirnáisiúnta air. Bíonn an fearas seo ceangailte le JCB chun cuaille tríocha troigh a ardú do sholáthar leictreachais agus teileafóin. Tá sé á easpórtáil go hidirnáisiúnta. Bhunaigh Thomas a chuideachta déantúsaíochta féin, Roche Manufacturing Ltd., agus dhear sé réimse táirgí tionscail agus talmhaíochta faoin ainm branda ‘Roco’. Is iomaí gradam atá bainte amach ag Thomas leis na blianta ón Údarás Forbartha Tionscail (IDA), ón mBord Tráchtála agus ó Fhiontraíocht Éireann agus eile. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr James J. Browne faoi chéimithe na bliana seo: “Tá an t-ádh ar OÉ Gaillimh a bheith bainteach leis an oiread sin céimithe oinigh den scoth ó bunaíodh an Ollscoil. An tseachtain seo, táimid bródúil céim oinigh a bhronnadh ar Lorna Siggins, Michael Murphy, Bernard Kirk, Liam Mac Con Iomaire, Micheál Ó Conghaile agus Thomas Roche. Tá a c(h)ion féin déanta ag gach céimí oinigh daoibh seo i réimsí éagsúla na hiriseoireachta, na craoltóireachta, an oideachais, na litríochta agus na nuálaíochta innealtóireachta. Is cúis áthais dúinn anseo in OÉ Gaillimh an deis a bheith againn aitheantas a thabhairt don tallann agus don tsárobair atá déanta ag na daoine seo.” Cuirfear tús le Searmanais bhliantúla Bhronnadh Céimeanna an Fhómhair leis na searmanais Oideachais Aosaigh agus Leanúnaigh, áit a mbronnfar dámhachtainí ar níos mó ná 950 mac léinn a chríochnaigh a gcúrsaí teastais, dioplóma agus céime in ionaid éagsúla ar fud na tíre. -CRÍOCH-
Friday, 18 October 2013
City Direct Buses Are First Private Bus Fleet in Ireland To Install Mobile Defibrillators City Direct has just announced the introduction of mobile defibrillators on their NUI Galway Park & Ride shuttle buses – which operates to and from the college for more than 17,500 students and 2,000 staff members. City Direct is currently the largest omnibus operator outside public service provider Bus Éireann. The company has just installed defibrillators on two of their buses and plan to roll it out to the rest of its fleet in 2014. This also means that every City Direct driver will be first aid trained, indicating a massive investment from the company into the health and safety of their passengers. Putting the customer first, City Direct was looking to do something special, something that no other bus company was doing, at no extra cost to the customer. More people die in Ireland every year from cardiovascular disease than any other disease. It accounts for 36% of all deaths and is a major cause of disability. Defibrillation is the recommended treatment for the life-threatening condition - cardiac arrest when the heart stops working. The defibrillator delivers a charge to the heart that allows the normal heart rhythm to be re-established. Currently, the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest is thought to 1%. This is linked to a breakdown in the four necessary steps; the Chain of Survival to be taken as soon as a person suffering a cardiac arrest: 1. Early Access – phone 112 for an ambulance immediately. 2. Early CPR 3. Early defibrillation 4. Early advance care in the hospital. These steps, the first 3 of which can be provided by City Direct staff increase the patient’s survival rate significantly – by as much as 50% if the casualty is defibrillated within 5 minutes of collapsing. Dr Kieran Loftus, NUI Galway Executive Director of Operations said “NUI Galway welcomes City Direct’s Provision of AEDs on their on-campus Park & Ride Buses. This complements NUI Galway’s own AED programme and helps ensure that the University community is better prepared to respond to cardiac emergencies.” Since 2009 City Direct has operated a park and ride service on behalf of NUI Galway, since 2009, providing a shuttle bus operating to and from the college. The 500 car space car park is located at Corrib Village and the Park and Ride facility is accessed off the Upper Newcastle / Moycullen Road (N59) via the entrance to Corrib Village. They will also be introducing Wi-Fi on their buses in the near future and are exploring the possibility of being the first “Leap” card operator in Connacht. -Ends-
Friday, 18 October 2013
NUI Galway undergraduate student, Saorla Molloy, was recently awarded the Hamilton Award in Mathematics by the Royal Irish Academy (RIA). Awards were presented to students of Mathematics in nine of the Higher Education Institutions in Ireland. Saorla, from Taylors Hill, Galway City, is currently in the final year of her Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics. Saorla was judged to be the most outstanding student in all the mathematical degrees taught in NUI Galway. Professor Michel Destrade, Head of Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway, said: “We are very proud of Saorla’s stellar achievements. She will have no problem finding a fully funded postgraduate position after her degree if she wishes to continue in that direction, and we hope that her example will inspire more female students to pursue mathematical and