Thursday, 4 February 2021

Sínithe fadmharthana aimsithe ag eolaithe OÉ Gaillimh i ngéanóim ón ailse bhrollaigh is coitianta Tá sínithe géanómacha a bhfuil ceangal acu le fadmharthain aitheanta ag lucht taighde in OÉ Gaillimh i mná a bhfuil an cineál ailse brollaigh is coitianta ag teacht orthu. Rinne an fhoireann in OÉ Gaillimh anailís ar ghéanóim na n-othar ailse brollaigh ag iarraidh teacht ar chomhcheangail idir iad agus fadmharthain ag úsáid ardteicnící staidrimh. Is í Lydia King a rinne an taighde nuair a bhí sí ag staidéar ar an gclár MSc i nGéanómaíocht Bhithleighis in OÉ Gaillimh, agus foilsíodh é san iris idirnáisiúnta PLOS ONE. De thoradh ailse a bheith á haithint go luath faoi chláir scagthástála náisiúnta agus cóir leighis a bheith á cur in am ar othair a bhfuil cineálacha “lúmanacha” ailse brollaigh orthu tá prognóisí den scoth á bhfáil ag othair agus rátaí marthanais os cionn 80% acu taobh istigh de chúig bliana ón uair a fuair siad cóir leighis. Ach is beag í ár dtuiscint ar dhúshlán na fadmharthana agus léiríonn na staidéir atá déanta go mbuaileann cineálacha ailse brollaigh lúmanaí níos mó ná leath na n-othar arís i ndiaidh an phointe ama seo. Dá bhrí sin bheadh sé an-luachmhar dá bhféadfaí na hothair ar mó seans go mbuailfeadh an tinneas arís iad a aithint le go bhféadfaí monatóireacht a dhéanamh orthu agus rogha teiripí a chur ar fáil dóibh. Is éard atá i ngéanóim bailiúchán den DNA ar fad i gcrómasóim na gceall ina bhfuil an t-eolas géiniteach ar fad atá linn ón mbroinn. Is minic a dhéantar cur síos ar ailse mar ghalar géanóim de bhrí gur toradh é ar athruithe ar threoracha atá códaithe laistigh de DNA ár gcuid ceall a chuir orthu scaipeadh gan srian. Is saintréithe siada iad na hathruithe seo agus bíonn idir earráidí aonair a bhaineann le péirí bunanna sa chód DNA agus dúbláil ar ghéag iomlán chrómasóim nó géag iomlán a scriosadh i gceist leo. Tugtar ‘neamhsheasmhacht ghéanóim’ ar an leibhéal athruithe i ngéanóm ceall ailse. Bhí foireann OÉ Gaillimh ag iarraidh a fháil amach cé acu an bhféadfadh tomhas iomlán neamhsheasmhachta i ngéanóim i gcealla ailse ó othair le hailse bhrollaigh lúmanach, ar breathnaíodh orthu nuair a bhí an diagnóis déanta agus sular tosaíodh ar an gcóir leighis, eolas breise a thabhairt maidir lena bhfadmharthain a thuar. Chun an hipitéis seo a thástáil, rinne siad anailís ar shonraí ó METABRIC faoi stiúir Ollscoil Cambridge. Tá METABRIC ar cheann de na chéad staidéir in ionaid éagsúla a bhfuil sé mar aidhm leis ceangail a aimsiú idir airíonna cliniciúla agus géanómacha bithóipsí a tógadh ó bhreis agus 2000 othar a raibh carcanóma brollaigh príomhúil orthu agus a cláraíodh idir 1977 agus 2005. De bhrí go bhfuil sonraí géanómacha d’ardchaighdeán mar aon leis na sonraí cliniciúla is déanaí ar fáil do bhunachar sonraí METABRIC, is áis an-chumhachtach é le taighde a dhéanamh ar ailse bhrollaigh. Rinne Lydia agus a comhghleacaithe an leibhéal neamhsheasmhachta géanóm i measc ghéanóim an 2,000 othar a ríomh, agus ansin d’úsáid sí samhlú staitistiúil ilathraitheach le torthaí fadmharthana ar leith a aithint i gcás na n-othar a bhfuil fochineál ailse brollaigh lúmanaí orthu. Chuir seo ar a gcumas na prognóisí a bhí i bhfad níos measa i gcás na n-othar le hailse bhrollaigh lúmanach a bhfuil na leibhéil neamhsheasmhachta géanómaí is measa ina mbithóipsí siada a dhearbhú. Bhí lucht taighde OÉ Gaillimh in ann na hothair a shrathú ina ngrúpaí agus an scór neamhsheasmhachta géanóim a nascadh le ranguithe cliniciúla, rud a bhí tábhachtach. Chuir seo fianaise shoiléir ar fáil go raibh na pátrúin chéanna maidir le marthain laghdaithe a fheictear go coitianta i measc othar a mbíonn an fochineál Lúmanach B atá níos tréine orthu ar othair a bhfuarthas go raibh an fochineál ailse brollaigh Lúmanach A orthu agus a raibh leibhéal ard den neamhsheasmhacht ghéanómach iontu. Ó tharla go gcuirtear cóir leighis éagsúil de ghnáth ar othair a n-aithnítear gur fochineál Lúmanach A nó B atá orthu, cuireann an toradh in iúl go bhféadfadh an diagnóis a bheith níos fearr dá ndéanfaí an anailís ghéanómach a ionchorprú sa chúram cliniciúil agus go dtabharfadh sé deis d’oinceolaithe cóir leighis a chur in oiriúint d’othair ar leith. Tugtar “leigheas beachtais (nó géanómachta)” ar an gcur chuige seo maidir le hanailís ghéanómach agus dá bharr tá caighdeán nua cúraim á chur i bhfeidhm i réimsí éagsúla den chleachtas cliniciúil. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag údar sinsearach an pháipéir, an Dr Aaron Golden ó Scoil na Matamaitice, na Staitisticí agus na Matamaitice Feidhmí in OÉ Gaillimh: “Is sárshampla é seo de bhuanna an taighde idirdhisciplínigh sna heolaíochtaí sonraí géanómaíochta. D’eascair sé seo ó theoiric a bhí agam féin, ar fear fisice mé, agus mo chomhghleacaí an Dr Andrew Flaus, ar bithcheimiceoir é, ó Scoil na nEolaíochtaí Nádúrtha, agus ghlac Lydia leis dá tionscadal miontráchtais MSc. Ansin fuaireamar cabhair an-luachmhar ónár gcomhghleacaí, an Dr Emma Holian, staitisteoir, agus a bhuíochas leis an obair an-chrua a rinne Lydia bhí muid in ann a léiriú go bhfuil gealladh faoin ngéanómaíocht bheachtais sa chóir leighis don ailse.” Ag trácht dó ar an toradh seo, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Dr Pilib Ó Broin, Stiúrthóir MSc i nGéanómaíocht Bhithleighis OÉ Gaillimh: “Is toradh iontach é seo do Lydia agus dá stiúrthóirí agus léiríonn sé na buntáistí iontacha a bhaineann le hoiliúint ildisciplíneach a chur ar eolaithe ar nós Lydia a bhfuil na scileanna staidrimh agus na scileanna ríomhaireachta acu mar aon leis an eolas cuí ar an réimse le léargais bhitheolaíocha nua a ghiniúint ó shonraí géanómaíochta a chuirfeadh leis an gcúram a thugtar d’othair." Ó shin tá an Mháistreacht bainte amach ag Lydia agus is mac léinn PhD í san Ionad Oiliúna Taighde in Eolaíocht Sonraí Géanómaíochta atá á mhaoiniú ag Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann agus atá faoi stiúir OÉ Gaillimh, áit a bhfuil sí ag leanúint dá cuid oibre ag déanamh anailíse ar ghéanóim ailse. Tá an lámhscríbhinn PLOS ONE dar teideal ‘Survival outcomes are associated with genomic instability in luminal breast cancers’ ar fáil ag:  -Críoch-

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

NUI Galway teamed up with the Irish embassy in Mexico to highlight the role women play as the “unsung heroes” of the agriculture sector in the two countries. Dr Maura Farrell, lecturer in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies, chaired the day-long webinar which was organised to mark St Brigid’s Day. Dr Farrell said: “Women in Irish and Mexican agriculture are often considered and referred to as the ‘unsung heroes’ of the farm family. Historically, women engaged in agriculture have given their time, expertise and for many their life to the land and the farm family, with little recognition. The webinar - St Brigid’s Day: A Celebration of Women in Agriculture in Ireland and Mexico - was hosted by the Irish embassy in Mexico City. The panel contributors included Guadalupe Aguirre Pérez Oronoz, who runs the Agua Escondida Agroecological ranch over the last 30 years demonstrating how agriculture can have no impact on the environment. Other contributors were Paula Fitzsimons, founder of Fitzsimons Consulting and national coordinator for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Ireland, Alison Fagan of Ornua, Senator Beatriz Elena Paredes Rangel, the first woman Governor of Tlaxcala and Lina Pohl, director for Central America of Heinrich Boll Foundation and former Environment Minister in El Salvador. Dr Farrell added: “By joining the embassy’s online event we seek greater recognition for the contribution women make to agriculture and rural development and the key role they play in the stability of the family farm. We also look for an end to the patriarchal agricultural environment of the past and open the doors to young girls and women wishing to make farming and agriculture a future life and career.” Ends

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

NUI Galway will lead a major new European project on pandemic preparedness and response, starting February 2021 The PANDEM-2 Project will develop IT systems and processes to improve the European Union’s preparedness and response to future pandemics New solutions developed by PANDEM-2 will enable the simulation of future pandemics and the training of pandemic managers on a national and pan-European basis PANDEM-2 tools will also allow for improved planning and management of critical resources including hospital beds, PPE and vaccines NUI Galway has been awarded almost €10 million funding by the EU to develop a suite of novel concepts, services and IT systems to improve how the EU prepares for and responds to future pandemics. The two-year project, known as PANDEM-2, aims to create a more consistent and futureproof approach to pandemic management. The Problem: While Ireland and Europe have responded robustly to the current pandemic, there is room for improvement in the analysis of real time data, in the sharing of information across borders and in adopting common and consistent policies. Future pandemics are to be expected with population growth, international air travel and environmental factors increasing the likelihood of diseases crossing from animals to humans. Protecting the health and security of citizens across Ireland and the EU in the face of these pandemic threats requires member states and agencies to share information and to collaborate on joint policies and approaches. The Solution: The PANDEM-2 Project will develop IT systems to improve the EU’s preparedness and response to future pandemics. The outputs will enable pandemic managers to prepare for a wide variety of different pandemic scenarios and possible responses. PANDEM-2 technologies will also enable improved pan-European planning and management of critical resources including hospital beds, PPE and vaccines. This will position Europe to respond coherently and effectively to the next pandemic, whenever it comes and whatever form it takes. Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, said: “I am delighted to see further EU investment in research and innovation which will help us prepare at a national and European level for future pandemics. I would like to congratulate and thank NUI Galway for their leadership of this project, which will seek to harness the learning from COVID-19 in the development of a range of innovative technologies to further support and improve the European Union’s preparedness and response to future pandemics. While we are still facing many challenges with COVID-19, it is critical that we also focus on longer term developments for pandemic preparedness, as this project will. I am delighted that Irish research will be central to this work.” Professor Máire Connolly, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, NUI Galway and Coordinator of the PANDEM-2 Project, said: “COVID-19 has had devastating ecoonomic, social and health impacts on countries worldwide. The PANDEM-2 Project aims to better prepare EU member states for future pandemics through innovations in technology, training and cross-border collaboration. The state-of-the-art tools that will be developed by PANDEM-2 have the potential to transform how Europe prepares for future large-scale healthcare crises through improved analysis of surveillance and contact tracing data, innovative pandemic modelling, better resource allocation and training of pandemic managers using simulations across Europe.” President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “I would like to congratulate Professor Connolly and the project consortium on receiving this significant EU funding award. As we continue to experience the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is reassuring to know that NUI Galway and the PANDEM-2 consortium will be at the forefront of developing systems to improve the EU's preparedness and response to future pandemics. One of our strategic priorities at NUI Galway is to ensure our research and teaching brings excellent outcomes for the public good. There is no greater need in that regard right now than public health. As a university, we play an important role in shaping society and this project amplifies our commitment to contributing to the health, wellbeing and security of society throughout the EU.” The Team: The project consortium, led by NUI Galway, brings together European leaders from the health, security, defence, microbiology, communications, information technology and emergency management fields, ensuring that the most modern science serves the real-world needs of healthcare, government and society. This consortium includes two other Irish companies, Carr Communications and Pintail Ltd. PANDEM-2’s Advisory Board membership includes the World Health Organisation (WHO) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Professor Jim Duggan, School of Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering, NUI Galway, said: “We are very excited to start working on PANDEM-2. Our role within the project builds upon our work from PANDEM which involved research on pandemic response and the development of a resource modelling tool, PANDEM-CAP. This project will aid the development of an IT dashboard that will host pandemic-relevant data from across Europe. This data will enable pandemic managers in capacity building and developing operational strategy for cross border pandemic response so that Europe will be as well positioned as possible for any future pandemic that may arise.” The Foundations: PANDEM-2 builds upon key insights and lessons learned in several previous EU-funded projects including the original PANDEM. PANDEM was established to identify gaps and priority research needs for pandemic preparedness and response in Europe. PANDEM-2 will build upon this research and ensure better preparedness for the future to ensure better decisions are made to improve health systems and pandemic management in the future. For more information please visit or for regular updates follow PANDEM-2 on Twitter ( and LinkedIn ( -Ends-

