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NUI Galway Observatory Open Nights

Monday, 16 January 2012
NUI Galway's Centre of Astronomy will continue its 2011/2012 programme of open evenings at its Imbusch Observatory in Dangan. The Observatory provides state-of-the-art observing facilities for NUI Galway's astrophysics students and the open evenings are an opportunity for the general public to come in and visit. Weather permitting, the free open evenings will take place at 7pm on 25 January, 8 and 22 February, and 7 March. An informative hour-long lecture will be followed by a hands-on viewing of the sky by night, weather permitting. The Imbusch Astronomical Observatory was opened in 2004 and is used by students studying Physics and Astronomy at NUI Galway. The observatory is equipped with a modern computer controlled 16" telescope and camera, and a radio telescope with a hydrogen line spectrometer, which is able to map out and measure the velocity of the sun and the Milky Way. There is also a 10" portable telescope - computer controlled – for visual observations of planets, star clusters, nebulae and other bright objects. Bookings are limited to two tickets per person and is strictly by ticket only. Tickets are allocated on a first come first served basis. All bookings are by email and those interested should send requests to tara.shanahan@nuigalway.ie. -ENDS-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Observatory Open Nights
Mature Students at NUI Galway to Benefit from €60,000 in Scholarships

Monday, 16 January 2012
NUI Galway has announced details of new scholarships scheme for mature students. In total, 30 new scholarships will be awarded, consisting of €2,000 per student for every year of their study. The new initiative is open to mature applicants, 23 years and over, applying through the CAO by 1 February, and commencing study in autumn 2012. Scholarships will be awarded based on merit, and those interested should apply as normal through the CAO process. The top 30 applicants will be automatically selected for a scholarship and notified before September 2012. The 30 scholarships will be allocated across three areas: Entrants via the Mature Student’s AdmissionsPathway (MSAP). Entrants via the Access Foundation programmes. Entrants who are mature (23 years of age at 1 January of year of entry), who are entitled to enter the programme to which they are admitted from School Leaving results. There are some limitations on who will qualify for possible selection, for example, students with a Local Authority Higher Education grant or similar awards will not be eligible for the scholarship. Interested students should visit the NUI Galway website for further detail about the scholarships and for information about the general mature student application process.Dr Martina Ní Chúlain, Admissions Officer at NUI Galway, explains: “The new Scholarships for Mature Students are an incentive to attract more of the brightest and most committed students, and to support their return to full-time education. Mature students bring so much to the campus and to their classmates, and we hope to offer the scholarship as a support in making the transition into third-level education easier.”Mature students make up a significant part of the student population at NUI Galway, with over 1,200 full-time mature students across all schools and disciplines.For more information on studying at NUI Galway as a mature student visit www.nuigalway.ie/mature/scholarships or phone 091 492 695. -ends-
>> Read full story about Mature Students at NUI Galway to Benefit from €60,000 in Scholarships
Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies to Take Centre Stage in New Degree Programme

Tuesday, 17 January 2012
An exciting new four-year degree programme has been officially launched by NUI Galway. The BA degree in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies is designed for students with a keen interest in all aspects of drama and performance. It is a world-class programme, providing a unique opportunity to study drama, theatre and performance from a practical, theoretical and historical perspective. Students will benefit from the dynamic partnerships forged by NUI Galway with key arts organisations including Druid Theatre Company, the Galway Arts Festival and Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. Also, throughout the year, the campus is a hot-bed for drama productions and related performance events. NUI Galway has an annual week-long