scientific studies.” The recipients of the Hamilton Award in Mathematics receive a scroll and €250 cheque, generously sponsored by Arup Consulting Engineers. Its Director, Fergus Monaghan, speaking at the prize giving ceremony, said “Arup is delighted to support the RIA and the Hamilton lecture series. We recognise that graduates are key to our future, in particular in the fields of Science and Mathematics. Arup is happy to recognise and support this year’s award winners.” This event formed part of Hamilton Day activities at the RIA which each year celebrate Hamilton’s life and contribution to mathematics. It took place on October 16th, the anniversary of the day in 1843 that William Rowan Hamilton scratched his fundamental formula for quaternion multiplication on Broome Bridge in Dublin. A replica of his inscription is on permanent display on the ground floor of Áras de Brún in NUI Galway. This year, Sir Roger Penrose from Oxford University delivered the Hamilton Lecture entitled Twistor Theory: A Developing Hamiltonian Legacy. -Ends-
Friday, 18 October 2013
Download large version of image here: Leaving Certificate Excellence Scholarships 2013 NUI Galway recently celebrated the success of a select group of first-year students with a special ceremony on Thursday, 17 October, in recognition of the high points they achieved in the recent Leaving Certificate Examination. As part of the University's annual Excellence Scholarships, 57 students received €2,000 each, along with a specially designed NUI Galway scroll. Each year the Excellence Scholarships are given to new entrants at NUI Galway who reached a minimum of 560 points in their Leaving Certificate examination, except in Medicine. For Medical students 10 Scholarships were awarded certificates, based on the combined results in the Leaving Certificate and the new Admissions Test (H-PAT Ireland). The Excellence Scholarships are designed to recognise and reward Leaving Cert success for the highest-achieving students, and encourage their ongoing commitment to academic excellence during their time at NUI Galway. The awards may be held with any other scholarships or grants, including the University's Postgraduate Scholarships, Mature Student Scholarships, Sports Scholarship Scheme and schemes specific to individual colleges for those who excel in their University exams. Speaking at the award ceremony, NUI Galway President Dr Jim Browne, who presented the cheques to each individual winner, said: “I am delighted to present the scholarships to these 57 outstanding individuals in recognition of their academic talent. NUI Galway constantly strives to support and promote academic excellence across all disciplines. The purpose of these Awards is to encourage each student to develop his/her academic potential to the fullest, by setting a realistic threshold of excellence and rewarding every student who attains that level. It is also a chance to give due credit to their parents and teachers for their important contribution to such success.” This year Excellence Scholarships were awarded to students from 40 individual schools throughout Ireland. The winners represented 14 counties including Clare, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Leitrim, Limerick, Longford, Mayo, Monaghan, Offaly, Sligo and Tipperary. -Ends- Ceiliúradh in OÉ Gaillimh ar Scothmhic Léinn a rinne Éacht san Ardteistiméireacht Rinneadh ceiliúradh in OÉ Gaillimh le gairid ar ghrúpa ar leith mac léinn chéad bhliana ag searmanas speisialta Déardaoin, an 17 Deireadh Fómhair, mar aitheantas ar na pointí arda a ghnóthaigh siad i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta. Mar chuid de shearmanas bliantúil na hOllscoile le Scoláireachtaí Sármhaitheasa a bhronnadh, bronnadh scoláireachtaí ar fiú €2,000 iad mar aon le scrolla speisialta ar 57 mac léinn. Bronntar na Scoláireachtaí Sármhaitheasa gach bliain ar mhic léinn atá díreach tosaithe ag freastal ar OÉ Gaillimh agus a fuair 560 pointe, ar a laghad, i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta, seachas mic léinn leighis. Sa Leigheas, bronnadh 10 Scoláireacht, bunaithe ar thorthaí na hArdteistiméireachta agus na Tástála Iontrála nua (H-PAT Ireland) araon. Tá na Scoláireachtaí Sármhaitheasa ann chun luach saothair a thabhairt do na daltaí is fearr a n-éiríonn leo san Ardteistiméireacht, agus chun a dtiomantas leanúnach i bhfeabhas acadúil a spreagadh le linn a dtréimhse in OÉ Gaillimh. D’fhéadfaí go mbeadh scoláireachtaí nó deontais eile ag an té a fhaigheann na scoláireachtaí seo, Scoláireachtaí Iarchéime na hOllscoile, Scoláireachtaí do Mhic Léinn Lánfhásta, Scéim Scoláireachtaí Spóirt na hOllscoile agus scéimeanna a bhaineann go sonrach le coláistí agus iad siúd a n-éiríonn thar barr leo sna scrúduithe Ollscoile san áireamh. Ag labhairt dó ag an searmanas bronnta, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne, a bhronn na seiceanna ar na buaiteoirí ar fad: “Is cúis áthais dom na scoláireachtaí seo a bhronnadh ar an 57 duine den