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

NUI Galway is the leading academic partner for the EU LIFE Peatlands and People Project The European Commission has announced the funding of €10million towards a project to highlight the power of peatlands to effect significant climate action wins. The EU LIFE Peatlands and People project is co-ordinated by Board na Móna, together with NUI Galway, with National Parks and Wildlife Service (of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage), the Environmental Protection Agency, and ERINN Innovation Ltd. The Peatlands and People project is a major national initiative that will contribute to the long-term implementation of Irelands Climate Action Plan. The plan aims to engage people in Ireland and across the European Union with the benefits of peatlands restoration, in particular to realise the power of peatlands to effect positive climate action. With additional co-financing from Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the project will work with peatlands in Ireland’s midlands and the communities around them to deliver capacity and support related to a low-carbon economy. Dr Christine Domegan, who is leading Pillar 3 - People’s Attraction and Activities of the project, and Senior Lecturer and Head of the Applied Systems Thinking unit, Whitaker Institute, NUI Galway, said: “Most of us recognise that everyday life today is not the same as it was with climate change, the pandemic and so much more.  It is a world shaped increasingly by collective as well as individual choice, and by systems, social and behaviour change all rolled into one. In this emerging complex world, NUI Galway as the leading academic partner in Ireland’s EU LIFE Peatlands and People work, is already into a future of radical transformation. The call to action is to get on board now, be the Change Catalyst in your life, your family and your community to open the door to a new sustainable world for all.” The project will establish: A Peatlands knowledge Centre of Excellence in Ireland that will explore and carry out best practices in peatland restoration and rehabilitation and design methodologies to monitor and analyse carbon fluxes. Over time the peatlands are expected to store more carbon and also support multiple ecosystem service benefits. A Just Transition Accelerator programme that will focus on low-carbon and circular economies to support the midlands region economically. It intends to provide a range of services for the development of new sustainable products, services, enterprises and value chains. An immersive People’s Discovery Attraction in the midlands that will be designed to introduce the importance of climate action and peatlands to citizens. Its long-term aim is to progress with the establishment of an educational space that cultivates curiosity and climate literacy, providing a forum for dialogue and discovery. Announcing the project, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD said: “Our peatlands are a precious resource in terms of storing carbon, restoring biodiversity and supporting local communities in new jobs taking care of our environment.  I am delighted to welcome another major project just months after we announced Government support for the rehabilitation of a huge tract of Bord na Móna peatlands. The Peatlands Centre of Excellence, Just Transition Accelerator, and the new Discovery Attraction supported by this EU LIFE project put the spotlight and investment where it should be, on Peatlands AND People.” -Ends-

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Distinguished Galway accordion player, Sharon Shannon along with guitarist Jim Murray, will open NUI Galway’s 2021 Arts in Action programme with a free concert online on Wednesday, 17 February at 1pm to launch her new partnership with NUI Galway’s Music degree. The concert will be presented as the 2021 Jean Ritchie Lecture and will celebrate Shannon’s musical virtuosity as well as the future potential arising from her engagement with NUI Galway's Music students as the next generation of emerging artists. The new partnership entails Sharon Shannon delivering a series of masterclasses that look at different facets of the creation, performance and production of traditional Irish music along with her long-time collaborator, Irish-American fiddle player, Win Horan. These masterclasses will be used as part of the teaching of traditional music modules within the new BA in Music. Sharon and Win will follow up the masterclasses with six live workshops per year, in which they will discuss traditional Irish music directly with the students. This will also be the first Arts in Action programme to be presented following the death of the programme’s founding director and curator, Mary McPartlan, the accomplished folk singer and educator, in spring 2020. In celebration of McPartlan, the theme of this limited 2021 programme is 'art as legacy', and it features traditional and classical music, drama, performance and literary-focused events. The programme, which runs from February to May, reflects specifically on the legacy left by Mary McPartlan as the programme draws on many of her frequent collaborators and the university/Arts in Action partnership with Music for Galway. The entire programme will be presented online free of charge providing viewers nationally and internationally a chance to share in this unique Arts in Action programme. The range of art forms and artists represented within the Arts in Action programme reflects the diversity and strength of the creative arts at NUI Galway, including the work of staff. Acclaimed novelist Mike McCormack and internationally recognised digital artist EL Putnam who lecture in English and Digital Media at NUI Galway will contribute a new work to the programme in April. Speaking about the new partnership with NUI Galway and Arts in Action programme, Sharon Shannon, says: “I’m delighted to be involved with the Music Department, and am really excited about sharing my music with the students at NUI Galway via the online masterclass series we have developed. It’s also a great honour to perform along with Jim Murray in celebrating Arts in Action in 2021 and to help re-launch the late Mary McPartlan’s great series.” Head of Music at NUI Galway, Dr Aidan Thomson, says: “I am thrilled that our Music students will have the opportunity to work with a musician of the calibre of Sharon Shannon. Galway has a rich history of traditional music, and it is wonderful that one of its greatest exponents should be able to share her expertise with our students, and in turn greatly enhance their learning. The next three years will be a very exciting time for the BA in Music.” Interim Arts in Action Artistic Director, Dr Charlotte McIvor, says: “Celebrating Arts in Action, Sharon Shannon and our students together is the most fitting tribute I can think of to honour Mary’s legacy with the relaunch of her beloved series. Mary had intended to have Sharon headline this year, and we are glad to carry forward her wishes and reignite her legacy through the presentation of this 2021 Arts in Action programme.” This year's Arts in Action will present a rich programme of music that will feature performances from: Máirtín O’Connor, Seamie O’Dowd and Cathal Hayden; Sean Ryan, Mick Crehan and Greg Cotter; Leah Redmond, soprano and Dearbhla Collins, piano, and Simon Mawhinney in association with Music for Galway. The programme will also include a beautiful theatre production of Sacrificial Wind Revival in memory of Mary McPartlan; and RTÉ broadcaster Vincent Woods in conversation with traditional Irish musician, Mick Moloney in ‘Green Fields and Granite Songs’. To learn about the Bachelor of Arts in Music at NUI Galway, visit To attend free live streamed Arts in Action events register here: or logon to and search for 'Arts in Action Sharon Shannon'. For more about Arts in Action visit: -Ends-

Monday, 1 February 2021

150 projects to date, resulting in 43 patent applications  1,712 journal publications, 10 licence agreements and five spin-outs Researchers have matched €40 million in EU grant funding in first six years CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices at NUI Galway has received a significant funding award of €46,372,380 from Science Foundation Ireland. The investment was announced today (1 February 2021) by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD. The announcement demonstrates the Government's strong commitment to reinvesting in CÚRAM and the MedTech industry in the West and Ireland, supporting the continuation of strong academic, industry and clinical collaborations that are central to CÚRAM's work. The investment will support up to 520 researchers at CÚRAM over the next six years. CÚRAM's strategic mission is to establish a world-leading Irish Medical Device Research and Development Centre in the development of diagnostic devices, biomedical implants, cell-device and drug-device combination products to address unmet clinical needs. In doing so, the Centre partners with local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and multinational medical device and pharmaceutical companies to increase employment in Ireland. CÚRAMs Research Programme aims to enhance researchers' creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative potential and focus on the translation of key CÚRAM technologies into clinical devices. Research is focused on three clinical areas of chronic cardiovascular, neural and soft tissue pathologies. These pillars have been structured to meet patients' current clinical needs with the aim of developing devices to improve daily management of chronic conditions. Research activities are enhanced through entrepreneurship and public engagement programmes and are informed by market, patient and clinical needs. Centre Growth The first phase of CÚRAM, established in 2015, has positioned the Centre well to exploit its innovation and commercial potential. The centre has had many significant scientific accomplishments in Phase one that contribute to advances in knowledge and the development of medical devices for the treatment of unmet clinical needs. Based at NUI Galway, CÚRAM is becoming recognised globally as a 'go-to' Centre for undertaking medical device research. The collaborative partnerships established to date indicate the value that the industry is already seeing in its partnerships with CÚRAM. CÚRAM currently employs 190 researchers in 10 partner institutes and to date has 38 industry partners that include 15 multinational corporation partners and 23 SME's . A total of 150 projects to date have been completed resulting in 43 patent applications; 1,712 journal publications; 10 licence agreements; and five spin-outs. In addition CÚRAM’s funding has been matched by its researchers securing over €40 million in EU grant funding in its first six years. President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: "I'm delighted to be attending today's Government announcement and would like to congratulate Professor Pandit and his excellent team at CÚRAM on being awarded this significant funding from Science Foundation Ireland. This reinvestment to sustain CÚRAM in the next phase recognises and respects our standing as a global leader in medical device research in and for the world. We know now more than ever that research in health and wellbeing is critical to our humanity. The values of excellence, openness, respect and sustainability are strategic values to which we aspire at NUI Galway. CÚRAM's dedication to world class research and development of medical devices to treat a diverse range of health needs in society is testament those values." Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director, CÚRAM, NUI Galway, said: "We are very much looking forward to the next stage of CÚRAM's journey. The Centre has matured significantly over the past six years and the foundation which has been laid down over that period now positions CÚRAM well for making a continued global impact and developing novel and innovative medical devices to meet clinical needs. The transition from a Centre having a highly diverse set of projects, to a focused Centre with a balanced portfolio of prototype devices will be exciting, challenging and rewarding to our ecosystem." Today's Government announcement sees an investment of €193 million in five SFI Research Centres that includes CÚRAM for a further six years. This investment by Science Foundation Ireland will support approximately 1,060 graduate and Post-Doctoral students and Research Fellows employed by the Centres. Speaking today, Minister Harris said: “I am delighted to announce this significant Government investment in five SFI Research Centres, which reflects Ireland’s position as a world leader in research and innovation. The investment will ensure that we are prepared for the changes and disruption that we are facing in addressing global societal and economic challenges. “The five centres will also work to promote science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to the wider public through extensive Education and Public Engagement outreach. These initiatives include summer computer camps, developing secondary school education modules, and residency programmes for filmmakers, artists and teachers to forge collaborations between researchers and the community." A panel of stakeholders attended today's launch including Cameron Keighron, an NUI Galway student and member of the young adult panel with the Public Patient Involvement research programme, PPI Ingite@NUIGalway, who took part in CÚRAM's 2020 Science on Screen documentary, The Patient Effect. "CÚRAM's work in opening up their research to the public raises awareness about the world class research happening right here on our doorstep. The Centre's public engagement programme invites participation and contributions from community members and patient groups which have been empowering for audiences, and I really look forward to staying involved as the Centre continues to grow", they commented. Michael Gilvarry, General Manager at the Neuro Technology Centre in Galway for CERENOVUS, part of Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies, also spoke at today’s event about the industry benefits of partnering with CÚRAM. "We began our collaboration with CÚRAM in 2017 and the partnership has had a significant impact on our ability to grow and scale our centre of excellence. I’d like to wish CÚRAM every success in the next stage of its evolution and look forward to continued partnerships and collaborations in the future", he said. Professor Mark Ferguson, Director General Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, said: “To maintain and build on Ireland’s global standing in research, innovation, and discovery, it is crucial that we invest in excellent ideas and research with impact. SFI Research Centres support both basic and applied research, spanning a wide range of sectors at varying levels and stages, and as a country we have benefited from their considerable contributions in the recent Covid-19 pandemic. “They have made transformational progress in just six years, with increased academic and industrial collaboration, extensive training of PhD students for future skills needs, winning competitive funding from the EU, producing excellent scientific results and driving vital public engagement. We look forward to further strengthening our ability to positively impact our society and economy through excellent scientific research, with continued support from the Government and industry in the years ahead.” For more information about CÚRAM visit: or follow on twitter @CURAMdevices. -Ends-

Monday, 1 February 2021

NUI Galway has announced the appointment of Professor Alma McCarthy as the next Head of School at J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics. Professor McCarthy has commenced the role as of January 2021. Professor Geraint Howells, Executive Dean for the College of Business Public Policy and Law at NUI Galway, said: "Having recently commenced my role at NUI Galway I have been impressed to learn about the wonderful transformation, which J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics has undergone in recent years. I am delighted to announce Professor McCarthy in the role of Head of School, and am confident that she will continue to lead tremendous innovation, transformation and distinctness in her new role. Professor McCarthy brings a wealth of experience to the role, and I look forward to working alongside her in the years to come." Professor Alma McCarthy said: “I am honoured to take up the role of Head of School.  The School has grown substantially in recent years with over 2,700 students and 130 staff. The School’s success is recognised through the achievement of various international accreditations and awards. I look forward to working with my colleagues to build on the successes of our School and developing and leading the strategic plan for the next stage of the School’s development, and engaging with key external stakeholders including alumni, industry and policy makers and ensuring the School’s research and teaching has regional and global impact.” A native of Labasheeda, Co. Clare, Professor McCarthy was selected for her passion and dedication to education, her strong leadership experience, and her numerous distinctions and achievements. She joined the university in 2002 as a Lecturer and Researcher in the Discipline of Management and has previously served as the Head of the Management Discipline at NUI Galway, and as Programme Director for the MBA. Professor McCarthy’s research interests include public sector leadership and human resource development among others, which has led to co-authored books, several chapters in edited books and many articles in highly ranked journals such as the Human Resource Management Journal, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Public Administration Review, and Human Resource Management Review. Professor McCarthy is a Chartered Member of the CIPD, the American Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and recently served as elected Vice-Chair and Chair of the Irish Academy of Management. She recently led a senior civil service leadership development evaluation project and report commissioned by the Department of Expenditure and Reform and is Principal Investigator for the Science Foundation Ireland funded talent management in national science foundations’ research project gathering data in Ireland, New Zealand, Finland, US, Hong Kong and Singapore.  Professor McCarthy, along with Dr Katerina Bohle-Carbonell at NUI Galway, and Tomás Ó Síocháin and Deirdre Frost at Western Development Commission, recently led significant research into the area of remote working in light of COVID-19, providing insights on how remote working has changed employees’ work and employment experiences. Her remote working research has been used in the Government’s National Remote Work Strategy recently published by An Tánaiste. More information on the Remote Working National Survey is available at NUI Galway’s J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics has introduced significant innovation in recent years, including the launch of the Bachelor of Commerce Global Experience, which offers work placement and study abroad opportunities for business students. The School has also expanded its postgraduate suite of programmes and increased its student body in recent years. For more information on J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics visit -Ends-