theatre festival and regular performances by the popular DramSoc take place in theatres on campus, as well as in Galway’s Druid Theatre, and Black Box. Students also perform at the Galway’s Town Hall Theatre, which was recently named Ireland’s best theatre venue in the annual ERIC awards, and stages exciting productions throughout the year. Teaching on the programme will take a variety of forms, from lectures and seminars to practical workshops, performances and internships. One of the most innovative features of the programme is its emphasis on putting learning into practice, through seminars in acting and directing, through workshops with professional theatre companies, and through the option of internships with arts organisations and professional placements in third-year. “Our students benefit from the University’s unique combination of groundbreaking academic expertise, professional practice and access to some of Ireland’s leading artists. This new course is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore all aspects of performance from theatre to film, storytelling and new media”, commented the programme director, NUI Galway’s Patrick Lonergan.” “With its fine tradition of student drama, its location in the West of Ireland and its proximity to the Gaeltacht, NUI Galway provides an ideal location for the study of Ireland’s diverse range of performance traditions - from the many innovative theatre companies of Galway city to séan nós singing, storytelling and dance traditions. Our programme builds on this diversity and aims to show that theatre takes a variety of forms - all of which expand our conception of what is possible in the world,” said Dr Lionel Pilkington, Head of the School of Humanities at NUI Galway. Often referred to as Ireland’s cultural capital, Galway has a renowned reputation as an international centre for innovative drama, theatre and performance. The city has seen the establishment of several flourishing theatre companies whose founder members were students of the University. Among the most illustrious of our graduates are the three Druid Theatre Company founding members, Tony-Award-winning Director, Garry Hynes and the actors Marie Mullen and the late Mick Lally. Garry Hynes has commented on the new course, saying: “Just as I, informally, took my first steps in the theatre in NUI Galway, I am now, through this programme looking forward to helping the emergence of the next generation of theatre makers from my alma mater.” Recent graduates have gone on to achieve success with many leading theatres in Ireland and in London, joining such schemes as the Abbey Theatre’s New Playwrights’ Programme and the Rough Magic SEEDS project. In the last two years alone, NUI Galway graduates have won such awards as the PJ O’Connor Prize (RTÉ) and the JMK Trust award for finding Britain’s finest theatre directors. The first intake of students for the new BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies will be in September 2012. Applications will be accepted via the CAO process, on which the new course code is GY118. -ends- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leagan Gaeilge Drámaíocht, Amharclannaíocht agus Taibhiú i lár an stáitse ar Chlár Nua Céime Sheol OÉ Gaillimh clár nua spéisiúil céime ceithre bliana. Tá an chéim BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies leagtha amach do mhic léinn a bhfuil spéis ar leith acu i ngach gné den drámaíocht agus den taibhiú. Is clár den chéad scoth é, a chuireann deis uathúil ar fáil do mhic léinn staidéar a dhéanamh ar an drámaíocht, ar an amharclannaíocht agus ar an taibhiú ó pheirspictíocht phraiticiúil, theoiriciúil agus stairiúil. Bainfidh mic léinn tairbhe as na comhpháirtíochtaí dinimiciúla atá cruthaithe ag OÉ Gaillimh le príomheagraíochtaí ealaíon amhail Compántas Druid, Féile Ealaíon na Gaillimhe agus Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. Ina theannta sin, is iomaí léiriú drámaíochta agus imeacht eile a bhíonn ar siúl ar an gcampas i rith na bliana. Bíonn féile bhliantúil a ritheann ar feadh seachtaine ar siúl in OÉ Gaillimh agus, chomh maith leis sin, bíonn léirithe rialta ar siúl ag an DramaSoc sna hamharclanna ar an gcampas, in Amharclann an Druid agus sa Dubhlann. Bíonn mic léinn ar an stáitse chomh maith in Amharclann na Cathrach i nGaillimh, áit a ainmníodh le deireanas mar an t-ionad amharclainne is fearr in Éirinn ag na gradaim bhliantúla ERIC. Bíonn léirithe thar a bheith spéisiúil ar siúl san Amharclann seo ar feadh na