scoth seo mar aitheantas ar a gcumas acadúil. Déanann OÉ Gaillimh iarracht i gcónaí tacú le feabhas acadúil i ngach uile dhisciplín agus é a spreagadh. Tá na Gradaim seo ann le gach mac léinn a spreagadh le lántairbhe a bhaint as a gcumas mar mhic léinn, trí thairseach réalaíoch feabhais a leagan amach agus luach saothair a thabhairt do gach mac léinn a bhaineann an leibhéal sin amach. Deis atá ann freisin le haitheantas a thabhairt don tsárobair atá déanta ag a dtuismitheoirí agus ag a múinteoirí.” I mbliana bronnadh na Scoláireachtaí Sármhaitheasa ar scoláirí ó 40 scoil ar fud na hÉireann. Bronnadh scoláireachtaí ar mhic léinn as na 14 chontae seo a leanas – an Clár, Dún na nGall, Baile Átha Cliath, Gaillimh, Ciarraí, Cill Chainnigh, Liatroim, Luimneach, Longfort, Maigh Eo, Muineachán, Uíbh Fhailí, Sligeach agus Tiobraid Árann. -CRÍOCH-
Monday, 21 October 2013
NUI Galway will host the Spring Postgraduate Open Day on Tuesday, 5 November, from 12-4pm in the Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn. The Open Day will showcase over 400 of NUI Galway’s full-time and part-time postgraduate programmes, including taught and research masters, as well as doctoral research options. With one of the broadest portfolios of postgraduate teaching and learning in the country, NUI Galway’s Postgraduate Open Day will offer potential students the opportunity to meet academic staff and current students. With over 70 information stands, information will be available on courses, scholarships, fees and other practical considerations. Talks on funding opportunities will take place, along with presentations on how undertaking a postgraduate course in NUI Galway can boost your career opportunities. Valerie Leahy, Postgraduate Officer at NUI Galway, says that “a postgraduate qualification broadens your skills-set, increases your specialist knowledge, and can improve your job prospects: over 91% of our graduates are currently employed or are in further study within six months of graduating. Making an online application to an NUI Galway postgraduate programme is so easy; it takes less than ten minutes and it could be the best ten minutes you’ll ever spend investing in your future.” NUI Galway offers many new and unique programmes, building on its traditional academic strengths of Arts, Social Sciences, Celtic Studies, Commerce, Medicine, Nursing, Health Science, Law, Engineering, Informatics and Science. These areas have been augmented with innovative research centres in areas as diverse as Biomedical Science and Engineering, International Human Rights, Digital Media & Film Studies, and Regenerative Medicine. NUI Galway also offers postgraduate conversion courses, where students can change their study-direction at postgraduate level and perhaps then move into a more buoyant field. John Hannon, Head of NUI Galway’s Career Development Centre says “Irish graduates have been ranked top in Europe in terms of how employers rank graduates, and postgraduate study can definitely boost employability. Over the last three years postgraduate numbers going in to employment has grown consistently and a postgraduate qualification allows you to recession-proof your CV. NUI Galway has extensive and well-established links with employers, professional bodies, research organisations, and commercial and voluntary sectors which can benefit you in your job search.” To book your place at the Open Day visit www.nuigalway.ie/postgraduate-open-day or register on the day. To apply for an NUI Galway postgraduate course visit www.pac.ie/nuigalway. -ENDS-
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
NUI Galway has launched its “Online Learning at NUI Galway” website showcasing over sixty programmes across eight disciplines including IT, Science & Technology Studies, Social Sciences, Medicine, Nursing Studies and many others. All the programmes featured are available in a part-time, blended learning or online mode. “Last year, over 1,300 students undertook courses via flexible learning at NUI Galway”, says Nuala McGuinn, Director of Lifelong Learning at NUI Galway. “Technological advances and online learning systems mean that the University’s reach is now far greater. Facilities such as Blackboard are used widely in the University’s teaching to facilitate online communications between students and lecturers. The number of non-traditional students at NUI Galway has increased significantly from 16% of the overall student population in 2006 to almost 23% in 2013.” The array of programmes NUI Galway offers gives students an opportunity to up-skill in an area of personal and professional interest over a manageable timeframe. Each programme and module consists of a set of learning materials, which are specifically designed for online or blended learning. They facilitate independent study, are self-instructional in nature and are designed for students working at home. Students who register for a blended learning programme should expect to attend seminars, laboratory, or