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

NUI Galway academic examines use of software, tech and AI in justice system as part of SFI Public Service Fellowship  The rapid development and increased use of software and technology for legal services and in the courts could reduce costs and improve access to justice but deepen the digital divide and strengthen existing biases in the justice system, research from NUI Galway has cautioned. Dr Rónán Kennedy, lecturer in the University’s School of Law, examined the availability and growth of “lawtech” in an advisory paper for the Oireachtas Library & Research Service. Dr Kennedy was awarded a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Public Service Fellowship to carry out the research as part of the Spotlight series, which gives TDs and Senators in-depth briefings on a single policy issue or topic.  The research paper “Algorithms, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Irish Legal Services Market”, outlined the pros and cons of increased use of software and technology in the legal sector. Dr Kennedy said: “Lawtech has been part of a wave of change and innovation in the legal services market, globally and in Ireland. It could save consumers and businesses money and time, and be a sector for economic growth.  “However, it is not a silver bullet to solve the problem of access to justice. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used more by lawyers and courts, it could lead to fairer outcomes or repeat existing biases.” The research paper noted: Lawtech could reduce costs and provide better access to justice by making it easier for lawyers to create standard documents or allowing people to access legal information and advice online, including through automated apps. It could worsen the digital divide in society and solidify existing biases in the legal system, by preventing those without IT skills from accessing legal services or by relying on historical data which is prejudiced. Areas for immediate legislative intervention include expansion of the validity of digital signatures for uses such as wills or legal proceedings, and the admissibility of digital recordings in court. Members of the Oireachtas could consider longer-term policy questions, such as whether AI professions should be regulated or how to manage the use of AI by lawyers and judges. The Oireachtas and Government may need to explore whether some legislation should be “born digital”’ - written both in a human language and computer language from the outset. Dr Kennedy’s research noted that AI software programs may also “learn” to discriminate in ways that are illegal, focusing on characteristics that are proxies for social class, race or gender such as home address or height. “It is unlikely that AI can or will ever replace humans, but it may allow faster, cheaper, and fairer judging. However, if this software is not carefully designed, it could make prejudice even more difficult to remove from the justice system,” he said.  Dr Kennedy said: “The paper explores technology which is already bringing about significant transformation in legal practice and in the courts, and may change it radically in the future. “The SFI Public Interest Fellowship provided a very interesting opportunity to learn more about how the Oireachtas operates, the important work of legislators, and how researchers can contribute to the development of policy.  “My findings raise important questions that lawmakers and everyone involved in legal services should consider. The pandemic has shown how useful technology can be, but we need to have a debate about how we manage tools like remote court hearings and AI assistants for lawyers and judges to ensure that all of the impacts are positive.” Ends

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

The award marks a commitment to the increase of both female senior leadership roles and male student intakes in Nursing and Midwifery at NUI Galway NUI Galway’s School of Nursing and Midwifery has been awarded a departmental Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition of their commitment to advancing gender equality in nursing and midwifery in higher education, and in creating cultural change within the University. The award represents the School’s strong commitment to equality and highlights the work undertaken within the School to identify gender equality issues, such as the underrepresentation of men in the discipline alongside under representation of women at senior grades.  NUI Galway Vice President for Equality and Diversity, Professor Anne Scott, said: “I am absolutely delighted to hear of the awarding of the Athena SWAN Bronze Award for colleagues in the School of Nursing and Midwifery. To have managed to get the Athena SWAN application successfully completed and submitted was a significant achievement in a really difficult year for many. To successfully achieve Bronze accreditation is definitely ‘the icing on the cake’. Nursing and Midwifery is our first predominantly female school to apply for and achieve Athena SWAN Bronze and will serve as a very effective model as a number of our other predominantly female disciplines work towards Athena SWAN accreditation.” Professor Tim O’Brien, Executive Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, said: “I am very proud to have the School of Nursing and Midwifery awarded the Bronze Athena SWAN award. This is a clear recognition of our College’s commitment to inclusion and diversity, and to increasing equity in both healthcare education and practice. This award, along with the existing  School of Medicine Bronze Athena SWAN award, is aligned with our College’s goal to prepare healthcare practitioners to be the best in their field, and to support our local communities. This has never been more apparent than during the pandemic. Our staff and students have shown real resilience and excellence in providing critical services to our communities.” Following the announcement of the award, Professor Dympna Casey, Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, said: “I look forward to supporting the implementation of our Action Plans to generate an environment where all staff feel they have opportunities to reach their potential irrespective of gender. Nurses and midwives make up more than half the global healthcare workforce, and approximately 90% of the nursing workforce worldwide is female, providing care to individuals of all ages and in all settings. "However, gendered issues continue to impact our professions- for example social gender norms, gender bias and stereotyping hinder women taking on leadership roles, while gender norms, biases and stereotypes also hinder the recruitment of men entering the professions. In the pursuit of gender equality in nursing and midwifery, we therefore need to address both male under-representation and female progression. This award marks the School’s engagement with both the ‘leaky pipeline’ of female senior leadership, as well as increasing male student intake into Nursing and Midwifery.” -Ends-

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

The University’s MSc in Medical Physics has received re-accreditation until 2025 from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programmes This year, NUI Galway’s MSc in Medical Physics will celebrate 20 years of providing first-class education, with a large number of EU and non-EU applicants having accepted places to commence the course in September. This week the course also received re-accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programmes (CAMPEP) until 2025. Initially accredited by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, UK, in 2015 NUI Galway’s MSc in Medical Physics was the first European MSc programme to be awarded accreditation from CAMPEP, and the second programme worldwide outside North America. The MSc in Medical Physics programme is designed to meet the demand for qualified medical physicists. It is primarily geared toward training for physicists in the application of radiation physics in medicine but maintains a reasonable exposure to key aspects of clinical engineering so that students receive a comprehensive knowledge of the application of physical sciences and engineering to medicine. Past graduates have also pursued roles in further academic research and in the medical technology industry. The requirement for medical physicists to have appropriate training is increasingly recognised worldwide, with both the European Commission and professional bodies worldwide have issued guidelines on this training. One such body is CAMPEP, which is supported by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, American College of Radiology, American Society for Radiation Oncology, Canadian Organisation of Medical Physics and the Radiological Society of North America. Being awarded a degree from a CAMPEP accredited MSc is a condition of entry into CAMPEP Residency training programmes in the USA and Canada and is also an indication of the quality of the programme. Dr Christoph Kleefeld, Clinical Director of the MSc in Medical Physics, NUI Galway and University Hospital Galway, said: “The re-accreditation of the MSc in Medical Physics programme in North America underlines the high quality of the course and further enhances its international reputation attracting students not only from North America but worldwide.  At the same time, the accreditation creates opportunities for our graduates to pursue careers in the US and Canada.” In the last five years, the MSc in Medical Physics at NUI Galway has seen a 100% increase in the average student intake per year, compared to the first ten years. This growth opportunity materialised in part due to the demand for qualified Medical Physicists, and also the North American accreditation of the programme by CAMPEP. Sustaining this remarkable growth will be challenging as the programme has a very strong emphasis and input from clinical physicists. With increasing student numbers and more recently the global pandemic it has been very challenging to ensure clinical access, and the recent growth has been facilitated by national and international collaborations with hospitals and research institutions. Dr Mark Foley, Academic Director of the MSc in Medical Physics, NUI Galway added: “This MSc programme is an excellent example of a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional effort. The success of the programme has been driven predominately by the tremendous efforts of the hospital physicists supplemented by University staff. I must acknowledge the vision of our colleague the late Professor Wil van der Putten, a former Adjunct Professor of Medical Physics who was a key figure in Medical Physics education and establishing the UHG and Galway links in the early 2000’s. It was a pleasure for me to establish and name one of our three scholarships after Wil.” Information on CAMPEP can be found at, and further information on the MSc in Medical Physics at NUI Galway is available at -Ends-

Monday, 29 March 2021

Students from NUI Galway have developed a unique initiative to support people in high risk groups during the Covid-19 pandemic by sending parcels to help ease isolation. The Build-a-Box campaign is being run by the University’s occupational therapy students, in partnership with COPE Galway, Galway City Partnership and a local Deis primary school. The charitable initiative was designed and brought to life by third year undergraduates in the service-learning module Community Engagement, with the aim of mitigating isolation and the impacts of social distancing and cocooning for some of the most vulnerable members of the community. Around 100 boxes filled with items to reduce the negative effects of confinement are being delivered to older adults living alone, women in Direct Provision, homeless women and children with additional needs and in lower socio-economic groups. Commenting on the initiative, President of NUI Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: "In the context of ongoing clinic​al and academic demands, we commend our occupational therapy students for helping to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Initiatives such as the Build-a-Box campaign emulate NUI Galway’s vision and values of openness and respect, of our students and staff as citizens connected to and contributing to community and society in Ireland and internationally for the public good." Dr Sinéad Hynes, lecturer in Occupational Therapy in NUI Galway’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, said: “Loneliness and isolation are significant issues for many people, particularly older people, and this has been further exacerbated by the pandemic. The students have taken ownership of this project and partnered with community organisations, which is especially difficult when working remotely. It is our hope that the Build-a-Box campaign might be one way in which we can support those in our society who may be more severely impacted by the restrictions.” Dr Hazel Killeen, also a lecturer in Occupational Therapy at NUI Galway, said: “In tough times our students responded with great compassion to very vulnerable people in our community. They showed a willingness to overcome the barriers of organising all aspects of a very practical project through virtual means. This was more than a grade for them, they wanted to be part of the solution, and did so with heart.” Occupational therapy student Maria Stapleton, from Loughrea, said: “It was really interesting to learn about the impact of the pandemic on different vulnerable groups, and working with the community partners gave us a different perspective on the effect it has had.” Fellow student Lorraine Moloney, from Corrandulla, added: “The Build-a-Box campaign was a rewarding and challenging experience. It gave me a better understanding of the effects of the pandemic on vulnerable groups, while providing our class with an opportunity to address these issues and make a difference in their lives.” The Build-a-Box project is supported by funding from the Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway, with the boxes provided by Carabay Packaging. Ends

Monday, 29 March 2021

30% Club Scholarship aims to advance female leadership and executive representation in business organisations  Following the recent announcement of their global AACSB accreditation (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), NUI Galway’s J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics are now accepting applications for its 30% Club Scholarship for September 2021. Now in its fourth year, the scholarship aims to advance female leadership in business organisations and is a key influence in the increased number of female participants applying to and joining the University’s MBA programme.  The 30% Club Ireland was officially launched in January 2015 with a goal to achieve better gender balance at all levels of business in Ireland. The 30% Club believes that gender balance on boards and executive leadership not only encourages better leadership and governance, but further contributes to better all-round board performance, and ultimately increased corporate performance for both companies and their shareholders.    MBA Programme Director, Martin Hughes, said: “We are delighted by the continued partnership between the 30% Club and the NUI Galway MBA programme in promoting female leadership in all fields of business. Each year, we welcome a high calibre of female candidates to the MBA programme, with the aim of supporting and contributing to greater representation in management education for women. We congratulate Sharon Fahy and Sharon Walsh on their accomplishment as this year’s scholarship recipients and commend them as ambassadors of female leadership amongst our impressive female MBA members.”    In 2020, the 30% Scholarship, worth in excess of €13,000, was jointly awarded to Sharon Fahy, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Medtronic and Sharon Walsh, Vice President, Technology Management at Fidelity Investments. Sharon Fahy said: “As a leader in a global Medtech company, inclusion of diverse perspectives is central to the success of my role.  Completing an Executive MBA with the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics at NUI Galway, has introduced me to a diverse network with a wealth of experience from a wide range of professional backgrounds. I am humbled and honoured to be a recipient of the 30% Club scholarship. The need for a diverse workforce, where inclusive practices and flexible work arrangements allow females to lean-in, continues to be of critical importance, and the 30% Club provides a great platform for raising this awareness.”  Sharon Walsh said: “I am very grateful to be the recipient of the 30% Club scholarship in partnership with NUI Galway for the Executive MBA.  Diversity in leadership is good for business, and organisations that are led by inclusive and diverse leadership teams make effective decisions that deliver better results. Working for a company that is committed to increasing the diversity within our company at all levels, obtaining an MBA with close to fifty percent gender representation on the program, and receiving support from the 30% Club represents the positive collective change needed for inclusion and diversity in business.  I have been fortunate to have a very successful career in the finance and technology industry spanning two continents. To now study alongside like-minded, multi-cultural, established professionals with a diverse set of expertise across many sectors is an opportunity for a transformational experience. I am very appreciative to the 30% Club, NUI Galway, and Fidelity for their collective support.”    Martin Hughes continues: “2020 has been a stellar year for female participation in the NUI Galway MBA programme. Of our 26 Year 1 class members, 12 are female, demonstrating the space that exists for greater diversity in management and leadership. With gender parity achievable, we are eager to sustain equal opportunity for female leaders looking to expand their professional development. We look forward to our continued relationship with the 30% Club into the future.”  Applications to the 30% Club Scholarship and the other MBA scholarships on offer are now open. For more information on the scholarship application process, or to submit your application please contact Michelle Lantry, MBA Programme Administrator at   NUI Galway’s J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics will also hold its MBA Open Evening on Wednesday, 21 April, at 6pm. To register, visit Further information on the MBA programme at NUI Galway is available at   -Ends- 

