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Public Lectures on Sustainable Consumption

Monday, 14 May 2012
Public lectures at NUI Galway on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 May, will look at our throwaway culture, and ask what a future with everyone living more sustainably might look like. Philosopher Kate Soper, from London Metropolitan University will provide a public lecture entitled Towards an alternative prosperity? Irish “belatedness” and the politics of consumption on Friday 18 May, from 4.30-5.30pm in the Engineering Building at NUI Galway.Author of the book The Politics and Pleasures of Consuming Differently, Soper believes that we need to rethink how we live in the light of impending environmental catastrophe. Her core argument is that alternative ways of living can be more enjoyable than consumerism and this leads to her notion of alternative hedonism. A second public lecture on the topical issue of sustainable consumption will be delivered at 12 noon on Saturday, 18 May, in the Engineering Building by Elizabeth Shove, Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University. Professor Shove’s area of expertise is the relationship between consumption, everyday life, sustainability and ordinary technology. She is co-author of the book The Design of Everyday Life which looks at the design of common household products through to their use in the home. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion by a group of top US and European academics on the futures of sustainable consumption research. This panel discussion will take place from 2pm until 4pm on Saturday afternoon in the same venue. These lectures are part of an international conference, ‘Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a More Sustainable Future’ which NUI Galway is hosting from 18-20 May. The event brings together leading researchers to discuss current practices, challenges and futures for research in the area of sustainable consumption. The conference is part of the Consensus project, a four-year research project involving collaboration between NUI Galway and Trinity College Dublin. Funded by the EPA STRIVE Programme, the project is the first of its kind to look at sustainable consumption on the island of Ireland. The Consensus project focuses on four key areas of household consumption that impact negatively on the environment: transport, energy, water and food. This research is exploring how a shift towards more sustainable consumption might be encouraged, measured and governed. Therefore, one of the key outputs of this research is to make recommendations for local and national programmes concerning sustainable consumption policies. According to the Consensus project manager Dr Frances Fahy, Lecturer in Geography at NUI Galway: “Our conference is intended to explore opportunities for future research collaborations and facilitate exchange between currently existing sustainable consumption networks. All conference participants at this event are active members of US and European sustainable consumption research communities. The public lectures and panel discussion will provide an opportunity to discuss household consumption and the various ways in which it impacts negatively on the environment as well as to explore how a shift towards more sustainable consumption might be encouraged, measured and governed.” During the three-day event, academics will discuss their research in the area of sustainable consumption; exploring a variety of themes that range from sustainable transport to premature product obsolescence. Keynote speakers include: Maurie Cohen, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA; Tim Cooper, Nottingham Trent University, UK; Mike Goodman, King’s College London; Inge Ropke, Technical University of Denmark as well as members of the Consensus project team from NUI Galway and Trinity College Dublin. For more information email consensus@nuigalway.ie ENDS
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Gradam NáisiúntaBuaite ag Ionad an Acadaimh i gCarna

Monday, 14 May 2012
Bronnadh Gradam Náisiúnta na Gaeilge ar an gCainéal iTunes U-GOGG (An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta) ag searmanas i gCaisleán Bhaile Átha Cliath le gairid. Is ar champas Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge i gCarna a rinneadh an obair fhorbartha agus is í COGG a rinne maoiniú ar an tionscadal. Toradh é ar chomhpháirtíocht idir COGG agus Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh. “Údar mór áthais d’Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh gur bhain an Cainéal iTunes U-COGG gradam eRialtais amach le gairid. Tugann an gradam aitheantas don saineolas atá á shaothrú sna daonnachtaí digiteacha san Acadamh trí chéile ach go háirithe in Ionad na hOllscoile i