bliana. Beidh cineálacha éagsúla teagaisc ar siúl ar an gclár, léachtaí agus seimineáir, ceardlanna praiticiúla, léirithe agus intéirneachtaí san áireamh. Ar cheann de na gnéithe is nuálaí a bhaineann leis an gclár tá an bhéim a chuirtear ar an bhfoghlaim phraiticiúil, trí sheimineáir san aisteoireacht agus sa stiúradh, trí cheardlanna le comhlachtaí gairmiúla amharclannaíochta, agus trí intéirneachtaí le heagraíochtaí ealaíon agus socrúcháin oibre proifisiúnta sa tríú bliain. “Baineann ár gcuid mac léinn tairbhe as an meascán uathúil atá san Ollscoil maidir le saineolas ceannródaíoch acadúil, cleachtas gairmiúil agus rochtain ar chuid de phríomhealaíontóirí na hÉireann. Is iontach an deis é an cúrsa nua seo do mhic léinn féachaint ar gach gné de léiriú ó amharclannaíocht go scannán, scéalaíocht go meán nua,” a deir stiúrthóir an chláir, Patrick Lonergan. “In OÉ Gaillimh, tá traidisiún láidir drámaíochta i measc na mac léinn, táimid suite in Iarthar na hÉireann agus muid an-ghar don Ghaeltacht, agus mar gheall air seo ar fad is iontach an áit í OÉ Gaillimh le staidéar a dhéanamh ar thraidisiúin éagsúla taibhithe na hÉireann – ó na comhlachtaí nuálaíocha amharclannaíochta i gcathair na Gaillimhe agus an traidisiún a bhaineann le hamhránaíocht ar an sean-nós, scéalaíocht agus damhsa. Tógann an clár seo ar an éagsúlacht sin agus é mar aidhm leis a léiriú gur iomaí taobh a bhaineann leis an amharclannaíocht – agus go gcuireann siad ar fad leis an íomhá atá againn maidir le céard is féidir a bhaint amach sa saol,” a dúirt an Dr Lionel Pilkingtom, Ceann Scoil na nDaonnachtaí in OÉ Gaillimh. Tugtar príomhchathair chultúir na hÉireann ar Ghaillimh go minic agus tá cáil ar an gcathair mar ionad idirnáisiúnta do dhrámaíocht, d’amharclannaíocht agus do thaibhiú nuálaíoch. Bunaíodh roinnt compántas drámaíochta sa chathair agus ba mhic léinn san Ollscoil a bhunaigh iad. I measc na gcéimithe is clúití atá againn tá an triúr a bhunaigh Compántas Druid, Garry Hynes, Stiúrthóir a bhuaigh gradam Tony, agus na haisteoirí Marie Mullen agus Mick Lally atá imithe ar shlí na Fírinne. Labhair Garry Hynes faoin gcúrsa nua, a rá: “Díreach mar a thóg mise mo chéad chéimeanna, go neamhfhoirmiúil, san amharclannaíocht in OÉ Gaillimh, tá mé ag súil go mór anois le cabhrú leis an gcéad ghlúin eile teacht chun cinn ó mo alma mater tríd an gclár seo.” Tá céimithe imithe ar aghaidh ag baint a gcáil amach in amharclanna clúiteacha in Éirinn agus i Londain, ag glacadh páirte i scéimeanna cosúil le Clár nua Drámadóirí Amharclann na Mainistreach agus tionscadal SEEDS de chuid Rough Magic. Le dhá bhliain anuas, tá céimithe de chuid OÉ Gaillimh tar éis gradaim ar nós Duais PJ O’Connor (RTÉ) a bhaint chomh maith le gradam an JMK Trust do na stiúrthóirí amharclainne is fearr sa Bhreatain. Tosóidh na chéad mhic léinn ar an BA nua in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies i Meán Fómhair 2012. Glacfar le hiarratais tríd an CAO, agus is é GY118 cód an chúrsa nua. -críoch-
>> Read full story about Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies to Take Centre Stage in New Degree Programme
Major Jobs Boost as Construction Resumes on NUI Galway Campus

Tuesday, 17 January 2012
400 jobs as part of €75 million spend on university developments There was a major boost for employment in the West of Ireland today as NUI Galway announced the beginning of five construction projects on its city centre campus. An estimated 400 jobs are expected to be created in the construction sector as work begins on five new buildings valued at €75 million. The University has awarded a contract for the completion of three new world-class research buildings to Galway-based contractor, JJ Rhatigan & Co, including an Arts Humanities Social Sciences Research Building and two buildings dedicated to Biomedical Science Research. These buildings, which had been temporarily stalled by the receivership of a previous contractor, will be completed on a phased basis from the end of 2012 into early 2013. Work has already begun on the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Building, located beside the existing James Hardiman Library. The Building will provide a unique research environment to transform Galway’s rich cultural resources into social and economic opportunity. The new facility will be a national and international resource that integrates research and training in the Humanities, Digital Cultures, Creative Industries, Business, Social Sciences, Human Rights, Advocacy, and Public