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

CARE CONNECT project aims to build on the successful 'ICU FamilyLink' platform in the absence of healthcare face-to-face support during the pandemic Children in Paediatrics have already nicknamed the social robot "SuperMario!" Platform aims to provide support to critical care settings, end-of-life situations, and vulnerable patients that rely on family for support Researchers at CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at University of Galway, supported by global technology company, Cisco's Country Digital Acceleration programme, are launching the CARE CONNECT project that will see social robot 'MARIO', used alongside a video-conferencing platform to improve patient-family communications in Paediatrics. During the first wave of Covid-19, a bespoke video-conferencing platform called 'ICU FamilyLink' was successfully implemented at University Hospital Galway to connect patients in critical care to their families. The CARE CONNECT project aims to build on this successful pilot and extend beyond the Intensive Care Unit to other healthcare settings impacted by Covid-19 while also looking to the future use of telemedicine in Ireland post-pandemic. Existing technology, including teleconferencing platforms, social robots, and digital tools, have been rapidly adopted since Covid-19. Due to Covid-19, visiting restrictions were introduced in healthcare settings worldwide. These pandemic-related restrictions create a problem as regular face-to-face communication is severely impacted. This problem will likely last for months, even years, due to the unpredictable nature of Covid-19. While restrictions may fluctuate, physical visiting will probably be limited in comparison to pre-pandemic times. Therefore, the need to create effective alternative modes of communication across multiple healthcare settings is immediate, urgent, and, unfortunately, a long-term need. Professor Derek O'Keeffe, CÚRAM Investigator and project lead at University of Galway explains: "The Covid-19 pandemic has restricted patient's families from visiting them in hospital and healthcare settings and therefore isolating them from their loved ones. Communication is a vital part of providing medical care and addressing patients' biopsychosocial needs and their families. This is particularly important in critical care settings, end-of-life situations, and vulnerable patients who rely on family support. It is widely accepted in clinical care that effective communication is key to reducing the psychological burden for patients and their families and patients. "The CARE CONNECT project also builds on our University of Galway experience in healthcare robotics using the MARIO platform, which was an EU funded project led by my collaborator Professor Dympna Casey. Our first study will be using social robot MARIO with our video-conferencing platform to improve patient-family communications in Paediatrics, where the children have already nicknamed him "SuperMario"! We will examine the efficacy of using our system to remotely educate parents and family members about the management of newly diagnosed acute medical conditions, such as Type 1 Diabetes." Dr Aoife Murray, clinician-researcher and a University of Galway BioInnovate Ireland alumna, who was part of the ICU FamilyLink core team, says: "The key to the successful implementation of telemedicine and digital solutions is tailoring the solution to meet patient's and healthcare provider's needs. The Medtech and Technology ecosystem in Galway and longstanding relationships with University Hospital Galway create the perfect environment to develop and test technology to ensure it is effective and appropriate for a healthcare setting." Shane Heraty, Cisco Country Manager, Ireland and Scotland, said: "Helping people remain connected throughout this unprecedented time, and in these challenging circumstances, is something that we are incredibly proud of. This project and our partnership with CÚRAM brings the perfect blend of expertise together to enable us to have a direct and significant impact on patient wellbeing. "We are committed to building a digital and inclusive society, and having successfully implemented the ICU FamilyLink project at the start of the pandemic, we welcome the opportunity to build on it to bring the platform to a broader patient group." For more information about CÚRAM visit or Follow on Twitter @CURAMdevices. -Ends-

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Study reveals life-threatening complications for patients requiring respiratory life support Some 40% of critically ill patients who undergo tracheal intubation to support their breathing suffer a life-threatening complication, research from NUI Galway has revealed. The study, published today in JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, involved 2,964 critically ill men and women. It was carried out across 29 countries from 1 October 2018 to 31 July 2019 to determine the risk of adverse events arising from the invasive procedure. John Laffey, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at NUI Galway and Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at University Hospital Galway, was co-author of the study. “Placing a critically-ill patient on a ventilator is one of the most common forms of life support we can offer someone in intensive care,” Professor Laffey said. “But in order to provide this treatment clinicians have to perform tracheal intubation - an invasive procedure where a tube is inserted via the mouth into the windpipe. “A better knowledge and understanding of the complications associated with this procedure is of particular importance as we respond to the impact of Covid-19. The pandemic is forcing us medics to do far more of these procedures than usual and understanding the associated complications is the first step to finding ways to avoid them in future, and hopefully reduce the risk to our patients.” Findings from the INTUBE research study have been presented by Professor Laffey at the Society of Critical Care Conference. Key findings included: :: 45.2% of patients experienced at least one life-threatening complication following intubation. :: Some 42.6% of patients suffered severe cardiovascular instability. :: 272 patients, 9.3% of those in the study, suffered severe hypoxemia or very low oxygen levels. :: 93 patients, 3.1% of those in the study, suffered cardiac arrest. :: Patients who were at highest risk of life-threatening complications had hemodynamic instability prior to intubation. :: Successful tracheal intubation on the first attempt at the procedure was associated with a lower risk of complications compared to repeated intubation attempts. Professor Laffey added: “As clinicians we have relatively limited information on complications associated with tracheal intubation, how they affect our patients and how we can minimise the risk. “Our research shows a surprisingly high incidence of life-threatening complications associated with the procedure - with almost half of patients affected in this way. More importantly it shows that some of these complications might be potentially preventable with different approaches and that we can improve outcomes for patients undergoing these high-risk procedures. “A particular concern is that our research showed that patients who suffered an adverse event related to intubation were more likely to die either in the intensive care unit or within 28 days of the adverse event.” Professor Tim O’Brien, Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at NUI Galway and Consultant Physician with Saolta University Healthcare Group, said: “Clinical research in intensive care units is challenging but it is critically important to guide clinical practice and is essential to improve survival rates. Studies like this have a major impact on clinical practice and of course the relevance of this study is accentuated as a result of Covid.” Kevin Clarkson, Clinical Director of Critical and Perioperative Care at the Saolta Hospital Group/University Hospital Galway, said: “This international observational study, in which NUI Galway and Saolta Hospital Group investigators played a lead role, emphasises the ongoing need to invest in postgraduate training, equipping and simulation in this hazardous environment. “The study sheds light in areas of practice that need improvement and will likely lead to better patient outcomes. Specifically, instruments to facilitate tracheal intubation and use of equipment to detect carbon dioxide in a correctly placed breathing tube are clear opportunities to reduce risk. Training opportunities at local University Hospital level, regional groups and national training body programmes are vital along with participation in research such as this to highlight the needs of critically ill patients from the outset of their acute illness.” Ends

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

NUI Galway has become a Centre of Excellence as part of Basketball Ireland's ambitious plans for 10 Centres of Excellence, which will be located nationwide. NUI Galway and Ulster University in Jordanstown are the first two universities to have confirmed partnerships with Basketball Ireland this month.   NUI Galway's Centre of Excellence will provide access to expertise, such as strength and conditioning, sports medicine, sports psychology, diet and nutrition, sports management and administration, coach development and training. It will also have media and meeting facilities. This Centre of Excellence will be used as a national training camp for international sides, along with Basketball Ireland academies. There will also be the ability to host international fixtures, national senior competitions, intervarsity competitions, along with local schools cups and blitzes. Mike Heskin, Director of Sport and Physical Activity at NUI Galway, said: “We are very excited about this new partnership with Basketball Ireland’s High Performance Programme. The University has been developing partnerships with a number of the High Performance Sport programmes in Ireland, involving both domestic and Olympic sports. We are certain these partnerships will prove hugely beneficial to our University athletes by providing a clean pathway for them to achieve their athletic goals. We are especially delighted to be in partnership with Basketball Ireland to build on the existing relationship." Basketball Ireland CEO, Bernard O’Byrne, said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with NUI Galway who have wonderful facilities and a proven track record in sport, developing athletes for elite competition. This Centre of Excellence is a major infrastructural initiative by Basketball Ireland to deliver world-class facilities and will give our international players and teams the best chance of success when they compete. These Centres of Excellence will be geographically spread, meaning there will be top of the range resources available to the local basketball communities in every corner of the country. We want everyone participating in the sport to have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. We have seen a surge in interest in basketball in Ireland and we are determined to continue its growth.” See a short video announcing the partnership here: For more information on NUI Galway Sport Follow on Twitter @NUIGalwaySport, Instagram @NUIGSport, and Facebook at NUIGSport -Ends-

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

NUI Galway research shows novel policy changes from the onset of the pandemic helped engender support for public health measures Public trust in Government soared in 2020 as a result of policies to improve income protection during the Covid-19 crisis, research from NUI Galway has revealed. Professor Cathal O’Donoghue, Established Chair in Social and Public Policy at NUI Galway, examined how social protection was funded during the pandemic and how the protection of people’s purchasing power led to increased support for Government and public health measures. The research, which has been presented at both the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, looked at social policy responses to the Great Recession of 2008-2012 and the Covid-19 crisis and assessed their impact on preserving living standards in Ireland. Data showed public trust in the Government reached a low of 18% in 2009, whereas the efforts taken in 2020 to protect people’s purchasing power saw the same measure reach a peak of 66%. We find that trust in government saw a big rise between 2019 and 2020 and the growth continued before it plateaued into 2021. Professor O’Donoghue said: “The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Ireland’s economy and public finances has been deeper, faster and more broadly felt than the devastation wreaked by the financial crises that swept Europe from 2008 to 2012. “But rapid response and novel initiatives to protect living standards of a large proportion of the population ensured trust in Government and backing for difficult but necessary public health measures.” The research paper, published by the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, identified a number of issues around the building of public trust, including: :: Welfare generosity and coordinating private institutions enabled the protection of purchasing power or capacity to spend. It was a demonstration of “in it together”. :: The inadequacy of the existing social protection system was acknowledged at the onset of the crisis. New more generous policy instruments were introduced to insulate citizens from the shock and more than 900,000 people drew upon Covid related payments in May 2020. :: Due to the importance of non-discretionary spending - housing costs, child care and commuting - policies were targeted at the private sector such as mortgage interest deferrals, rent freeze and non-completion of child care contracts. Transport savings added another layer of protection right across the income distribution, unlike in the financial crisis, where every decile saw a reduction. :: The reforms created political sustainability as more have a stake in the system that was there when they needed it. :: Improving trust made it easier to get cooperation among the public and the transmission rate of the virus under control. There was a 14% increase in Trust in Government between 2019 and 2020. There was a 54% fall in Trust in Government after the 2008 crash. :: The European Central Bank took a faster more sensitive approach to providing liquidity in the pandemic. Ireland’s good track record since the 2008 crash ensured the state could avail of lower interest rates and cheaper borrowing. :: The IMF have reported that Ireland, as a % of GDP, spent the 8th highest of 24 European countries reported. The European Commission found that only four other European countries had welfare policy impacts that had a greater impact on disposable income (Austria, Germany, Latvia and Malta). Professor O’Donoghue added: “The extent of the Covid-19 crisis posed significant challenges to Ireland’s welfare state due to the number of people who suddenly became unemployed, the higher share of all family members losing their job and a higher share of middle class families out of work. “In an era of volatility in relation to climate change, globalisation and ageing, there is an ongoing need for institutions to protect people from economic swings to provide confidence in future and enhance trust in institutions.” The study forms part of a Health Research Board funded research programme on the Covid-19 response. Ends