gCarna. Bhí ról lárnach ag an gcomhpháirtíocht le RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta sa tionscadal mar gur forbraíodh acmhainní foghlama bunscolaíochta an Chainéil ó bhunábhar i gCartlann shabhair RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus ó Chartlanna OÉ Gaillimh féin.”, a deir Niall Mac Uidhilin, feidhmeannach ríomhaireachta le hAcadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge. Cuimsíonn an Cainéal iTunes U–COGG acmhainní físe agus fuaime ar mhaithe le sealbhú agus saibhriú na Gaeilge i mbunscoileanna Gaeltachta agus lán-Ghaeilge. Forbraíodh 300 mír fhoghlama nua dírithe go háirithe ar dhaltaí Rang 5 agus 6 sna bunscoileanna. Áiríonn na míreanna foghlama amhráin, dánta, scéalta, faisnéis, tomhasanna, agus míreanna staire. Tá na míreanna á gcur i láthair i gcanúintí éagsúla a roghnaíodh ó bhunábhar i gcartlanna saibhre RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus OÉ Gaillimh. Chuathas i gcomhairle le saineolaithe ábhar: Máire Uí Dhufaigh, Inis Oírr agus Bairbre Ní Thuairisg, Scoil Náisiúnta Chamuis, a scríobh na moltaí foghlama le dul in éineacht leis na míreanna. Lárnach sa bpróiseas forbartha freisin bhí Anna Ní Chartúir, Scoil Náisiúnta Leitir Mucú agus Mairéad Ní Chualáin, Scoil Náisiúnta Leitir Mealláin, beirt mhúinteoirí a bhfuil sárthuiscint acu ar riachtanais fhoghlama teanga scoláirí sna spriocscoileanna. Roinn an bheirt a gcuid ama ar an tionscnamh go fial flaithiúil agus ar bhonn deonach. Inniúlacht Cartlainne Meán a rinne an obair theicniúil agus dearaidh ar an gcainéal. Tá an cainéal ar fáil ar itunes.cogg.ie. Tá treoirlínte faoin mbealach le theacht ar an gCainéal le fáil ar www.acadamh.ie -CRÍOCH- Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilgeand COGG win National e-Government Award A project developed in Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge at NUI Galway was presented with an Ireland eGovernment Award at a ceremony in Dublin Castle recently. The iTunes U–COGG channel was developed with with funding provided by An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG). The iTunes U–COGG channel, which won the in the Irish language category award, comprises of video and sound resources to promote the acquisition and enrichment of the Irish language in all-Irish schools both within and outside the Gaeltacht. In this initial stage of the project, three hundred media clips have been carefully selected and are aimed at 5th and 6th classes. These learning clips cover genres such as song, poetry, stories, factual, puzzles and historic. The clips are presented in different dialects selected from the rich archive materials of RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta and NUI Galway. Niall Mac Uidhilin, Computer Executive with Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, said: “We at NUI Galway are delighted that the iTunes U-COGG channel has received this eGovernment award. This award recognises the expertise that the Acadamh has accumulated in the digital humanities, and particularly in the centre in Carna. The partnership with RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta played a central role in the project as the channel’s digital learning resoures for national schools were developed from the rich archive materials and resources of RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta as well as from the archives of NUI Galway. The project builds on the digitisation work that was previously done on the archive on the campus in An Cheathrú Rua.” A panel of experts were consulted for the project including Máire Uí Dhufaigh, Scoil Náisiúnta Inis Oírr and Bairbre Ní Thuairisg, Scoil Náisiúnta Chamuis who wrote the learning guides to be included with the clips. Anna Ní Chartúir, Scoil Náisiúnta Leitir Mucú and Mairéad Ní Chualáin, Scoil Náisiúnta Leitir Mealláin, were also central to the development of the project. Both have an acute understanding of the language learning requirements of national school children in the target schools and gave freely and voluntarily of their time to forward the project. Inniúlacht Cartlainne Meán were responsible for the technical and design work on the channel. The channel is available at itunes.cogg.ie. Guidelines on how to access the channel can be found at www.acadamh.ie. -ENDS-
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Fascinations of Plants Day at NUI Galway

Monday, 14 May 2012