Policy. Construction will shortly re-commence on the Biosciences Research Building, located near the Corrib Village student accommodation in Dangan. The third building, a combined Clinical/Translational Research Facility, will be located on the grounds of University Hospital Galway and will also begin in early 2012. Together, these two facilities will enable NUI Galway to build on its existing strength in the biomedical sciences area. NUI Galway is located at the centre of the medical device and healthcare industries in Ireland and the new facilities are expected to enhance the national capacity and international standing of Ireland in the biomedical sciences arena. The new infrastructure requirements on campus stem from the rapid growth of research activity, in biomedical science for example, which directly supports the region's vital medical devices industry. Infrastructure requirements are also being fuelled by dramatic rises in student numbers. Speaking about the development of the research infrastructure at the University, President Jim Browne commented: “I am delighted that these strategically important projects are underway. The investment in research infrastructure will have an immediate benefit in bringing much-needed jobs to the construction industry. Concentrating resources on biomedical science and arts, humanities and social sciences research at NUI Galway will have a major impact on the medical technologies and the creative arts industries in the West of Ireland. We have the opportunity now to provide two distinct Irish industry sectors with relevant, world-class research solutions, transforming national leadership into global competitiveness.” Work has also got underway on two other buildings on the NUI Galway campus. An €8m extension to the Arts Millennium Building, which will house the University’s growing School of Psychology, is scheduled for completion during 2013; JJ Rhatigan & Co is the contractor. Construction has re-commenced on an extension to the student branch of the Bank of Ireland, located on the Arts/Science Concourse. BAM Building Limited will complete this extension. Commenting on the investment in the campus, Vice-President for Capital Projects, Mr Keith Warnock said: “The University will play its part in revitalising the economy and bringing much-needed jobs to the construction sector. We are investing in world-class facilities for our students. At present, we are investing €.75 million per week in developing our campus so that we can offer students a learning environment that is second to none.” -ends- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leagan GaeilgeBorradh Fostaíochta leis an Obair Thógála ar siúl arís ar Champas OÉ Gaillimh 400 post mar chuid d’infheistíocht €75 milliún i bhfoirgnimh san OllscoilDea-scéala do staid fostaíochta Iarthar na tíre inniu gur fhógair OÉ Gaillimh go gcuirfí tús le cúig thogra tógála ar champas na hOllscoile. Meastar go gcruthófar 400 post in earnáil na tógála nuair a thosóidh an obair ar chúig fhoirgneamh ar luach €75 milliún. Tá conradh tugtha ag an Ollscoil do chonraitheoir na Gaillimhe, JJ Rhatigan & Co, chun trí cinn de na foirgnimh thaighde den chéad scoth a thógáil. Is iad sin an Foirgneamh Taighde sna Dána, sna Daonnachtaí & sna hEolaíochtaí Sóisialta agus dhá Fhoirgneamh Taighde don Eolaíocht Bhithleighis. Cuireadh moill leis an obair thógála seo nuair a cuireadh an conraitheoir roimhe seo faoi ghlacadóireacht. Tógfar céim ar chéim anois na foirgnimh agus beidh siad réidh faoi dheireadh 2012 nó tús 2013. Tá tús curtha leis an obair cheana féin ar an bhFoirgneamh Taighde sna Dána, sna Daonnachtaí & sna hEolaíochtaí Sóisialta, le taobh Leabharlann Shéamais Uí Argadáin. Beidh timpeallacht uathúil taighde san Fhoirgneamh a úsáidfidh acmhainní iontacha cultúir na Gaillimhe mar dheis shóisialta agus eacnamaíoch. Áis náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta a bheas san fhoirgneamh nua a thabharfaidh taighde agus oiliúint le chéile sna Daonnachtaí, Cultúr Digiteach, Tionscal Cruthaitheach, Gnó, Eolaíochtaí Sóisialta, Cearta Daonna, Abhcóideacht, agus Polasaí Poiblí. Tosóidh an obair thógála arís go luath ar an bhFoirgneamh don Eolaíocht Bhithleighis in aice le Baile na Coiribe sa Daingean. Beidh an tríú foirgneamh, Foirgneamh Taighde Cliniciúil/Aistritheach, suite ar thalamh Ospidéal na hOllscoile agus cuirfear tús leis an tógáil go luath in 2012. Cuirfidh an dá fhoirgneamh seo le cumas OÉ Gaillimh i réimse na n-eolaíochtaí bithleighis. Tá OÉ Gaillimh suite