skills sessions on-campus or in an outreach location. The number of sessions that students are required to attend will depend on the programme chosen. “Students who register for a fully online programme will complete all course work, including examinations, online”, explains Nuala McGuinn. Further developments in extending the reach of the University beyond the traditional lecture theatre has been the development of a number of Open Online Courses, known more widely as MOOCS (massive open online courses) by University staff. “These Open Courses do not carry any formal academic credit, they are designed purely for self-study, general interest or professional development and span a range of subject areas”, highlights Dr Iain MacLaren, Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at NUI Galway. “These courses will be made free to the general public and include areas such as Irish Studies – history and archaeology, Planning Change and Innovation, - Education, and areas related to research expertise in the University”. The Planning Change and Innovation course has recently commenced, while opportunities to register for the other free Open Courses will be advertised at different stages during the 2013-2014 academic year. Internationally, NUI Galway is a member of the prestigious group of European Universities, the Coimbra group. As a member of Group’s e-Learning Task Force, NUI Galway are organising a series of online seminars on a range of aspects relating to technology and the future of higher education. For further information on the programmes available visit http://www.nuigalway.ie/onlinelearning/ or email onlinelearning@nuigalway.ie -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
NUI Galway and WIT study finds healthy numbers of Pine Marten in the Midlands, but rare in the East An NUI Galway study on Ireland’s most elusive mammal, the native pine marten, is to be published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research. The study, which was collaboration between NUI Galway and Waterford Institute of Technology, was funded by The Irish Research Council and the European Squirrel Initiative, and led by Dr Emma Sheehy and Dr Colin Lawton of the Ryan Institute’s Mammal Ecology Group in NUI Galway. The study, which involved the use of DNA analysis to assess pine marten population abundance in the midlands and the east of Ireland, found that the pine marten has recovered to healthy numbers in the Irish midlands. “Pine marten numbers in the midlands appear to be slightly higher than other parts of Europe” says Dr Sheehy. “This is likely to be a result of both a lack of competition with other terrestrial mammal species, and the relatively warm winters and lack of seasonality we experience in Ireland, compared with much of the pine marten’s natural range. However, it is important to note that we actually know very little about the true potential of contemporary pine marten numbers in much of Europe, as pine marten populations have been decimated by human impacts historically as a result of hunting, persecution and deforestation.” The pine marten is a slow breeding species, very sensitive to loss of habitat and persecution and a population can take a very long time to recover from such impacts. In Ireland, the pine marten has been protected by law since the late seventies, and this has helped the population to recover. “However, while we have recorded healthy numbers in the midlands they are still quite rare in the east and still absent altogether from some parts of the country” says Dr Sheehy. DNA analysis was also used to determine which mammals Irish pine martens were feeding on and where. The woodmouse was found to be the most frequently consumed mammal in the pine marten’s diet, and the first evidence of the pine marten preying upon the invasive North American grey squirrel was also recorded by the group. “We were particularly interested in how often squirrels feature in the diet of the Irish pine marten population” says Dr Sheehy. The study reveals that the native red squirrel has an extremely low frequency of occurrence in the diet, but in areas that the invasive grey squirrel is still present, it features significantly more frequently than the native red. “This is likely to be a result of differences in ecology between the red and grey squirrel. Red squirrels are suitably adapted to living with a tree-climbing predator such as the pine marten and indeed they have co-existed successfully in Ireland and Europe over many millennia. In contrast, the grey squirrel, which originates in America, lives in much higher numbers and is less agile than the red squirrel, making it both an easier prey item to catch, and also much more numerically available too” says Dr Sheehy. An interesting element of the study was that where pine marten numbers were found to be high, such as the midlands, the grey squirrel was either absent or rare, even in sites where they had previously been very well established. “So much