NUI Galway will lead Ireland’s involvement in the first ever international Fascination of Plants Day which will be held on Friday, 18 May. The Fascination of Plants Day will be celebrated by 39 countries worldwide, with the common goal getting people enthused by the importance of plant science. A photography and art exhibition celebrating ‘Our Fascinating Flora’ will officially open at the NUI Galway Art Gallery on Friday, 18 May at 2pm and run until Wednesday, 23 May. Featured exhibits willinclude works from botanical artist Margareta Pertl, and artists Miriam de Burca, Alan Crowley and Peter Sherry. Ceramic art will include exhibits from Veronika Straberger, Anna Pielach and Louise Browne, and wood turning from Ambrose and Bríd O’Halloran. Winners of the national Fascination of Plants Day photography competition will also feature. Stories, all featuring the theme of plants, will be told by renowned storyteller Rab Fulton in the Art Gallery on Friday, 18 May at 11am and by Dr Maria Tuohy and members of Biochemistry at 3pm. Another feature of the celebration of plants will be a tree climbing session, on Wednesday, 23 May outside Áras de Brún, near the Quadrangle Building, with Keith Browne and experts from NUI Galway Mountaineering Club. Volunteers from the club will help the public get up into the trees using harnesses and ropes, to see what goes on at canopy level. Dr Zoë Popper, Lecturer in Botany and Plant Science at NUI Galway, said: “Plants are fascinating, and beautiful. Having the ability to directly synthesise their own food has enabled plants to successfully colonise, adapt to, and diversify within almost every niche on the planet. There are over 250,000 plant species and they are vital for us in terms of agriculture, food, horticulture and forestry. Plants also play a role in non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy, and pharmaceuticals.” Other themed events are taking place around the country, with participation by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, National Botanic Gardens, Trinity College Dublin and Burrenbeo. For more information regarding events in Ireland visit http://www.plantday12.eu/ireland.htm# and http://fascinationofplants.blogspot.com -Ends-
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Seimineár Poiblí ar Raidió na Gaeltachta: 40 bliain faoi bhláth

Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Mar chuid de cheiliúradh ceathracha bliain RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, reáchtáilfear seimineár poiblí, i gcomhar le hAcadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, OÉ Gaillimh, Dé Sathairn 19 Bealtaine le scrúdú a dhéanamh ar fhís agus feidhm RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ó bunaíodh é. Déanfar an seimineár a reáchtáil i Seanscoil Sailearna, Indreabhán, Contae na Gaillimhe idir 10am agus 4pm Dé Sathairn 19 Bealtaine agus beidh fáilte roimh an bpobal freastal ar an ócáid. Le linn seisiúin na maidine, scrúdóidh seisear léachtóirí ó ollscoileanna éagsúla in Éirinn gnéithe éagsúla de chraoladh an stáisiúin agus an tionchar atá ag an tseirbhís ar phobal na Gaeltachta agus na Gaeilge. Déanfaidh painéal eile scagadh ar a bhfuil bainte amach ag Raidió na Gaeltachta agus pléifear na dúshláin atá roimh an tseirbhís le linn imeachtaí an tráthnóna. Beidh deis ag an bpobal a bheith rannpháirteach sa phlé i gcaitheamh an lae. I measc na n-ábhar a phléifear i gcaitheamh na maidine, beidh: An ceol dúchais agus an chraoltóireacht – Róisín Nic Dhonncha Ról an Raidió i gcruthú pobail – Steve Coleman Teanga an Raidió, teanga an phobail – Siobhán Ní Laoire Féiniúlacht agus féinmhuinín agus ár bpobal féin – Rosemary Day Raidió na Gaeltachta agus scaipeadh na téarmaíochta – Gearóid Ó Cleircín Leas na Gaeilge, an náisiún-stát agus an t-iltíreachas – Iarfhlaith Watson Beidh plé ón urlár tráthnóna agus caibidil ar fhís agus feidhm an Raidió i gcuideachta na gcainteoirí: Dónall Mac an tSíthigh Máire Mhic Niallais Joe Steve Ó Neachtain Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí Déanfar imeachtaí an tseimineáir a thaifeadadh agus a chraoladh ar Raidió na Gaeltachta amach anseo. Tá an seimineár seo á reáchtáil i gcomhar le hAcadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus le cúnamh urraíochta ón Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta. --CRÍOCH-- A Public Seminar celebrating 40 years of Raidió na Gaeltachta The vision and role of RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta will be critically examined and discussed at a public seminar on Saturday 19 May as part of the station’s calendar of events to mark the foundation of the service in 1972. The seminar, jointly organised with Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway, will take place in Seanscoil Sailearna, Indreabhán, in the heart of the Galway Gaeltacht from 10am-4pm on Saturday, 19May and the event will be open to the public. Six academics from various Irish universities will analyse aspects of the station’s output and its influence on the Irish language community nationally and particularly in the Gaeltacht: Broadcasting and traditional music – Róisín Nic Dhonncha, Mary Immaculate College, UL RnaG and the creation of