Monday, 22 March 2021

Hypertension affects in excess of 50% of people over 50 years of age in Ireland   Lifestyle change is a critical element in blood pressure control Hypertension control is only effective when the individual understands their condition and are empowered to take action New research completed by NUI Galway, Croí­ - the West of Ireland Cardiac and Stroke Foundation, and the National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, has explored the impact of a structured hypertension educational intervention programme on patient knowledge, lifestyle behaviours and blood pressure control. The study, published in the international medical journal SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, found a significant improvement in hypertension knowledge and awareness and a measurable increase in blood pressure control. First author of the paper Dr Haroon Zafar, Programme Lead for the Masters in Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine at NUI Galway, and Science Foundation Ireland and Irish Research Council funded Principal Investigator, said: “Hypertension (raised blood pressure) is an increasingly prevalent condition in Ireland, affecting in excess of 50 per cent of those over 50 years of age. While many people undergo adequate clinical treatment, their standard of blood pressure control still remains sub-optimal mainly due to poor medication adherence fuelled by poor awareness level. “Providing a tailored educational intervention programme can have a positive impact on hypertension control, knowledge and self-care management within community-based settings. With upward trends for hypertension and cardiovascular disease across Ireland, the need for a new model to effectively treat and control hypertension among the Irish community becomes indispensable.” Over 100 participants from disadvantaged/underserved communities in County Mayo participated in the study. Participants from the interventional group were invited to attend the structured interactive educational programme on lifestyle management of hypertension. The aim of this session was to create knowledge and awareness on hypertension and was delivered by a multidisciplinary group including a Specialist Nurse, Dietician, Physiotherapist and Cardiologist. Educational topics included understanding and taking control of blood pressure, the effects of exercise and diet on blood pressure, smoking cessation, stress management, and current medication updates and adherence. Eligible participants (adults of 40 years and older) with high blood pressure were randomly assigned to either a control group or an intervention group. The control group were given standard care, which included blood pressure and Body Mass Index measurements, lifestyle guidance, and referral to General Practitioner in accordance with European Society of Cardiology guidelines, and the interventional group received an educational session to improve knowledge and understanding of hypertension. A follow-up assessment was conducted for all participants four-six months after the educational interventional programme. Participants from the intervention group showed higher blood pressure reduction by the end of the study on each of the four measured blood pressure indicators (SBP-R, SBP-L, DBP-R and DBP-L), compared to participants from the control group. The educational session provided to intervention participants also raised their awareness level regarding hypertension and the importance of exercise in controlling hypertension along with reduction in alcohol consumption and avoiding smoking altogether. Professor Faisal Sharif, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at University Hospital Galway and senior author of the paper, said: “The study highlights the importance of patient empowerment and engagement in management of chronic diseases such as hypertension. Through patient education we can achieve superior clinical results by modifying the patient’s behaviour. Further, larger studies are required to confirm this effect. Also, it will be interesting to assess the long-term effects of patient intervention on clinical outcomes.” Neil Johnson, Chief Executive of Croí - the West of Ireland Cardiac and Stroke Foundation, and the National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health, commented: “Raised blood pressure remains the biggest single risk factor for heart attack and stroke, which constitute the leading cause of death and disability in Ireland and across the world. Effective treatments for high blood pressure are readily available and relatively cheap. However, a critical element in blood pressure control is lifestyle change which is only effective when the individual understands their condition and are empowered to take action. This research study confirms the significance of patient empowerment through education and it’s a good example of the significant impact of the work of Croí in the local community.” The research was funded by an unrestricted educational grant from Global Medtronic Philanthropic Foundation and an Irish Research Council New Foundations Grant. A copy of the full study, published in the journal SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine is available at: -Ends-

Friday, 19 March 2021

CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Medical Devices, based at University of Galway, has announced two new tripartite partnerships as part of the US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme. These partnerships will develop new technologies to treat cardiovascular disease and create new mechanisms for large-scale transport of high-quality therapeutic cells. The US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership is a unique initiative involving funding agencies across three jurisdictions: the United States, The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, with the goal of increasing collaborative Research and Development amongst researchers and industry across the three jurisdictions. This collaboration aims to generate valuable discoveries and innovations that are transferable to the marketplace or lead to enhancements in health, disease prevention, or healthcare. Dr Siobhan Roche, Director of Science for the Economy at SFI, said: "I am delighted to announce these two new partnerships involving CÚRAM. Our national SFI Research Centre network puts Ireland in a firm position to meet and respond to global challenges. International collaborations between leading research institutes such as these can accelerate innovation and create valuable global healthcare advances. We look forward to sharing their successes." The first partnership is the Cardiac Organoid Systems Partnership, driven by a shared understanding of the fundamental need to develop regenerative medicine technologies to treat cardiovascular disease. The primary approach of cardiac tissue engineering is to create cardiac grafts that can be efficiently implanted, regenerating the tissue and giving rise to a fully functional heart without causing side effects. Recently, there has been considerable effort to develop functional scaffolds that are designed for cardiac repair. These scaffolds help recreate or mimic the body's environment to allow cells embedded in the scaffolds to reach their full biological potential. Beyond developing engineered scaffolds for repairing cardiac tissue, the ability to scale-up the fabrication of these scaffolds is critical to their successful translation into everyday clinical practice. Professor David Bishop, Director of the CELL-MET ERC at Boston University, said: "The creation of functional engineered cardiac tissue with electromechanical properties that mimic the human heart on a scalable platform has the potential to transform the treatment of chronic heart disease. The fabrication of scaffolds is an interdisciplinary challenge combining chemical, biological, and physical properties." Professor Gerard O'Connor, School of Physics, University of Galway, explains: "Of all of the causes of cardiovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease remains a major cause of death worldwide. Cardiac tissue and cells damaged during a heart attack, for instance, cannot regenerate and are usually replaced by fibrotic scar tissue, which means that the only option for patients with end-stage heart disease is whole heart transplantation. Tissue engineering holds enormous promise for restoring functionality in these scarred regions of the damaged heart." The Cardiac Organoid Systems Partnership is a collaboration between the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centre (ERC) for Cellular Metamaterials (CELL-MET), headquartered at Boston University, CÚRAM the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices, and the Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine (WWIEM) at Queens University Belfast. The Global Cell Manufacturing and Delivery Partnership is the second new collaboration for CÚRAM under the US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme. For this three-year project, CÚRAM is collaborating with the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centre (ERC) for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT), headquartered at Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine (WWIEM) at Queens University Belfast. The aim of this research team's partnership is to use their combined expertise in biomaterials, characterisation and production of clinically-relevant cell types, to develop the technology to allow for the transport of high-quality, therapeutic cells at room or ambient temperature. The partners will scale-up, model and test a hydrogel-based system and make it clinical trial-ready. Professor Garry Duffy, CÚRAM project lead and Professor of Anatomy and Regenerative Medicine, University of Galway, said: "Cell therapies represent the next generation of therapeutic products that have the potential to regenerate damaged or degenerating tissues and treat a broad range of chronic illnesses. One of the global challenges that need to be resolved in order to make these therapies broadly available is the challenge of how to transport and distribute these cells. The key aim of this partnership is to develop a system that will allow us to transport cells for several days in ambient conditions, eliminating the need for cryopreservation for transport." Cryopreservation, which is currently required to transport cells, can negatively affect cell potency. Ultimately this partnership aims to solve a critical challenge of transportation and distribution to improve access to and reduce the cost of these therapies globally. Professor Krishnendu Roy, Director of the NSF ERC, Georgia Institute of Technology, said: "This partnership builds on CMaT and CÚRAM’s complementary expertise and brings together existing industry and academic networks and infrastructure to address a significant unmet need in cell therapy manufacturing and supply-chain. Low-cost, ambient temperature transport of cellular therapies with minimal cold-chain requirement is a global grand-challenge, and by coming together under this partnership, we hope to develop the technical and regulatory knowledge required to address it and improve quality of life for patients with chronic illness worldwide." This unique partnership's broader implications will be the stimulation of an innovation network between the US, Ireland, and the UK in cell manufacturing and cell therapies transport. This project will provide the groundwork for the realisation of greater access to cell therapies and nurture a climate of innovation and creativity in research-led, clinically informed, and industry influenced problem-solving for cell manufacturing. -Ends-

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Chuir OÉ Gaillimh agus Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe fáilte roimh fhógra an Rialtais inniu maidir le maoiniú €4.3 milliún don Cheantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta i nGaillimh. Tá forbairt Oileán Altanach agus Oileán an Iarla mar lárionad de Cheantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta ina croílár de phlean na Gaillimhe chun na hacmhainní go léir atá ag Gaillimh a nascadh le chéile. Is éard a bheas sa Cheantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta ná campas cois abhann mar chuid d’athghiniúint uirbeach chathair na Gaillimhe mar aon le spás mór cultúrtha agus taibhithe, agus aithneofar ról na hOllscoile mar institiúid chultúrtha náisiúnta agus an cion atá déanta aici ar son na Gaillimhe mar Phríomhchathair Cultúir. Sa phlean claochlaitheach seo freisin tá an méid seo a leanas: Spás taibhithe chun saol ealaíona na cathrach a shaibhriú agus cruthaitheacht na rannpháirtíochta cultúrtha a fhorbairt. Mol nua nuálaíochta agus campas cois abhann chun an chuid seo de Ghaillimh a athghiniúint agus na naisc idir gnó, taighde agus cathair bheo a neartú. Fearann poiblí nua do gach duine a chónaíonn sa chathair nó a thugann cuairt uirthi. Glasbhealach ó Ghaillimh go Conamara a leathnú tríd an gcathair agus campas na hollscoile, go Maigh Cuilinn, Uachtar Ard agus siar go dtí an Clochán. Beidh dhá limistéar ar leith san fhorbairt a bhaineann leis an gceantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta – Tuaisceart agus Deisceart. Beidh eispéireas, atmaisféar agus dáimh áite ar leith ag baint le gach ceann acu. Cuimseoidh limistéar an Tuaiscirt Foirgneamh Acadúil, a athneartóidh ról agus cion OÉ Gaillimh don chathair agus don réigiún, ionad cultúrtha ilchuspóireach, agus óstán a bheidh nasctha leis an ollscoil go fisiciúil agus i dtéarmaí úsáid pleanáilte agus úsáid atá comhtháite leis an teagasc. Bainfidh an limistéar frámaithe le réimse poiblí inbhuanaithe chun tacú le rannpháirtíocht leis na huiscebhealaí agus le tírdhreacha nádúrtha na timpeallachta uirbí seo. Tá dhá phríomhlimistéar ghníomhaíochta i Limistéar an Deiscirt. Le haghaidh a thabhairt ar an ngá atá le tuilleadh tithíochta i gceantar uirbeach, beidh Baile Uiscebhealaí cónaithe i Limistéar 1. Is i Limistéar 2, na Muilte athfhorbartha, a bheidh an t-ionad Nuálaíochta, Saotharlann Chathrach, Ionad Oideachais Aosaigh OÉ Gaillimh, ionaid for-rochtana agus taispeántais lonnaithe chun cruthaitheacht agus rannpháirtíocht an phobail, agus a lán spásanna sóisialta nua eile, a spreagadh. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh: “Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil le Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe, leis an Roinn Tithíochta, Pleanála agus Rialtais Áitiúil, agus leis na páirtithe leasmhara go léir a cheadaigh an t-iarratas seo, céim thábhachtach sa tacaíocht don tionscadal riachtanach seo i nGaillimh agus ar a son. Is céim mhór chun tosaigh í seo i gcéim phleanála an Cheantair Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta nua seo. Ciallóidh sí go mbeidh Saotharlann Chathrach ann mar aon le spás cultúrtha agus taibhithe ilchuspóireach a dhéanfaidh athrú ó bhonn ar Ghaillimh agus ar an réigiún níos leithne, le maireachtáil ann agus le bheith ag obair ann. “Tá OÉ Gaillimh tiomanta do leas an phobail agus tagann an fhorbairt seo go mór leis an éiteas seo agus lenár mbunluachanna: Oscailteacht, Meas, Inbhuanaitheacht agus Barr Feabhais. Agus na luachanna seo mar threoir againn, leanfar ag forbairt an phlean d’Oileán Altanach, a dtacaíonn an maoiniú seo leis, tar éis dul i gcomhairle lenár bpobal áitiúil. Tar éis an fhógra maoinithe seo, táimid ag tnúth le tuilleadh rannpháirtíochta lenár bpobal chun an tionscadal is fearr agus is féidir inár réigiún a sholáthar, dár ré.” Déanfaidh OÉ Gaillimh agus Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe teagmháil iomlán leis na páirtithe leasmhara go léir. Rinneadh comhairliúchán poiblí tosaigh cheana féin agus leanfar le tuilleadh comhairliúcháin le páirtithe leasmhara le linn an phróisis. Dúirt Brendan McGrath, Príomhfheidhmeannach, Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe: “Táim an-bhuíoch den ghrúpa iontach daoine a chomhoibrigh agus a d’oibrigh ar bhealach chomh díograiseach sin ar an tionscadal seo. Is toradh iontach é seo do Chomhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe agus don Chathair agus déanfaidh an scéim seo athrú ó bhonn ar an gcathair agus ar an réigiún. Táimid ag tnúth le bheith ag obair le OÉ Gaillimh agus leis na páirtithe leasmhara go léir ar phleananna chun Ceantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta den scoth a fhorbairt do Ghaillimh.” Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin gCeantar Nuálaíochta agus Cruthaitheachta féach: -Críoch-

Thursday, 18 March 2021

A joint investment of €13.5 million was today announced through a tripartite research and development partnership between the United States, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The seven awards will support more than 60 research positions across 14 research institutions, for three to five years. CÚRAM based at University of Galway will collaborate in two research projects. The US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership, launched in July 2006, is a unique initiative that aims to increase the level of collaborative Research and Development amongst researchers and industry professionals across the three jurisdictions. The programme involves multiple funding partners across the three jurisdictions, working together collaboratively to support the most excellent and impactful research. The funding agencies involved in the awards announced today (17 March 2021) are Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Health Research Board (HRB) in the Republic of Ireland; the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA, and the Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (HSC R&D) and the Department for the Economy (DfE) in Northern Ireland. Welcoming the announcement, Professor Mark Ferguson, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, said: “The US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme continues to support and encourage strong collaborative relationships between our countries. It recognises and highlights Ireland’s significant scientific standing internationally and the societal and economic benefits that can be realised when we work beyond our borders. I wish all of the partners every success in this important collaboration.” The programme, which uses a ‘single-proposal, single-review’ approach, focuses on prioritised thematic areas, including sensors, nanoscale science and engineering, telecommunications, energy and sustainability, and health. The Irish components of research projects in the area of health are jointly co-funded by SFI with the Health Research Board. Professor Garry Duffy, CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at University of Galway, is partnering with Queen’s University Belfast and the Georgia Institute of Technology (US) led NSF Engineering Research Centre for Cell Manufacturing Technologies to develop a Global Cell Manufacturing and Delivery partnership. The team aims to develop technologies to allow ambient transfer of complex cell-based therapies for chronic disease including heart disease and non-healing wounds, which could reduce the costs of cell products while maintaining their safety and potency. The partners will scale-up, model and test a hydrogel-based ambient transport system to make it clinical trial ready. Professor Gerard O’Connor, CÚRAM SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at University of Galway,is working withQueen’s University Belfast (NI) and Boston University (US) in a Cardiac Organoid Systems Partnership to create a functional engineered cardiac tissue with electromechanical properties that mimic native human myocardium on a scalable laser-enabled manufacturing platform with the potential to transform the treatment of chronic heart disease. Commenting on the awards, Health Research Board Chief Executive, Dr Mairéad O'Driscoll said: “Health research makes a real difference to people’s lives. We’ve seen how the recent pandemic has sparked huge public interest in both health and research. The HRB plays an essential role in advancing research, and is committed to supporting highly innovative international collaboration through the US-Ireland R&D Programme. I welcome the announcement of these new awards, which will generate health benefits in Ireland and internationally.” In congratulating the researchers on these awards,Dr Janice Bailie, Assistant Director,  Health and Social Care (HSC) Research and Development, Northern Ireland, said: “More than ever, we can see the immense value of international research collaboration, as supported by the US Ireland R&D Programme. This bringing together of researchers from across Ireland and the US is strengthening knowledge transfer and improving health outcomes with global impact.”   Trevor Cooper, Director of Higher Education in the Department for the Economy Northern Ireland, said: “The US-Ireland R&D Partnership supports ground-breaking trans-Atlantic research which will help to further develop Northern Ireland’s research and innovation capabilities, driving competition with the potential to deliver significant economic impact.” For more information on the programme, visit -Ends-