so that we eventually had to use a specially trained scent detection dog from the UK to help us find evidence of pine marten in the east where the grey squirrel was available to eat” says Dr Sheehy. Dr Sheehy and Dr Lawton expect to have further insights from their research into the relationship between red and grey squirrel distribution and pine marten abundance published later this year. -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Ronan Havelin, a PhD student from NUI Galway’s Medical Physics research group in the School of Physics, recently received the SPIE-Newport Research Excellence Award. Ronan, from Salthill, Galway City, was awarded the prize for a paper he presented on ‘A SPECT imager with synthetic collimation’ at the Optics + Photonics symposium in San Diego. The Optics + Photonics symposium is one of the two largest SPIE conferences. Dr Mark Foley, Principle Investigator for this research project at NUI Galway, said: “I would like to congratulate Ronan on winning this prestigious international award that recognises his significant contribution as a young research physicist to the development of this novel molecular imaging technology.” Ronan’s paper on ‘A SPECT imager with synthetic collimation’ he said, “is an important contribution to the research into SPECT imaging and is part of a large multidisciplinary collaboration funded by the United States National Institutes of Health, and by Science Foundation Ireland. Key investigators in this project are Prof H Barrett and his CGRI group at University of Arizona and researchers in the Discipline of Surgery and at REMEDI, NUI Galway.” SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies. The Society serves more than 235,000 constituents from approximately 155 countries, offering conferences, continuing education, books, journals, and a digital library in support of interdisciplinary information exchange, professional networking, and patent precedent. SPIE provided over $3.2 million in support of education and outreach programs in 2012. -Ends-
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Dr Manus Biggs, a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) investigator with NUI Galway’s Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB) is one of six Irish researchers to receive a prestigious Career Integration Grant (CIG) award from the Marie Curie Research Fellowship Programme. Dr Biggs will initiate a new research programme which will focus on the development of nanobiomimetic electrically active scaffolds for bone regeneration, with an aim of regulating cellular recruitment to a site of injury. Bone tissue regeneration remains an important challenge in the field of orthopaedic surgery and sees a transplantation frequency second only to that of blood. Bone grafting is the current standard treatment; however, given the inherent limitations of this approach, bone tissue engineering and advanced biomaterials that mimic the structure and function of native tissues hold potential as alternative strategies to regeneration. Current studies in orthopaedics suggest that further biomimicry is required before a complete solution to bone regeneration can be delivered. Furthermore, evidence is gathering apace on the importance of minute electrical cues on cell differentiation and function, thus, new research must focus on understanding the cellular response to subtle changes in electric fields and how these influence cell function and tissue regeneration. Professor Abhay Pandit, Director of the NFB said: “This Marie Curie award is further indication of the relevance of NFB’s research within Europe and the importance of NFB’s translational research programmes, which are focused on developing novel and exciting biomimetic materials for the next generation of medical devices. We look forward to developing this research in conjunction with our industrial partners in the very near future.” Dr Biggs’ recently funded CIG project will focus on creating nanoscale fibres from piezoelectric polymers and incorporating these into a mesh-like scaffold that mimics the natural bone matrix. Importantly, these scaffold materials can be utilised for the regeneration of large bone defects, which do not undergo spontaneous regeneration normally. -Ends-
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