community– Steve Coleman, NUIM A community and broadcasting medium – Siobhán Ní Laoire, DIT Identity, self-confidence and our own community – Rosemary Day, Mary Immaculate College, UL Raidió na Gaeltachta and terminological dissemination – Gearóid Ó Cleircín, DCU Which most benefits the Irish language: cosmopolitanism or the nation-state? – Iarfhlaith Watson, UCD The founding vision of the station and contemporary challenges facing the service will also be discussed by a panel of speakers who broadly represent the diversity of the RnaG audience with a view to an open, general discussion among seminar participants about future directions for Raidió na Gaeltachta. Invited speakers during the afternoon session include: Dónall Mac an tSíthigh Máire Mhic Niallais Joe Steve Ó Neachtain Seán Tadhg Ó Gairbhí The talks and discussions at the seminar will be recorded and broadcast on Raidió na Gaeltachta later this year. This seminar is being jointly organised with Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, NUI Galway and with sponsorship from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. --ENDS--
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NUI Galway Student Receives the Outstanding Young Persons of Ireland Award

Wednesday, 16 May 2012
NUI Galway student Eve-Marie Costello has been awarded The Outstanding Young Person of Ireland award from Junior Chamber International (JCI), and has been put forward as a candidate for the Outstanding Young Persons of the World title, which will be announced in Taiwan later this year. Originally from Ballyglunin, Athenry, Co. Galway, Eva Marie is a third-year Science student at the University. NUI Galway’s Lorraine Tansey, ALIVE Volunteer Coordinator, and Riona Hughes, Societies Officer, nominated Eva-Marie for the coveted award in recognition of her significant achievement in the area of contribution to children, world peace and/or human rights. According to Riona Hughes: “Students like Eva-Marie and Melanie Hennessey, our most recent winner of the world title in 2010, who set up an orphanage and brought medical support to Nepal through her society Draíocht, show the impact that one person can make to bringing about positive change which impacts so profoundly on the students who they support and inspire to volunteer.” Eva-Marie began her volunteering in India during transition year in secondary school and has built on this by setting up the Ashirbad Society in NUI Galway. The Ashirbad Society focuses on sending NUI Galway students to India during the summer months to volunteer in areas of need including education, medical and agricultural. It also hopes to raise awareness of the needs of the people in the emerging sub-continent of India and to fundraise in order to improve the living and educational conditions for the under-privileged children of Kalimpong, West Bengal. Since 2007, Eva-Marie has travelled to India each year to work with the Cluny Sisters in Kalimpong, India. Eva-Marie now acts as a project instigator with the Sisters and is currently in the process of fundraising and planning for the development of the Declan Resource and Research Centre. She also volunteered at an Aids Centre run by the nuns, and was instrumental in producing an annual musical with the children and students. With her fellow volunteers they have raised over €45,000 in the last four years. Eva-Marie volunteered with SUAS homework club and has also been a key player in the NUI Galway musical society since she started at the University. Lorraine Tansey, Student Volunteer Coordinator at NUI Galway, said; “What sets Eva-Marie apart is her vision and commitment for the future, not only volunteering herself, but setting in place a structure which will see NUI Galway students into the future work with the Cluny Sisters on their great work in Kalimpong, and through this experience learning and growing as active citizens of the world. We are delighted to support JCI as they seek to recognise the valuable contribution volunteers make to society and congratulate Eva-Marie on exemplifying the NUI Galway civic graduate.” At the Regional JCI Top Outstanding Young Person of the Year awards, NUI Galway final year Occupational Therapy student Méabh Healy won the Regional Award in the Academic Leadership and/or Accomplishment category. From Mount Talbot, Co. Roscommon, Méabh was presented with her award for her two year research programmes with Enable Ireland. The Outstanding Young Persons program of Junior Chamber International serves to recognise up to ten individuals between the ages of 18 and 40 who exemplify the best attributes of the world’s young people. NUI Galway students have previously won The Outstanding Young Persons of the World award in 2007 and again in 2010. -ENDS-
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