Monday, 15 March 2021

International research partnership hopes to bring new cell therapy to clinical trial for severe cases of COVID-19 and other ARDS patients within the next year CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at NUI Galway, has announced a new research partnership with US-based biotechnology company, Factor Bioscience Inc., to develop and test a new cell therapy for people with severe COVID infections and other serious respiratory illness. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread in resurgent waves globally, and effective therapies are urgently needed. Most people who die of COVID-19 die of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This devastating inflammatory condition causes the lungs to fill with immune cells and fluid, ultimately making oxygen transfer to the blood impossible. Professor John Laffey, project lead and CÚRAM Investigator, NUI Galway, said: "In recent years, stem cells have been rapidly advanced to testing in clinical trials as a way of treating ARDS caused by, for example, a bacterial infection. However, because of the way these stem cells are prepared from adult human tissues and because there is a limit to the volume of cells that we can produce, the consistency of these cell products and the availability of large doses has always remained a challenge until now. "Our partners, Factor Bioscience, a long-time collaborator of CÚRAM, has developed a novel type of stem cell with almost unlimited production potential. As part of this project, these stem cells will be produced at the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland at NUI Galway, and then tested in CÚRAM laboratories. Ultimately we hope to bring this exciting new cell therapy to a clinical trial for severe cases of COVID-19 and other ARDS patients within the next year." Matt Angel, co-founder and CEO of Factor Bioscience, who leads the development of their core technologies, said: "Building clinical and academic partnerships like this one is critical to our mission. We have an excellent relationship with CÚRAM, and this project brings the perfect blend of expertise together enabling us to have a direct and significant impact on patient health. "Factor Bioscience has developed a fast, highly-efficient method for reprogramming somatic cells to a pluripotent stem-cell state, a key invention now recognized by several patents. This technology, which enables the production of patient-specific cells for transplantation, has wide-ranging applications in personalized regenerative medicine." Professor Mark Ferguson, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, welcomed the partnership, saying: "The SFI Research Centres programme positions Ireland as a global leader in innovative scientific research. Investment in centres like CÚRAM has ensured that Ireland is well positioned to respond to the COVID-19 challenge with agility and speed. This sector will be greatly strengthened by the level of cooperation and new partnerships that have been built as a result." The Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland (CCMI) at NUI Galway is the only licensed cell manufacturing site in Ireland. Within this custom-built centre, the CCMI team produce stem cell products that are used in human clinical trials designed to test their effectiveness in a range of life-limiting medical conditions. Professor Frank Barry, a collaborator on the project at the Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland at NUI Galway, with over 25 years of experience in cell therapy, says: "This project is a clear example of our commitment to addressing the world's major health challenges by translating cutting-edge biomedical research into new and effective treatments." This current project is CÚRAM’s second collaboration with Factor Bioscience Inc. CÚRAM's strategic mission is to establish a world-leading Irish Medical Device Research and Development Centre to develop diagnostic devices, biomedical implants, cell-device and drug-device combination products to address unmet clinical needs. In doing so, the Centre partners with local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and multinational medical device and pharmaceutical companies to increase employment in Ireland. -Ends-

Monday, 15 March 2021

Project will target development of next generation Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for customer experience solutions The Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics at University of Galway has joined forces with US-headquartered Avaya, a global leader in solutions to enhance and simplify communications and collaboration, in a new collaborative research programme to develop and test the next generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The research programme will explore the development and deployment of new types of machine learning AI that is expected to deliver more advanced automation and data mining in contact center applications. The joint research can help Avaya implement smarter and faster AI capabilities in its communications and collaboration solutions, to deliver exceptional customer experiences and improve operational efficiency. Professor Mathieu d’Aquin, Site Director for Insight University of Galway and Principal Investigator on the project, said: “Hundreds of millions of people around the world are consumers of ever-improving AI, developed in the hope of making their experiences better while simultaneously improving business efficiency. Essentially the research we will conduct and systems we will test, thanks to the partnership with Avaya, is all part of making those improvements.” Mike Conroy, vice-president of R&D at Avaya, said: “Our plan in partnering with Insight, one of the largest dedicated Analytics & AI Research centres in Europe, is to develop next generation customer experience through better real-time insights and context powered by new AI methods. By partnering in this project with Insight at University of Galway, we can help our customers and end users realise even greater levels of augmented AI experience across seamlessly blended automated and assisted customer engagement channels.”  Professor Mark Ferguson, Science Foundation Ireland Director General and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, welcomed the announcement. He said: “Insight SFI Research Centre for data analytics is part of the world-leading SFI Research Centre network which develops industry partnerships and promotes collaborative research with Irish academic institutions, stimulating valuable knowledge exchange. This elevates Ireland’s international reputation for research excellence with impact while developing a competitive edge in emerging technologies with real-world business applications. We look forward to the opportunities that this collaboration will create.” Ends 

Monday, 15 March 2021

A key finding from the report found that all independent stations need greater support with Irish language broadcasting Irish language programming is seen as a risk for commercial radio Despite a lack of resources stations identified opportunities for development in relation to podcasting, social media and educational initiatives NUI Galway has conducted new research, the third phase of a project into the use of the Irish language on all of Ireland’s licensed radio services with the exception of stations broadcasting exclusively in Irish. The report was published today (15 March 2021). The aim of the report, which was funded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), was to investigate the views of station representatives on the obstacles to and opportunities regarding Irish language radio programming in the future. One of the main findings from the report revealed that all independent stations need greater support with Irish language broadcasting. Key conclusions from the research: Irish language output among the stations sampled remains low and is broadcast mostly at off-peak hours. There is considerable variation in the amount of Irish language output and no appreciable difference between stations serving the Gaeltacht and those with no Gaeltacht district in their franchise district. Despite this, some stations have built successful Irish language programmes over a long period and are positive about further development of material in Irish. Irish language programming is seen as a risk for commercial radio. All independent stations need greater support with Irish language broadcasting. The challenge is particularly acute for community radio due to its voluntary nature. Radio stations would welcome external partnerships and closer collaboration with Irish language organisations/schools to assist with programming and content. Lack of resources and time was a commonly cited obstacle to developing Irish language content but many stations identified opportunities for development in relation to podcasting, social media and educational initiatives.  Stations covered in the research were a mix of commercial, public service, regional and community radio stations including: Athlone Community Radio; Flirt FM; Galway Bay FM; Highland Radio; iRadio NEAR FM; Newstalk; Ocean FM; Radio Kerry and RTÉ radio services other than Radió na Gaeltachta. Representatives from all of the stations were interviewed for the report and case studies were carried out on three stations, Newstalk, Radio Kerry and NEAR FM. Recommendations from the report: The Irish language organisation Oireachtas na Gaeilge should receive more long-term support for its work in developing radio output in Irish. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to articulate more clearly the work of its Irish language team and develop training and work placement opportunities. The possibilities of sharing existing programmes or creating new syndicated content in Irish should be explored. Following Covid-19, broadcasters should seek sponsorship for Irish language content. Funding for original Irish language audiovisual content should be covered in the new Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill. The Broadcasting Act should be amended to ensure that all radio stations produce their own Irish language content for broadcast and on digital platforms. Stations covering Gaeltacht should have more material in Irish. Dr John Walsh, Senior Lecturer in Irish, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at NUI Galway and author of the report, said: “This report shows that while there is some high quality Irish language programming on radio stations broadcasting in English, output in Irish remains very low on most of the country’s radio stations, including those broadcasting to Gaeltacht areas. “The sector as a whole requires additional support and guidance with developing Irish language material and there is an opportunity for greater collaboration with Irish language organisations. New legislation about online safety and media regulation currently being discussed provides an opportunity to deal with these issues and ensure a central place for Irish in the future media landscape.” The first two phases of the study aimed to investigate how legislative provisions and regulatory guidance about the Irish language were reflected in radio programming. Successive Broadcasting Acts since the late 1980's have contained provisions requiring that the Irish language must be considered during the licensing process. Furthermore, the BAI and its predecessor organisations have consistently included the promotion of Irish language programming in their strategic plans over the past 30 years. BAI Chief Executive, Michael O’Keeffe, said: “The BAI welcomes the ongoing research into the use of Irish Language on Irish Radio services which was conducted by Dr John Walsh in association with NUI Galway. The BAI was very pleased to have provided funding support for this third phase of the research project which focuses on the challenges and opportunities of Irish language programming, as articulated by station managers and representatives who have first-hand experience of delivering Irish language programming within station schedules." “The research findings raise some interesting points in relation to Irish language programming commitments. While it is clear that there are certain broadcasters who are active drivers for improvement and commitment in the area of Irish language programming, challenges in the delivery of this programming remain to be addressed across the sector as a whole. The BAI thanks Dr Walsh for the work put into the project, especially given the challenges presented by Covid-19, and congratulates NUI Galway on its support for this valuable research.” To read the full document 'Research on Use of the Irish language on Radio - Phase 3' see: and -Ends-