The Convention on the Constitution is preparing to hold its first meeting west of the Shannon in Galway next week. The meeting will take place in NUI Galway (Áras Moyola Lecture Theatre, North Campus) on Wednesday, 30 October at 7.30pm, and members of the public have been invited to attend. The meeting in Galway is one of 9 public meetings across Ireland in October and November. These meetings will help to set the agenda as the Convention selects a number of constitutional issues to look at in the final module of its work programme. The next plenary meeting of the Convention (in Dublin) is on November 2nd and 3rd to discuss the removal of the offence of blasphemy from the Constitution. Following this meeting, the Convention will be free to make recommendations for further constitutional amendment as it sees fit. The meeting in NUI Galway will be addressed by guest speaker Professor Donncha O'Connell who is Head of the School of Law at NUI Galway. Professor O’Connell is an expert on Constitutional Law and European Human Rights. Speaking today, he said: “The Convention on the Constitution has made some very worthwhile recommendations for constitutional reform in the past year. The Convention is to be commended for organising a series of meetings around the country to ascertain the views of citizens and members of the public on what other issues of constitutional reform it should address in the remaining period of its existence. Every effort at deliberative democracy should be valued. Citizens of Galway and the surrounding areas should avail of the opportunity to have their views heard in a forum in which those views will be respected and valued. I hope there is a great attendance with vibrant and challenging contributions from members of the public.” The Chairman of the Convention on the Constitution, Tom Arnold, said: “I am delighted to announce that we will be visiting Galway to listen to the wide range of issues which citizens believe that the Convention on the Constitution should consider. Over the last year we have received many thousands of submissions and we are looking to forward to hearing the detail of these issues first-hand from members of the public. The Convention on the Constitution is citizens’ forum and it is essential that Irish citizens are able to make their views known and have their say. Members of the Convention are very keen to hear citizens' views and I would like to welcome people living in Galway to come along and get involved in the process.” The Convention session hosted by the School of Law at NUI Galway will be streamed live on Wednesday October 30th beginning at 7.30pm at www.nuigalway.ie/constitutionalconvention. Further information: www.constitution.ie -Ends-
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Arjumand Younus, a Computer Science PhD student at NUI Galway has won the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region. This is the first time someone from Galway has won this prestigious award and an honour for the College of Engineering and Informatics and the University. The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship aims to encourage and support women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders in the field. Arjumand grew up in Pakistan which is well-known for providing outsourcing services in information technology. Arjumand’s passion for Mathematics since she was young has led her to Computer Science. She is the recipient of an NUI Galway Hardiman Scholarship led which allowed her to undertake a PhD in computing at the University. Dr Colm O'Riordan, Arjumand’s supervisor at NUI Galway, said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to advise and work with a student of Arjumand’s calibre. She is very deserving of this prestigious scholarship and I know Arjumand will continue to achieve further success in the field of Computer Science in years to come.” -Ends-
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Reáchtáladh Seimineár Cumarsáide in Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, An Cheathrú Rua le deireanas. Ba é an fear gnó agus an ceamaradóir aitheanta, Cian de Buitléar, a d’oscail an Éigse go hoifigiúil ar an Aoine, 18 Deireadh Fómhair agus bhí deis ag na mic léinn agus ag an bpobal casadh leis féin agus leo siúd atá ag saothrú i réimsí difriúla d’earnáil na meán. Orthusan a bhí i láthair bhí an t-iriseoir / craoltóir Róisín Ní Eadhra agus an t-eagarthóir físe Conall de Cléir. Roinn iar-mhic léinn de chuid an Acadaimh/ OÉ Gaillimh a n-eispéireas leis an slua agus ina measc bhí Gearóid Mac Donncha, Eagraí Stiúrtha Nuachta RTÉ Raidió an Gaeltachta, Muireann Ní Chíobháin, taighdeoir agus láithreoir teilifíse le RTÉ, Loretta Ní Ghabháin, comhfhreagraí sóisialta Nuacht TG4 agus stiúrthóir an chomhlachta LorGMedia; Eoin Ó Loideáin, scríbhneoir leis an iris Nós agus Katie Ní Chonghaile atá ag obair leis an gcuideachta Carr Communications. Is faoi chathaoirleacht Norita Ní Chartúir, Feidhmeannach Cumarsáide in Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge a bhí an ócáid seo. Chuaigh na haoichainteoirí go mór i gcion ar an lucht éisteachta agus léirigh siad dóibh an éagsúlacht, na dúshláin, na scileanna agus dar ndóigh an buntáiste a bhaineann leis an nGaeilge sa réimse fostaíochta seo. Mhínigh siad gur iomaí cor atá i saol na cumarsáide agus mhol siad do na mic léinn gach uile dheis a thapú agus dua a chaitheamh lena gcuid oibre. D’fhéadfá a rá go raibh an teachtaireacht chéanna acu ar fad: “An té a chuireann san Earrach, baineann sé san Fhómhar!” Tá beagnach 100 mac léinn ag staidéar ar bhonn lánaimseartha ar champas Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh faoi láthair mar atá siad ag tabhairt faoi BA sa Chumarsáid i measc cúrsaí eile. Tuilleadh eolais ó Odí Ní Chéilleachair, odi.nicheilleachair@oegaillimh.ie, 091 595101/ 086 8643125 nó Aoife Ní Ghabhann, a.smith16@oegaillimh.ie, 091 595101. -Críoch-