i lár cheantar na dtionscal feistí leighis agus cúram sláinte in Éirinn agus meastar go gcuirfidh na foirgnimh nua le cumas náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta na hÉireann i réimse na n-eolaíochtaí bithleighis. Teastaíonn na foirgnimh nua seo ar an gcampas mar gheall ar an mborradh as cuimse atá tagtha ar ghníomhaíocht taighde, san eolaíocht bhithleighis mar shampla, rud a thacaíonn go díreach le tionscal feistí leighis an réigiúin. Tá géarghá le breis spáis freisin mar gheall ar an méadú mór atá tagtha ar líon na mac léinn. Ag labhairt dó faoin bhforás ar bhonneagar taighde na hOllscoile, bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Uachtarán Jim Browne: “Táim fíorshásta go bhfuil na tograí tábhachtacha seo ar bun. Beidh tairbhe ag an infheistíocht seo sa bhonneagar taighde ó thaobh poist a bhfuil géarghá leo a chruthú i dtionscal na tógála. Má dhírítear acmhainní ar an eolaíocht bhithleighis agus ar an taighde sna dána, sna daonnachtaí agus sna heolaíochtaí sóisialta in OÉ Gaillimh beidh an-tionchar aige sin ar thionscail na dteicneolaíochtaí leighis agus na n-ealaíon cruthaitheach in Iarthar na hÉireann. Tá an deis againn anois réitigh taighde chuí den chéad scoth a sholáthar do dhá earnáil ar leith in Éirinn rud a chuirfidh lenár n-iomaíocht mar cheannairí náisiúnta ar fud an domhain.” Tá tús curtha leis an obair chomh maith ar dhá fhoirgneamh eile ar champas OÉ Gaillimh. Cuirfear síneadh €8m le hÁras Dán na Mílaoise. Lonnófar Scoil na Síceolaíochta, atá ag méadú, anseo nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe in 2013; is é JJ Rhatigan & Co an conraitheoir. Tá an obair tosaithe arís ar shíneadh a chur le brainse na mac léinn de Bhanc na hÉireann, atá suite ar Shlí Dála na nDán/na hEolaíochta. Cuirfidh BAM Building Limited barr smólaigh ar an obair seo. Ag labhairt dó faoin infheistíocht ar an gcampas, dúirt an Leas-Uachtarán um Thionscadail Chaipitiúla, an tUasal Keith Warnock an méid seo a leanas: “Beidh a ról féin ag an Ollscoil chun borradh a chur faoin ngeilleagar agus poist a bhfuil géarghá leo a chruthú in earnáil na tógála. Táimid ag infheistiú in áiseanna den chéad scoth dár mic léinn. Faoi láthair, táimid ag infheistiú €.75 milliún sa tseachtain sa champas ionas go mbeimid in ann timpeallacht foghlama den chéad scoth a chruthú do na mic léinn.” -críoch-
>> Read full story about Major Jobs Boost as Construction Resumes on NUI Galway Campus
NUI Galway to Hold Information Evening in Athlone

Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Secondary school students interested in NUI Galway are invited to an information evening in Athlone on Thursday, 26 January. Parents and guardians are also particularly welcome to the event which runs from 7 to 9pm in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. The evening will begin with short talks about NUI Galway and some of the 60 courses it offers. Afterwards, current students and NUI Galway staff will be on hand at information stands to answer any individual questions in relation to courses offered by the University and about practical issues like accommodation, fees and scholarships, and the wide range of support services available to our students. The ever-increasing popularity of NUI Galway is in part due to a suite of innovative new programmes, developed in response to the changing needs of the employment market, including an Energy Engineering degree and a Maths and Education degree aimed at training Maths teachers. Visitors to the information evening will also get information on NUI Galway’s newest degree programme, a BA in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies which is brand new for 2012. “NUI Galway has a great deal to offer. Our own students tell us our lecturers are inspirational and challenge them to achieve their full potential. The student experience in Galway is second to none, and we want to bring a taste of that to Athlone, while also providing all the practical information on accommodation, CAO points, fees, scholarships and courses. With so many courses on offer, this event in Athlone is a perfect opportunity to meet current students and our lecturers to see what degree might be the right fit”, says Caroline Loughnane, Director of Marketing and Communications at NUI Galway. To find out more about the information evening in Athlone, contact Celine O Donovan, Schools Liaison Office at NUI Galway, on 087 2391219 or celine.odonovan@nuigalway.ie -Ends-
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