Monday, 15 March 2021

Ceann de na torthaí is mó a bhí ar an tuarascáil ná go dteastaíonn níos mó tacaíochta don chraolachán Gaeilge ó gach stáisiún neamhspleách   Ceaptar sa raidió tráchtála go mbaineann baol le cláir Ghaeilge   In ainneoin easpa acmhainní feiceann stáisiúin deiseanna forbartha maidir le podchraoladh, na meáin shóisialta agus tionscnaimh oideachais Tá taighde nua déanta ag OÉ Gaillimh, céim a trí de thionscadal ar úsáid na Gaeilge ar sheirbhísí raidió ceadúnaithe na hÉireann ar fad seachas stáisiúin a chraolann i nGaeilge amháin. Foilsíodh an tuarascáil inniu (15 Márta 2021). Ba é aidhm na tuarascála, a bhí maoinithe ag Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann (BAI), ná breathnú ar thuairimí ionadaithe stáisiúin maidir leis na constaicí agus na deiseanna a bhaineann le cláir raidió Ghaeilge sa todhchaí. Ceann de na torthaí is mó a bhí ar an tuarascáil ná go dteastaíonn níos mó tacaíochta don chraolachán Gaeilge ó gach stáisiún neamhspleách. Na Príomhchonclúidí ón taighde: Tá an méid Gaeilge a bhíonn le cloisteáil ar na stáisiúin shamplacha fós íseal agus ní chraoltar í den chuid is mó ach taobh amuigh de na buaicuaireanta. Tá éagsúlacht mhór sa mhéid Gaeilge a bhíonn le cloisteáil agus níl aon difríocht shuntasach idir stáisiúin a fhreastalaíonn ar an nGaeltacht agus iad siúd nach bhfuil aon cheantar Gaeltachta ina gceantar ceadúnais.  Ina ainneoin sin, tá cláir rathúla Ghaeilge ag roinnt stáisiún le fada an lá agus tá siad dearfach maidir le tuilleadh forbartha ar ábhar i nGaeilge. Ceaptar go mbaineann baol le cláir Ghaeilge do raidió tráchtála. Teastaíonn níos mó tacaíochta ó gach stáisiún neamhspleách le craolachán Gaeilge. Tá an dúshlán níos mó arís do raidió pobail mar gheall go bhfuil siad ag obair ar bhonn deonach. Chuirfeadh stáisiúin raidió fáilte roimh chomhpháirtíochtaí seachtracha agus roimh chomhoibriú níos fearr le heagraíochtaí Gaeilge/scoileanna chun cabhrú le cláir agus ábhar. Ceann de na constaicí is mó a bhíonn roimh stáisiúin is ea easpa acmhainní agus ama chun ábhar Gaeilge a fhorbairt ach dúirt go leor stáisiún go raibh deiseanna forbartha maidir le podchraoladh, na meáin shóisialta agus tionscnaimh oideachais.  I measc na stáisiún a bhí san áireamh sa taighde bhí meascán de stáisiúin raidió tráchtála, seirbhíse poiblí, réigiúnacha agus pobail lena n-áirítear: Athlone Community Radio; Flirt FM; Galway Bay FM; Highland Radio; iRadio; NEAR FM; Newstalk; Ocean FM; Radio Kerry agus seirbhísí raidió RTÉ seachas Raidió na Gaeltachta. Cuireadh ionadaithe ó na stáisiúin go léir faoi agallamh don tuarascáil agus rinneadh cás-staidéir ar thrí stáisiún, Newstalk, Radio Kerry agus NEAR FM. Moltaí ón tuarascáil: Ba cheart go bhfaigheadh an eagraíocht Ghaeilge Oireachtas na Gaeilge tacaíocht níos fadtéarmaí dá cuid oibre ag forbairt aschur raidió i nGaeilge. Ba chóir d’Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann soiléiriú a thabhairt ar obair a fhoirne Gaeilge agus deiseanna oiliúna agus socrúcháin oibre a fhorbairt. Ba cheart a fhiosrú an bhféadfaí cláir atá ann cheana a roinnt nó ábhar sindeacáite nua a chruthú i nGaeilge. Tar éis Covid-19, ba cheart do chraoltóirí urraíocht a lorg d’ábhar Gaeilge. Ba cheart maoiniú d’ábhar closamhairc nua Gaeilge a chumhdach sa Bhille nua um Rialáil Sábháilteachta agus Meán Ar Líne. Ba cheart an tAcht Craolacháin a leasú chun a chinntiú go gcruthaíonn gach stáisiún raidió a n-ábhar Gaeilge féin le craoladh agus ar ardáin dhigiteacha. Ba chóir go mbeadh níos mó ábhar i nGaeilge ag stáisiúin a chlúdaíonn ceantar Gaeltachta. Labhair an Dr John Walsh, Léachtóir Sinsearach le Gaeilge, Scoil na dTeangacha, na Litríochtaí agus na gCultúr in OÉ Gaillimh agus údar na tuarascála mar seo a leanas: “Cé go bhfuil roinnt cláracha Gaeilge ar ardchaighdeán le clos ar stáisiúin raidió a chraolann i mBéarla, léiríonn an tuarascáil seo gur beag Gaeilge a chraoltar ar stáisiúin raidió na tíre, stáisiúin a bhfuil limistéar Gaeltachta ina gceantar ceadúnais san áireamh. Teastaíonn tuilleadh tacaíochta agus comhairle maidir le forbairt ábhair Gaeilge ón earnáil raidió tríd is tríd agus tá deis ann tuilleadh comhoibrithe a fhorbairt le heagraíochtaí Gaeilge. Faoin reachtaíocht nua faoi shábháilteacht ar líne agus rialáil na meán atá á plé faoi láthair, is féidir déileáil leis na ceisteanna seo agus áit lárnach a chinntiú don Ghaeilge i dtírdhreach na meán amach anseo.” D’fhéach an chéad dá chéim den staidéar le himscrúdú a dhéanamh ar an gcaoi ar tugadh aitheantas do na forálacha dleathacha agus don treoir rialála maidir leis an nGaeilge i gcláir raidió. Tá forálacha sna hAchtanna Craolacháin a achtaíodh ó dheireadh na 1980í inar éilíodh go ndéanfaí breithniú ar an nGaeilge i rith an phróisis ceadúnaithe. Anuas air sin, tá cur chun cinn na Gaeilge curtha san áireamh go leanúnach ag Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann (BAI) agus ag na heagraíochtaí ar tháinig sé i gcomharbacht orthu ina bpleananna straitéiseacha le 30 bliain anuas. Seo mar a labhair Príomhfheidhmeannach an BAI, Michael O’Keeffe: “Cuireann an BAI fáilte roimh an taighde leanúnach maidir le húsáid na Gaeilge ar sheirbhísí raidió na hÉireann atá déanta ag an Dr John Walsh i gcomhpháirt le OÉ Gaillimh. Bhí an-áthas ar an BAI tacú i bhfoirm mhaoinithe le tríú céim an tionscadail taighde seo ina ndírítear ar na dúshláin atá roimh chláir Ghaeilge ar an raidió, chomh maith leis na deiseanna, mar a chuir bainisteoirí agus ionadaithe stáisiúin in iúl iad, arb iad is fearr a bhfuil taithí acu ar chláir Ghaeilge a chraoladh laistigh de sceidil stáisiúin.” “Tarraingíonn torthaí an taighde seo aird ar roinnt pointí spéisiúla i ndáil le tiomantais atá déanta maidir le cláir Ghaeilge. Bíodh is gur léir go bhfuil craoltóirí áirithe ann a chuireann rompu go gníomhach an soláthar clár Gaeilge a fheabhsú, tá dúshláin san earnáil trí chéile le sárú i gcónaí maidir leis na cláir seo a sheachadadh. Glacann an BAI buíochas leis an Dr Walsh as na hiarrachtaí atá déanta aige leis an tionscadal seo, go mór mór i bhfianaise na ndúshlán a bhain le Covid-19 agus tréaslaíonn sé le OÉ Gaillimh as an tacaíocht atá tugtha aige don taighde luachmhar seo.” Chun an doiciméad iomlán ‘Taighde ar Úsáid na Gaeilge ar an Raidió – Céim a 3’ a léamh, féach: agus -Críoch-

Friday, 12 March 2021

NUI Galway and Galway City Council welcomed today's announcement by the Government of funding of €4.3 million for the Innovation and Creativity District in Galway. The development of Nuns’ Island and Earl’s Island as the focal point of an Innovation and Creativity District is at the heart of Galway’s plan to connect all of the resources that give Galway its vast potential. The Innovation and Creativity District will incorporate a riverside campus as part of the urban regeneration of Galway city along with a landmark cultural and performance space, acknowledging the University’s role as a national cultural institution and its contribution to Galway as a Capital of Culture. This transformative plan also includes: A performance space to enrich the artistic life of the city and unleash the creativity of cultural engagement. A new innovation hub and riverside campus to regenerate this part of Galway and strengthen the linkages between business, research and a living city. Enhanced public realm for everyone who lives in or visits the city. Expansion of the Galway to Connemara Greenway through the city and the university campus, to Moycullen, Oughterard and on to Clifden. The Innovation and Creativity district development will consist of two distinct areas – Northern and Southern. Each will offer a distinct experience, atmosphere and sense of place. The Northern area will comprise of an Academic Building, reinforcing NUI Galway’s role and contribution to the city and region, a multi-purpose cultural venue, and a hotel connected to the university both physically and in terms of planned usage and integration with teaching. The area will be framed within sustainable public realm to support engagement with the waterways and the natural landscapes of this urban environment. The Southern area has two key zones of activity. Addressing the need for more housing in an urban area, Zone 1 will have a residential Waterways Village. Zone 2, the redeveloped Mills, will be the location for the Innovation centre, City Lab, NUI Galway’s Adult Education Centre, outreach and showcase venues for inspiring creativity and community engagement, and a host of new social spaces. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of NUI Galway, said: “I would like to thank Galway City Council, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, and all of the stakeholders who have approved this application, a milestone in supporting this vital project in and for Galway. This represents a major step forward in the planning phase of this new Innovation and Creativity District. It supports the creation of a City Lab and landmark multi-purpose cultural and performance space that will be transformative for Galway and the wider region, both to live and work in. “NUI Galway is committed to the public good and this development very much speaks to this ethos and to our core values of Openness, Respect, Sustainability and Excellence. With these values as our guide, the plan for Nuns’ Island which this funding supports will continue to be developed following consultation with our local community. Following this funding announcement we look forward to further engaging with our community to deliver the best possible project of our region, for our world.” NUI Galway and Galway City Council will engage fully with all stakeholders. An initial public consultation has already taken place and further consultations with stakeholders will continue throughout the process. Brendan McGrath, Chief Executive, Galway City Council, said: “I am very grateful to the fantastic team of people who collaborated and worked in such a committed way on this project. This is a fantastic outcome for Galway City Council and the City and this scheme will be truly transformative for the city and the region. We look forward to working with NUI Galway and all stakeholders on plans to develop a world-class Innovation and Creativity District for Galway.” For more information about the Innovation and Creativity District see: -Ends-

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Three CÚRAM PhD graduates; Paolo Contessotto, Juhi Samal and Mark Fernandez, have been awarded the Julia Polak European Doctorate Award 2021 of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB). The three PhD graduates will be presented with their awards at the General Assembly of the next ESB conference to be held from 5-9 September 2021 in Porto. They are the latest CÚRAM graduates at NUI Galway to receive this acknowledgement, following in the footsteps of six earlier CÚRAM alumni. The award is given by the ESB council and presented annually at the conference event. Candidates nominated for the award needed to demonstrate that they have received high standard research education and training at a European level in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering and that they are also able to produce scientific results deserving recognition by being published and accepted in high-quality journals and conferences. Candidates will have had to spend at least one month of research work in a country outside the country of their home institution, have produced at least two peer-reviewed international publications as the first author and have participated at least twice at an international scientific meeting as presenting author, during their PhD. Dr Contessotto's PhD research focused on developing an injectable hydrogel to repair the heart muscle after a heart attack. His research has recently been published in the prestigious Science Translational Medicine Journal and has received extensive media coverage. Dr Samal's research focused on investigating several biomaterial constructs for therapeutic delivery and enhanced graft survival in the brain, which resulted in three research publications and grant funding success. Both were supervised by Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director of CÚRAM based at NUI Galway. Dr Manus Biggs supervised Dr Fernandez's doctoral research that focussed on developing a synthetic fibrous scaffold to promote tendon repair. The technology developed was specifically designed to address the biological, mechanical and adhesions issues in rotator cuff tendon repair and used electrospinning to generate a highly structured and porous scaffold made from an inert synthetic polymer. Professor Abhay Pandit, Scientific Director of CÚRAM, NUI Galway, said: "It is very gratifying for any researcher to have their work recognised in this way, and I'm extremely proud that CÚRAM graduates continue to be acknowledged for the quality of their training and research outputs. All of our researchers put extraordinary amounts of energy, time and effort into their work, and I'd like to congratulate Paolo, Juhi and Mark on this award which they richly deserve." Since its establishment in 1976, the ESB conference has been a significant event for the biomaterials science community. ESB 2021 will once again bring together all major disciplines of biomaterials science and enabling participants to network with colleagues, establish new collaborations, exchange knowledge, and discuss recent advances in emerging biomaterials-related topics. CÚRAM's research focuses on developing diagnostic devices, biomedical implants, cell-device and drug-device combination products to address unmet clinical needs. The recent announcement of a €46 million reinvestment in CÚRAM by Science Foundation Ireland in February 2021 demonstrates the Government's strong commitment to the MedTech industry in Ireland, supporting the continuation of substantial academic, industry and clinical collaborations and the education and training of high-quality graduates for the sector. For more information, follow on Twitter @CURAMdevices or visit  -Ends-  

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

University develops an ambitious roadmap to carbon neutrality by 2030 NUI Galway has unveiled its second sustainability strategy. The NUI Galway Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025 was officially launched today (9 March 2021) by Dr Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Chair of the Elders. It sets out an ambitious vision to lead the transition to a sustainable future by embedding sustainability in the University's culture, operational policies, governance structure and empowering its communities to be champions of sustainability. The strategy's objectives are embedded in a Learn-Live-Lead ethos that guides its sustainability efforts. The strategy was developed by the Community University Sustainability Partnership (CUSP) team, chaired by Professor Jamie Goggins, following campus wide consultation. The Strategy identifies 25 key measures of success organised around six themes: Research and Learning; Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Nature and Ecosystems; Health and Wellbeing; Built Environment; Governance and Leadership. Key sustainability measures include: Research and Learning: Integration of sustainability across all university education programmes by 2023. NUI Galway currently offers over 230 courses that cover environmental and sustainability content. Energy and greenhouse gas emissions: Improve energy efficiency by 45%, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% and 20% of electricity to come from renewable sources, by 2025. Nature and Ecosystems: Become an exemplar in biodiversity related research and learning with the implementation of the Biodiversity Action Plan. Built Environment: By 2025, reduce food wastage by 50% and water consumption by 10%. Health and Wellbeing: Help students and staff attain full physical, social, sexual and mental health and wellbeing. These include achieving a tobacco free campus by 2021, a Healthy Campus status by 2022 and reduce year on year, the level of harmful drinking among students. Governance and Leadership: Develop an ambitious roadmap to carbon neutrality by 2030. Sustainability has been gathering momentum as a core value at NUI Galway for a number of years. The university launched its inaugural sustainability strategy for the campus in 2017. This was followed by the appointment of the University’s first Sustainability Officer, Michelle O’Dowd Lohan, in September 2019. Some of the major milestones reached as a result of the first strategy include: academic staff embracing sustainability as part of the curriculum; becoming a Green Campus Ireland awarded site; exceeding the Public Sector 2020 Energy Efficiency target of 33%, reaching the University's target of 40% in 2020; becoming the first Green Lab certification in Europe; and managing the campus grounds in line with the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Dr Mary Robinson, commented: “It is heartening to see NUI Galway stepping up and shaping a future that has sustainability at the core. It is incumbent on universities to act on the single greatest challenge our society faces. Through your learn-live-lead approach - advancing sustainability through your teaching and learning, research, actions and impacts - you can play a leading role in the transition to a more sustainable future. By unleashing sustainability potential in the leaders of tomorrow, you can extend sustainability beyond the campus wall and into our communities.” Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, NUI Galway Deputy President and Registrar and Chair of the CUSP Advisory Board, said: “We are living in a time of great threat to the sustainability of our planet. Today we are putting in place a strategy that sets out our vision and commitment to lead the transition to a sustainable future on our campus, in our city and around the world. The strategy has been a collaboration involving academics, students and professional staff right across the University and in the wider community. It is only by coming together that we can achieve the future we want.” In December 2019, the university further demonstrated its commitment to sustainability at an institutional level by signing the Sustainable Development Goals Accord. Most recently NUI Galway was announced the winner of the Sustainability Category of the Galway Chamber Awards, recognising the University’s commitment to extend sustainability beyond the campus walls and into local communities. NUI Galway Student's Union President, Padraic Twoomey, said: “When it comes to Sustainability, the students' voice was loudest. We will inherit this planet and want to make sure that it's one that we can live in. Too long as a society we left things just go by without change and we hope with pushing for sustainability within the college we can make waves for the future.” Read the full Sustainability Strategy 2021-2025 here: -Ends-