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
New findings investigating the influence of a stress-sensitive genetic background on pain have been published in the leading journal in the field Pain, by NUI Galway researchers. The work, funded by Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Research Council, was carried out by Dr David Finn and his research team in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Centre for Pain Research and Galway Neuroscience Centre at the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, NUI Galway. Heightened pain in individuals who are stressed, anxious or depressed is a widely recognized but poorly understood phenomenon. A key factor is the contribution of genetic background and its influence on stress responding and emotional processing. A particular genetic background can predispose individuals to higher stress, anxiety and pain responses but it is not known why. Previous findings have shown that pain is subject to influence by marijuana-like chemicals called endocannabinoids in a brain region called the rostral ventromedial medulla. Working with Dr Finn, first author Dr Kieran Rea was able to show that a genetic background associated with higher stress and anxiety responses was associated with a greater pain response and a blunted response of these endocannabinoids in the part of the brain called the rostral ventromedial medulla. Furthermore, this enhanced pain response was prevented by a drug that increased levels of these endocannabinoids in this part of the brain. Further experimentation revealed that blockade of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor, at which these endocannabinoids act, exacerbated the pain response. An increased understanding of how genetic background associated with stress and anxiety can influence pain is important from a fundamental physiological perspective and may also aid the identification of new ways of treating persistent pain and the impact of stress-related psychiatric disorders such anxiety or depression. Dr David Finn, Leader of the Galway Neuroscience Centre, Co-Director of the Centre for Pain Research at NUI Galway and study leader says: “The link between emotionality and pain is fascinating and highly complex. This research suggests a key role for the brain’s endocannabinoid system in a genetic background prone to heighted stress or negative emotion. This research, which was funded by a grant from Science Foundation Ireland, advances our understanding of the neurobiology of pain and may facilitate the identification of new therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain and psychiatric disorders.” Rea K, Olango W, Okine B, Madasu M, McGuire IC, Coyle K, Harhen B, Roche M, Finn DP (2013) Pain; Online publication: 24 Sept 2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.pain.2013.09.012 -ends-
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
NUI Galway Researchers part of ROBUST, an EU project to capture business community relationships Online communities and enterprise social networks help employees and customers connect and collaborate. They allow employees and customers to talk about their experiences and find answers to questions about company products and services. Ensuring the success of such online communities is a crucial problem for companies. How can a company make sure that the needs of hundreds of thousands or even millions of members are satisfied? The EU project ROBUST provides novel analytical tools that uncover the parts of a community that are successful and the areas that exhibit problems. To achieve this, ROBUST investigated the objectives of users in business communities and how these users interact with each other. For example, users often know exactly the information that they are looking for. If they repeatedly cannot find this information, they will reduce their activity, will collaborate less with others and eventually leave the community. The project offers a dedicated website to demonstrate, with example applications and videos, how ROBUST technologies can identify dissatisfied users and how different strategies can be applied to determine trends within communities Using a novel visualisation metaphor, ROBUST presents the opinions of users on company-relevant topics as an aquarium. A bad atmosphere in the social network, which means that many negative statements are encountered, is visualised by turbid water and many cavorting sharks. Clicking on the surrounding corals reveals the topics that are being discussed in a negative or positive way. This visualisation provides an intuitive and immediate insight into the state of the community. Using a demonstrator application of ROBUST technology, the software provider SAP AG, one of the project partners, reveals insights into the SAP Community Network (SCN) – a community with more than 2 million members. The ROBUST demonstrator identifies the forums that are flourishing, those that will become unpopular and the underlying trends. Even in large networks this technology allows community managers to keep track of the situation and developments and to identify experts and influential users. More than 600,000 employees of IBM use the IBM Connections platform to exchange ideas and business-relevant information. ROBUST analyses how these business communities develop. The application identifies the branches of the company that are collaborating well and the users that play a central role in this process. Although the "ROBUST" project officially finishes on the 31st of October, its technology will continue to make many communities happier into the future. Further information is available at http://www.robust-project.eu or http://www.robust-project.eu/videos-demos. For more information contact Professor Steffen Staab at staab@uni-koblenz.de -ends-
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Award is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC) Drugs with an increased lifetime in the circulation and improved activity for a broad range of medical conditions are the goal of a strategic new funding award to researchers at NUI Galway and Dalian University in China. Dr Gerard Wall, based in Microbiology and the Network for Excellence in Functional Biomaterials (NFB), a Science Foundation Ireland funded strategic research cluster, and Dr Xuejun Hu, of the Dalian University Medical School, will coordinate the prestigious grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The award will fund a four-year research programme, beginning in January 2014, to investigate the expression of glycosylated antibody fragments in E. coli and study the effects of engineering the attached sugar components on their therapeutic potential. Antibodies are naturally occurring proteins that are produced by the immune system to protect against pathogens and other foreign substances in the body. Due to their high specificity and strength of binding to their targets, they have enormous potential in the delivery of cytotoxic drugs to cells such as cancer cells, or in targeting of regenerative therapeutics to particular tissues or cells. The focus of the present funding will be to develop improved antibody fragments, expressed in Escherichia coli, with increased stabilities and improved efficacies in vivo through the attachment and manipulation of glycan (sugar) molecules. Attached glycans are known to affect the physicochemical and pharmacological properties of protein-based drugs in the circulation and glycoengineering can be used to tailor drugs to meet specific delivery needs. The work will also have application in immunodiagnostics and monitoring fields. Welcoming the funding announcement, Dr Gerard Wall said “This support will enable us to develop improved, longer-lived biopharmaceuticals using cutting edge protein engineering approaches. The work will complement established research strengths at NUI Galway in biomaterials, drug delivery and glycobiology. The award also establishes an important strategic link between biosciences research at NUI Galway and a major Chinese University and Medical School.” The NSFC funds a combination of basic and applied biological research focusing on research promotion, talent fostering and infrastructure construction for basic research. It provides dedicated support structures for fundamental research, individual awards and infrastructure and has an annual budget in excess of 10 billion RMB (€1.2 billion). Drs Wall and Hu were previously awarded funding from the NSFC in 2010 to establish a research team and carry out pilot work on the current project. The present funding will allow their joint research programme to be significantly expanded and will also see continued, reciprocal research exchanges between the Chinese and Irish laboratories. -Ends-
Monday, 2 September 2013
NUI Galway will have twelve current and former students making up a significant contingent of the Clare Senior hurling panel for this Sunday’s (September 8) All-Ireland Final against Cork. NUI Galway students and alumni representing the Banner County are Pat Kelly, Domhnall O’Donovan, Cian Dillon, John Conlon, Colin Ryan, Conor McGrath, Liam Markham, Aaron Cunningham, Fergal Lynch, Donal Touhy, Colm Galvin and Seadna Morey. In the hurling quarter-finals, Clare proved too strong for a Galway side, which included current NUI Galway students Joseph Cooney and Niall Burke, whilst the semi-final success over Limerick guaranteed Clare their place in the final. Dr Pat Morgan, Vice-President for the Student Experience at NUI Galway, said: “I am delighted that our students continue to excel, both on and off the field of play, and we wish them the best in their quest to bring the McCarthy Cup back to Clare.” -ENDS-