Monday, 15 March 2021

Forbraíonn an Ollscoil plean oibre uaillmhianach do neodracht charbóin faoi 2030  Tá an dara straitéis inbhuanaitheachta seolta ag OÉ Gaillimh. Sheol an Dr Mary Robinson, iar-Uachtarán na hÉireann, iarArd-Choimisinéir na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta an Duine agus Cathaoirleach na Seanóirí Straitéis Inbhuanaitheachta OÉ Gaillimh 2021-2025 go hoifigiúil inniu (9 Márta 2021). Leagtar amach sa Straitéis fís uaillmhianach chun todhchaí inbhuanaithe a bhaint amach trí inbhuanaitheacht a leabú i gcultúr, i bpolasaithe oibríochta agus i struchtúr rialachais na hOllscoile agus cumhacht a thabhairt dá pobail a bheith ina seaimpíní inbhuanaitheachta. Tá cuspóirí na straitéise leabaithe in éiteas Foghlaim-Mair-Spreag a threoraíonn a hiarrachtaí inbhuanaitheachta. D’fhorbair foireann na Comhpháirtíochta Inbhuanaitheachta Pobail agus Ollscoile (CUSP) an Straitéis, a raibh an tOllamh Jamie Goggins ina chathaoirleach air, tar éis comhairliúcháin leathan ar fud an champais. Aithnítear sa Straitéis 25 príomhbheart rathúlachta bunaithe ar shé théama: Taighde agus Foghlaim, Fuinneamh agus Astaíochtaí Gás Ceaptha Teasa, Dúlra agus Éiceachórais, Sláinte agus Folláine, Timpeallacht Thógtha; Rialachas agus Ceannaireacht. I measc na bpríomhbhearta inbhuanaitheachta tá: Taighde agus Foghlaim: Comhtháthú inbhuanaitheachta ar fud chláir oideachais uile na hollscoile faoi 2023. Faoi láthair, cuireann OÉ Gaillimh os cionn 230 cúrsa ar fáil a chuimsíonn ábhar comhshaoil agus inbhuanaitheachta. Fuinneamh agus Astaíochtaí Gás Ceaptha Teasa: Feabhas 45% a chur ar éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh, astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa a laghdú 15% agus 20%  de leictreachas le teacht ó fhoinsí in-athnuaite, faoi 2025. Dúlra agus Éiceachórais: A bheith mar eiseamláir i dtaighde agus i bhfoghlaim a bhaineann le bithéagsúlacht le cur i bhfeidhm an Phlean Gníomhaíochta Bithéagsúlachta. An Timpeallacht Thógtha: Faoi 2025, cuir amú bia a laghdú 50% agus úsáid uisce a laghdú 10%. Sláinte agus Folláine: Cuidiú le mic léinn agus le comhaltaí foirne sláinte agus folláine choirp, shóisialta, ghnéasach agus mheabhrach iomlán a bhaint amach. Ina measc seo tá campas saor ó thobac a bhaint amach faoi 2021, stádas Campais Shláintiúil faoi 2022 agus leibhéal an óil dhochraigh i measc na mac léinn a laghdú ó bhliain go bliain. Rialachas agus Ceannaireacht: Plean oibre uaillmhianach a fhorbairt do neodracht charbóin faoi 2030. Tá borradh tagtha faoin inbhuanaitheacht mar chroíluach in OÉ Gaillimh le roinnt blianta anuas. Sheol an ollscoil a céad straitéis inbhuanaitheachta don champas in 2017. Ina dhiaidh sin ceapadh an chéad Oifigeach Inbhuanaitheachta san Ollscoil, Michelle O’Dowd Lohan, i Meán Fómhair 2019. I measc cuid de na spriocanna móra a baineadh amach mar thoradh ar an gcéad straitéis tá: foireann acadúil ag glacadh le hinbhuanaitheacht mar chuid den churaclam; Gradam Campas Glas na hÉireann bronnta orainn; ag dul thar sprioc Éifeachtúlachta Fuinnimh 2020 na hEarnála Poiblí; an chéad deimhniú Saotharlainne Glaise do shaotharlann san Eoraip; agus tailte an champais a bhainistiú de réir Phlean Uile-Éireann um Pailneoirí. Bhí an méid seo le rá ag an Dr Mary Robinson: “Tugann sé ardú misnigh dom OÉ Gaillimh a fheiceáil ag teacht chun cinn agus ag múnlú todhchaí a mbeidh inbhuanaitheacht mar chroílár inti. Tá sé de dhualgas ar ollscoileanna gníomhú ar an dúshlán aonair is mó atá roimh ár sochaí. Trí bhur gcur chuige Foghlaim-Mair-Spreag – inbhuanaitheacht a chur chun cinn trí theagasc agus foghlaim, taighde, gníomhartha agus tionchair – is féidir libh ról ceannasach a bheith agaibh san aistriú chuig todhchaí níos inbhuanaithe. Trí acmhainn inbhuanaitheachta a fhorbairt i gceannairí na todhchaí, is féidir libh inbhuanaitheacht a leathnú níos faide ná ballaí an champais agus amach sna pobail.” Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí OÉ Gaillimh agus Cathaoirleach Bhord Comhairleach CUSP: “Táimid ag maireachtáil i dtréimhse ina bhfuil bagairt mhór ar inbhuanaitheacht ár bplainéid. Tá straitéis á cur i bhfeidhm againn inniu a leagann amach ár bhfís agus ár dtiomantas chun aistriú chuig todhchaí inbhuanaithe ar ár gcampas, inár gcathair agus ar fud an domhain. Is comhpháirtíocht a bhí sa straitéis idir lucht acadúil, mic léinn agus foireann ghairmiúil na hOllscoile agus an pobal i gcoitinne. Is trí theacht le chéile a éireoidh linn an todhchaí atá uainn a bhaint amach.” I mí na Nollag 2019, léirigh an ollscoil arís a tiomantas don inbhuanaitheacht ar leibhéal institiúideach tríd an gComhaontú Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe a shíniú.Fógraíodh go raibh an bua le gairid ag OÉ Gaillimh sa Chatagóir Inbhuanaitheachta de Ghradaim Chumann Tráchtála na Gaillimhe, rud a thugann aitheantas do thiomantas na hOllscoile inbhuanaitheacht a leathnú níos faide ná ballaí an champais agus amach sna pobail áitiúla. Dúirt Uachtarán Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn OÉ Gaillimh, Padraic Toomey: “I gcás na hInbhuanaitheachta, ba é guth na mac léinn ab airde. Gheobhaimid an pláinéad seo le hoidhreacht agus ba mhaith linn a chinntiú gur féidir linn maireachtáil ann.  Le fada an lá mar shochaí d’fhágamar rudaí ar an méar fhada agus tá súil againn agus inbhuanaitheacht á cur chun cinn sa choláiste gur féidir linn athruithe móra a dhéanamh don todhchaí.” Chun níos mó a léamh faoi Straitéis Inbhuanaitheachta 2021-2025 féach: -Críoch-

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Ireland’s first free tax clinic has been set up in NUI Galway to educate students about their entitlements, obligations and how to manage their tax affairs.  The pioneering initiative will see tax students in the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics work in partnership with teaching staff and professional, external tax advisors in providing an online and confidential service. The NUI Galway Tax Clinic is being established initially to assist the University’s students, with a view to extending its services to community groups which are unable to access or afford tax information.  The service will run for at least six weeks at first, offering practical tax information and support to students with tax concerns and queries arising from a change in their circumstances, particularly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Emer Mulligan, Director of the clinic and Personal Professor in Taxation and Finance at NUI Galway, said: “The backdrop to this clinic is justice. It’s about helping under-represented people.  “The focus of the clinic is tax education and through that we will help a number of people who would not have realised they had an entitlement to certain tax credits and potentially a tax refund, as well as others whose credits were not allocated correctly, or have multiple jobs or were in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP). “Our mission is to inform and support marginalised citizens in their tax compliance in a free and confidential setting. Plans are underway to extend the service to marginalised community groups in the Galway region.”  A pilot tax clinic was trialled in NUI Galway last year where around 60 students received personal tax information and support. A number of external tax advisors were involved in running the pilot, with PwC one of the first to come on board. Florita Dolly, PwC Tax Advisor, said: “This exciting new initiative seeks to make taxpayer assistance more accessible and available to marginalised communities and the wider student population. PwC Galway are delighted to be supporting this initiative.” The NUI Galway Tax Clinic will also see students earn valuable real-world experience working with professional advisors, including some NUI Galway alumni who are working on a pro bono basis.  Students seeking advice at the clinic will be asked to consider if they are aware of tax credits they are entitled to, including for tuition fees, flat rate allowances, medical expenses, or being a single parent or home carer. It also asks if they have been employed in the previous four years, if they work multiple jobs, if they received the PUP and know how it is taxed and if they are planning to go overseas. Professor Mulligan was inspired to set up the country’s first tax clinic after learning of the success of initiatives in the USA and Australia where they have expanded and secured support from tax authorities with most of the clinics affiliated with academic institutions.  Tax advisors who want to support the initiative and students seeking support can visit or email Dr Maggie O’Neill, Tax Clinic Coordinator Ends

Monday, 8 March 2021

NUI Galway report highlights trends in children’s health behaviours over 20 years HBSC study reveals an overall decrease across all substance use measures; an increase in young people reporting pressure from schoolwork; and more children report feeling low 5.3% of Irish children aged 10-17 said they were smoking in 2018, compared to 22.6% in 1998 In 2018 19% reported they had ever been drunk, compared to 33% in 1998 8.5% reported in 2018 they had used cannabis in the last year, compared to 12.3% in 1998 44.3% reported feeling pressured by school work, compared to 32.9% in 1998 34.3% reported feeling low about every week or more frequently, compared to 23% in 1998   Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and National Drugs Strategy Frank Feighan today launched the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Trends Report 1998-2018 (HBSC). The report was led by senior researcher Aoife Gavin in collaboration with the HBSC research team at the Health Promotion Research Centre in NUI Galway. Compared to the findings from 1998, the study found fewer children using substances, more than half of children exercise regularly, more children are feeling pressured by school work and more children report feeling low. The HBSC is a cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe. It runs every four years. In 2018, 45 countries and regions participated, collecting data on health behaviours, health outcomes and the social contexts of children’s lives. The study compared findings of health behaviour in school-aged children from 1998 to 2018. Health risk behaviours – An overall decrease across all substance use measures.  :: Fewer children report currently smoking – 5.3% in 2018, compared to 22.6% in 1998. :: Fewer children report that they have ever been drunk – 19% in 2018 compared to 33% in 1998. :: Fewer children report cannabis use in the last year – 8.5% in 2018, compared to 12.3% in 1998. Positive health behaviours – An overall improvement among young people :: More children brushing teeth more than once a day – 70.1% in 2018, compared to 57.6% in 1998. :: More children always wearing a seatbelt in car journeys – 81.4% in 2018, compared to 41% in 1998. :: The proportion of young people doing vigorous exercise four or more times a week has remained stable – 52.1% in 2018, compared to 52.6% in 1998. Launching the report, Minister Frank Feighan said: “I welcome the publication of this latest report from the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study. This international project has provided us with essential data which has helped to shape and inform policy relating to the health and wellbeing of our children and young people. “This new Trends report gives us a wonderful opportunity to take stock, both of the many very significant improvements to our children’s health, and of those areas where we have not, perhaps, made as much progress as we would have liked. The information contained in this study will be of great importance in terms of future planning and policy direction regarding children’s health.” Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman T.D. said: “Ireland is headed in the right direction when it comes to the health of young people, and it is clear that past Government initiatives to support healthy choices are having a positive impact on reducing alcohol consumption and smoking, helping to keep our young people safe. “The research also suggests that an increased emphasis is needed around supporting the positive mental health of young people, and following the impact of Covid-19, this is an issue that may become more prevalent. In February, my Department launched the Supporting Children Campaign which aims to outline the supports available for children and families during the pandemic. We have also increased funding for youth services in 2021, in recognition of the positive impact youth work can have on young people’s lives. “Thanks to the HBSC research team in NUI Galway and the contributions from young people, we now have a valuable piece of research that will help to inform future healthy living initiatives aimed at improving the lives of children and young people in Ireland.” Commenting on the findings, Co-Principal Investigator Dr Colette Kelly from the Health Promotion Research Centre at NUI Galway, said: “This report is the culmination of many years of work, and brings together some good news about the health behaviours of Irish children with a sustained decrease in substance use for example. “There is a continuing positive trend in children communicating with parents and reports of good places in the local area to spend free time. The report also highlights areas in need of improvement in particular more young people are reporting that they feel pressured by school work and there is an increase in the proportion of children who report feeling low. The report provides a breakdown of age, gender and social class patterns which provide more in-depth information on each of the indicators.” To read the full report, visit - Ends